The Troublemaker

Mumbai Chor Bazaar is really a crowded place, especially on Friday afternoons. Jaspal was all sweaty from the scorching heat and was constantly drinking 'Sharbats' from Lala's restaurant. Lala is Jaspal's old friend and most of Jaspal's private meetings are conducted in this restaurant. I too took a glass of my favorite 'Aam Pana' and had a sip from it; it was such a heavenly pleasure, the ice and mango flavor put my taste buds in Seventh heaven. Jaspal asked, scratching his neck "Lala, do you know where will we find Captain Jack?" Lala was busy calculating his accounts, he raised his head and said with a sigh, "Captain Jack? He hasn't paid his bills yet, owning a total credit of 40,000 rupees. I am also searching for him to get my money".

"Looks like this Captain Jack has been a tremendous trouble for all." Jaspal and Lala both admitted the fact. I continued, "I know a place where he might be at this time. Jaspal, let's go." Jaspal and I ran towards our car, Lala cried, "My bill?" I cried, "Write it in Jaspal's account." We both got on the car and rushed towards Moti Talkies. Jack may be a well known grifter but still he blacks movie tickets outside the theater. We stealthily hid behind a small shed just across the movie theater and started looking for him. He is a lean, brown guy in his late twenties and was very much hard to find as he always comes in disguise. We waited for two hours and finally Jaspal whispered in my ear, "That guy with dark goggles looks like Jack." I took a look on him, he was indeed much like Jack; except he has a butterfly moustache and a big mole on his left cheek. Being a doctor, I can easily say that the mole was a bit more protruding than it should be. I whispered to Jaspal, "He is Jack. Let's get him."

As soon as, we started to ran towards him, Jack started to ran towards the other side of the road and entered a dirty slum. Jack knows us very well, as once he used to work for Jaspal. But, his mischievous acts created tensions between them and Jack had to leave Jaspal's side. Jaspal cried, "Catch him before he reaches his locality." Jaspal having a well built body was crashing his way through the houses and little 'gaalis' but I had a better plan. I ran towards the left side and could easily outran Jack. Having me at front and Jaspal at back, Jack had nowhere to ran. I said panting, "Jack we are here not to harm you. We just need a little favor from you." Jack replied wryly, "No, next time you almost got me killed." Jaspal said, "But, that was your fault." Jack asked, "If the money is good, I will work." I said, "I am not the mastermind. Someone else is, we have to meet them soon."

As, I was saying this, a car came and stopped in front of us. After, it two jeeps also entered the scene. A fat, black gorilla faced man got off from the car and signalled his goons to surround us. I asked silently, "Wtf! Jack. You brought goons." Jack replied, "Of course, not." Jaspal said angrily to the man, "Gulli, what is this? We thought we are cool." Gulli replied smiling, "Of course we are cool. We need Jack." I asked, "What did he do?" Gulli's sidekick Mangu replied, "He frauded us and cost us lakhs of losses. We are gonna teach him a lesson." Jack said, weakly, "I wasn't running from you, but from them. Please save me, I will give you discount." I said in a heavy voice, "Listen, Gulli. We need him, so tell me and I will pay you your money." Gulli groaned, "It's not about money but self esteem. He frauded us and we are gonna kill him for it." Gulli is a local ganglord but not an ordinary one. He is the head of the most influential gang of Mumbai, even local politicians like Sandeep Mishra supports him. But, the recent death of Sandeep had brought terror on Gulli and he had to make alliance with some low ranking goons like Jaspal.

Gulli is really unfriendly and rough in his talks. He doesn't like Jaspal calling him by his name and would have definitely rebuked him if he was the earlier version of Gulli. I said, "We understand your sentiments but at present we are busy. Let us go." Mangu said angrily, "We need him and it's final." I stood before Jack and said, "Do as you wish. But, first you have to deal with me." Gulli laughed, "Looks like this doctor wants to get admitted in his own hospital. Beat him up." A goon ran towards me and I dodged his punch. I elbowed him in his head and he fell on the ground unconscious. Then, they surrounded us. Jaspal, me and Jack stood in a triangle shape and started fighting. Jaspal caught a guy and threw him on another, I quickly dodged two attackers and performed a wall flip kicking one in his face. The another caught me and Mangu came with a rod. I managed to dodged the rod and caught him by his lower belly. He is lighter than me, probably 40 kg in weight, so I pulled him up and executed a gutwrench suplex. Jack mainly dodged the attacks and was fighting with a bamboo stick, thrashing the attackers. Jaspal singlehandly managed to damage four attackers, thanks to his bloated muscles. I was watching them when a huge thump threw me off my feet. Before, I can stand Gulli picked me up and slammed me on the bonnet of the car. He then attacked Jaspal and Jack, damaging them a lot. The scene was like 'Mark Henry' beating up 'Dolph Ziggler' and 'Ryback', while ' Edge' was lying on the bonnet of a car, injured. WWE has definitely impacted our style of fighting.

I stood on the bonnet and called Gulli, "Hey, you fatty. Come here." Gulli started running towards me. I quickly jumped and executed a drop kick on Gulli, this managed to tremble him. I then performed a tornado kick and this time Gulli caught my leg and chokeslamed on the ground. Jaspal stealthily came and jumped on Gulli. He caught him in a chokehold while Jack was constantly beating Gulli with the bamboo stick. Gulli kicked Jack in his stomach and then threw Jaspal on him. He said laughing, "Do you think they call me the most dreaded for nothing?" I am really going to need an ambulance to get me home, but still I stood and with all the strength left in me; I launched on Gulli. I dodged his punch and executed an uppercut headbutt on his chin, then poked his eyes and kicked him in his groin. Jaspal striked Gulli's head with the bamboo stick and Jack strongly kicked him in the face. Gulli fell unconscious on the ground and it was our turn to run. But, Mangu out of nowhere shot on Jaspal's leg. I quickly picked up a stone and threw it on Mangu's hand, the gun fell and Jack quickly picked it up. He then, shoot a bullet in Mangu's head and then shot the unconscious Gulli till the bullets ran out. I asked, "There was no need to kill them." Jack replied, "Never leave your enemies half dead." He then threw away the empty gun and helped me to take Jaspal towards the car. We hijacked Gulli's car and rode off towards Ankita's house.

Ankita sophistically took out the bullet from Jaspal's leg and put an antiseptic on it. She then perfectly bandaged it and applied some herbal juice on the bandage. Jaspal was definitely feeling relieved now as his pain had lessen. She also bandaged us and plastered our broken bones. I asked, "Ankita, from where did you learn to treat bullet wounds?" Ankita laughed and poked my head, "Silly, my father was a police officer. He taught me this. Moreover, my maternal grandfather was in army so mom too knew some medical wizardry." Ankita turned towards Jack, "So, you are a swindler. You swindle people to earn money and then get chased by some dangerous people like Gulli." Jack said, "Even, you hack people and blackmail them to do your job forcefully." Ankita answered angrily, "I am doing it for a great cause." Jack replied, "I am also doing it for a great cause." Jaspal asked, "What cause?" Jack replied, "To run an orphanage, so that no one had to earn money like I do." I patted Jack's shoulder, "Don't worry. Once we finish the mission, we all are gonna have a good life ahead us." Jaspal asked, "So, what's the next step?" Ankita replied, enthusiastically "Pack your bags, boys. We are going to the land of vacations, Malaysia.....