Love isn't blind, it's whimsical.

Charan was sitting on the sofa enjoying a little cup of warm coffee and watching his favorite movie 'The Godfather'. He was lazily munching cookies and taking a sip of his coffee when Arman burst in his room. Arman screamed, "How can you act so normal? We got ours lives on stake." Charan shook his head and paused the movie "Don't be so afraid, Arman. They won't harm Survi atleast till they don't get what they want." Arman asked, "Aha! So, how are they planning to get what they want? By popping our heads open?" Vivek and Alia entered the room. Alia went and sat beside Arman; then kissed his cheek. Alia looked at Arman and said humbly, "Arman, we know each other for years and had developed a sibling bond between us. I even postponed my engagement for you, have faith in me." Arman pulled a chair near Alia and sat on it. He took Alia's hand in his hands and kissed it. He said gently, "I know you care for me and I love you for that. But, you know she is my true love and I can't lose her." Vivek patted Arman's shoulder and said, "Life challenges love. You should be strong enough to sustain the challenges and achieve your love."

"Speaking of overcoming challenges. I have a very good news for you, Arman." Charan said finishing his cup of coffee. Arman said, "Then speak up." Charan started, "Well, I have an internal news that Vanessa and Ryan have kept Survi at the Westside Colony and are planning to make their call tomorrow morning. All important personalities have went to Dublin for an important meeting with Adam Mamba. The security is strong under the control of Akon and Joseph, but we can still find a way to secure her." Vivek retorted, "I think that's just insanity and mere foolishness. Westside Colony is the ammunition center of the Salvatore Family. Vanessa is a sly woman and she perfectly knows that we would take an advantage of this opportunity." Arman said, "What if we succeed and Survi comes back to me? You told we should strong enough to sustain any challenges." Vivek sighed, "This guy is definitely on a suicide mission."

Westside Colony, Somewhere in East London.

Akon and Joseph were busy settling the count of the new ammunition brought this morning. Akon said tiredly, "Fifty million of weapons and counting." Joseph was busy finishing his tequila and was in no mood to get indulged in those boring calculations. He said lazily, "What's the need for such worthless calculations, we don't count our bullets while firing?" Akon replied grumpily, " But it's needs to be brought with money and this counting is to ensure proper distribution services between us and the sellers." Joseph just rolled his eyes and poured him another glass of tequila.

"The whole perimeter is filled with landmines and if you happen to step on them, just God is your only ally." Charan was instructing everyone about the place. He continued, "Andrews, Ralph and Arman will go the fifth section of the building where apparently Survi has been kept captive. Vivek, Alia and Jonathan will stay in the safe zone where they keep their weapons and other battle machineries. Peter and Garry will keep an eye on them through the drone and would alert as from any upcoming dangers. I, Mark and Ethan will do the gunning part and try our best to eliminate Akon and Joseph tonight. Everyone has a microphone on their ears and will contact each other through it. Our attire is dark black in color so try your best to stay away from flashlights or the big beam lights installed on the roof of the building. Best of luck and stay alive." They all put forward their right fist for a group fist bump and cried slowly 'For Family'.

All of them loaded their guns and wore their armor. Then, they all scattered and took their positions. Alia pulled Charan's arm and said gently, "I have something to tell you. I might be pp.....pregnant." Charan growled, "WHAT??!!" Alia asked nervously, "Aren't you happy?" Charan gulped, "Of course, I am happy, maybe the happiest person. But, you said might. Anyway we have a mission to complete." He kissed Alia three times repeatedly and said, "Be safe and I love you." He then rushed to his decided position. Alia rubbed her lips and said, "I will never understand this man. I hope I am not pregnant. This ain't the right time." Alia too ran towards her position and lied down on her stomach. She looked through her sniper's scope and said, "Coast is clear. Shot can be taken. Roger!" Charan replied, "Load your guns. It's SHOWTIME!!" Alia took her first shot and pooped a guards's head and took another one. Charan quickly throwed four smoke grenades through the window and wore his gas mask. The guards were baffled what hitted them until their bodies were lying on the floor. Charan signalled Arman and Andrews too go forward and take charge. Arman entered the room and went through the corridor to the second block. The third block was the place where Ryan keeps his personal instruments of brutality and Arman was definitely going to use them. Arman picked up a weird box. He opened it and there were shurikens in them along with prickly smoke powder. Arman handed it over to Andrews and said, "You are good at throwing things. Use them and take this spear." Ralph cried, "You are going to fight them with spears and shurikens?" Arman smirked, "Not me. Andrews. He is an expert in fencing and moreover there isn't any fun to destroy enemies without using their own weapons." He opened a big casket and pulled out some dismantled pieces of a strange grey gun. Ralph asked, "What is it?" Arman said, "It's an 'APTG' Automated Pulse Throwing Gun' or simply it's a TASER." Ralph said, "Whatever. Just hurry, we ain't gonna here all night."

Arman, Andrews and Ralph entered the fourth section. It was filled with different breeds of dogs incarcerated in steel cages. Arman asked nervously, "They're not gonna attack us, we they?" Peter spoke through the microphone, "They are closing in. Hurry up, you knucklehead. I am going to power off the security system so that Charan and his platoon can go in." Arman cried, "It's not happening. W..AA...IIITT!!" The security system turned off and the cages unlocked. Arman, Andrews and Ralph swallowed their saliva looking at those monstrosities. Andrews said nervously, "I hope they have been vaccinated." Arman said, "Now, I understand why people says that Love hurts more outside than inside." The dogs charged at them. Arman quickly electrocuted three dogs and shit the battery went down. "SHITTTTT! STUPID TASER!! NEEDS A MINUTE TO CHARGE UP AGAIN." Andrews skillfully impaled five dogs with his spear. He cried, "I hope God forgives me for killing these innocents." Ralph cried, "INNOCENTS!! THEY ARE THE HELLHOUNDS!!" Ralph was having the baddest experience as his bullets ran off and he had to wrestle with the dogs. His armor saved the skin but the dangerous bites ransacked his armor badly. Arman cried, "There is a door on the backside. Let's go." Ralph and Andrews ran towards the door and got to the next room. Arman threw a dozen of prickly bombs in the room and also ran towards the room and closed the door. Arman said enthusiastically, "Those prickly bombs will teach them a nice lesson. A whole week of itching and scratching."

Vivek and Alia had managed to take down the guards on the roof and broke most of the beam lights. But, the problem was the ammunition room was guarded by Russian Macaw Fighters, each fighter being 7 foot tall and having the power of two bulls. Vivek, Alia and Jonathan were trained in three, four and two kinds of martial arts but still they need a plan to get the weapons without minimal damage. Vivek said, "They have the brawn, we have the brain. Alia and Jonathan, you two will go through the drainage system and come out through the man hole on the ground of the storage room adjoining the ammunition room. Here, take this sonic boom bombs. This will certainly disrupt their senses for a good lot of time and make them unconscious. We don't have to kill them as Charan wants to make them their allies, so we carry their obviously ultra weight bodies to the trucks and then we are good." Alia nodded. Alia and Jonathan went towards the drainage pipe and carefully walked through the dirty water and stinking dead bodies of both rodents and some of Vanessa's old enemies. Alia nodded to Jonathan to take out the sonic boom bombs and climbed up the ladder. The storage room was not that spacious and they have to silently stick to each other for some time. Jonathan asked, "I heard that you are pregnant?" Alia nodded, "Maybe or not. I must have missed my period and that's all." Jonathan asked, "If it is then?" Alia said, "Then, he is going to be a father." Suddenly, someone opened the door and Alia and Jonathan had to stick more closely. Alia turned her back and her lips crashed with Jonathan's lips and they had to forcefully kiss each other. The black color camouflaged them in the dark. The guard was taking little time and both Alia and Jonathan were about to die from suffocation. Finally, the guard went out and Alia and Jonathan released their lips. Alia said panting, "Don't say anything about it to anyone." Jonathan nodded. Alia and Jonathan stealthily and swiftly entered the room and planted the sonic transmitters all over the floor. Alia whispered, "Cover your ears, it's going to be a little noisy." Jonathan and Alia covered their ears and Alia pressed the detonator. Ten seconds of ultrasonic sound waves rendered all the guards unconscious and broke every window of the building. After the ten seconds, Charan screamed through the microphone, "Girl you had almost blown up the ear drums of every single person in 50 meteres radius of the building." Alia said angrily, "I told you I am no bomb expert and moreover they were sonic boom bombs, what do you expect from them anyway?" Charan rolled his eyes and said, "Anyway, the whole building has been alarmed and they are certainly coming with full force. Arman, you got Survi?" Arman replied, "She is heavily guarded, we need minimal violence in here. You lure them to your location, I will retrieve her safely." Charan and all his platoon rushed inside the building and started firing to reveal their positions intentionally. Alia and Jonathan brought as much as weapons they could bring in such a short period of time.

Arman, Andrews and Ralph were able to locate Survi's cell and unlocked it. Survi was there lying unconscious, probably from the sonic waves. Arman picked her up and gently rubbed her nose with his and kissed her forehead. They were leaving when twelve guards come in front of them. One of them remarked, "I have to say, you have much courage to enter the lion's den." Arman smirked, "Lion's den!! I will call it a rat hole full of tiny, pesky rats like you whom I am gonna crush today." The guard signalled others to surround them. He smiled, "Poor, Arman Boy. Got killed by some "tiny rats"." They attacked on them and Arman swiftly turned using Survi's legs to kick the attacker. He kept Survi close to a wall and said, "Don't worry, little princess. I'm going to teach them how to treat a woman." Arman rushed towards one and kicked him in his chest and elbowed another in his eye making his sight blurred. He then took out his Taser Gun and shot him out through a window. Andrews used his spear and collectively impaled three guards in a row and Ralph used his martial arts skills and performed some beautiful combinations and incapacitated his opponents. Arman approached to the guard who was lying there breathing his last breath, "So, Mr. Big Mouth. How's it feel to be crushed by a vain person?" The guard showed the 'middle finger' and Arman happily thrusted a shuriken in his throat. They all then left the room leaving behind some 'martyrs' of Ryan.

Charan was having a tough time handling the majority of the guards and cried, "Arman, you moronic piece of cow turd. DID YOU GET SURVI OUT!!???" Arman replied subtly, "Of course and don't shout, Bonehead." Arman and Vivek soon joined Charan and was able to eliminate the guards and reach the top floor. Charan instructed, "We need Akon and Joseph alive, as they can be very useful to us." Arman and Vivek nodded. The light was out and only moonlight was the only source of light. The sonic waves dismantled much of the batteries and other electronics; leaving behind just darkness and death in the lonely night. Everyone was holding their guns, checking their bullets, breathing nervously. Charan said lightly on his microphone, "Garry. Garry. Did you brought the heat seeking thermal goggles?" Garry replied, " Not them but something more sophisticated." Charan asked anxiously, "What??" Garry replied, "Heat amplification device. It looks like a fly and is connected to your visceral glasses. But, it's only one and you have to be the eye for your allies." Charan released the fly and connected it to his visceral glasses. He can easily see the movement of the enemies and instructed, "It's all about element of surprise and we have to make it quick." Use knives to slit their throats and use silencers for guns. Charan gave them the coordinates and they could easily annihilate the security of Akon and Joseph. Vivek asked, "How will you differentiate Akon and Joseph?" Charan replied, "Joseph is a chubby man and definitely will remain with Akon. So, the fat man with a walking stick is Akon and Joseph." Twenty minutes have passed and still Akon and Joseph were nowhere to be found. Arman replied, "We have to go quickly, they must have made a distress call and backup will arrive soon. Charan was not interested in Arman's talking and suddenly whispered, "I see two bodies, one thin and other thick. They are behind the corridor. Let's go." They rushed in there and banged opened the door. Being an old warehouse, the doors were quite weak and after getting three stomps, it broke. Akon and Joseph started shooting blindly but to no avail. Arman and Vivek shot their hands and legs and Arman gave them a little taste of the TASER.

After, successfully loading the ammunition and two hostages in the truck, they rode off towards their hideout. Arman was carefully treating Survi's wounds and applying the mildest antiseptic on her body. Alia laughed, "Your wounds are much more severe than Survi's. Treat them fast." Arman just said, "My pain is not larger than hers. Anyway, she's my responsibility." Vivek laughed, "Responsibility? You aren't even his boyfriend." Arman snagged his handkerchief and tied it on Survi's little cut which was due to the handcuffs. Arman replied, "Actually, I am leaping for the position of husband, time is unpredictable and I don't want her to be separated from me. Once, she gets my name after her name or vice versa she is immune from any gangsta scumbags out there." Charan laughed, "That would only bring more trouble for her as she will be on the radar of people like Vanessa and Ryan." Survi opened her eyes slowly and saw Arman's face. She lightly said, "What happened?" She fell unconscious again. Alia approached her and sprinkled some water on her face. Survi woke up again and this time puked on Arman's lap. Arman gently made her sit and gave her a glass of water. Alia asked, "Are you sick?" Survi again puked and Vivek took her to the bathroom. Charan asked nervously, "Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Alia said subtly, "That's what I had felt yesterday morning." Arman clasped his hands on his forehead and said sadly, "This can't be happening....Never. NEVER. Survi is pr....pregnant and moreover who's the father?" Alia went inside the bathroom and checked Survi, then took her to the bed and let her sleep. Vivek said abruptly, "Well, her hymen is torn." Arman asked angrily, "Why did you saw her vagina?" Vivek said nervously, "Well, just an inspection." Arman still had his eyes narrowed on him. Alia said, "She was blabbering like L..eave me. She was repeatedly crying a name." All asked, "Whose name?" Alia gulped and said lightly, "R..yaaa.n Gonzalez....