The Unauthorized Interrogation

The high-ranking officers of U.C.I.D had managed to cover up the killing done in the Alleyway. The chief of U.C.I.D, Paul Griffin said, "According to the sources, a fight between two gangs resulted in a massive amount of killings and I promise that the authorities would take a strict action on the culprits. The safety of the common people are our foremost priority and responsibility and we will keep our pledge till our last breath."

Carl and Sir Lorenzo were praised for their bravery and utmost determination towards their duty. They were nominated for the 'National Bravery Award' given by the Queen of Great Britain. Carl was quite much impassive towards that award, as he knew that it was all for just show off. Sir Lorenzo was very much ecstatic as, another award was going to be added with his name. After, the pomp was over and all returned to their work, Paul Griffin approached Lorenzo. He said, "You know I was always sure about your capability and sharp mind. But, one thing troubles my mind; we retrieved all the bodies of the gang members of Big T. But where are Big T and his lap dog Big Jim?" Lorenzo replied, "They must be on the run. They must have heard about the secret mission of ours and they escaped before we could arrest them." Paul asked, "How can they know about our secret mission? It was highly confidential." Lorenzo smiled, "There must be some traitors in U.C.I.D or else how could they have been hiding from us for last twelve years? We should have a secret investigation about it." Paul said, "Of course. We will certainly do that." Lorenzo yawned, "Looks like I have to go. My body needs some rest." Paul said patting Lorenzo's shoulder, "Of course, my son. You deserve a nice rest. I am giving you and Carl two weeks of vacation." Lorenzo winked and went towards his car.

Carl was waiting for Lorenzo in the car. As soon as Lorenzo entered the car, Carl said irritably, "Why are you so slow, my friend? We need to interrogate that fatso and then get rid of him. That Paul is a very shrewd person. He will definitely try to dig his head in this matter." Lorenzo said, "Ok. Now we can go." Carl started the ignition and rode off. On the way, Carl asked, '' Do you think that Paul Griffin will help us? I don't know but I kinda suspect him." Lorenzo said, "I think he wants to go by the rules, but sometimes we need to break the rules. He helped us by covering the mission's details from the media." Carl gave a small smile to Lorenzo, but his gut feeling was telling him that something is wrong.

After, a hour's drive they reached their destination. Rampant Roads warehouse. The place was quite deserted and probably the perfect place for an unofficial interrogation. They parked their car near a wall and then sheathly pushed back an opening in the wall and entered through it. They then entered the old, shattered warehouse and properly closed the door. Then, Carl went towards a book shelf and removed a book from it, triggering a door to open beneath the surface of the ground. Lorenzo and Carl wore oxygen masks and carefully climbed down the stairs attached to the door. After, twenty seconds, the door automatically closed making the inside dark and spooky, Carl and Lorenzo turned on their flashlights and continued climbing downstairs till they reached a door. Carl clicked on a button and a handprint scanner came out, Carl put his hand on it and after two seconds, the door opened.

The room was very high tech and was filled with sophisticated equipment. High class armors, weapons, grenades, battle swords and other military instruments were beautifully kept in the fingerprint locked shelves, which has bulletproof glass on it. The room was 6 foot under the ground and was equipped with oxygen ventilation technology to keep the person alive. Carl and Lorenzo removed their oxygen masks and went towards a locked door. Carl said aloud, "Iniciado". The door opened and they got in. Lorenzo asked, "Why did you kept the language in Spanish?" Carl replied with a smirk, "So, that even if they somehow manage to replicate my voice, they won't know the password." They stopped in front of a door and opened it. Inside their was Big T, tied in a chair by handcuffs and leg cuffs. For his drinking, there was a large jar filled with a water and a long straw for him to drink. They already inserted three doses of glucose to keep him conscious till they return. Carl went and slapped Big T, "How dare you sleep? Do you think here's a massage is going on?" Big T grunted, "What do you want? Do you even know who I am?" Carl slapped Big T again, Big T's cheek has turned red from the slaps. Carl repeated his slapping till Big T's mouth started to bleed. Actually, Big T was one of the people involved in the Ronda House case but managed to escape. He also killed Carl's two officers that day in the crossfire. So, by slapping Big T, Carl was avenging his officer's death. Lorenzo pulled Carl as Big T already got his both cheeks dark black and also lost some teeth. Lorenzo said, "Control! We will avenge your officers. But, first interrogate him." Carl nodded and went to clean his hands. Lorenzo went and bought a lie detector machine in the room and then connected the cables into Big T's body. Lorenzo said angrily, "See, this a lie detector. It will see your synapse signals to determine whether you are telling truth or lie. And if you tell a lie, Carl will give you a slap." Carl returned and sat beside Lorenzo. Lorenzo took a paperboard and started the Interrogation.

"What is your real name?"

"Tom Calton"

"Your birth place?"


"Your age?"

"52 years."

Carl slapped him. Carl roared, "Liar. Mugshot says you are 45 years old." Big T said, "It's wrong."

Lorenzo continued, "Do you know Jimmy Law?"

Big T was a little scared, "No, I don't think." Carl slapped him. He cried, "Ok, I know. His is my way long business partner." Carl asked, "What business?" Big T replied, "Smuggling, Human trafficking and drug dealing." Lorenzo asked, "Where does he live?" Big T replied, "Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur." Carl asked, "Was he involved in Ronda House case?" Big T replied, "Not directly. But, he was the mastermind of the murder of Ronda Hamilton." Carl asked, "Did you shot Ronda Hamilton?" Big T swallowed his spit. He said, " Josh instructed us." Carl stabbed a knife in Big T's thigh. Carl roared, "Ronda was my wife and she was pregnant. You killed two souls that day." Carl thrusted the knife deeper, Big T was screaming in pain. Lorenzo asked, "Who is Josh?" Big T was screaming a lot and was in no mood to answer. Lorenzo repeated the question a little louder. Still no response. Lorenzo rose and jabbed a punch on T's face, "WHO THE HELL IS JOSHHH!!!..??" Carl was shocked at seeing Lorenzo's angry avatar. Big T replied weakly, "He is Jimmy's bodyguard and manages his hard works as Jimmy has become old now."

Big T was screaming in pain both from the knife and the strong punch on his face. He asked weakly, "Is the interrogation finished?" Lorenzo said, "Four more questions." He continued, "What is the weakest point of Jimmy's crime syndicate?" Big T replied, "Ivan Rocco. He is a stupid person and always been a liability for them." Lorenzo asked, "Why did they ordered Ronda's killing?" Big T was silent. Carl slapped him again. Big T cried, "I don't know. They said she is a trouble and we need to get rid of her." Lorenzo asked, "What are the current plans of Jimmy?" Big T replied annoyingly, "How can I know? I am just an ordinary drug dealer and gang lord." Lorenzo asked his final question, "So, what kind of death would you prefer?" Big T cried, "No, No, NO!!! Please don't kill me. I have told everything. I will do anything you want." Lorenzo shrugged, "What can you do for us? You have already told us everything and moreover your friends are waiting for you in hell." Big T cried, "Still. I can help you." Carl asked, "How?" Big T replied, "But, promise me you will leave me alive." Lorenzo nodded, "Ok." Big T said, "Jimmy's partner Adam Mamba has a son named Michael. He doesn't like his father as his profession killed his mother. He can help you in successfully arresting that bastard." Carl said, "The light indicated green. He is telling the truth. So, where does he lives?" Big T said, "Virginia." Carl said, " Looks like our boy had done his share of work, let's do ours." Lorenzo and Carl got out of the room. Big T cried, "Where are you two going? Untie me." Lorenzo said, "We promised to live you alive, not free. Enjoy your vacation. UNDERGROUND!!" Big T was cursing, "You M***********k! Son of a B****h!" Carl and Lorenzo ignored him and got out of the secret hideout, locked the door and climbed upstairs to the warehouse. Carl clicked the button and the door closed. Then, they stealthily passed through the hole in the wall and got in their car. Carl started the ignition and drove towards the highway. Lorenzo asked, "That moron gave us a good piece of information. Looks like we got our first phase of the mission completed. Still, you couldn't avenge your wife's death." Carl smiled, "Don't worry. Death would have been an easy punishment for him. Now, he will remorse for his sins till his last breath. The wounds on his face and the cut on his thigh will definitely bring him a painful death like experience." Lorenzo smiled, "Every one gets the fruits of their actions." Carl smiled, " Of course. That's the law of nature."

Lorenzo asked, "Why did Ronda become a trouble for Jimmy Law? What did she do to angry him?" Carl replied, "She was also an police officer like me. Probably, better than me. She single handedly put many criminals behind the bars. One of them was Ryan, the younger son of Mr. Gonzalez. This put her in his bad books. Ryan got bailed and went off, but Ronda never stopped barging their illegal activities. After, some time I joined the force and then met her. We became friends, then lovers and finally a couple. She became pregnant after three years and had to take a maternity leave. But, she never left that monsters; she nearly made a file on them and was ready to take a big step on them. But, unluckily Richeff got the seat of the High Table, making Ryan and Gonzalez more powerful. Jimmy also invested in organized crime and became the leader of the Malaysian Mafia. But, luckily Ivan Rocco made a mistake by selling the sea business to the Italians and that brought a little uprising in the Underworld as Jimmy Law killed the leader of the Italian Mafia and took over. But, Ivan and Gonzalez got into losses as Italians were their main business partners.

Ivan and Gonzalez mutinied against Jimmy and started their own business. But, Gonzalez had a bad habit of trusting anyone, which brought many traitors in his gang. Ivan, on the other hand was a total stupid and pervert. His all decisions were taken by his beautiful wife, Jacqueline. Women are always more intelligent than men, so Ivan's rivals killed her. After her death, Ivan became more alcoholic and lost most of his power. Ronda took the opportunity and filed charges against Ivan Rocco and got him arrested. Then, Jimmy, Mr. Gonzalez and his associates hired Big T and his gang to murder Ronda. And the rest is history.

Lorenzo hugged Carl and said, "I promise I will try my best to avenge Ronda's death." Carl smiled, "Let's meet Michael and see if he is willing to help us deliver justice to them." Lorenzo nodded, "Yeah, we will bring them to justice". The time passed and their car became a dot in the distance......

[Note: I know the story is a little bit long, but it is one of the core chapters of the book. I will try my best to keep the upcoming chapters brief. Love to all my readers.]