The Execution

Charan, Vivek, Alia and Arman ran upstairs towards Survi's room. Arman did not even ask for permission and broke the door and took out his gun. He screamed angrily, "Don't you dare harm Survi?" Alia, Charan and Vivek also entered the room and took out their guns. Alia lighted a torch and to their surprise, Survi was not there and also the window glass was broken. Arman ran towards the window and saw four masked men were carrying an unconscious Survi to a black Toyota. They took her inside and rode off. Arman quickly jumped and started running towards the car but they were already very far away from him. He then ran towards his car and started following them. Alia, Charan and Vivek also started packing some of their guns. Hearing such commotion outside, Ejaz came towards them and asked, "What was that noise and why Arman went in such a hurry?" Charan replied, "Some rival goons has kidnapped Survi and Arman went behind them." Ejaz said shocked, "WHAT!!??" He continued, "Wait, I will come too." Charan wanted to deny him, but he knows perfectly that Ejaz is more stubborn than Arman. So, he said, "Ok. Let's go." All went inside their car and started driving towards Arman's car. Vivek phoned Arman, "Where are you?" Arman replied, "96th Street, Lowtown. The car's number is LB09 2234 and it's heading towards the Industrial Colony." Ejaz quickly phoned his security manager, "Quickly send three packs of men in the Industrial Colony area. Do it ASAP." Vivek continued, "Use the tracking system and find the owner of the car." Arman quickly turned on his tracking system and scanned the car's number plate. Arman replied, "I knew it. That bastard Ryan can only do such things. I'm gonna rip him apart tonight." Charan said, "Don't go hyper, Arman. Ryan knows we will follow his goons and so he will be ready to strike us." Arman sighed, "Ok. Boss man. We will do the things your way, but promise me that you won't stop me from punching the whole set of teeth out of that moron's mouth." All laughed.

The black Toyota rushed inside the compound of the abandoned building and then the guards closed the door. Arman stopped near some dark shady place to hide his cover. Charan, Vivek, Alia and Ejaz also stopped near Arman's car. Ejaz got off from the car and asked, "Who dared to kidnap my sister in law?" Charan replied, "Who else has the audacity to mess with us other than Ryan Gonzalez." Ejaz tried to recall who Ryan is. He asked, "Gonzalez? Isn't it the family who always tried to sabotage my family business? But, isn't Mr. Gonzalez and his associates are dead, along with his son, Richeff and his butler, Charon?" Arman replied, "Of course. But, there is still one Gonzalez left, the most evil and lethal, Ryan. He even tried to rape Survi and has a grudge against us." Vivek replied, "Don't worry, brother Ejaz.We will finish this last Gonzalez today." Ejaz replied, "Amen to that."

The guards took Survi and tied her to a chair and splashed a bucket full of water on her. She woke up with a jolt, looking here and there. She started screaming, "Who are you? What do you want? Leave me, please." "Not so early, my love." A voice came from behind her. She turned and the fear of her life, Ryan Gonzalez. She screamed, "You monster. I will kill you. I'm gonna cut you into pieces." Ryan laughed, "Aha. So, you are going to cut me off in pieces? I like your valor, but tell me, little princess. How will you do that?" Survi asked angrily, "What do you want from me?" Ryan smiled, "Now, we are talking. See many things happened between us and without any restrictions. I am not sorry for that, but I have a little confusion." Survi asked, "What confusion?" Ryan came and rubbed Survi's belly and said, "Are you pregnant with my child?" Survi remained silent. Ryan looked in her eyes and asked again with anger, "ARE YOU PREGNANT WITH MY CHILD?" Survi's iris twitched and Ryan laughed. Ryan kept on laughing and laughing and suddenly punched Survi's stomach. Survi spitted out some blood and again Ryan punched her in the face, making her nose bleed. He pulled her hair and said, "My little princess, you are going to die, die, die, DIE!!!" He took out his gun and was about to shoot her, when a SUV blasted through the walls and a bullet pierced Ryan's hand.

Arman jumped from the car and started shooting the guards. Ryan took Survi on his shoulder and started running towards his car. Charan, Vivek and Ejaz gunned down most of the goons and were protecting Arman by forming a phalanx around him. Adeleke shot on Vivek's shoulder and Ejaz's right leg. He cried, "This is for my brothers." Charan was quick and shot Adeleke in the chest, ending his life. Charan laughed, "If you are attached, then go to them." He shot another bullet in Adeleke's head. Vivek said, "Ryan has taken Survi, we need to follow him." All went inside the SUV and started following Ryan's car. Ryan was speeding away the highway with Survi constantly trying to disturb him. Ryan elbowed her, crashing her head on the glass of the car. Now, her head was bleeding immensely and Ryan thrashed her head again, making her fully unconscious. He laughed, "That would silence you for a moment." Ryan called, "Send troops on the highway. We are gonna finish it today." Ryan saw Arman's SUV coming closer to him. He cursed, "Stupid people. They think they can stop me, no never." He lowered the glass of his window and shoot on a nearby car's driver's head. That poor man lost his control and crashed his car, killing him and his family. The burning carcass of the car created a blockade for Arman's car. Arman, nevertheless banged the car and marched forward. Charan, Alia, Vivek and Ejaz were following behind Arman's car. Minutes later, several black Toyotas started shooting at Arman and Charan's cars. Charan phoned Arman, "You keep chasing Ryan, we will keep his dogs busy." Ejaz opened the door and threw three grenades and BOOM! the front two cars blasted off in air. Vivek, Ejaz and Alia were shooting the car's tyres and one after another grenades blasted Ryan's dogs into ashes. The whole highway started becoming red and black with the blood of the victims. Many innocent people died on the road, bringing the police on the roads. Seeing police, Ryan played his most lethal move. He opened his laptop and hacked the system of the police cars.

The police cars started crashing, making Arman and Charan's car route more difficult and bloody. Ejaz said hastily, " We need a big blast. I have a plan." Arman and Charan both speeded their cars, escaping the spontaneous crashes of the police cars and finally went at a safe distance. Ejaz cried, "NOW!!" Ejaz opened the sunroof of the car and launched several grenades via his grenade launcher. The blast was so big with high amount of petrol in the cars, that the highway collapsed, damaging millions of properties and killing thousands of people living under the highway. Ryan speeded away on the countryside to avoid any more unnecessary attention, Arman and Charan still kept chasing him. Ryan was furious, "Aaaaaaaaa...." Survi woke up and saw Ryan still speeding away, almost at the speed of 110 mph creating a mini sandstorm behind him. She gripped the handbrake and closed her eyes. She then did what only a braveheart would do, she applied the handbrake and Ryan lost control of the car. He banged on the windshield and flew outside trembling on the ground. Survi was wearing seatbelt and fell from the cliff along with the car, ending her life. Arman and Charan stopped their car and Arman started running towards the cliff, Charan and Vivek started running towards him. Arman was about to jump from the cliff, when Charan caught his hand and pulled him. Arman cried, "Let me go. I want to die. I failed to save my Survi." Charan hugged Arman and said, "Control yourself. She is gone. But that doesn't mean you have to die too." Vivek screamed, "That swine, Ryan is running away." Ryan's body was heavily bleeding with both his hands broken. He was somehow running to save his life. Arman runned towards him and caught him. He punched him in his stomach and then twisted his already broken hand and threw him on his ground. Ryan started crawling but another foot kicked him in the face. It was Charan. Vivek pulled Ryan by his legs and kicked him in his balls and then Alia stomped him on the chest with her heavy wedges. Ejaz hitted him with a baseball bat, breaking Ryan's teeth. Ryan started begging for mercy, "Please, leave me. Please.." Arman took out his belt and started whipping him. Arman was screaming, "LEAVE YOU. DID YOU EVER THOUGHT HOW SURVI MUST HAVE FELT?? NOW CRY, MOTHERF****R!!" Arman kept on whipping till Ryan's back started bleeding. Charan, Vivek, Alia, Arman and Ejaz took out their pistols and emptied the whole magazine into Ryan's sinful body.

Arman was devastated with Survi's death. He was crying terribly, "Why God, why." Charan hugged him and said, "Let's go. We had enough attention of the police and should go now." Arman nodded and went near the cliff, with Charan hugging him from behind incase he tries to jump. Arman pulled out a ring from pocket and stained it with his blood. He screamed, "May not in this life, but in next life for sure. I promise you will be my Senorita and I will be your Senor." He threw the ring down the cliff and then all of them went inside their car and went away.

Ryan's carcass was lying on the ground, his blood mixing with the dust and his eyes stare open, looking at the sky. The man who dreamed of being the strongest man in the Underworld, was lying dead on the ground, having no one to atleast bury him. But, nature never leaves anyone alone, soon vultures lowered on his body and Mr. Ryan Gonzalez became their food.....