The Malaysian Alliance

After a long, tiresome journey from India to Malaysia, we finally arrived at Kuching, Malaysia. Ankita promised to come three days later to Malaysia via some confidential airline service and we were sent here to look for some loose ends in Jimmy Law's organization. Jaspal had developed an upset stomach and was constantly visiting the airport's toilets. I and Jack, along with Ankita's two trusted friends Akash and Vishal were sitting in the waiting lobby, waiting for some guy named Aung San Lang, the Malaysian agent of Ankita. According to her, Aung's father was in the army and was brutally killed by Adam Mamba, when he tried to catch Mamba. By profession, Aung runs a little news agency and constantly tries to belittle Jimmy and his associates.

Jack was constantly ogling some Malaysian girls standing at the lobby. I pulled his head down and said gently, "The Malaysian laws for sexual harassment is much more severe than India's. If you don't want to get a nice beating from the police, lower your head and sit quietly." Jack replied, "I wasn't looking them in a bad way, I am just surprised at their beauty." I simply give him a smile and asked, "Do you want to talk with them?" Jack almost jumped on his seat and said enthusiastically, "Let's go. I am a friendly person and making friends is my forte." We got up from our seats and walked towards them. I approached and said, " Good morning. I just wanted to ask if you could help us find some good lodges to stay. We are from India and it's our first time in Malaysia. My name is Harsh Bhardwaj." The girl looked at us and said politely, "Well, there are many places to stay like Mang's Lounge, The 'Hidden Cave', Jong's Paradise etc. My name is Suan Lee and this is my cousin sisters. We are here to visit our grandparents for our vacations." I asked, "Do you know where is the Kutch's Lane?" She after a little thinking said, "I think it's in the north side of Malaysia. But, that place is now under the rule of Jimmy Law and one of his trusted dogs guard that place. He's name is Gangchun Tomako and he is a very rude and nihilistic person. I advise you not to enter that 'forbidden zone'." I was able to dig out some information about Jimmy and now to the actual reason for which we approached them. I asked smiling, "He is my buddy, Jack. He thinks you are cute and wants to befriend you." She smiled and shook Jack's hand and then said, "I would really like you to be my friend." Jack replied, "Me too."

After twenty minutes of friendly conversation with Susan Lee and her sisters, Jaspal finally came out of the toilet and was ecstatic with some relief in his stomach. Aung San Lang finally arrived at the airport and greeted us. After, some formalities we pulled up our bags and bid goodbye to Suan Lee and her sisters. It was 9:57 in the morning and the climate was quite good. I was seating on the passenger seat and was constantly talking with Aung. I asked, "Why didn't the Malaysian Government catch this Jimmy and put him behind bars? This man has been a headache for every citizen for the last forty seven years." Aung replied, "The Malaysian Prime Minister tries his best to nab that scoundrel but Jimmy doesn't stay here, but keeps moving around the world. His Malaysian business is controlled by his council of elected representatives, mostly renowned and wanted criminals. They control casinos, banks, industries and most of the vital economic sectors of Malaysia." Jack asked Aung, "What's in Kutch's Lane? Even Suan Lee was warning us about that area and about some Gangchun Tomako." Aung replied, "Kutch's Lane is a renowned place and is the first place where Jimmy Law established his rule. The place was owned by a widowed woman named Hannah who had a small vegetable shop to earn her daily expenses. But, time was bad at that time and many men tried to get her due to her immense beauty. Jimmy Law wasn't one of them. He just admired her as she reminded him of his mother who raised her singlehandly. One day, some drunk men entered her house to probably kidnap her or rape her. Jimmy Law knew that it will happen one day and he had an eye on her. He entered the house and murdered the rapists and brought Hannah to his house. No one dared to oppose Jimmy and so Hannah remained safe under his protection. Time passed on and love started blooming between them and finally one day, Hannah got pregnant. Jimmy was not a father material and so couldn't accept her pregnancy, but he loved her. Hannah gave birth to a boy and died two years later in an accident. Jimmy Law had no option but to give his son to his butler to raise him. The boy is Gangchun Tomako and that's the reason why Jimmy frequently visits Malaysia."

We finally reached Aung's house in the midday nearly at 12:50. We washed our hands and legs with the ice cold water coming directly from the underground. Jaspal was feeling relieved after having some herbal medicine from Aung's mother. We sat down for lunch; the food was mostly vegetarian due to our differences in diets and a chicken leg was on each of our plates. I called Ankita and asked about the situation in India and about my leave from the hospital. She replied that all is good and she had talked to Ashutosh Sir that he is fine till no casualties occurs. The last sentence was not satisfactory but still agreed. Ankita advised me not to go deep and keep an eye on the two musketeers, that they don't make any mistakes. Jaspal went to bed early and Jack was talking with his new Malaysian friend. I was just loitering in the alleyway and reached a little over bridge. I saw a lady, probably in her early thirties smoking a cigarette and looking at the distant sky. I approached her and asked, "Would you mind if I ask a cigarette from you?" She looked at me and said in a sweet voice, "You don't look Malaysian. What business you have here?" She offered me the pack of cigarettes and a took one. After, lightly burning the edge of the cigarette and taking a sip, I replied, "I am from India and I came here for some business. What is your motive?" The lady smiled and said, "Well, you got a good eye for people's face. I am Emily Robinson from Great Britain and I have been transferred to the Malaysian Police Department a week ago." We shook hands and then continued smoking. After, finishing her cigarette, she lightly crushed it and threw it in the dustbin. She then said, "Looks like it's the end of our night. So, goodnight then." I replied, "Can I have your number? Just in case, I need your help." She smiled and pulled out a card from her pocket and gave it to me. She then went to a motorcycle parked near the road and speeded away to a dot. I said to myself, " Maisto Ducati Diavel Carbon. What type of police officer possesses a Ducati? She kinda looks a little fishy."

I returned to the house, Jaspal and Jack were dead asleep and Aung was preparing articles for morning news. Akash and Vishal were standing on the balcony kissing each other under the moonlight. One of the reasons, Ankita trusts them the most is their homosexuality. I can't blame her as times are bad and people are very deceitful. Seeing me, they stopped and looked quite embarrassed. I signed them to relax and went to sit with Aung. I asked apologizingly, "Hope I am not disturbing you.?" He replied, "No, you are not. You are such a sweet boy with good manners and simplicity. Your parents must be very lucky to get you." I replied smiling, "No, I am lucky to have parents like them." He laughed heartily and patted my shoulder. He said sadly, "I always wanted a son like you, but my impotence deprived me from this happiness." I said lightly, "Don't blame yourself, Sir. Consider me as your son." He laughed and hugged me tightly. He asked, "So, what are your plans for the morning?" I replied, "I will go to Kutch's Lane and try to approach Gangchun. My gut feeling says that this man will get us a close lead on Jimmy Law." He said grimly, "All well. But, remember one thing that Gangchun Tomako is a very unfriendly and rude person. If he senses any trouble from you, he will not think for a second before chopping your head." I replied confidently, "Don't worry. If this type of situation comes, I think Gangchun will be the one having a chopped head." He laughed, "I like your confidence. Reminds me of my young days." I bid him goodnight and went to my bed, thinking what adventures are lying for me tomorrow morning.......