The Search Begins

Sir Lorenzo and Carl Johnson are very much tired waiting in the small minivan that is allotted to them. The chief instructed them to wait near till they receive orders for further movement. Though it is December, the sun is as hot as lava and is quite melting out the lives from the bodies of its inhabitants. Lorenzo repeatedly cried on the phone, "Sir, it's very hot in here. They will certainly not gonna roam on the streets selling and smoking unauthorized drugs. Let us barge in their home and take it the hard way." The other end equally irritated as him replied in a loud voice, "We are not permitted to just barge in and do it the hard way. It's not 1980's where you can just go and put a bullet in someone's head just because you think he is gangsta. Wait for instructions and don't irritate me." The other end disconnected. Sir Lorenzo put the phone in his pocket and cursed in his native language, "Stupido idiota!" Carl just smirked and asked, "Tough talk." Lorenzo just smiled and said, "It's more like 'Useless talk'. You know, because of these stupid, lazy rules and regulations, we always keeping hanging on a petty case for years. I say why to wait just 'go and arrest'. Atleast it will be a fair trial and also much time will be saved." Carl just smiled and took a sip from his glass of Margarita, "Well one thing I learned from my experience is that: If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary. The Ronda House Case was really not the 'big life changing' event. In fact it was very small. My life changing experience came from the small case of a local gangster's encounter. The moment when he was shot and was about to die, he pleaded to me, "You are here to kill me and yeah I am going to die. But, can you please save my two kids. For humanity." Lorenzo asked with curiosity, "Did you saved the kids?" Carl nodded, "Yeah man. I saved them but with much oppression and pleading from the seniors. They are now in military school and are training to be soldiers of the nation. That day I realized that if I hadn't disobeyed my seniors and lead the mission nor would have the gangster died and his children rescued?" Lorenzo just smiled and gulped his tequila. At near 3PM when the sun was a little light and tolerable, Lorenzo decided to catch the arms dealer. He instructed his men to surround the alleyway and then changed their clothes to the street wear. Lorenzo dressed like a Hispanic street dweller wearing sunglasses, a headband, loose long sleeved button jacket, baggy dark gray khakis and white sneakers. Carl wore a turquoise bandana on his head, a skull half mask, dark gray khaki shorts, knee-high socks and sandals. Many people were also there doing their every day job, Carl and Lorenzo approached to two men smoking marijuana. They asked, "Word on the streets is that your gang is in need of some high quality stuff. We have some, high and rare from the West side." One of the men who refers himself in third person said, "Yo! Dogs, Lil' Jose and OG Martis don't think we need any o' da shit yo' mentioned. We r' full n' high. Just fuck off bitches!" Carl put some pressure in his voice, "Dat shitz yo' goddamn lose, mate! we gotta sell dis shit ta any lova o' wack shit n' definitely dude gotta pay high price fo' dat shit. Come on mate. Letz git." They turned to leave when a big macho man cried out to the gang members, "What the fuckz tha matter, boys? Who the fuck r' dis clowns n' What the fuck businizz do they have here?" Lil' Jose spoke up, "Nothang straight-up, big jim. They just want ta do some business, sell some wack shit n' earn a pack o' hard cash." Big Jim gave Carl and Lorenzo a look and then cried to them, "Come wit' me. If yo' goddamn shit be wack, yo' got a deal." Carl and Lorenzo followed the man inside. The room was quite smelly filled with smoke and odour of raw whiskey. On a table of leftover plates and ashtray full of crushed cigarettes, a big bald man was sleeping in a position that clearly shows his protruding fat belly which was stained with ketchup and mustard, in short he was looking gross. Big Jim went to him and shaked his body which startled him and he woke up with a jerk, tripping the table and eventually falling down. In a quick action, he pointed a banana towards Carl and Lorenzo thinking it to be a gun. After wiping his falling drool with the back of his hand, he asked irritably, "What the fuck happened? Who the fuck r' dem two fools? i told yo' ta not disturb me till 7." Big Jim replied with a little coughing, "Boss, They r' here ta crack a deal o' some wack shit." The boss nodded his head and signalled Jim to go outside. He then changed his clothes and then started the conversation:

"How much of the stuff do you have in your pockets right now?"- Boss.

"Got a good lot of stuff for sample. Straight up from the South, pure and serene."- Carl.

"Ok, call me Big T. Done the deal anytime soon?"- Big T.

"No, first time but still quite experienced for a beginner. My father been quite a player in the game."- Lorenzo.

"What's your father's name?"- Big T.

"No one know the real name. Known to all as Papa Poppa."- Carl.

"Papa Poppa? Sounds like a big time. What made you come here?"- Big T.

"Well, you have a good name out here. Thought you give us a good price."- Lorenzo.

"Of course, that's something you can be sure of."- Big T said with a wink.

Carl and Lorenzo showed the drugs, which were retrieved the previous morning from a crack den. Big T was quite impressed by the quality of the drugs and said, "How much do you want?" Carl replied, "Fifty grands will be enough." Big T called Big Jim, after he arrived he instructed him, "Dealz done. Da shit be wack. Pay 'em fifty grands n' bid 'em goodbye." Big Jim opened the vault and handed them five bundles each of ten grands and showed them the door to the outside. Carl and Lorenzo arrived at the minivan and rode off to their newly assigned hideout in Boulevard. The room was quite heavily packed with weapons, armors and other official stuff. After having a little cleanup and a hearty dinner, Carl and Lorenzo got busy with their first phase of investigation. Carl said to himself, "Let's see what we can dig out from these "gangsta" fools we met today?" He inserted the photos in the laptop, which he had secretly captured through his spy camera indented on his pocket. Lorenzo asked, "Well, you should know some of them as you have been working for many years." Carl just smiled and got back to the job. The first picture was of the Lil' Jose and OG Martis, it shows no specific details just some accusations of theft and gang banging. Now was Big Jim's turn, the mugshot defines:

'Name- Samuel Andrews.

Age- 37 years.

Charges- Multiple charges of murder, theft, extortion and arms trafficking.

Status- Under hiding.

Last Seen/Probable Hideout- Macau Island, Macao.'

Carl smirked, "Quite impressive. He is hiding here in the 'Alleyway' and the police records say he is last seen in Macau Island, Macao." Lorenzo patted his shoulder and said, "Let's look for the Boss." Carl inserted his picture and then his criminal record appeared. It describes:

'Name- Tom Calton aka Big T.

Age- 45 years.

Charges- Multiple charges of murder, theft, extortion, gangbanging and terrorist attacks.

Status- Executed on 22.02.2008.

Associates- Javier Machrakis aka Charon, Mr. Gonzalez and Sir Jimmy Law.'

Carl cried, "EXECUTED??!! That man is alive and well. Really man, this government is useless. And who the fuck is Sir Jimmy Law?" Lorenzo replied, "'Jimmy Law' 'The Undead King' 'Devil's Son' he has many names and identities, but no one knows his real identity. His name is associated with many big terrorist attacks, murders and other brutal crimes. No one has ever been able to arrest him." Carl smiled and said, "Looks like this little case is going to catch the biggest criminal in the Underworld." Lorenzo asked wryly, "Well, that is great. But, how are will going to catch him?" Carl said cracking his neck, "Records say that Big T is already dead. So, why don't we make him really dead?" Lorenzo understood what Carl has in mind. He gave a high five to Carl and said, "Well, this is going to be FUNNN.....