You don't fall in Love, Love falls on You

After much request and persuasion, Arman finally got a chance to take Survi on a dinner date. But, Survi insisted to bring Shirley with them as she would be more comfortable with her. Arman was quite upset on her decision but he knows how to remove the third wheel between them. He called Vivek and pleaded him to make some excuse and take Shirley with him; at the right moment, Shirley had change of plans and Survi had to go with Arman alone.

Vivek's House. 9PM.

Arman was waiting for Survi to come down and go with him; especially for the occasion Arman had brought his red colored Audi A3 Cabriolet, wore a romantic suit, sprayed some nice perfume on his body, combed his hair in 'Pompadour' style and brought a red rose for her. After waiting for like ten minutes, Survi came down. She wore a pink gown with Aurora necklace and shiny Bali bracelet on both hands. Arman was flabbergasted both with awe and surprise.

Survi came towards Arman and asked, "Am I looking good? Shirley recommended it to me." Arman laughed, "Of course, you are looking beautiful. You have the natural charm to make every dress look pretty on you."

Sensing Arman's flirty moves towards her, Survi quickly changed the topic. She said looking at her phone, "It's already 9:30 let's go. I have a shoot tomorrow morning."

Arman just smiled and said to himself, "The pot is calling the kettle black. She is the one that took thirty minutes to dress up and she blames me, typical girl attitude."

He opened the door for Survi like a gentleman and cleaned the seat with his handkerchief before Survi seats on it. Then, he sat on his seat, started the ignition and drove towards the famous restaurant of UK 'Le Gavroche'.

On the way, Arman asked Survi, "Well, how's the film work going on? Looks like you been quite busy nowadays."

Survi giggled, "It's not like that. Just some new assignments are going on and some work stress. My seniors are quite aggressive towards their juniors, especially those who came from another country."

Arman said, "If someone tries to be smart with you, just call me. You have my number, don't you?"

Survi smiled, "Relax. I know how to keep my back straight in front of others."

Arman said, "It's not like I am underestimating you. Just some friendly advice."

Survi said, "Ok. Just focus on the road or else our date night will become our death night."

Arman started to concentrate on the road, cursing himself, "Shit! Shit! Shit! Got my first impression spoiled."

After, twenty minutes their car stopped in the parking area of the magnificent 'Le Gavroche" The restaurant was glowing with light of the pendant lamps hanging on it's front. The place was quite the perfect place for date nights.

Arman quickly got off the car, opened the passenger door and extended his hand towards Survi. Survi took his hand and got off the car. Then, Arman curved his hand and signaled Survi to tuck her hand with his hand. Survi was quite aware of Arman's intentions but she was quite enjoying this elegant and cute moments with Arman. She smiled and tucked her hand with his hand and entered the restaurant.

The restaurant was quite deserted, probably due to late night. Survi thought that to be Arman's plan to make her feel special. She smiled a little looking at the lovely decorations on the wall and more specifically the lights on their reserved table.

Arman pulled the chair for Survi to sit and then sat on his seat. The waiter accordingly came and asked for the order. Survi picked up the menu and asked, "Would you like to order?" Survi smiled, "No, I am new in the town and don't know much about the food here. So, you kindly order the dishes."

Arman smiled and took a look on the menu. He ordered, "For starters, we would like two medium veg noodles with tomato sauce, for middle dishes, two spaghetti bolognese with grilled chicken breasts, for dessert we would like two cups of Gourmet's Pistachio Almond Fudge Ice Cream and for beverage, your restaurant's special drink 'Bordeaux Wine'."

The waiter took the order and proceeded towards the kitchen. Arman looked towards Survi and extended a rose towards her, which he forgot to give then. Survi smiled and took the rose. Arman then started his conversation.

"So, how's your parents doing? I hope they are all well and fine."- Arman.

"They should be fine as they are with God. What pain can they possibly have."- Survi.

"Oh! I am sorry. Didn't mean to hurt you. So, who takes care of you? Any boyfriend or husband?"- Arman.

"No, my current relationship status is marked single. And moreover, I don't need to be dependent upon somebody, I can take care of myself."- Survi.

"I didn't mean it like that. I apologize."-Arman.

"No, No. Its OK. Anyway, please excuse me. Need to use the washroom."- Survi.

Survi went to the washroom. Arman cursed himself, "Shit. Arman you really are a fool. Made the impression bad for the second time. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend. But, atleast she doesn't have a boyfriend or else some poor soul would have departed from this world. Well, let's make her mood lively." Arman signalled the waiter. The waiter came and then Arman pushed a hundred pound note in his pocket. He said, "When I cough, play the most romantic French song ever and delay the serving a little." The waiter winked at him and went off.

Survi returned and took her seat. The starters has arrived and both of them started eating. Arman tried his best to eat like a gentleman, chewing every morsel quietly and attentively. After the starters finished, Arman coughed a little and after five seconds, a beautiful romantic French melody started playing making the atmosphere lively and romantic. Arman tried to touch Survi's hand but hesitated thinking it too be too fast. Arman again started the conversation.

" Shirley and I have been friends since ages. So, her friend is my friend. So, can I ask you a friendly question?"- Arman.

"Of course. You can."- Survi.

"Well, what do you look in a boy as a girl? I mean to make him the special one of your life."- Arman.

Survi was quite shocked at the direct personal question to her. But, being an actress and having experienced such questions every now and then she always has an answer for it.

"Well, many people think that being such a big actress, I will have high expectations from my lover. But, I am a simple girl at the heart and would like a simple boy in my life. He must be compassionate, have respect for elders, love for children, should love non violence but still be brave enough to punish the wrongdoers of the society. The moment I meet such a person, I will just go and say him 'I LOVE YOU!!'."- Survi replied subtly.

Arman was sad as he doesn't have any of the qualities that Survi looks in a boy for being her boyfriend. But, he wasn't the one to give up too soon, he was sure that he would try his best to stand up to her expectations.

After having a lovely and romantic dinner, they went towards their car. Arman as usual opened the door for Survi. After a twenty minutes drive, they returned to Vivek's house.

Survi thanked him for the lovely dinner and was about to leave, when Arman called, "Survi, actually I have a gift for you." Survi looked at Arman and said politely, "There's no need for these formalities." Arman nevertheless pulled out a box from the inner pocket of his coat. He handed it to Survi with eagerness and love in his eyes. The box was a wooden one, having heavily indented 'Rox's Heart Collection'. Survi opened the box and there was a shiny, lustrous pendant with a red heart stone in it. Arman said, "It is a ritual to gift heart stones to someone special. My great grandmother started this ritual and so this box has an indentation of her name on it."

Survi just smiled and said, "Thank you. Arman." She hugged him and planted a light kiss on his cheek. She then went inside the house waving goodbye to Arman.

Arman was gobsmacked for some time due to Survi's sudden actions. A huge smile spread over Arman's face and he started jumping in joy. He performed two cartwheels and then jumped in his car. He turned on the engine and drove off towards his home.

Arman's heart was pumping blood rapidly in and out due to excitement. His every heartbeat just have Survi's name on it. Arman just cried breaking the dead silence of the night '' I am in love. I AM IN LOVEEEEE.....