Gangchun Tomako

It was late evening and most of the city was going back to their homes from their boring, everyday work. The moon was crystal clear on the sky, beaming its light to every dark corner on the road. But, the most beautiful sight was the reflection of the moon on a small pond. The water was shining and the frogs were lazily sitting on the leaves of water lilies, croaking their throats with their maximum power.

The pond along with the lilies and probably, the frogs are all the property of the house in which the pond is situated. The house was built in the traditional Japanese castle style with stretched cone shaped roofs and some gargoyles were built all around the attic. The interior was also semi-Japanese style with traditional Samurai swords and suit hanging on the wall. The house is two storeyed with a wide, majestic staircase joining the first floor to the ground floor. There weren't many doors indicating that there aren't many rooms or inhabitants to live in them. Far opposite from the staircase is a huge door with a dragon embedded on it.

Behind the huge door, soft screams of a woman can be heard "Do it slow. It's hurting." The heavy moans and the loud thumping indicates that the time of climax has arrived. The guy quickly withdrew his manhood and thrusted it in the girl's mouth. The girl almost choked from the huge quantity of liquid in her mouth and slowly swallowed it. The guy slowly withdrew his 'thing' and started licking his partner's lips and then planted a soft kiss on her lips. He then got down from the bed and wore his silk robe. He went and poured himself a glass of wine and finished it in a single sip. He exhaled heavily and sat on a nearby armchair, he was really tired from his hours of hard work. The girl cleaned herself and wore her clothes and started combing her hair. The guy came and handed three fat bundles of money in her hand and said, "Here, take the money. The doctors would be waiting for you as they need to do your brother's surgery." The girl took the money and asked, "You could have given it to me anyway. Why all this?" The guy laughed and stretched her cheek, "I am a businessman, darling. I don't give anything without getting some in return. Anyway, the profit is all yours." He gave her a naughty smile.

A knock interrupted their scene, the guy groaned and opened the door. A tall, blonde haired man was waiting there. The girl went outside the room and said, "You have given me double the amount." The guy said, "Keep it and if you need any help in future, you know my address." The girl smiled and went running downstairs. The uninvited visitor went inside the room and said on the armchair. He asked, "So, how are you, Tamoko?" Yes, the guy is no other than Gangchun Tomako. Gangchun said, "It's Tomako, not Tamoko." The guy replied, "Whatever. I have some good and bad news for you, my boy." Tomako raised his eyebrows and signalled him to continue. The blonde man continued, "As you know, Jimmy Law is in Malaysia and would surely visit you. I was implying, why don't we take advantage of it?" Tomako asked suspiciously, "You want to kill him, Richard?" Richard said, "No, I just want a public announcement that you are his son and the only worthy person to take Jimmy's place." Tomako laughed, "Jimmy won't give me his position so easily. Moreover, many people are already trying to become his successor. The foremost person being Ryan Gonzalez who is the son of Mr. Gonzalez." Richard sighed, "I hate both of them. Mr. Gonzalez once robbed my father's business and eventually brought him to such an extent that he had to leave both his power and dignity. Now, his son is opposing us." Tomako said finishing his glass, "Ryan isn't the main problem. He has involved himself in some stupid opinion clashes with some new but ruthless criminals." Richard asked, "So, who is the main problem?"

Tomako replied, "Rubisco. Alphonso Rubisco. That shrewd criminal turned businessman decided to overthrow Jimmy's empire and wants to built his own empire. He has joined hands with Firoz Afridi and is planning something big. Firoz is a very sadistic person and whatever they are doing will certainly bring lot of heat on us." After, sometime Richard took his leave and went home. Tomako went and took a bath. After, devouring rice and vegetables with chicken curry, he went to sleep. As, he was going to sleep, he saw a silhouette passing through the window. He silently rose from his bed and withdrew his pistol kept below his pillow. He went near the door and looked through the peephole; some men in dark black clothes and having balaclava on the face were silently approaching his room. Tomako went to the secret small door on the other side of the room. This door leads to the arsenal and he had made it specially for such situations. He quickly strapped himself in armor and silently went backside of the guards. He then threw a smoke grenade on the ground and Tch Tch Tch the assassins were lying dead on the floor. But, that was not the end more people break in the room and started shooting at Tomako. Tomako quickly jumped behind the sofa and retaliated; being a pro shooter his every shot penetrated the heads of the assassins. More and more assassins were coming inside as Tomako was busy gunning down his enemies.

One of the assassins threw a grenade at Tomako and Tomako immediately jumped on the other side. The grenade blew away the sofa along with one the pillars of the house. The guy was about to throw another grenade but Tomako shoot at the grenade, making it blast and killing the guy and the surrounding people. Tomako's left arm is injured from the previous blast but still he managed to keep his head down and gunned down the assassins. He realised that he cannot sustain much longer and running away is a better choice, he took a grenade and threw it near the half damaged pillar. The blast broke the pillar completely, making fissure on the roof. The house is about to collapse and Tomako threw the last grenade at the door before jumping through the window. The assassins were killed both by the blast and being crushed under the falling debris. Tomako ran towards the backside of the building. He was very exhausted and the constant blood loss from his left arm had made his eyesight dizzy. He got inside his car and went to Richard's house. He severely knocked on the door and Richard opened the door.

Richard looked at him and asked, "What happened? Come inside." He dragged Tomako inside and treated his left arm, while Tomako narrated the whole story. Richard asked, "Who it could be? Why would anyone target you? You are such a lowkey." Tomako said, "First of all, I am not a lowkey and secondly, everyone knows who I am and who is my father." Richard asked, "You know who tried to kill you?" Tomako said, "Ofcourse, it's too obvious. Firoz Afridi. He wants to eliminate all the aspirants and then kill Jimmy and Adam." Richard said, "A strategist like Firoz would definitely think like that. But, what strategy are you thinking?" Tomako said, "Once a great man said "Kingdoms are won by armies, but empires are built with alliances." If we want to build our empire and defeat the evil intentions of Alphonso and Firoz, then we need to make some strong allies." Richard asked, "Who do you have on mind?" Tomako replied, "Most of the biggest families are either on Jimmy's side or are the independent ones who dreams of overthrowing Jimmy like Alphonso and the Italians. We need someone who is neither a supporter or an opposer of my father. I know a guy named Charan Khatri. He's new in this business but he knows how to pluck the right strings. He will be a good person on our side." Richard replied, "No. As far as I heard, he's unreliable, too much aggressive and a total greedy person. He won't join us until he finds us helpful for him." Tomako said, "He wants to kill Ryan and Vanessa. His plans are very big and dangerous. But, we need to help him if we need him." Richard asked, "You are really going against Ryan." "Anyway, we need Ryan to die for the sake of our lives. He is a very ambitious and evil person, he won't stop until he finishes all the competition around him, including us." Tomako replied. "What about Charan, he is also a greedy wolf." Tomako smiled, "Don't worry, my friend. Once, Ryan dies, we can kill Charan too...