Mission Accomplished

Sir Lorenzo was very happy as he got to do the investigation his own way, while Carl was quite neutral due to his past experiences. After, much request and appeal, they finally got the permit to eliminate Tom Calton aka Big T for his crimes, but that was not without a little price. They cannot get the name of U.C.I.D involved as Big T is already dead in records and killing him again would raise suspicions on the ability of both U.C.I.D and British Government. Carl already knew that this was coming so he had already organized an effective plan against Big T.

For the present moment, Carl, Sir Lorenzo and their team were discussing the plan.

Lorenzo cleared his throat and started, "Ciao, fellas. As we all know that Big T aka Tom Calton has been hiding from justice for the past twelve years and now it is the time to bring him to justice. First, of all let's do the introductions. I am Sir Lorenzo and these two clowns are my assistants Gian and Pedro. So, the plan is simple. First, we have to surround the area which is really not that big, merely of half acres. Second, since this should look like a gang massacre, all have to wear gang clothes and talk in street language. Third, we need Big T alive as he can be very useful for us in locating Jimmy Law. But, other than him no one should remain alive. I repeat NO ONE. Any questions, buddies?"

One officer stood up and asked, "Sir, what if he has a backup plan and it becomes more tough than how it looks now?" Lorenzo smiled, "Good question, buddy. Even, if he has a backup plan to escape or retaliate, our hard attacks and ambush will be enough to sustain any trouble." Carl added, "Moreover, even if they somehow managed to run away or escape early; they have nowhere much to go as everything is sealed." All the officers nodded to the plan.

12:00. Midnight. The Alleyway.

Twenty dark blue uniforms were stealthily taking their place, surrounding the whole scene. Then, five men with heavy battering ram on their hands walked six steps backward and then launch forward shattering the front door with a CLASH! Such noise pollution was enough to wake up Big T, Big Jim and their bodyguards, they ran towards the door and BOOM! two grenades destroyed their existence. Soon, the whole area was covered with gangsters of the alley. Carl and Lorenzo were ready in the armored truck to make their entry, Carl and Lorenzo started doing drive-bys on the gangsters and the elite team started entering the boss's house. After clearing the entrance, they heard a mini truck rushing from the back and came crashing at the officers, killing three of them. Big T was driving and Big Jim, OG Martis and Lil' Jose were doing the shooting. They broke the car barrier and ran towards the highway. One officer cried, "Sir, you go and arrest them, we will take care of them." Lorenzo nodded. Carl speeded up the vehicle and started chasing Big T's purple mini truck. Big Jim cried, "Leave us and we will fill your pockets with green and fresh cash or else be ready to die." He started shooting at the windshield of the armored truck. Carl cried, "Lorenzo, this windshield won't sustain much long. We need to shoot at them." Lorenzo replied, "No, if we shoot them, they can die from an accident. We need Big T alive." Carl said angrily, "But, we need to stop them before we die from an ROAD ACCIDENT!!!" Lorenzo said, "Ok. Don't shout. I have a plan. Get the van to the left of the mini truck." Carl screamed, "But, that's road barriers." Lorenzo said, "Trust me on this. When, I say to turn right, give a hard turn to right." Carl nodded. They got to the extreme left, which resulted in a good opportunity for Big Jim, OG Martis and Lil' Jose to have a good shot at the windshield. They opened the back door of the truck and started shooting at the windshield. Lorenzo screamed, "Now, turn right." Carl gave a hard turn to the right and BANG! he crashed the mini truck, which resulted in lost of momentum. OG Martis couldn't keep his balance and fell from the truck, directly under the wheels of the armored truck. Lorenzo and Carl sniffed a little at the horrible moment. Lil' Jose and Big Jim again started shooting at them. Lorenzo said, "Looks, like we have to do it the hard way." Carl nodded. Carl gave the steering wheel to Lorenzo and put on his bulletproof vest, magnetic gloves and shoes and packed some knives in his pocket, then he slid up through the sunroof and stood ready to jump. He instructed Lorenzo, "NOW!!". Lorenzo took the vehicle near the mini truck and Carl jumped on the roof of the truck, somehow managing to dodge the bullets and the sudden change in inertia. He then crawled towards the windshield and BOOM! kicked the glass and jumped inside. The shattered pieces of glass pierced Big T's one eye and he lost control over the wheel, resulting a big crash with the wall of the nearby tunnel. Carl's head was secured by his helmet and Big T's due to the airbags. But, Big Jim and Lil' Jose were not that fortunate, they met their death by forcefully falling on the concrete road. Lorenzo stopped the car and walked towards the mini truck to examine. Carl and Lorenzo dragged the unconscious Big T and put them in their vehicle. Lorenzo, "Looks like our mission is accomplished. But, you managed to injure your right hand." Carl laughed, "Don't worry. It's just a bruise, it will get good in weeks. Let's eliminate the evidence." Lorenzo nodded. They put the bodies of Big Jim, OG Martis, Lil' Jose in the truck. They then put a dead gang member's body in place of Big T and then fixed some satchel charges inside the mini truck. Carl said, " Let's get in the truck and go home. I am very much tired and also need to bandage my arm before it swells." Lorenzo teased, "Aren't you saying it's just a bruise? Anyway, let's go home. I have called the unit and they said that everything is in control and they have seized the area. Tomorrow morning, officials will come to pseudo- investigate the killing and then just how the world rolls." They got inside the vehicle. Lorenzo said, "Since, you took the risk, you should blow the truck." He handed Carl the denotator and Carl happily pressed the button and BOOM! the truck blasted into several pieces. Lorenzo asked, "Now what?" Carl patted the unconscious Big T sitting between them and said, "Let's see what this fatso has to say about Jimmy Law." Lorenzo also patted Big T's shoulder, "And, if he doesn't like the simple way, we have many other ways under our sleeves." The engine roared and soon they became dots in the distance...