The Imperial Justice

Mr. Lorenzo and his assistants arrived at the main headquarters of the 'Underworld Crime Investigating Department.' aka U.C.I.D situated in Leeds. The guards saluted Mr. Lorenzo and opened the doors for him. The office was quite breathtaking having a nice internal structure and well organized in it's own style. Mr. Lorenzo was not new to the office and therefore went directly into the Office Head's Cabinet. He commanded his assistants to wait outside or enjoy a drink at the small cafeteria on the northern side of the office. He knocked on the door and waited for a reply. Seconds later, a voice was heard, "Come in." He entered the room and gently closed the door behind him. He greeted the officer, "Good afternoon, sir. It's a honour to meet you." The officer replied, "I should be the one praising you. You solved the Bulgarian double murder case so swiftly and elegantly that no one could have ever done." Mr. Lorenzo took a seat and looked around him. He came two years ago, at that time the Office Head was Mr. Edward Pulaski, a Polish commander who got involved in a large scale forgery and was executed at the 'Imperial Court of Justice'. The rule of U.C.I.D was that the preceding officer's stuff would be completely replaced with the succeeding officer's stuff. So, the room was redecorated and that was the reason why Mr. Lorenzo was observing the room quite precisely. The room was not that ostentatious but still had the impression of the room of an important person. The walls were decorated with portraits of George Washington, Sir Napoleon Bonaparte and Alexander the Great. Two Kar98k rifles were hanging on the wall, below the picture of the officer's father, who was a hunter in his times. Behind the officer's chair was the potrait of Sir John de Languire, the founder of U.C.I.D. He was an Anglo- Italian which Mr. Lorenzo and many of his Italian colleagues feel proud of. Apart from that, there was some files and paper weights of different sizes and structures. The officer looked at Mr. Lorenzo and said, "You look quite absent minded. What the matter?" Lorenzo replied, "No, I was thinking if we could get any clues about the case. The killers were quite clever and hardly left any kind of evidence." Then, a conversation started.

"Well, Franco the killers were quite enjoying their killing as they killed nearly two hundred people just to kill a few people. They might be a new gang as they done the operation on their own."- Paul Griffin, the chief of U.C.I.D.

"I think it must be a revenge game for recently Richeff Gonzalez was killed, who was the son of Mr. Gonzalez one of the victims of the massacre."- Mr. Lorenzo.

"So, you are saying that someone is targeting the Gozalzez Family and that Ryan Gonzalez could be the next target."- Paul.

"Of course. Ryan will certainly be the next target. I need full security at his house and also I need a person who could assist me on this case."- Lorenzo.

"Who?"- Paul.

"Carl Johnson."- Lorenzo.

"CARL JOHNSON!!!!? Do you know who he is?"- Paul.

"Of course, the best officer of the UK branch. I heard how he single handedly destroyed the Ronda House culprits in one night."- Lorenzo.

"Yes, and this Ronda House case was the turning point of his career. The culprits were not some ordinary roadside gangsters, they were highly reputed politicians and high ranking officials. A committee was organized to punish Carl and his colleagues, but due to lack of evidence and pressure from Gonzalez Family the case was dismissed and then closed. Carl's colleagues were either killed or transferred to another country. Carl escaped punishment but was temporarily suspended. He lives in Watford and apparently has been working as a gym instructor. I don't think that he will risk his life for a matter of which he is not a part of."- Paul.

"Risking or not risking will be a future choice. For now, I need Carl's location. I want a little chitchat with him."- Lorenzo.

"You can find him at the Arnold Schwarzenegger Health Gym."- Paul.

After few hours of limousine drive, they reached the Gym. Lorenzo took off his suit and wore a gypsy tank top and sports shorts. He entered the gym and saw many aspiring bodybuilders exercising in and out. They were looking at Lorenzo as he was very young and slim. They laughed at the thought of how much time it will require him to be like Arnold Schwarzenegger, maybe 10-12 years. Lorenzo ignored the crowd and went looking for his potential partner Carl. He saw that Carl was helping a fellow bodybuilder in doing bench press. Carl was quite muscular, well built and his rock hard abs were visible through his sweaty vest. He had a bull tattoo on his right arm. His blonde hair and blue eyes gave him the look of Chris Hemsworth's Thor. Lorenzo called out his name and signalled him to come near him.

"Hey, Carl how are you bro? Been a long time meeting you."- Lorenzo.

"Yeah, the Ronda House case fucked up my life and disintegrated my team. Fuck U.C.I.D."- Carl.

"It happens, the office tried their best but your killing was unauthorized and many ranking people were killed. Paul assured me that this new case will bring back your long lost reputation. You can have your team back or more become my partner in crime."- Lorenzo.

"If you are trying to talk me into joining the shitass organization again. I will take a rain check. BTW which case are you talking about?"- Carl.

"The 'House of Crime' massacre. Mr. Gonzalez also died in that incident, in fact he was the main target of the massacre. I am assigned to investigate the case and I want you to assist me on it. Together we can find the culprits and bring justice to him."- Lorenzo.

"Yes, Mr. Gonzalez. He helped me a lot, I am really indebted to him. He offered me protection from my enemies. Jimmy, the son of Lord Enrique of Bangkok has been threatening me for a long time that he will kill me and tie my body on his wall to show his enemies; how he punishes his foes. I think I will help you on this."- Carl.

"Perfetto! I will meet you tomorrow morning at 9 sharp."- Lorenzo.

They shaked hands and then Lorenzo did some exercise in the gym to strengthen his muscles and bones. After, an hour he went out and took out his phone and dialled Gian's number. "Well, Carl agreed and said he will be much pleased to bring Mr. Gonzalez's murderers to justice. Did you find out the seller's location?" Gian replied, "Yes, he is holed up in the Gransville Hall. Looks like a gang is protecting him, attacking without planning could be deadly." Lorenzo replied, " OK, call Jeff and tell him to call the elite defense force to be ready tomorrow. We are going to extract information from him in the hard way...