The First Step Towards Justice

Carl and Lorenzo were asking Michael about Jimmy and Adam and how much he knows about them. The recent attack on Michael clearly indicates that his life is in danger and so has been moved to the home of Carl Johnson. He was presumed dead and his movement has been stopped by Colin and some of his associates, which was good for Michael as he now knows who is his real enemy.

Carl asked, "Is Adam Mamba the real name of your father?" Michael replied, "No, his real name is Joseph Von N'gole and Jimmy's real name is Agalo Takeshi." Carl asked again, "Did you contact him recently or vice versa?" Michael replied, "No, he never calls me. He always wanted me to be his successor and accept his wrongdoings. I also, don't contact him as his ignorance and selfishness took my childhood and mother away from me." Michael's eyes became moist and Lorenzo patted his shoulder. Carl asked, "Do you know any weak links or any useful information that can help us?" Michael recalled, "I once heard from somebody that my father has a family in Cambodia and often visits the place. Also, he recruits youngsters from Cambodia to join his army. He is very persuasive and misleads them with topics like racism, liberalism and violation of our constitutional rights."

Lorenzo asked, "Do you think that your father has sent people to kill you as he has a new successor?" Michael denied, "No, whatever my father does, he loves me a lot. People don't dare to oppose me as they know he is behind me. As far as having a new successor, I don't see any profit in killing me as I am not even a little bit interested in having his place." Carl asked, "Then, who sent James Harry behind you? He was a very expensive assassin and only worked for large organizations like your father's." Lorenzo said doubtfully, "I know who can send assassins after Michael and will also have profit in his death?" Michael and Carl asked at the same time, "Who?"

Lorenzo replied, "Do you remember, Carl? What the guard said? Something about some Colin Powell." Michael said, startled, "Colin Powell? I know him. He is the Joint Secretary of the Mayoral Committee and is supporting me in winning the upcoming election. Why would he send people to kill me?" Carl rushed to his room and brought his laptop. He entered Colin's name and searched about him. Carl said, "I knew it. Colin Powell, that name sounds familiar. Lorenzo, you remember three years, many workers died in a chemical blast in a factory and the owner was found dead three days later." Lorenzo recalled, "Yeah. The owner drank cyanide which also found in the bodies of the dead workers. The incident was declared an accident and the owner's death as a suicide and also the factory was sold to a business company named Rubisco." Michael asked, "What does that incident has to do with this case?" Carl said, "That is the starting point of the whole story. You may not know but three weeks prior to the disaster, Jimmy offered thirty million dollars to the owner to sell the company to him. He wanted to use the factory as a front to create biochemical weapons for him and strengthen his grip on the underworld. But, the owner refused to sell the factory and also informed the police about his location. The police raided and killed many of his men, resulting in losses of both men and money . Then, the incident occurred and the rest is history." Lorenzo asked, "That's okay and good to know. But, what does it have to do with Powell?" Michael said shocked, "It has to do, as the owner was no other than Colin's elder brother, Louis Powell." Carl said, "Exactly. Moreover, the person who brought the ruined factory, is Alphonso Rubisco. Everyone knows that he is 'hands in gloves' with Firoz Afridi, that cruel and notorious terrorist who has been a big threat to the people of Iran, Syria and Iraq."

Paul Griffin entered the room and asked, "So, how far did your investigation go?" Carl replied, "Michael don't know much about his father or Jimmy Law, but we now know some people who can be hurdles in our way." Paul raised his hand and said, "Just eliminate them. We don't have much time in our hands. U.C.I.D has already decided to hand over the case to Mossad." Lorenzo asked, "Mossad?" Paul replied, "Yeah, Mossad. Jimmy is becoming a big threat to humanity and only his death will bring us in safety." Lorenzo said, "The case is more twisted than it appears. Apart from Jimmy Law, two other big criminals have joined the red list of U.C.I.D." Paul asked startled, "Who?" Carl replied, "Alphonso Rubisco and Firoz Afridi." Paul almost fainted. He screamed, "Firoz Afridi is a fucking terrorist. I think we should hand over the case to Mossad." Michael said, "No, Mossad will take much time to nab them. Moreover, Rubisco is one of the biggest entrepreneurs of the world. He is clean and legit and maintains a very respectful relationship with Russia and other powerful countries. But, there is one way." Paul asked, "What way?" Michael replied, "Colin Powell. He has a meeting with Saleem, Firoz's right hand man. We can use them to take charges on them." Carl asked, "How you know about this meeting?" Michael replied, "I have some informers around. A good politician keeps track of his allies and people, but a smart politician keeps track of his opponents and enemies." Carl laughed, "Well said. When will that meeting occur?" Michael replied, "Two days from now. They will meet at some abandoned warehouse in Sutton." Paul Griffin commanded, "Officers Carl and Lorenzo, go and bring Colin and Saleem along with their motives. Also, take Michael with you." Carl asked, "Why?" Paul replied, "He will recognize them and moreover I will be in Hawaii for a week." Lorenzo, "You are going on a vacation?" Paul said, "It's personal and moreover it's your mission. Take all arms and guns you need, but remember U.C.I.D doesn't know about any secret operation like this and is no way responsible for any mishaps." Carl and Lorenzo saluted, "Yes, Sir."

Sutton Valley, UK.

A black Peugeot stopped near the warehouse. The driver ran out and opened the back door. A muscular, tall man got off from the car. He was wearing a dark brown uniform with a military cap and gloves of the same color. His eyes were hidden behind the Aviator Black Sunglasses and a burning cigar was dangling between his fore finger and middle finger. His heavy boots were stomping the ground as he was advancing towards a middle aged, bald man waiting for him. He smiled and hugged the man. He said, "Thank God, you killed that imbecile Michael. Don't know how the world works. Firoz will be pleased to hear this good news." The bald guy said, "I hope you brought the documents of the deal. Saleem." He smiled, "Not so soon, brother. I need some more dead bodies to give you the documents." Colin asked, "Whose bodies?" Saleem replied, "Ryan Gonzalez." Colin was quite puzzled as Ryan is not whom he wants to destroy. He asked, "What about Jimmy Law?" Saleem laughed and patted Colin's shoulder, "See, my brother. Things need to done in a proper way, Jimmy is the shark and we have to first kill his partners. Ryan is the starting person, he is still weak and after the recent death of his father and brother, Gonzalez Family is almost dead." Colin measured the possibilities and asked, "Ryan may be allegedly a weak man, but he is a very sly person and moreover Jimmy will only be profited from Ryan's death." Saleem said wryly, "Yeah, yeah. You killed Michael and brought the wrath of Jimmy on you but hesitates to kill Ryan and get in the good books of Jimmy." Colin understood what Saleem is trying to say. He laughed and gave a smirk.

Carl, Lorenzo and Michael have arrived at the backside of the warehouse. Michael said, "Beware of the guys. Saleem will not be a easy target to catch." Carl laughed, "Don't worry, kiddo. We have catch much bigger morons than him." Lorenzo loaded his gun and wore his armor. He said, "Carl will go left and I will go middle. Michael will go right and will constantly report us about their positions." They scattered and started inspecting the area. Since, it is a confidential meeting and should be concealed; Saleem had only three bodyguards and Colin was along with his personal bodyguard and five of his supporters. Lorenzo accidentally stepped on a beeper buried in the ground and this alerted the guards. Lorenzo quickly hid behind the bushes and waited there for some time. The guards came and found a squirrel running around. They just sighed and went away. Carl went and caught one guard and broke his neck. He then hid his body behind the bushes and quickly punctured the tyres of Saleem's Peugeot. Michael as planned threw a spike strip under Colin's SUV. On the count of three, they started shooting and gunned down two of Colin's bodyguards. Saleem and Colin ran towards the basement and hid behind the old machinery. Carl and Michael had no difficulty killing the guards as they were already surprised by the sudden attack. Lorenzo cried in his microphone, "Get out and surrender yourselves. We don't want to kill you." Nevertheless Colin and Saleem started shooting, Carl and Lorenzo hid behind the walls and retaliated. A bullet hit Michael's shoulder and injured him. Saleem and Colin ran away from the backside of the warehouse. Carl and Lorenzo had no option but to gun them down. Carl said sadly, "Stupid. For them, we have lost our lead." Lorenzo replied, "Their dead bodies will enough to put Firoz's name on the spotlight." Michael said, "Poor Colin. He could have got justice the right way. Alas! Now he is lying dead on the ground." They put their bodies in the car and drove off to their hideout. Carl asked, "Now, what?" Lorenzo replied, "Now, Firoz and Alphonso will go in hiding and Jimmy's terror will increase tremendously." Michael sighed, "Underworld is all about advantages and disadvantages. One party loses, other one wins." Lorenzo laughed, "The same happens in politics too, crime is just another name for politics." Michael laughed, "No, crime is one faced, while politics is double faced. Both good and bad." Carl replied, "No, Michael. Politics asks sacrifice and loyalty, but only 2% politicians guarantees this quality. For example, Colin was a good businessman and had the quality to impress people, but he lacked morality and power of companionship. He befriended wrong people like Afridi and Rubisco. They exploited him and used him as a face for their protection." Lorenzo said, "They don't have conscience and chases some uncouth desires. Money runs nations and to get this money, everyone tries their best." Carl said angrily, "People like Jimmy and Rubisco don't choose, the path of crime because of their monetary problems but due to their sadistic and evil nature. To finish crime, we have to finish criminals like Jimmy and Rubisco, so that no one tries to fill up their space." Lorenzo replied, "Sure. One day, we will bring them to justice and punish them for their actions." Their car rushed towards the distance along with the setting of the sun, calling it just an another day.....