The Stranger

Survi went to UK along with Shirley and my parents also went to attend a ceremonial meeting in Delhi and would spend two weeks in Delhi. I was alone in the house and was thinking about the strange email from some anonymous ''. It instructed me to meet him/her at the Sunrise Cafe but I was very worried about my safety. It could be a trap and I am really not going to fall in it. I send a message to the the anonymous email Id telling "I am not sure about the meeting. Could we meet somewhere I am comfortable?" After just ten seconds later, a message popped on my phone saying, "One's house is his most comfortable place. So, let's talk here." I was bewildered as how the stranger got my number. But, still I maintained my mind and texted back, "Well, can I know your name? Just for sake of convenience." It replied, " Ok, call me Zorro."

"Ok, Zorro why do you want to meet me?"

"I said earlier that I know who killed Mr Ravi Kumar and his associate Inspector Sanjay."- Zorro.

"But, Sanjay is alive. Isn't he?"

" You don't read news. He has died today when someone unplugged his life support system. Police is investigating the people behind this."- Zorro.

"But, why are you telling me all this? What can I do with this news?"

"Don't act innocent before me. I have proof that you and Survi Ghoshal killed them."- Zorro.

"Proof?? What proof do you have? I don't believe you."

He sent me some pictures and I was shocked. It was clearly visible that it was taken from the nearby roof of the adjoining building. Survi's face was clearly visible as she was at the front side of the camera. I was mostly covered by her and by the angle of the camera. I was quite tensed and then replied back.

"Well, what do you want from me?"

"We will think about it later."- Zorro.

He disconnected. I was really very nervous and the very thought of Survi behind the bars shocked me. After a while, I went for a bath to relax my mind and body and then had my dinner consisting of pasta and tomato soup. A thought striked my mind, I picked up my phone and dialled a number. This person is going to help me in putting my cards in a clever way. Jaspal Rana, a local thug and my way back friend. Boisterousness, intimidating and hardcore bravery made him quite a name in the city and that's why he has been always a thorn in the side of local mafia and police. I managed to get him a fresh life and now he runs a gym and private detective agency both named 'J&H'- 'Jaspal and Harsh.' After two rings, a woman picked up the phone, "Hello, who's this?" I replied, "Didi, it's me. Harsh. How are you? Hope you are getting well from the post surgery pains." She replied, "Well, Harsh that was very kind of you do that surgery for free. You are such a darling." I replied, "Well, that's my job. Helping the needy. But, still you deposited fifty thousand rupees in the counter. So, I really didn't operated you free." She said smiling, "Well, you are rich and can easily turn down a mere amount of two lacs, but your staff needs money to run their family and that was for them." I asked, "Didi, where is Jaspal? Actually I need some help from him." She asked skeptically, "From when did you start making muscles?" I said, "Well, I need the detective part. Someone has been bothering me for a long time." She asked in a shock, "Who has the courage to bother Simran Rana's brother? Just give me his name and address, I will personally go and give him a nice beating." I laughed and said, "Well, I really don't know his name and that is the reason I want Jaspal to find him." She replied, "Well, that lazy lad is sleeping. I will go and wake him." After, two minutes Jaspal took the phone and said in his ever heavy voice, "Yaara, Simi Di told me everything and I will find him. Don't you worry." I told him, "Well, there is something more to it. Can you come to my house?" He replied annoyingly, "It's late night." I showed some force and said, "It's only 9PM and moreover I thought you could have a little taste of the imported whiskey." He said, "Well, I am coming." I disconnected the call and prepared a little party table for him, as promised I took out the 'Red Label' whiskey bottle and some ice cubes. After twenty minutes, his lavish 'Jeep Wrangler' stopped in front of my front door. He came inside and sat on the sofa, though he is my best friend and more like a brother still he gave me an intimidating aura from him. His handlebar moustache with particularly lengthy and upwardly curved extremities, his neck long hair tied up in a bun, puffed chest, bloated biceps and a samoan tattoo on his right arm and beaded beard gave him the look of the famous wrestler 'Roman Reigns' and very likely to give a 'Superman Punch' to the blackmailer when he gets to know him. He gulped his drink as fast as he could. Then, he rolled his moustache a little and asked, "Well, what's the matter? You called so urgently that I even brought my revolver with me. He put his gun on the table. It was a M1911 pistol quite the choice of local mafia. I then described him all the story and after listening peacefully, he said, "Well, bro. I will take care of the matter. Just remain slow and steady in your actions hereafter and contact me if he demands anything more from you. He finished his drink and went to his home. I was also feeling too tired and went to sleep. My phone beeped and I looked at the screen, a message was there from some unknown four digit number. It reads "Well, I have thought what I want you to do for me." I texted back, ''You are not going to tell to rob a bank or something. Are you?" He texted back in seconds, "No, something easier than that." I again texted, "Like what?" He replied, "MURDER!!" I was shocked and texted, "WHAT!!!!ARE YOU CRAZY? MURDER WHO??" He texted the name and I was pale shocked. It reads, "Mr. Sandeep Kumar Mishra....