Criminal Extremities

After a tiresome meeting with Mamba, Ryan finally reached his room. He inserted the key card and opened the door and jumped on his bed. He was mumbling to himself, "Stupid Mamba and his dickhead boss, Jimmy. Both have gone nuts. They think remaining in the 'good books' of the Underworld would bring us success. Bullshit. Just plain bullshit!" At the moment, his phone beeped. He looked at the screen and was startled. He quickly jumped from his bed and dialled a number. After three rings, a grim voice answered, "Hello." Ryan screamed, "What hello? Our ammunition base has been blown and you are reacting in such a calm manner?" The voice replied, "What do you expect from me? Charan and his gang are too clever. They have kidnapped Akon and Joseph so that you couldn't file a penalty on them." Ryan said, "Stop praising them. They will pay for insulting me and my family. But, first I need a little job to be done." The voice replied, " What job?" Ryan said shyly, "Well, I raped a girl while I was intoxicated." The voice screamed, "Did you raped Vanessa?" Ryan replied, "Are you mad? She is going to be my wife someday. Why would I try to force her?" The voice asked, "Then, who became the victim of your merciless wrath?" Ryan replied, "A girl named Survi." The voice asked, "Survi. The apparent girlfriend of Arman Rashid?" Ryan replied positive. The voice replied, "Ok. Your job will be done. Survi will not see tomorrow's sun." Ryan disconnected the call.

Ryan washed his hands and feet and changed into his casual clothes. He then went to the balcony to get some fresh air. He was about to light his cigarette when someone knocked on his door. Ryan sighed and put the cigarette inside the packet and went to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, a raging fist came in his direction, but he was quick in reflexes and arm dragged the attacker on the bed. He was about to take out his gun when he saw it was Vanessa. He then quickly jumped on her and caught her hands and said, "What the...." Vanessa kicked him in his balls and threw him on the floor. Ryan quickly rolled as Vanessa's knife pierced the carpet. He then caught Vanessa's hand and caught her in a 'sharpshooter' lock and then skillfully tied her hands with his handkerchief and then her legs with his tie. He then closed the door and pulled her and threw her on the floor. He then asked angrily, "Why are you trying to kill me?" Vanessa screamed, "Don't act innocent. I know what kind of treacherous swine you are. You tried to kill your brother and forcefully marry me." Ryan sighed and then pulled her head near his head. His eyes were pointed on her eyes and no one dared to blink. He said, "First of all, I never wanted to murder my brother. He was the one that tried to kill me thrice. But, God brought him justice and he died. Secondly, he never loved you as I do. He only wanted to have a baby with you as he would have become the head of the Salvatore Family after your grandfather's death. Thirdly, 'who the fuck' told you these rubbish?"

Ryan then opened her ties and put a gun in her hand. He said beating his chest, "If you don't believe me. Shoot me and pierce the hearts that beats only for you." Vanessa looked in Ryan's eyes, no doubt he was telling the truth. She still pointed the gun towards Ryan's chest and said, "Three questions. Only three questions, answer truthfully and you will live." Ryan said, "Ask." Vanessa asked grimly, "First, why have you never told me about Richeff if you knew he was just using me?" Ryan replied, "Because, you won't have believed me and then Richeff would had surely tried to kill me." Vanessa continued, "Second, Theresa told me that you tried to rape me when I was drunk?" Ryan scratched his head and said, "I won't call that 'rape' but yeah I tried to make some physical contact with you as I was drunk and your red gown had seduced me that night." Vanessa narrowed her eyes. Ryan replied, "But, I didn't. I respect you. Moreover, Theodore was the one who first introduced us. She always told me that you have some feelings for me." Vanessa continued, "Third and the most important, if you truly loved me? Why didn't you ever confessed it to me?" Ryan came closer to her and put the tip of the gun on his heart, "The question is not why I never confessed my love? The question is would you have left Richeff and accept me?" Vanessa lowered the gun and said sadly, "Life doesn't give us much choices. Does it?" Ryan smiled, "We make our own choices. Like you choosed to kill me and tell all that some hitman killed me in the hotel. You would then rule as a single heir and maybe marry someone to grow your lineage. So, life never gives choices but contradictions." Ryan came closer and lightly kissed her forehead and said, "Right or wrong. Truth or lie. Loyalty or Betrayal. Life is all about such decisions, which we are bound to make every day.

A knock came on the door and Ryan opened the door. Adeleke was there. He entered the room and said, "Vanessa, your car is ready. The head of Macaw Family, Sir Elias Macaw is waiting for you in the car." Vanessa combed her hair and quickly descended downstairs and went with Elias Macaw. Adeleke asked, "Did she tried to kill you?" Ryan asked surprisingly, "How do you know?" Adeleke lightly punched Ryan's hand and said, "Don't play soft. You knew she was going to attack you." Ryan smiled wickedly, "That stupid Theodore thought that she can easily eliminate me. Poor old lady, she didn't know that tonight she is going to hell, not me." Adeleke asked, "What do you mean?" Ryan smiled, "Wait a little." A few seconds later, someone called Adeleke and said something unpleasant. Adeleke disconnected the call and looked flabbergasted. He said, "Lady Theresa Theodore has died in a bomb blast. Someone planted a bomb in her car and..." Ryan laughed heavily. He said, "May God give peace to her soul." He continued, "Come on. Someone is waiting for us." Adeleke asked, "Who?" Ryan replied, "Someone who can bring victory at our feet." Ryan stormed out of the room, followed by Adeleke.

After fifty minutes of reckless driving, Adeleke and Ryan reached their destination. It was an old, half collapsed casino which is now used as an underground fighting center where people bet on illegal street fighters. Ryan showed his card to one of the bouncers standing outside and went inside with Adeleke. The whole room was filled with brawny, smelly rednecks howling and stamping their feet on the ground in joy of their favorite fighter winning the round. Ryan went to the farthest table where three overweight men were sitting and drinking raw whiskey. They have tattoos on their arms, long beaded beards and were smoking cannabis. Ryan went and said, " Hey Eddy. How are you, buddy?" The man sitting in the middle rose his head and said lazily, " I am fine. What brings Mr. Ryan Gonzalez to the doors of Edward Snowden?" Ryan gave his most notorious smile and Eddy said with a sigh, "You want me to call Tom. Isn't it?" Ryan said, "You know I won't have called him if the situation was not that bad. I want him to kill a person." Ryan took out a photograph from his pocket and pushed it forward to Eddy. Eddy picked up the photograph and looked at it. He asked, "Who is this fool?" Ryan said, "Goes by the name of Charan Khatri. He thinks he can mess with me and overthrow my empire. I need him eliminated." Eddy laughed, "You are scared of this pipsqueak. Your father would be quite disappointed at you." Ryan said calmly, "He is the one who killed my father, along with my brother and Anthony Salvatore." Eddy almost gulped, "What are you saying? He isn't even in his thirties and you saying he killed Mr. Gonzalez and Anthony Salvatore." Ryan said, "He is someone who can be a very big problem for me in the future." Eddy said, "Well, you know the deal. You defeat my champion and you get your job done. Blood pays for blood."

Ryan took off his jacket, then his shirt and finally his vest. He said, "I hope he can sustain my deadly blows." Eddy laughed, "I like your confidence. Don't worry, our new fighter is a three time Muay Thai Champion. He perfectly knows how to sustain pain and give pain." Ryan asked, "So, where is he?" Eddy stood up and went inside the caged fighting arena. He announced, "Today, Mr. Ryan will challenge our champion, Takeshi to a knock out match. Rules are simple: The first person to knock his opponent down will win." Ryan nervously went in the arena and showed his hands like a typical fighter. Adeleke went to the bar and simply ordered a glass of malt for him. He said to himself, "Too much cockiness will definitely gonna break Ryan's teeth." Ryan's eyes were searching for his opponent and he asked Eddy, "Where is your champion?" Eddy said, "Here, he comes." Ryan looked at the direction. The man or better a boy, maybe eighteen or nineteen years old was approaching towards the arena. He had a head guard and wrist wraps on his fists. He was barefoot and also had wraps around his ankle and knee. He was surely coming for a big match. Ryan took his position and waited for Eddy's whistle. After, Takeshi told he was ready, Eddy went to the table and whistled. Ryan launched at Takeshi but he quickly landed a kick on his chest throwing him at the corner. He then jumped and striked with his knee on Ryan's thigh. Ryan was in much pain from the attack but somehow he retaliated. He turned and launched a side kick on Takeshi's chin, making him fall. Ryan then performed a moonsault on him and striked his lower back. Takeshi was heavily injured but years of training made him tough. He stood up and went to a corner. Ryan decided not to engage first and waited for Takeshi to attack. Takeshi launched forward and performed a spinning kick on Ryan but he dodged it and rolled to other side. He then kicked at Takeshi's leg and kicked him in his stomach. He then performed a kip up and launched a right hook punch on the jaw of the stunned Takeshi. He then punched him in his liver and kicked him in the chest. Takeshi fell on the ground and the referee started counting. Five counts and Takeshi raised on his feet. Ryan was really impressed at his determination. He again tried to kick him but Takeshi spinned and kicked Ryan on the jaw. Ryan's mouth started to bleed and then Takeshi kicked him in the groin and tried to hold him in a lock. Ryan was quick and he raised him and slammed in on the mat. Then, hold him in the 'Sharpshooter' lock. Takeshi tried his best but his legs were the most damaged in the fight. He tapped and Ryan won the match. He forwarded a hand towards Takeshi and said laughing, "You fight tough. Will you become my bodyguard?" Takeshi took his hand and said, "You are really a man of hard blows and punches. I will think about your offer." Ryan went and washed off his blood and wore his clothes. Then, he went to Eddy, "So, you tell Tom that I want Charan's murder to happen soon." Eddy nodded his head. Ryan and Adeleke went out and then rode off in Ryan's Mercedes Benz. On the way, Adeleke asked, "What about that Indian girl, Survi?" Ryan replied, "Don't worry. She will be eliminated." Adeleke said, "Still your act was not moral. What if she gets pregnant and demands position in Gonzalez Family?" Ryan replied, "She spat on me and then I drank a lot and it happened. You know I never do such things. Anyway, she will die one way or the another. So, no need to worry too much." They rode off and their car became a dot in the distance...