A Night To Remember

Ankita finally arrived in Malaysia safely and without any unnecessary brawl. She disguised herself as an old lady, who has been teleported for medical treatment from India. At the hospital, she changed place with an already dead old woman, confirming that she died during treatment. She moped all her traces like CCTV footage and airport records with the help of her influential friends. Aung San has left for work, Jaspal and Jack were touring the city for getting some better information, Akash and Vishal were busy settling their equipment and other stuff. I was the only idle person that day and was having my breakfast of brown bread and peanut butter and a cup of hot herbal tea. A sudden knock interrupted the peacefulness of my breakfast. I slightly opened the door and a body pushed me down the floor and pointed a gun on my face. I quickly tripped his legs and took the gun from his hands and shot. To my surprise, the gun was empty. The intruder opened his mask and it was Ankita. She patted my shoulder and said, "Well done, my boy. Looks like our doctor has turned into a CIA agent." She threw her luggage at me and went near the table. She quickly gulped my tea and bread. My stomach cursed her with a loud growl, but I remained quiet. She asked, "Where are the crazy troupe?" I replied, "Jack and Jaspal has went for city tour, Aung San have went to work and Akash and Vishal are busy with their stuff."

She came near and pulled my collar, bringing my face near hers. She said, "Looks like we are alone." I said nervously, "Yeah, we are alone. But, don't worry they will come soon." She came even closer to me and whispered in my ear, "I don't think I have to worry. I am very tired from the long journey, I think I need some refreshments." She lightly bite my earlobe and started licking my neck. She hugged me tighter, crashing her bosom with my chest. I was resisting my hormones and the high level of dopamine running in my nervous system. I am feeling like a sage who is resisting his lustrous desires and trying to attain salvation. She started opening the buttons of my shirt and I am standing straight like a mannequin. She then kissed my lips and her salvia mixed with mine. She holded my hand and pulled me towards my room and I am following her like an enchanted lover. She pushed on the bed and climbed on me. She opened her tshirt and then her bra, she then started kissing my chest. Seeing no reaction from me, she asked with disappointment, "Don't you think I am beautiful? Don't you feel attracted to me?" I had arrived at such a stage of a boy's life where he has to choose between his heart and mind. I decided to go with my heart. I pulled her down and started devouring her youth. Then, I opened her clothes and then my clothes.

To be frank, I kissed every single part of her body and finally started the main activity. I put some spit on the tip of my 'thing' to lubricate it and asked for Ankita's consent. She nodded in approval and I thrusted it inside her. She gave a soft moan and caught a pillow and started crushing it with her fingers. I pulled her up and started did it in the cowgirl style. We tried every position possible and then we reached our climax. We were lying on the bed, tired and panting. Ankita asked, "Do you really love Survi?" I replied, "Of course. She is in my heart." She then asked sadly, "So, where do I live and what is our relation?" I was about to answer when, suddenly the ground started shaking and the surrounding got dizzy. I jumped off the bed and saw Jaspal saying, "Wake up! Lazy boy. Ankita is here and she has a plan." I rubbed my eyes and saw Ankita discussing plans with the other members of the team. I asked, "From how long was I sleeping?" He replied, "From the morning, we found you sleeping on the chair and brought you here. Aung said you accidentally drank his herbal tea which contains hallucinogens." I said to myself, "Fuck you, Aung!" I washed my face and when to Ankita. She was reading a book. I asked, "What are you reading?" She pulled her head upward and replied, "Oh, this book. It's "Homo Deus" written by Yuval Noah Harari. It describes the interrelationship between human and their surroundings." I smiled. She asked, "What about your mission, boy? You have been asleep for half the day." I just smiled, "How can I tell her that my subconscious mind lusts for her and that I am hiding my 'boner' from her." She observed my strange behavior and pulled me inside her room.

She pushed me on the door and came near me. She asked angrily, "Do you think I'm a fool? That I don't see how much you crave for me?" I swallowed my saliva and was about to answer, when she closed my mouth with her hand. She gave me a spine shaking cold glare straight to my eyes and said, "You are a good man and any girl will love to have you, but I'm on a mission and had promised myself that I won't fall in love with anyone till I kill Jimmy Law with my own hands. So, please don't make things complicated for both of us and think rationally." She then took her hand aside and kissed me lightly on my lips. She continued, "This is the first and the last kiss, you got from me." She opened the door and rushed out. Everyone was looking at me with both astonishment and suspicion. I said, "Nothing serious. She just wanted to explain me the plan as I was asleep ago." Everyone eased out and went to their rooms. I asked Aung, "Sir, do you have some of your herbal sticks?" He nodded in approval and gave me two of his herbal sticks and a lighter. I am not a chainsmoker nor have a habit of smoking cannabis, but I don't know why but today, smoking isn't feeling bad to me. I went out and lighted my first 'herbal stick', one sip filled my mind with some kind of heavenly enjoyment and after five more sips, even my feet weren't on the ground, I was seeing heaven. But, the feeling was euphemistic and suddenly sad thoughts in the form of dark clouds started encircling me and then the heavenly light turned into a dark and gloomy night. Sounds of laughter, curses and sarcasms started echoing all around. I tightly closed my ears and lied on the floor screaming, "LEAVE ME! LEAVE ME!" When I opened my eyes, the darkness was gone and a long pathway opened before me. At the farthest distance, sounds of screams came and hitted my ears, I started running towards the sound's source. When I reached, I saw two hands asking for help, one was Survi and another was Ankita, both were crying for help as they were drowning and also some crocodiles were approaching in their direction. There was only one floating tube near me, then a voice came, "Choose the one you love the most and let the other die. You have only one chance, so choose wisely."

I was in a complex dilemma and both ways, there was my loss.The time was limited and both were almost drowned and the crocodiles were only few meters far from them. I closed my eyes and jumped in the river. I was feeling blissful but suddenly I started feeling breathless and I was about to die, when a hand reached out to me. It pulled me out and then slapped me, breaking all the intoxication and the fantasies in my mind. After, opening my eyes I saw Ankita standing there, looking at me angrily. She screamed, "Are you mad? You were going to commit suicide just because I rejected your infatuation and stupid fantasies." I was about to answer but she put a finger on my mouth. She continued, "I am not finished yet. Love is an emotional phenomenon which occurs when two hearts feel the same about each other. Look in my eyes and say if you see any love for you in my heart?" She glared straight into my eyes. I finally spoke up, "So, what do you want? Will you stay forever alone and be sad?" She said shocked, "Who said I'm sad? I'm very much happy that finally I'm going to kill my father's killer." I laughed, "So, after killing Jimmy and his partners, would you be satisfied? What will you do next?" She was dumbfounded. She replied, "A..aaa. Atleast I will be happy and then could live peacefully." I was wet from the late night bath and was shivering with cold. Ankita said, "Let's go inside. It looks like you need some dry clothes." We went inside and I changed my clothes. Ankita suddenly came out of her room and told me to follow her.

After following her through some tiny bushes and dark alleyways, we finally reached her spot. She looked here and there and opened a manhole cover and said, "Follow me inside. She lighted a flare torch and went inside, I followed her inside and then after some lefts and rights we finally reached a vault. She opened it and said, "This safe vault was built at the times of World War for civilians to stay safe. Only few people know about it, including Aung, me and now you. After the completion of first phase of our mission, this place will be our hideout. It contains enough food and water for three months, if properly utilized. It is packed with shotguns, grenades and enough armor and ammunition to kill a hundred people." I asked with curiosity, "Why are you showing this to me at the middle of the night?" She said, "Nothing serious. Just wanted some alone time." I asked, "So, I will go now, then." She caught my hand and said, "Wait. I want to show you something." I gave an eager look to her. She went and came with a little album. She opened it and started saying, "Take a look inside." I saw her childhood photos with her father, her college photos and then her marriage photos." I asked shocked, "You are married?" She replied, "Yes." I asked, "So, where is your husband?" She replied, "He left me and went with another woman." I asked, "Why would someone leave such a sweetheart like you?" She blushed and said, "Not everyone thinks from the heart, all that matters to them is financial support. Being an orphan, I didn't have money to finance his new venture and thus he became a sycophant of some rich lady who was fourteen years older than him and had three kids. He would always beat me and then forcefully molest me. He tormented me so much that love, compassion, sympathy all died inside me and I became a vengenceful woman who wants to erase all the culprits in her life. I first killed the priest who set me up with that monster and then killed my husband, faking it as an accident. There is no love left in my heart, only hate and vengeance." I went and hugged her tightly and then kissed on her forehead, "You will see life, the way you want. If you see hate, life will always be hateful and if you see joy and tenderness, life will be joyous for you." She gave a weak smile and said, "Well, you are a very good man. I love you for that." I asked, "You love me?" She smiled and blushed at the same time, "No, as people usually say. Like a friend." She then went out and said, "Go and sleep. We have big missions tomorrow." We then went outside and returned home. She went to her room and switched off the lights. I laughed, "Looks like I have to teach her how to live life and that day when she has no hatred in her heart, I will feel that I have achieved something great." I went to my bed and closed my eyes, waiting for tomorrow's adventures....