The First Encounter

Survi and Shirley have arrived in London. Shirley expected Vivek to come and receive them, but was disappointed on seeing Arman standing there. They reached towards him and Shirley asked, "Well, where is that idiot Vivek? I told him to come and he sent you." Arman smiled and said, "Well, he is busy attending an important business meeting. So, he sent me to pick you two up from the airport." Shirley gave a pout and went towards Arman's Hummer leaving her luggage and Survi behind with Arman. Survi just nodded her head in despair and picked up her luggage and went behind her, Arman picked her luggage and also went towards his car. After, all were seated in the car, Arman asked, "So, Shirley. Since your mood is a little upset, why don't you listen to your favorite music?" Saying so, he handed her his headphones and played some of her favorite songs. Shirley closed her eyes and pretended to be quite angry with Vivek. Arman started the car, Survi asked, "Where are we going?" Arman gave her a glance and said, "We are going to Vivek's family home, his mom has organized a beautiful buffet for Shirley and you, her guest of honour." Survi looked at Shirley, she was now really asleep. Probably due to some jet lag. Arman asked Survi, ''Well, I forgot to ask your name. BTW my name is Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mahmoud, but you can call me Arman." Survi smiled and extended her hand, "Well, my name is Survi Ghoshal." Arman took her hand and shaked it.

"Well, have you ever came to London before?"-Arman.

"Well, it's my first experience in London, but I have been in Miami for two months for an outdoor shooting. What about you? Do you live here?"- Survi.

"Well, technically yes. I live with Charan, Vivek's elder brother. I am a car dealer and have many showrooms around the world. If you want to buy a new car, you can contact me."- Arman. 'Though every gangster know that his car business is just a mask, his real business is arms and drugs smuggling.'

"Well, I want to ask that I have heard of Vivek and his group of industries, but I never heard of his elder brother named Charan."- Survi.

"Well, Charan is quite an introvert and really doesn't indulge in the business too much. He is an architect and designs buildings. He has even setup his own business firm and operates there."- Arman.

"Ok, I would really like to meet Charan and Vivek."- Survi.

The time passed and they arrived at their destination. The house was decorated on the occasion of Christmas and was slightly covered with snow. The house was of a simple yet elegant design, with rooftop covered with snow and the chimney pouring smoke out gave a perfect Christmas look to the house. Vivek's twin stepsisters Bhavna and Geeta hoped out from the house and hugged Shirley who too gave them a big group hug. They shaked hands with Survi and gave Arman a side hug from both sides. Arman asked, "Where is your mother?" Bhavna replied, "They went for shopping. They will be back soon." Arman, Shirley and Survi along with Bhavna and Geeta entered the house.

Dodge Island, Miami, USA

A Catamaran(Yacht) is anchored in the habour. The yacht is specifically designed with bulletproof windows and several well built bodyguards are standing on the top deck holding M416 gun in their hands. The yacht has a mural of a big golden crocodile on both sides of the topsides, indicating that it belongs to the most notorious gang of Miami 'L.O.A.A'- 'Liberal Organizations of Allied Africa.' Due to the sudden assassination of his brother, mentor and father and apparent downfall of the Gonzalez Crime Family forced Ryan and his associates to come out of their comfort zones and think of a plan to protect their organization from deterioration. Ryan is known for his fierceness and bravery but due to the fear of being assassinated, he had to stay inside his comfort zone. For now, Ryan and his two most trusted friends Jim Brake and Sam Jones along with a dozen of armed bodyguards has arrived at Dodge Island. Seeing Ryan and his team, three men come running towards them. One of them said, "This is a secured and reserved harbor. Please depart or else we will have to take strict action." Ryan politely replied, "Well, tell Uncle John that Ryan Gonzalez has arrived to pay him a visit. He will surely be happy to meet me." One of the men replied, "Well, Uncle John has recently passed away due to some heart complications. Now, his nephew Sir Adam Adeleke is the head of the family along with his cousin Akon and brother Joseph." Ryan replied with some grief, "Well, tell Adam that I have come to meet him." The three men nodded and went towards the yacht. After two minutes, the guard signalled them to come on board. Ryan instructed his bodyguards to stay on the deck and went inside the cabinet along with Jim and Sam. Ryan fist bumped Adam, Akon and Joseph and gave them a tight hug. Adam is a six foot two inches tall and has a well built body, Akon has a skinny body just like the famous rapper 'Snopp Dog' and Joseph has the luxury of having a rotund body. Adam offered Ryan and his associates a glass of homemade moonshine and then asked, "What brings you here? I have heard that someone killed Richeff, Charon and Uncle Gonzalez in cold blood. My deepest condolences from the bottom of my heart." Ryan smiled a little and then said, "Well, that is the matter which concerns me the most. After the assassination of three-fourth of the Gonzalez Family, I am very much anxious about the safety and well being of the Gonzalez Family." Adam slowly finished his drink and looked at Ryan carefully and said, "Well, if you want protection, you know we are always with you." Akon interrupted and asked, "Isn't the Imperial Justice System investigating the case?" Ryan shocked his head in denial and said, "I don't think they are going to find the culprits any sooner. Moreover, we really need to sort out the situation before it gets too late." Sam added, "According to some records, many gangs have started to revolt against us and if this situation continues, soon we will be in coffins." Adam pouted and began to think for a while. Joseph lazily said, "Well, deterioration of Gonzalez Family means deterioration of us. Uncle Gonzalez and Uncle John had collectively made this organization. We cannot let them down not now when they both are no more." Adam stood up and said, "We need a person who can go in and extract information about the two blows on Gonzalez Family. Do you have any lead?" Ryan nodded and said, "Uncle Charon had told me that my brother was not intended to be murdered and became the scapegoat of a revenge story." Akon showed some interest and asked, "How did he know that?" Ryan then started to explain what happened at the time of Richeff's funeral.

"I was very much shocked and depressed on hearing about my brother's untimely death. My head was burning with both anger and sorrow and I was definitely not in the position to think rationally at that moment. Uncle Charon advised me to have a sleep as I was very much tired from the long day parties. At near midnight, I woke up and heard Uncle Charon's voice, I proceeded towards that direction and saw he was examining Richeff's body. It is his old habit of observing the bullet holes, cuts, shoes and wounds to determine how the person died. I went in and asked, "What are you looking for? The reason is obvious, he was murdered in cold blood." Uncle Charon signalled me to go outside with him. He said, "Well, the bullet holes were in such positions that clearly determines that he was not the prime target. He was first shot in the legs and then the assassins crushed his hands with their shoes. Two bullets in his head indicate that there was two men. By the look of how they killed Victor and Robert, Richeff was killed too kind. I have started to investigate the matter and soon we can find the culprits." He then patted on my shoulder and went towards his room. The next morning, we gathered for Richeff's burial. Mom and Dad refused to come as they cannot see their beloved son get buried. After, the burial when we were sitting in the balcony, a messenger came and handed over Uncle Charon a letter. He opened it and was flabbergasted. I asked what happened and he handed me the letter. Its reads, "On your humble request, we have investigated about Robert and Victor. They were new in the business and merely got in power two or three years ago. They have no special criminal record but were arrested on suspicion of rape and murder of an underaged girl. But, due to lack of evidence they two got out but their partner got arrested. We couldn't get his face but we do got his name. It is 'CHARAN'." I was quite shocked that day and then the rest is history."

Adam asked with concern, "Who is Charan?" Ryan replied, "I don't know correctly but Victor once told me that Charan is a vile, insane and the most sadistic person he had ever met. The rape was his idea and moreover he was the one to kill her. He once slitted a man's neck just because he slapped him. He then cut off the man's every body organ and sold it in the black market. In short, he is a man we shouldn't mess with." Akon retorted, "Then, how are we gonna avenge our uncle's death?" Ryan smiled and said, "That's why I need your help and support." Adam asked with one eyebrow raised, "What do you have in mind?" Ryan smiled and said, "A plan that will 'kill the snake without breaking the sticks'.....