The White Eagle

'If we could really destroy the Evil, there would have been no Devil.' This was written on the pedestal of a huge statue of an eagle standing on a globe. This statue signifies the power and prestige of Jimmy Law and how he can change the fate of anyone in the world.

The place was quite busy with people cleaning, sweeping and decorating, as Jimmy Law was coming to Malaysia after a long time. Jimmy usually prefers to stay in his hometown, Manila(Philippines) but work and other crucial events often bring him to Malaysia.

The private military of the 'White Eagle Corporation' (which is led by Jimmy Law and his associates) have arrived early in the morning to ensure security and safety to the important people coming to the place.

Nearly 14 acres in size and packed with 1400 troops and other local gangsters, the headquarters of the organization was quite heavily signifies Jimmy's fame. Jimmy's real power comes from the support of many terrorist organizations, corrupt government officials and ruthless Mafia. From an immigrant from Phillipines to being the leader of such an high profile criminal organization, he faced many problems in the guise of pesky rivals, tough military and unfaithful partners; but somehow he managed to keep his empire intact and became what he is today.

Josh Kohlschreiber, the commander of Jimmy's private military cum defense team was commanding in his walkie talkie, "The White Eagle will descend in thirty minutes. No intruder should be spotted nearby and if spotted shoot it down." His voice has a deep echo in itself developed from years of commanding. He was the commander of the German Defense Force but was abandoned by the German Government in a near death situation in a war due to political problems and was saved by Jimmy Law's men out of pity. Jimmy Law saw potential in him then brainwashed him and made him the commander of his defense force. He even lost his one eye saving Jimmy and was gifted a telescopic eye as a gratitude from Jimmy. From that day, he got a new name 'Deadshot'.

After thirty minutes, the guard opened the gate and six Toyota Raize cars came in a straight line. A white limousine was between the six cars, which was Jimmy Law's car. After Josh gets the assurance from his snipers that the coast is clear, he goes and opens the door for Jimmy Law. Jimmy Law got out of the car and looked towards the headquarters smiling, "Looks like our Malaysian business is going very well." Josh answered, "Of course, sir. It's all your dignity." Jimmy patted Josh's shoulder and said, "We have guests. Go and prepare the delicacies." Josh ran inside. After five seconds, another two men came out of the limousine, the first was Mr. Hao Chan, the chairman of Hao Corporation and the second was Sir Adam Mamba, one of the founding fathers of White Eagle Corporation along with Jimmy Law, Mr. Gonzalez and Ivan Rocco.

After, the death of Mr. Gonzalez and recent imprisonment of Ivan Rocco; the White Eagle Corporation has lost much of its power and prestige. Also, due to the uprising pressure in the Underworld and the progressive movement of the American Government in destroying many terrorist groups, Jimmy and Adam have no option but to make an alliance with the Chinese Mafia. Mr. Hao Chan was a very impactful and belligerent person and finances criminal groups to maintain his sovereignty over the Chinese Government. He promised Jimmy and Adam to supply weapons and money to them in return of killing some people who were becoming hurdles in his way to becoming the President of China. To discuss the matter and have a correct agreement to the alliance, they have gathered today in Malaysia. Adam was reluctant to make alliance with Mr. Chan as he knows that Mr. Chan is known for his unfaithfulness and psychotic nature. Jimmy assured him that once they get the agreement signed, they can get rid of Mr. Chan and moreover take control over the Chinese Mafia as well.

After a hearty meal and a good taste of fine rice wine, the time was of business. Jimmy, Adam and Josh were waiting while Mr. Hao was busy talking to his assistant on the phone. After, ending the call, Hao said, "My assistant has sent an email to you. It consists of photos and information about the people who are making my life hard. I want you to sent them to the place where they deserve. HELL!!"

Jimmy replied, "We will take care of them. Don't you worry. Let's sign the contract."

Josh pushed a four page contract paper in front of Hao. Hao quietly read the contract and then put the contract on the table. He said, "You have written all the terms properly, that's nice. We Chinese love clarity of words." Hao took out his pen and signed the contract. Josh then took the contract and put it inside the safety locker and then sealed it. After, half an hour of discussion, Hao Chan took his leave and Jimmy Law personally dropped him to the helipad in his black 1968 Ford Shelby.

Returning to the headquarters, Jimmy took a jacuzzi bath to relax his body. Old age may not have affected his mind but his body was becoming feeble. Sitting in the jacuzzi, Jimmy was lost in nostalgia, remembering his days of youth, how he first pickpocketed someone's purse, how he joined a local gang, how he showed his courage by killing a policeman. Time has changed but not the ethics; still every newcomer needs to prove his courage by killing a policeman. Being 67 years old, he still can single handedly finish off a dozen of enemies but still he has become old and needs a successor. Criminal life never let him establish a marital life. Of course, he had relationships with many women and also they beared him children, but no one proved worthy of succeeding him. Adam's son, Michael is just like him. Too much skeptical and easily frustrated. In a business like this, one needs to hold his calm, or else enemies can take advantage of it.

Jimmy was lost in these thoughts when Josh entered the bathroom. He asked, "Boss. Do you need something?" Jimmy laughed, "You don't have to call me Boss when alone. You can call me Uncle Jimmy." Josh smiled. He always had a sense of admiration for him, being a global terrorist and a threat to the American Government, he had to maintain a strong reputation in front of others. But, in heart, he is a loving person. Jimmy said, "Come here, son." Josh went and sat onto the edge of the bathtub. Jimmy said, "We often come to a question that what are the differences between good and evil. Do you know?" Josh replied, "Something that benefits others while harming no one is called 'Good' and 'Evil' is the contrary."

"Maybe you are right, logically. But, did you ever think about the choices people need to take every day? Does everyone's choices are the same? Of course, not. So, what makes these choices different from each other?" Josh replied, "Their situations." Jimmy smirked, "Situations. So, what causes the situations to occur?" Josh replied skeptically, "Their economic conditions? Perspectives or lack of knowledge?" Jimmy got out of the bathtub saying, "You are right. But, what caused you to join the German Army? Patriotic beliefs or the motivating speeches delivered by the German politicians?" Josh replied with confidence, "Love for my motherland." Jimmy asked, combing his hair, "So, what caused you to leave the army and join me? Did your love for your motherland ceased?" Josh was stunned at that question. He did not have an answer for it. Jimmy patted Josh's shoulder, "Good or Bad. Saint or Bandit. Everyone has a motive for their actions. These choice of action doesn't define their personality because no one is born evil. Their situations and perceptions make what they are and they are keep changing all the time." Saying this, Jimmy went outside the bathroom and Josh followed him.

Adam was sitting in the balcony, smoking and drinking his favorite 'Dalgona' coffee. Jimmy came and sat beside him, taking a cigarette from the packet. Jimmy and Adam were friends from their youth, when Jimmy first came to Malaysia Adam was a local drug peddler. They met when Adam and Jimmy were arrested for selling drugs and pickpocketing respectively. Adam's real name is Joseph Von N'gole but due to his dark skin, everyone calls him 'Mamba'. Though, it was racist, but Adam never felt insulted; especially when Jimmy calls him by this name. Adam was five years older than Jimmy and thus sometimes treats him as his younger brother, calling him by Jimmy's real name 'Agalo Takeshi'. Jimmy took a sip of the cigarette and asked, "It's been nearly thirty years of our friendship. I still remember the day I met you, you puked on a policeman and then he nearly tried to punch you to death. But, I kicked him in his crotch and then we broke the door and jumped out of the van. " Adam laughed, "Yeah. You and I were tied by the same handcuff and had to run together, the police started to chase us; we hid under an old, broken shed and waited till dusk. Then, we broke the handcuffs with a big stone, you accidentally hammered my thumb and that was bleeding immensely. Then, we started to look for food and something to drink and then, eventually we became lifelong buddies."

Adam finished his coffee and asked, "So, what do you think of Hao Chan? Will he keep his promise?" Jimmy shrugged, "He has no choice." Adam pumped his mouth full of smoke and then blowed it out in concentric circles. Jimmy asked, "You have lung disease. Minimize your smoking. I don't want to lose you." Adam laughed, "Who told I have lung disease? I never take the smoke inside, just a little show off." Jimmy rolled his eyes, "You and your show offs. Never gets old." Adam laughed, "Because of my show off, I have a son. You don't have any successor." Jimmy punched Adam's shoulder, "You know I'm a man of high standards. By the way, who is Michael's mother?" Adam rolled his eyes thinking, "Emily." Jimmy said, "Now, I understand why your son doesn't like you and wants to be a lawyer." Adam asked, "He is like his mother. Righteous and serene. Emily had always loved me and would have often sent me love letters on Valentine's Day." Jimmy sighed, "You are lucky. I just got love letters from her, but no love." Adam gave him an angry look. Jimmy took another sip of his cigarette, "Because of the stupidity of Ivan and Joseph, we had to join hands with morons like Hao Chan. Once we get the weapons and the money, we can happily get rid of Hao Chan." Adam raised his cup, "Amen to that!" Jimmy continued, "I always warned Joseph and his son, Richeff to be careful in the business, but it was always like 'talking to a brick wall." They both died and we lost our control over UK. But, bygones are bygones. We will now again claim our control over UK." Adam looked at Jimmy's enthusiasm, "Looks like we got our young Jimmy Law back." Jimmy and Adam both started laughing, and the sun hid behind the horizon calling it a day.....