The Blackmailer

I was flabbergasted on knowing what the blackmailer wants. He wants me to kill Sandeep Mishra, the local MLA and also a well known representative of the reigning party. Covered by hundreds of armed bodyguards and police officials, killing him was not a good idea. But, I have no option left, the blackmailer threatened me to do the job or else he will leak the photos. Of course, Jaspal assured me that he will find the blackmailer soon but still I couldn't just sit and watch the show. The blackmailer told me the date and time of the murder. According to sources, Sandeep Mishra will be having a meeting at the Mumbai Port Trust with some oil companies. At that time his security will be less than usual and I have to strike at that moment. Now, this was a high level murder plan and today morning, someone left a courier at my doorsteps. I opened it and found three magazines and a M1911 pistol just like Jaspal's but with a silver finish. Getting a gun in Mumbai is not that hard but keeping a gun is quite risky, so I disassembled it's all parts and hid it in different places. I wanted to call Jaspal but couldn't as the blackmailer could be somewhere near. I texted him about the incident and he just told me to remain still and calm and advised me to 'don't take the bull by the horns'. But, this assurance is not what gives peace to my mind, I need to know something about the blackmailer and the guarantee that he will not leak the photos if I do what he says. After, I finished my duty in hospital as a doctor, I just went to home and rested for the day. The day came and I was very much tensed about the murder. I have already told my seniors that I was very much sick and luckily they agreed as my patients were less that day. Jaspal called me that day and asked if I am really going to do the task, I replied positive. I have no other option left and also he didn't find out who the blackmailer was. He then insisted on joining me on this adventure and I agreed as this is not a one-man show. I assembled my gun, took my binoculars and a mask to conceal my identity. After, two hours of waiting at the Mumbai Port Trust, Sandeep Mishra finally arrived with a small group of bodyguards. The strange thing about the bodyguards were that they were not wearing any type of uniform but a orange suit with a symbol of a dragon on it. The oil companies representatives arrived and after a brief period of talking and exchanging of cash, Sandeep signalled one of his men to lower a container. The container was quite large and bulky, Sandeep's men opened the padlock and I and Jaspal were shocked at the sight. There were small girls of age ranging from 9-18 years, all were tied and gagged. I looked at Jaspal and said with disgust, "This bastard Sandeep is trafficking young girls to foreign lands for prostitution and life long slavery. What type of swine is this person!" Jaspal said, "Now, I understand about the links between the frequent missing, kidnapping and disappearance of young girls happening in Mumbai city. This rascal claims to be the messiah of the women of Mumbai but actually is the main trafficker of young girls in Mumbai." I just controlled my anger and said, "We need to rescue these girls or else they will become the toys of these vicious creatures." Jaspal agreed. We took our position on the roof and Jaspal took his first shot from his sniper and BAAM! one of the bodyguards fell dead on the ground. Then, all ran towards different directions but still Jaspal managed to kill three of Sandeep's men. The dealers started to run and now it was my turn, I stood behind the container and jumped on one of them and stumbled him to the ground, the other tried to jump on me but I quickly turned and shot on his head. Then, the other one tried to run but Jaspal gave him the bullet he deserved. Sandeep tried to run towards his car but Jaspal had already punctured his car's two tyres. He then saw me and cried, "KILL THAT BASTARD!!" I just hid behind the container when a bullet went past my ear. Now, was the time I just loaded my gun and took a peep and then BOOM! I shot the first bodyguard and then jumped towards the right and got the second bodyguard. I heard a gunshot and turned to see that Jaspal just saved my life by killing the third bodyguard who was behind me about to shoot. Now, only Sandeep and his two bodyguards were alive. They were hiding somewhere in this jungle of containers, Jaspal told me on the earpiece that they were to my right. I turned around when one of the bodyguard jumped on me and kicked me on the face, I retreated and delivered a strong spinning hook kick on his face. The kick was already very strong and my 'Woodlands' shoes gave it the extra punch, I wore it intentionally so if I got to kick, my kick would be more powerful. This kick knocked the senses out of him. The other kicked me in the back and then tried to shoot at me. I dodged him and used the unconscious bodyguard as a meat shield and then hid behind the container. The bodyguard was unaware that Jaspal was behind him, as he turned Jaspal punched him in the face and knocked the gun out of his hand. The bodyguard tried to punch him, but Jaspal caught his hand and did an arm drag on him, then he stomped on his chest and finally gave him an elbow drop. 'The techniques of traditional Indian wrestling.' Then, he picked him on his shoulders and threw him on a container. The bodyguard is dead for sure. I saw Sandeep running towards Jaspal with a rod and cried, "Look out!!" Jaspal dodged the attack and Sandeep hit the container, now Jaspal doesn't like back hitters. He kicked on Sandeep's stomach and gave him an uppercut punch, this knocked the rod from his hand and Jaspal took the opportunity to kick it away. Sandeep tried to run but I kicked him on his legs and he fell on his face breaking two of his teeth. I then shot his leg, then dragged him to the girl's container, I then kicked on his stomach and cried, "YOU SON OF A BITCH! What kind of a man are you? You are selling this girls for just a little money." He laughed and said, "Little money? I am selling each girl for fifty lakhs and there are total of fifty girls. So, I am getting twenty-five crores in total and you call it little money. If you let me go, I will give you two crores." I kicked him again and this time Jaspal also kicked him. I cried, "For money, you will even sell your own mother and daughter. You don't deserve to live." I turned towards the girls and shouted, "Well, my sisters. This man tried to sell you and only God knows how many have he sold already. Don't you want to bring him to justice. Give him what he deserves." The girls cried and came running towards Sandeep and started kicking, stomping and some even picked up guns and started shooting him. The pain, anger, both physical and mental trauma all burst out from the girls. Sandeep's body got way far from recognition. Suddenly, we heard sirens of police vans coming towards us. The girls told us that they will not tell anyone about us and will tell the police that some unknown person rescued them. We just hugged them and ran towards the gate when suddenly a red Alto K10 stopped in front of us. The person cried, "Get in! Quick!" We had no option and got in and the driver rushed towards the gate, passing the police and went to the highway. Though many police officers saw the car but couldn't catch with the moment and we went too far. After, being out of the sight of police. The driver opened the balaclava from the face and long hair popped out and I have to tell she has a very pretty face. She said, "Harsh you can take off your mask. We are safe now." We took off our masks and I asked, "Who are you? How do you know my name?" She just smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Ankita Grewal. But you know me by my favorite name." I was quite puzzled and asked, "What favorite name?" She said it with a grin, "Z-O-R-R-O. Zorro...