Arman's Elder Brother

After torturing Akon and Joseph, Charan and his gang were able to get some important information about the Gonzalez Family. Charan decided to share this information with his allies and went to a confidential meeting between him and his partners. Alia was taking full care of Survi as she is overcoming from the trauma and depression of the incident which happened to her. Shirley as usual, was busy in her daily activities. No one told her the truth and gave an excuse that Survi was feeling sick and couldn't come with her. Survi decided to keep the baby as she cannot punish an innocent soul for the misdoings of it's father. All respected her decision and promised to support her.

It was late afternoon, Arman and Vivek were digging two graves for Akon and Joseph. After, putting their bodies in the holes and burying them; Arman wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "When will we bury Ryan and his whore, Vanessa beside these two fools?" Vivek laughed, "Chill man. We will do it when the time comes. Anyway, Ryan is a very dangerous person and smart too. We need both timing and plan to eliminate him." Arman washed his hands and legs and went inside. Vivek sighed, "Poor, man. Life is really not being good to him." He followed him in. Arman was drinking glasses over glasses of whiskey. Vivek patted his head, "Drinking will only harm you. Learn to control your emotions." Arman hugged Vivek and started crying, "Why, why this always happens with me? The woman whom I truly love is becoming mother of someone other's child and I just have to watch it silently." Vivek said grimly, "Fate. It works in very mysterious ways. Survi decided to keep her baby so there is nothing that we can do. If you love her, then you would definitely love her child too." Arman growled, "I would have definitely loved her child if it was not only her child, but my child too. How do you expect me to love the child of a swine like Ryan? Moreover, Ryan won't never let Survi give birth to this child." Arman asked, "Why won't he let his child come to the world?"

Arman stood from his stool and sat on the sofa. He laughed, "I know what kind of person Ryan is. You may not know but Ryan always wanted to eliminate his elder brother, Richeff so that he could easily become the heir of the Gonzalez Family. Charan and you, unintentionally made his dream come true. You killed Richeff, the Mr. Gonzalez, Charon and eventually Mr. Salvatore and now Akon and Joseph. So, who remained alive?" Vivek said thinking, "Ryan, Miss Vanessa, Ryan's foster cousin Adeleke and Ryan's stepbrother Nick." Arman continued, "Nick lives with his mother in Netherlands and doesn't have any link with the Gonzalez Family. So, it's mainly Ryan and only Ryan. Vanessa being the heiress of the Salvatore Family and after the recent death of Theodore, is at the pinnacle of Salvatore Family. So, Ryan would definitely want to marry her so he can become more powerful with the coalition of both families. Then, he would have the seat of the High Table readymade for him and will become invincible. But, if Survi claims that he impregnated her and is able to prove her claims, then Ryan will lose his golden goose and would also face repercussions from the High Table as harrassment of women is a punishable offence. So, why would he even let Survi live to become a pain in his ass?"

Arman curled his lips and thought for a moment. He then looked at Armaan and said, "You do have a point in your words. A person such as Ryan would never like to have hurdles in his way; he will surely like to kill Survi and finish his problems. But, she is under our protection and Ryan won't dare to attack her." Arman asked, "But, what happens when she returns to India? Who will protect her there? Ryan can easily eliminate her there." Vivek asked annoyingly, "So, what are you trying to say?" Arman cleared his throat, "I was thinking what if Survi marries me and then becomes my wife. Who would even dare to touch Arman Rashid's wife?" "Many." A voice said these words. Arman and Vivek turned towards their back. A tall, slim, well dressed young man was standing with one hand tucked in his pocket. With other hand, he was brushing his medium cut wavy hair. He was wearing a red coat and a black waistcoat beneath. A pair of rugged jeans and black leather shoes. A Rolex watch was strapped around his left wrist. He winked and smiled at Arman and Vivek. Arman ran and hugged him, "Akhi, how are you? You know how much I miss you." The man laughed and brushed Arman's hair and said, "You are the one who forgot us? Abba, Ammi and Saira always remembers you and prays for your safety." Vivek went and hugged him. He said, "You could have told me about your arrival? I would have personally received you at the airport." The man laughed, "No problem. Anyway, Charan received me, I was with him. He told me that Arman has chosen a girl for him." He stretched Arman's nose. The man is Arman's elder brother, Ejaz Rashid. He manages the external matters of his family and is the guardian of Arman. He never denied Arman's any wishes or requests and always tried his best to fulfill the wishes. Being a calm and friendly person, Ejaz befriends anybody and so has no enemies or rivals. Smart, generous and responsible, he is the exact opposite of Arman.

Ejaz went near the bar and poured himself a glass of malt. He finished the drink in one gulp and said, "So where is my sister in law? I have brought a gift for her." Arman said smiling, "She is in the bedroom, probably sleeping. She has fever and needs rest for some days." Vivek nodded in approval. Ejaz laughed, "It's okay. Fever is not contagious. I can meet her and anyway she would feel happy that our parents have accepted her. Saira has even given me a gift for her. She told me to give it to Survi." Arman and Vivek had no choice but to take Ejaz to Survi's room. Arman said, "This is her room. Go inside and meet her. I and Vivek have some work to do." Saying this, Arman dragged Vivek downstairs and went out of sight. Ejaz gave them a puzzled look and knocked on the door. After sometime, Survi said, "Come in." Ejaz entered the room. Survi was sitting half awake and on seeing Ejaz, asked abruptly, "Who are you? Where is Alia?" Ejaz smiled and said, "I am Ejaz Farukh Al Rashid, but you can call me Ejaz. I am Arman's elder brother and I have come to meet you." He forwarded his gifts towards Survi and sat on a chair nearby. Survi said, "He never told me about you. Anyway, I am Survi Ghoshal." She extended her hand towards him and they shaked hands. Survi said, "Excuse me. I need to use the bathroom." Ejaz said, "No problem. We have a whole month to talk." Survi went to the bathroom and Ejaz rose up to go, when his eyes fell on something. He picked it up and smiled, "A pregnancy test kit and it shows positive. Arman, you naughty boy." Ejaz put the kit in its place and went downstairs. On the way, Ejaz met Alia who was bringing soup for Survi. Alia said smiling, "Ejaz. How are you? It's been a long time since meet last time." She side hugged him. Ejaz said, "Add some broccoli and potatoes in her soups. It gives more protein to the body." Alia asked, "What do you mean?" Ejaz said, "Don't act innocent, darling. I know that Survi is pregnant, I saw the pregnancy test kit on her table." Alia said, "Yes, that's true. We were going to tell you but nevertheless you discovered it anyway. Aren't you angry?" Ejaz laughed, "No, it's okay. This things happens. One should always see the brighter side and move on." He kissed Alia on her forehead and went outside. Alia smiled, "Now, I know why everyone likes him. He is always optimistic and knows how to be happy."

After sometime, Vivek and Arman returned. Charan and Alia were waiting for them and when they saw them. Charan asked, "Do you know Ejaz has come today to meet Arman?" Arman replied, "Yeah. We had met him. He was looking for Survi and then we showed Survi's room to him. Then, we went out to bring his favorite donuts for him." Alia said, "That's where the problem began. Ejaz saw Survi's pregnancy test kit and thought that it's Arman's child. He was so happy and told everyone about this good news." Arman almost collapsed on the ground. Vivek pulled him up and said, "It's okay. Atleast he didn't know the truth." "What truth?" Ejaz's voice came from behind. Arman turned and saw Ejaz was holding dozens of boxes of sweets. Vivek said, "Nothing. Just Arman wanted that the baby should be legitimate." Ejaz laughed, "He should have thought that before doing sex with Survi." Everyone laughed a fake laugh and Vivek patted Ejaz's shoulder. Ejaz continued, "Anyway, it's a party tomorrow. After all, our Arman is going to be a father soon." He went inside with the boxes. Charan asked, "Your brother is really a partymonger. Anyway, what will you do?" Arman said, "I am at a loss of words. On one hand, we are adopting the child and on other hand, we are his father's biggest enemies. What a dilemma." Charan asked abruptly, "Alia, you told me that you were feeling pregnant? So, are you?" Alia said, "Nah, it was just a false alarm." Charan relaxed his breath. Vivek said, "I heard Ryan has appointed someone to kill Survi tomorrow. So, we have to be careful." Arman, Charan and Alia all cried together, "WHAT!!!?" Vivek said, "The person is not identified yet but still it is confirmed that he will surely attack tomorrow." Arman asked, "Should we cancel tomorrow's party?" Charan said, "No, Ejaz shouldn't know about our personal troubles. He is our guest and we don't want a public exhibition of Survi's pregnancy." Arman nodded. Alia said, "We can't just wait like this. Thousands of people will come tomorrow in the party and the assassin would be there too." Vivek said, "Don't worry. We will keep a tight watch over all the guests. No one will escape from my and Arman's sight." Arman said, "Once I have done the mistake of leaving Survi alone but not now. I will be her shadow tomorrow." Charan said, "As you wish. Anyway she is your responsibility after all." Suddenly, the lights went off and a scream came from Survi's room, "HELPPPP!!!.....