Damsel In Distress

The kidnappers took Survi towards an abandoned building. They then phoned their boss, "We have got the girl. What do we do next?" The boss replied laughing, "Take the girl and put her inside the red minivan parked on the backyard of the abandoned building. There is a piece of paper on the driver's seat, and then come to the address mentioned on it. You will get your money." After, half hour of driving, they reached a beautiful bungalow heavily guarded by armed bodyguards and trained hunting dogs. They showed the guard their special card and then entered inside the compound. They then opened the dicky and pulled Survi from it. Survi was resisting them and was moving very much, making it difficult for them to control her. But, still somehow they managed to bring her inside a room and tied her to a chair.

After five minutes, three armed bodyguards rushed in and took their positions. Then, a beautiful woman entered the room. She was wearing a crimson evil queen coat and her black wedges make her every footstep loud. After her, Ryan, Adeleke, Akon and Joseph entered the room. Ryan approached Survi and gently opened the tape on her mouth. He then kissed her lips and said, "No wonder that the moron Arman loves her. She has that impression on him. Wake her up, boys." Akon sprinkled water on her face and Survi woke up abruptly. She started shouting, "Who are you and where is Shirley, Bhavna and Geeta?" The woman came towards Survi and slapped her hard and then put a finger on her mouth, signaling her to remain silent. Ryan laughed, "Don't you worry, little princess. They are safe but not too long." Survi cried, "What do you want? Money?" The woman again slapped her and said, "If it was for money, we would have kidnapped Bhavna or Geeta as they are their sisters. We have some other plans, dear."

Survi asked afraidly, "What other plans? You will sell my internal organs or smuggle me some other nation?" The woman, along with Ryan, Adeleke, Akon and Joseph started laughing. The woman pulled Survi's cheek and said, "You are very funny. We will definitely think about your preferences. But, first we need to take our revenge." Survi asked angrily, "But what did I do to you? I don't even know you." Adeleke said, "Of course you don't know us. But, your lover knows and his friends has taken many things from us. And, now they gonna pay for it." Ryan came near Survi and looked in her eyes, "I don't see any fear in your eyes?" Survi said, "That's because I don't fear you." She then spitted on Ryan's face. Ryan slapped her hard, making her mouth bleed. Akon controlled Ryan, "We need her. Stop hitting her." Ryan retorted, "She slapped me. Ryan Gonzalez. I am gonna strip her and sell her to a brothel." The lady stopped Ryan, "Do as you desire, Ryan. But, first let her lover come here; we have got unfinished business with him." Ryan kicked Survi, making her fall with the chair and then went off angrily. The lady instructed, "Ross. Clean her wounds and put her in the cell." Then, she went off, followed by Akon, Adeleke and Joseph.

Ross went towards Survi and started treating her wounds. Survi asked, "Why are they treating me like that?" Ross being a talkative guy couldn't control but ask, "Don't you know who they are?" Survi replied, "No, I don't know." Ross continued, "The guy that beaten you is Ryan Gonzalez, the son of Mr. Gonzalez and the three black dudes are his sworn brothers, Adeleke, Akon and Joseph. All three of them are powerful gangsters of Miami." Survi said, "I heard about them in news. Even the Indian police is looking for them. Who is that lady?" Ross asked, "Miss Vanessa?" Survi asked, "She's a gangster like Ryan?" Ross replied, "No. She is the boss of the Salvatore family, after her grandfather Anthony Salvatore died in a gang war. She lost her parents when she was young but her dear friend, Richeff never left her alone. He was always there to help; eventually friendship became love and both got married. But, after three days of marriage Richeff was killed by some unscrupulous people who also killed her grandfather and her father in law. After, that day she became silent and her pure heart was filled with revenge and anger. She brutally killed the family of some Robert and Victor who were apparently responsible for Richeff's death. She now, seeks to avenge her husband's death by killing his killers." Ross then said kindly, "See, Survi. One thing I learned from my ten years of service in Salvatore Family, that blood can only be washed with blood. So, it may not be certain that whose blood will flow, but someone's blood will definitely flow." He then, gagged her and put her inside the small cell made at the backside of the building. Survi was looking at the sky, thinking what more troubles will her life bring.

Ryan was very angry at being insulted by Survi. He was venting out his anger at the poor bartender. He was constantly screaming, "PUT MORE FUCKING ICE IN MY DRINK!!" The bartender was constantly saying, "But, sir. Your glass is fully filled with ice." Ryan, again screamed "THEN, PUT THE DRINK IN MY GLASS, YOU MORON!!" The bartender sighed, "But, you already emptied five bottles of your favorite whiskey and we don't have any more in the stock." Ryan smashed his glass on the floor, scattering all ice cubes here and there and stormed out of the bar. The bartender said behind his back angrily, "YOU MO*******ER. That was a premium edition glass, now that will eat half of my salary. If you weren't the brother in law of Miss Vanessa; I would have chopped off your head with a machete." He then picked up the pieces of the glass and put it in a dustbin and then went back to his work.

Vanessa was seeing Ryan's stupid acts through the CCTV cameras. She sighed, "What an idiot he is! I wonder how will he maintain a big empire like Gonzalez's." A voice came from behind her, "He will surely die even before his thirties." Vanessa looked back, a dark skinned and lean woman was standing there. Vanessa said excitedly, "Miss Theresa. How are you?" She ran towards her and hugged her. Theresa smiled, "How are you, little pumpkin? You have really grown up into a pretty woman." Vanessa said shyly, "Not as beautiful as you." Theresa replied, waving her hand, "Flirty as usual."

Theresa Theodore aka 'Black Death' is the mentor of Vanessa Salvatore. She has been with Vanessa since her childhood. Actually, Theresa was once a very big name amongst the world's most deadliest killers, having a track record of 9541 cases of unauthorized murders. She used to work with Anthony Salvatore and has an important role in the Salvatore Family. At one point of time, after Vanessa's grandmother died due to some catastrophic illness, Theresa married Anthony and became Vanessa's step grandmother. She never became mother as she was infertile but always love Vanessa's father as her own son. The day, Vanessa was born, she pledged to quit the job of a killer and became an renowned political analyst and now currently is the one of the world's most influential woman alive. Vanessa's parents died at a young age so, she is a grandma girl. She inherited both kindness and brutality from Theresa and consider her grandma as her biggest inspiration and best friend.

Theresa finished her cup of herbal tea and put her cup on the table. Old age has distanced her from her favorite drinks, but she nevertheless drinks her favorites sometimes. She cleared her throat, "Look, little pumpkin. Ryan is not a reliable person and moreover he is the face of Gonzalez Family now, so all guns will be on his head. We need to get rid of that douchebag." Vanessa retorted, "But, he's my brother in law and moreover killing him would only bring tensions between Gonzalez's and Salvatore's." Theresa said, "Everyone knows that Ryan is a drug addict, womanizer, short tempered and egotistical scumbag. Even Richeff wanted his brother to die for the greater good of the Gonzalez's." Vanessa said angrily, "What are you saying, Grandma? Richeff always loved his brother." Theresa replied wryly, "If it's true, why did Richeff wanted to impregnate you before marriage?" Vanessa replied shyly, "It was because he was very much sure that his life was in danger, so he wanted to leave his descendant." Theresa replied smirking, " That was first reason. Second was that he knew it was Ryan that wanted to kill him. Both for power and you." Vanessa asked shocked, "Me??" Theresa replied, "Yes, my dear. Ryan lusts for you and moreover getting you is getting power and money both. After, killing Richeff and Mr. Gonzalez and marrying you, Ryan would have become the most powerful person in the Underworld, but fate didn't let that happen. Richeff married you, but again luck favored him and Richeff died three days later in a massacre. Again, Mr. Gonzalez and Charon died after a week of Richeff's death; making Ryan's path easier than ever. But, Anthony's death became a hurdle in his way, as Gonzalez's and Salvatore's were now a joint family and he have to remain a secondary option for Richeff's seat at the High Table. So, he plans to kill Richeff's killers and make an impression on everyone that he is capable of taking Richeff's place over you. If it happens then he will either marry you, impregnate you or kill you."

Vanessa stood up and said angrily, "LET'S KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH, RIGHT NOW!!!." Theresa caught Vanessa and said, "Wait for the right time. I have heard from sources, that Charan's engagement is this weekend. Kill all your culprits on the same day, so everyone can see the power of Salvatore's." Vanessa crushed the glass in her hand, "THIS SUNDAY WILL BE MAYDAY...