How Dare They Kidnap Her!!!

Armaan was in the Seventh Heaven after his date with Survi. He was so engrossed in love with her, that he tattooed her name on the left side of his chest. Survi, on the other hand thought Arman to be another fan of her beauty and was casual about Arman. She thought he has a crush on her and would eventually get over with time. Vivek was quite nervous about Survi's casualness as he knows perfectly how Arman feels for her and how much heartbroken will he be when he gets to know that Survi really doesn't consider him to be eligible for being his boyfriend. Vivek told Shirley about Arman's condition, but Shirley rebuked Vivek, "You can't just force someone to love you. It needs both emotion and time. But, I will try to attach some strings between Survi and your stupid friend, Arman."

Shirley, Survi, Bhavna and Geeta, all four went out for shopping. Actually, Charan and Alia had decided to get engaged on the coming Sunday, so they decided to buy some new clothes and other female accessories for the engagement party. Though, the decision of getting engaged was sudden, but all were happy as finally Charan has proposed Alia for marriage after five years of dating. Bhavna asked teasingly, "So, Shirley when are you and Vivek Bhaiya going to get engaged? You two have been dating for like three years." Shirley said angrily, "Ask your dumbo brother. He is the one who keeps ranting about his business and work stress. He should learn from Charan. He always keeps pampering Alia like they were some new couple." Geeta said, "Chill! Shirley. Vivek Bhaiya is always like that. I remember in school times, he had a crush on a girl who was one class senior than him. He would always keep a rose under her desk with a little letter saying 'I LOVE YOU'. The girl would always take the rose and kissed it, then put in her bag. Finally, one day Vivek Bhaiya gathered courage and went to propose her, but was flabbergasted to see her kissing another boy. So, the case was like this: The girl always thought the rose was from the boy who always comes early in the classroom and would sit on the last bench. He was not so good looking like my brother but she chosed him." Survi asked eagerly, "What happened next?" Bhavna said, "Well, after that day the boy went missing and my brother never looked towards the girl again. But, that's for good, as he got finally such a beautiful and understanding girlfriend like Shirley Di." Shirley hugged both Bhavna and Geeta and said smooching their cheeks with her, ''And I wouldn't have found such sweethearts like you two."

"Survi asked, "Well, how did the boy went missing? Did anyone tried to find out the mystery?" Bhavna replied, "Well, the boy was found dead in a stranded car. Probably someone killed him." Survi asked, "Then, what? Did they caught the killers?" Geeta said, "The police tried their best but the case was a dead end. So, it was closed then." Shirley said sadly, "This things happen all the time. People get killed and no one is held responsible for it."

They all were going to a shop, when they encountered some local thugs hanging around. One of them, remarked Shirley's buttocks, " See, how soft and fluffy they are. I wish my girl too had that butt, I would every f**k her." Then, another replied, "See ,the other one. Her b**bs are so big, the bra is merely keeping them intact." Survi, Shirley, Bhavna and Geeta were so angry at them, but decided to ignore them. But, one of them jumped on Shirley and started to kiss her. Survi pushed him and slapped him hard, then Shirley kicked him in his groin, then Bhavna kicked him in his stomach. The man was crying in pain. Seeing, it the other surrounded them. Bhavna and Geeta wore their brass knuckles and Shirley wrapped her both hands with handkerchief and Survi just cracked her fingers. Then, all of them launched an attack. One thug tried to punch Survi but Survi smartly dodged the punch and jabbed him in his chest. Shirley kicked the attacker in the stomach, but this gave a chance to the attacker to throw her. She rose and launched a roundhouse kick on his face. Bhavna and Geeta were trained by their brothers, so their fighting style was similar to them. They were fighting in duo, and was repeatedly injuring the attacker's body. The attackers were also very much experienced as they were constantly dodging their moves and was harming both Bhavna and Geeta. Shirley, being a lean bodied woman and also a non violent person, was having a tough time. But, her strong kicks were her most damaging part of the attack and she almost punctured her attacker's face. Survi was trying her best but majority of the attackers were targeting her. After, some time police van appeared on the scene and many of the attackers had to flee. But, one attacker thrusted a handkerchief on Survi's face and pulled her in a SUV and rode off. One of them shot Shirley in the stomach, causing her to collapse. The kidnappers successfully escaped from the scene.

Ambulance arrived and took Shirley to the hospital. Bhavna phoned Arman and Vivek and told them about the incident. She also, informed that Shirley was admitted in St. Perkins Hospital. Arman and Vivek reached the hospital and saw Bhavna and Geeta crying. They took them in arms and consoled them. Vivek asked, "How did this happened?" Bhavna narrated the story. Arman was boiling with anger and walked towards the parking lot, Vivek ran after him. Vivek pulled Arman's shoulder, "Man, don't act foolish. They want us to lose our temper and do something stupid." Arman asked angrily, "How can you say to be calm? They FUCKING KIDNAPPED SURVI and also shot Shirley. You can't leave them like that." Seeing Arman's anger, Vivek said sarcastically, "Yeah, why don't we go and kill everyone? They are waiting for us. Right?" Arman just showed him a middle finger and went upstairs. Vivek pulled out his phone and dialled Charan's number. "Hello, someone kidnapped Survi and shot Shirley. Arman is going crazy over here." Charan on the other end said annoyingly, " I always told you that they are just liabilities for our business. Anyway, how's Shirley?" Vivek said, "The doctor said that she's fine. Needs to take some rest for a while." Charan said, "Looks like I need to postpone my engagement. Alia would be really mad at me." Vivek said, laughing, "I told you that she is too dangerous for you to handle." Charan said, "But, still she chosed me over three dangerous men." Vivek said, "That's because she knew that they only lusted her body, but you truly loved her." Charan said, "Ok. That is the first right decision she ever made in her life. What's about Survi?" Arman snatched the phone from Vivek and cried loudly, "I will go and KILL THOSE BASTARDS AND RESCUE MY LOVE!!" Charan almost dropped the phone from his hands, "Arman, calm down. Our boys are going to find out Survi's location." Arman was quite angry but he knows how the system works. He said, calmly "Ok, but once I get those morons. I am gonna cut their bodies in tiny pieces and make their families to eat them. How dare they kidnap her.......