It was 10 in the morning and Michael was getting ready for his meeting with the representatives of 'Independent Republican Party'. He perfectly planned the meeting place and had the refreshments arranged according to the highest standards. The support of the 'Independent Republican Party' is very important for the progress of Michael's campaign. Michael perfectly knows about his enemies and was quite sure they were going to put hurdles in his way. But, strong determination and upright principles were the face of his campaign and he has full faith on 'Jesus Christ', that he will exterminate all the problems. After, having all his looks perfected he finally went downstairs and said to his concierge, "Tell my driver that I will be joining him in five minutes and he should wait for me at the exit." The man nodded and ran towards the garage. Michael went near a cupboard and opened the first drawer. He looked left and right and pulled out a Glock 22 and tucked it under his waistcoat. Then, strapped a 'SIG Sauer P220' in the holster wrapped around his right shin. He is not afraid of death but he is now the sole torch bearer of the uprising against the corrupt and notorious criminals of the Underworld, including his own father. His life is important as well as his cause.

Carl and Lorenzo were keeping a tight watch over Michael and his bodyguards. Marco was not stupid and perfectly knows that Colin has setup some henchmen to kill Michael today. He will definitely secure all the exits and entrances and would keep an eagle's eye on Michael. Carl and Lorenzo had only one mission initially: To get Michael and deport him to somewhere safe. Then, with his help arrest Jimmy and Adam. But, now they have a brainwashed soldier on their tail and has to face him before getting near Michael. Michael came and sat in his car and went towards his destination. Carl and Lorenzo quickly descended and jumped into their car and started following Michael's car. Carl asked, "Do you see Marco or his team's car somewhere near?" Lorenzo took a look on all sides but no specified car came in view. Lorenzo said with suspicion, "Marco won't leave Michael as a bait as far as I know him. But, no car is in view and moreover the road is too overcrowded for surprise entries." Carl said grimly, "Launch the drone. I want to see if there is any airborne threats to our mission." Lorenzo obeyed the order and launched the drone. Lorenzo said, "There is nothing suspicious. Everything is fine and normal, except a trailer truck carrying heavy logs approaching towards Michael's car." Carl took out his binoculars and took a look. He screamed, "IT'S JAMES HARRY!! COLIN HIRED HIM TO KILL MICHAEL. We need to approach Michael's car." The truck already detached the logs, blocking the way of the cars. Instantly, five men with machine guns departed from the truck and started shooting the car. The glass was bulletproof and could sustain some damage. The driver quickly reversed the car and rode over one men and hid behind one car. He quickly got out of the car and took Michael to a safe place. He said, "You stay here. My men are going to protect you. He took out a grenade and threw it at the direction of the truck and blew it off. After, sensing that no one is coming in their direction, he pulled off his phone and commanded in his walkietalkie, "Call backup. There are more to come." Carl got a glimpse of the face of the driver, ",It's Marco Diaz. He was disguised as Michael's driver." Lorenzo said, "There are more to come. Let's engage." Dozens of other assassins creeped out and started shooting at them. Marco managed to kill some of them, but also got many bullet holes in his chest. Marco's team arrived and started clearing the path for Michael, but Harry was smart and surrounded them. Many of Marco's men were gunned down in retaliation and Marco got in a disadvantage of numbers.

James Harry got off from the truck and lit a cigarette. He then approached Marco and stomped on his leg. He said wryly, "Oh! The great Marcus Joseph is lying in a near death condition. Such a pity. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Anyway, your time has come, old man." James raised his gun and was about to shoot Marco, when a voice screamed, "Not so soon. James." All turned in the direction of the voice and a bullet pierced James's head, making him fall on the ground, dead. All raised their guns, but Carl was quick enough to shoot everyone down. Lorenzo ran towards Marco, he was still holding guard before the door of the car in which Michael was sitting. Seeing, Carl and Lorenzo Marco took James's gun and pointed it at them. Carl and Lorenzo lowered their guns and threw it a little far. Marco said coughing, "Please, save him. He is a good man. Plea....see." Marco felled on the ground, his eyes wide open. Lorenzo went and closed his eyes and patted his chest. He said, "You are a brave soldier." Carl opened the door of the car and said, "Come on, Michael. We need to vacate this place immediately." Michael hesitated at first, but still he went with them because if they wanted to kill him, they would have done it much ago. Carl, Lorenzo and Michael got up on one of the abandoned trucks. They then forwarded through the bloodied road full of bodies, both of assassins and innocents. Michael prayed, "Lord, please send these innocents to heaven." Carl said, "So, you are a peace loving person unlike your father. I like that." Michael was flabbergasted. He asked suspiciously, "How do you know my father? You work for him or his evil friend, Jimmy?" Lorenzo laughed, "Your father is no less a monster than Jimmy. I wonder how do you are so generous and kind?" Michael said, "My mother always loved him and wanted him to leave Jimmy's side. He never listened to my mother and eventually got corrupt with that evil monster. My mother couldn't bear such pain and died as a criminal's wife." Carl replied, "Don't you worry. We are from U.C.I.D. We will help you fight people like Jimmy who corrupting the environment of the humanity." Lorenzo sensed something. He looked out and saw three SUVs and five motorcycles were following them. He said loudly, "The chase isn't over yet. Looks like they got a fat sum of money to eliminate our goody two shoes." Carl said, "We don't have ammunition." Michael said, "I have two pistols and some bullets." He took out his guns and gave them to Lorenzo. Lorenzo said, "You know how to shoot?" Michael said, "Are you kidding me? It's America." Michael and Lorenzo took their positions and Carl slowed the truck a little. As soon as two motorists came near them, Lorenzo and Michael aimed at their arms and legs and sent them flying in the air. But, more motorcycles joined the chase. The SUVs speeded up and started shooting at them. Michael dodged and shot their tyres open. The car lost its balance and crashed at the nearby lamppost. Lorenzo said, "There are more joining the chase. We need some serious damagers." Carl said, "We have no option other than fast driving."

Lorenzo said, "I know a way to deal some serious damage to our chasers." He pulled out two grenades out of his pocket and said, "When I say 'throw' then Carl speed up and Michael throw one grenade on the ground." After, half a minute Lorenzo said "THROW" Michael threw the grenade on the ground and Carl speeded the truck. The two SUVs blasted in the air following the motorcycles. The burning carcass of the SUVs blocked the road, making their escape easier. After, travelling a certain distance, Carl diverted the route and went offroad. A Toyota RAV4 was waiting for them in the jungle. Carl stopped the truck and all three dismounted from it. Upon seeing the driver, Lorenzo asked surprisingly, "Paul? What are you doing here?" Paul grinned, "Do you think officers of U.C.I.D are fools? I knew from the beginning that you and Carl were not going to remain silent. Anyway, Carl is with me and yeah I am a part of this mission." Lorenzo gave a surprised look at Carl and he nodded in approval. Paul went near Michael and said, "Sorry for the inconvenience. But, it's neccessary." Paul injected 2ml of Xanax in his shoulder. Michael soon started feeling dizzy and fell on Carl's arms. Carl laid him on the backseat and sat with him. Lorenzo and Paul mounted the vehicle and soon rode off. On the way, Lorenzo asked, "What about the truck?" Paul said, "Don't worry. It been packed with 6 grams of RDX and must have sent the truck to heaven till now." Carl asked, "Did you get any lead on Jimmy Law?" Paul said, "Our informer has been keeping an eye on him. He is not currently there but many of his friends and business partners are there. They will be enough for us to nab that bastard." Lorenzo said, "Looks like our trip is going to be quite amusing." Paul laughed, "Why wouldn't it be? After all, we are going straight into the lion's den, Malaysia........