Even I have a Heart

'Love is that light that can even brighten the most darkest dungeons.' So, was in the case of Arman. The passionate attraction and affection for Survi made him quite romantic and lenient. He was having the most romantic fantasies with Survi.

At the present time, Arman, Vivek and Charan are travelling to Glasgow, Scotland to fix an alliance with Charan's long time friend. Vivek and Charan are quite happy for it, but Arman is upset as today he planned to take Survi on a Sunday picnic. Vivek tapped on his shoulder and asked, "You look quite absent minded today. What's the matter?" Arman just smiled. He said, "Nothing serious. Just had some other plans for today. Do you think the alliance would be beneficial?" Charan gave him a skeptical look, "Why do you think that the alliance would be non beneficial?" Arman shrugged, "Just some gut feeling. They are some local goons owning control over a small town. They don't look like the most trustable ones." Vivek just poked Arman's head a little and said, "They are very trustworthy. Moreover, being a small group of goons they possess mutual trust and respect." Charan added, "The leader was my cellmate and we developed an adamantine relationship of brotherhood between us. Moreover, even if he was unknown to me, I don't think any gang would miss such a great opportunity to become renowned and established. Stop your childish acts of 'floccinaucinihilipilification'." Arman asked, "What did you say? Some 'floccin-a-tion'?" Vivek laughed, "Floccinaucinihilipilification'. It means "The habit of estimating something as worthless". Arman just rolled his eyes, "Ok. I understand it. You two sons of 'Shakespeare'." Both Charan and Vivek started laughing. Arman coughed, "But still I think that this could be a trap." Charan asked wryly, "From when did you started fearing for your life? You have killed three times more people than your age." Arman just turned his head towards the window and started enjoying the cool breeze. Vivek knows what's the matter with Arman, so to make the situation less difficult to understand; he asked, "The new girl that has recently become our guest. What's her name?" Arman turned towards Vivek and said lightly, "Survi. Survi Ghoshal." Vivek said, "Yeah, Survi. She is kinda cute and also has a divine shine on her face. I wonder if she is single or not?" Arman burst out, "Single or not? Why does her relationship status concern you? You already have a girlfriend." Vivek made a puppy face, "I am just asking. Why are you so offended?" Arman just said, "You know the reason." Vivek shrugged, "No, I don't." Arman slapped Vivek's shoulder, "You know I have feelings for her." Charan laughed, "So, that's the reason why you are being so nervous about the meeting?" Arman said, "So, what. Even I have a heart." Charan and Vivek laughed and said together, "Yeah, you do. Mr. Lover Boy."

After, a long and tiring journey of seven hours, their car stopped in front of a large yet quite discreet cafeteria. The cafeteria though being a Sunday morning is quite deserted and had an incongruous effect around it. Charan instructed, "Keep your guns ready. This place looks quite uncouth." Arman mocked, "I told you about my gut feeling. But, you two brothers never listen to me." Vivek said angrily, "We can play the blame game later. For now, let's focus on keeping our backs intact." The trio divided into three parts and started investigating the cafeteria, after having ensured that nothing is happening; they joined together. Vivek asked, "Why don't you call your friend? Charan." Charan phoned his friend. They heard the ringtone coming from behind a door, they reached and it has a lock on its aldrop. After, breaking the lock, they opened the door and saw that Charan's friend and the leader of the gang is falling unconscious on the floor. They sprinkled water on his face and after some jerks, he opened his eyes. Seeing Charan, "Hey, bro. How are you? You are late." Charan rebuked, "It's not the time for chitchat, Ethan. What happened here?" Ethan rose up and said, "We were waiting for your arrival when our rival gang 'The Outsiders' came and ambushed us. They killed the guards and kidnapped my sister to forcefully marry her to their leader Steve Johnson. That moth*****ker has been ogling my sister for weeks and now they kidnapped her. They are powerful and had an upper hand on us." Charan growled, "Where are those bast***ds? I am gonna RIP THEM UP!" Ethan said, "South Balland." Charan said, "Come on, boys! We are gonna show them who's the real boss here." After packing guns and ammunition, they got in their car and drove towards South Balland. Ethan said, "We cannot just barge in there and start shooting. South Balland is approximately six acres in size and is packed with more than two hundred men each having advanced weapons and armor." Arman asked, "How they are so powerful? Aren't they some local goons owning a control over a limited population?" Ethan said, "That was before Steve joined hands with Jimmy Law. You know who is Jimmy Law. Right?" Arman said, "Ofcourse. He is really a big name in the Underworld." Vivek said, "He is more than that. If we are attacking Steve, aren't we indirectly attacking Jimmy Law?" Charan said, "Actually no. He won't come down to such low disputes between some local gangs." Charan said, "Still it is a big risk." Charan said, "You know that our business is all about taking 'big risks'." All laughed. Reaching South Balland, they took out their drone to take a bird point view of the area. The place is indeed packed with guards but still is less severe due to the occasion of Steve's marriage with Ethan's sister, Richelle. Charan said, "Looks like the place is good to go, but we will need a stealthy entrance. So, listen to the plan."

[Plan: We will attack the guards on the north side of the territory as there are the least guards present at the moment. After, we successfully eliminate them we will proceed towards the gate which is guarded with two guards and has a digital lock. Arman will launch the pricky needles bombs on them via the war drone. After, that he will go near the lock and will hack in the system, successfully unlocking the door. After, that we will take shelter behind the big rooms filled with advanced weapons and machine. Then, all we do is what we do." Arman, Vivek and Ethan agreed to the plan. The first phase became easy as there were only two guards as compared to the usual four guards. Arman launched the pricky needles bomb on the guards behind the door. After, successfully unlocking the door, they took shelter inside the big barracks filled with weapons and machines. Charan choosed for himself a M249 machine gun. Holding it, he says, "Man, how can they have a hold on such mechanical monsters. They can bring the nation to its knees." Ethan said with a sigh, "Of course, they can. I heard they even have a connection with the terrorists of Baghdad and Syria." Charan said enthusiastically, "Let's give these morons a taste of their own medicine." Charan took a OTs-14 Groza, Arman took something that he is talented for, a Barrett M82 and Ethan took a grenade launcher. Ethan said, "We need to ensure that Richelle is safe." Charan said, "Ok. I think the bride grooming room is that side." Two guards were guarding the room. Charan and Vivek caught them with surprise and broke their necks. Ethan went and seconds later, he came out with a red haired girl. The girl is his sister Richelle. She is quite gorgeous and have a perfect figure. No wonder, Steve is crazy for her. Ethan said, "Go and stay in the car. We are going to end this once and for all." Richelle nodded and ran towards the car saying, "Bring that pig's head for me." Charan laughed, "You really got a tough sister." Ethan just smiled. Now, the girl is safe and it's now showtime. Arman asked, "We should just barge in or make our way quietly?" Charan thought for sometime and said, "Boys, let's make some noise." Ethan launched a grenade towards the block and BOOM! bodies started to fly up. The guards started running towards them and a fierce gunfight started. After, clearing the first block the four took their positions, Charan took position inside a tower, Arman and Vivek took the ground stance and Ethan threw another grenade towards the second block, but this time no screams was heard. Charan took a look and said via his earpiece, "Ethan on your backside. They are planning a surprise attack. Ethan got ready and threw a smoke grenade towards his back. After that he threw another grenade on that side and BOOM! screams again filled the atmosphere. After, clearing the second block, they reached the main block where Steve was hiding. There were snipers on the roof but Arman's drone took care of them. After, eliminating the guards, they heard a car rushing towards the back gate. Steve was running like a coward. They ran towards the car and got into it and started chasing Steve. Three more cars were following their car shooting at them. Arman said, "These pesky bastards won't leave us alone." Ethan said, "Don't worry. I have something." He pressed a button and five landmines fall from his car. Then, BOOM! the first two cars blew up in the air and came crashing down. The last car was still following them, Arman said, "I had it covered." He launched his drone and auto locked the enemy car and BOOM! five small missiles got out of the drone and hit the car tyres. Then, the drone got inside the car and then got self destructed blowing the car with it. Arman said with a sigh, "There goes my one million." Charan said, "It's OK. You bursted it anyway." Charan started to crash his car with Steve's Mustang. After, a heavy crashing, Steve's car ran over the highway road and started driving towards the countryside. This wild chase killed many chickens and goats, broke many fences and destroyed many farms. Seeing the chance, Charan quickly hitted the left bottom side of the car and turned it upside down. After, having two cartwheels in the air, Steve's Mustang came crashing down on the ground. A bloodied Steve came outside the car crawling. The crash broke his right hand and got his half teeth broken. He asked with much difficulty, "Yo...u Bas..tard! Do you know wh....o I am? I am Stev...e Joh...nson." Charan said, "Who cares." Ethan kicked Steve in his guts and cried, "You son of a bitch! How does it feel like being humiliated and tortured?" Vivek caught Ethan, "He is already half dead. Leave him." He then turned towards Steve and asked, "So, where does your godfather Jimmy Law lives?" Steve spitted on Vivek's face, "I am not going to tell you fu***ker." Vivek kicked him on his chest and Steve spilled out some blood. Charan said, "Let's take him with us. We will interrogate him our way." Charan said, "Ethan from now on Steve's territory is yours to rule." Steve laughed, "Do you think Jimmy Law will remain silent. He considers me as his son. He will kill you and your whole descendants." Charan laughed and slapped Steve hard on the face, "Don't worry Mr. Steve Johnson. When the time comes, we will send your Jimmy Law to the place he deserves. SIX FEET UNDER THE GROUND...