Judicial Concussions

Fairfax County, Virginia, USA.

Carl and Lorenzo had arrived two weeks earlier but couldn't fix an appointment with Michael Mamba. Being the son of Adam Mamba, he is one of the most vulnerable targets in the Underworld. Private assassins are always there to protect him and would survey all his clients before they arrive before him. Carl and Lorenzo even after being too discreet, couldn't appoint a meeting with Michael. The reason was that Michael is a District Attorney(DA) and is a candidate for the upcoming Mayoral Election of Fairfax County.

Carl and Lorenzo has befriended a local retired tech guy, Elton whose son, Joane was killed by Colin Powell, an old enemy of White Eagle. Elton didn't hate Michael as he is not like his father, infact he saved Elton from Colin Powell when he wanted to kill him like his son to eliminate any loose ends. Colin knew about Michael and so he easily retreated. But, Colin never forgot the insult and is creating hurdles in Michael's road to becoming the Mayor. Carl and Lorenzo were in the cabin of Elton Green discussing about some spying stuff. Carl asked, "Elton, are sure that those sly assassins wouldn't notice your drone?" Elton said in his Southern American accent, "Don't worry, boys. I have been in this business for past thirty years. I never messed up anything." Carl asked skeptically, "You mean to say that your secret surveillance system is thirty years old." Elton replied laughing, "What can you say, young man? Old is gold." Elton's age has made his skin saggy and when he laughs his loose skin under his chin vibrates vigorously making his laugh more funnier than the reason. Carl said with a sigh, "Anyway, we gotta do what we do." Elton took out a mechanical pigeon out from his cupboard and blowed away the dust from it. The pigeon was quite antique from its appearance but it was inbuilt with spy cameras on its eyes and a small wireless microphone connected via bluetooth to Elton's computer.

Elton inserted the batteries inside the remote and pressed the green button on its upper right side. The spy cameras activated and it start to flap its wings and start flying. The pigeon runs by miniature hydraulic pumps installed in it. It started to fly and reached the window of Michael's room. Michael was sitting on his study table, examining some files for his recent case. Carl said, "Michael's not a problem, his bodyguards are. I want to know who is the leader of the platoon." Elton diverted the pigeon to the top of a small building which was the den of the assassins. Elton said, "My pigeon has an audible range upto 20 yards. We can definitely listen to their conversation with it." Carl said, "Don't say, do. Grandpa." Elton activated the microphone. Two assassins were talking to each other. The first assassin said, "Boss should really consider our pitiful conditions. We are assassins not some babysitters of a thirty five year old venerable lawyer." The second assassin replied, "It's not like that. We are going have some action and chances to show our assassin skills. I heard that Colin Powell is conspiring against Michael. He must be sabotaging the booths so that Michael don't win the Mayoral Election and become the Mayor." The first assassin replied, "Colin Powell? The 'Hitler without a moustache'. I don't think he will do anything stupid and get blacklisted by Adam Mamba. I heard his son was recently imprisoned for forgery." Then, a big tall man came inside the room and the two assassins stood up and saluted him. Carl said hastily, "Give me a shot of his face, he is the leader." Elton diverted the camera as much its range but could only catch a glimpse of the man's left arm. The arm was heavily tattooed and has a kind of a bracelet on it. Carl looked in the camera and said, "I have seen this hand somewhere, but couldn't recall where." The tattooed man said in a grumpy voice, "Go and keep an eye on Michael. I don't want any more complains from Adam Sir." The two assassins rushed through the door. The man came into the range of the camera and his face was revealed. Carl and Lorenzo both said together "MARCO DIAZ!!" Elton asked quizzically, "Who is Marco Diaz?" Carl drank a full glass water and said, "Marco Diaz is a former CIA agent who went missing five years ago on a surgical strike on the terrorists of Al-Qaeda. Many reported him dead and then his wife and children got compensation from the US government. He was awarded with National Bravery Award for his sacrifice for his homeland." Lorenzo added, "He is not an agent of CIA but also the most dangerous field assassin. He even taught my brother and also recommended him to join army." Elton cleared his throat, "So, you are saying Marco Diaz, the greatest CIA field agent is now working for Jimmy Law?" Carl replied with disappointment, "I think that what it is."

Elton brought his drone back through the window and went to the bathroom. Carl said, "We can't defeat Marco as he is the most qualified agent of U.C.I.D." Lorenzo replied grimly, "We will find a way to solve this problem. But, first let's try to contact Michael and see if he can be of any use to us." Carl sighed and went outside for lunch.

Michael Mamba was arranging his files for the Mayoral Election when Colin Powell came inside his room. Michael was quite startled but still asked politely, "Mr. Colin. How come you remember me today?" Colin put a huge fake smile on his face and said, "What are you talking about? You are the blue eyed boy of the town and I always praise about you in front of my friends and family." Michael smiled warmly and shaked Colin's hand, "I am flattered. So, what brought you here?" Colin cleared his throat, "You know that the Mayoral Election is next week and your competitors are pressuring the President to withdraw your name." Michael laughed, "It's all about people's choice, after all it's a democratic country." Colin retorted, "Still if your enemies play dirty, you should also play dirty." Michael replied with a smile, "You remember about what Mahatma Gandhi told about non violence. Let them use violence, we will be true to our cause and God will help us." He added, "I have to go to Texas tomorrow morning for an official meeting and will return one day before election. See you on the Election Day." Michael rushed downstairs and went towards the airport. Colin came outside from the house and dialed a number. After, two rings, a voice answered, "Hello." Colin asked, "Everyone is ready for tomorrow?" The voice replied, "Don't worry. Michael Mamba won't survive for the Election." Colin replied, "Good." He ended the call. Colin spoke to himself, "Once Michael dies, I will join hands with Jonathan Rubisco and bring Jimmy's empire to its knees. JIMMY, YOU WILL PAY FOR THE MURDER OF MY FAMILY.......