The Inevitable War

Carl and Lorenzo were lying quietly on their respective lounge chair near the swimming pool. It was hot and both were relaxing under the warm sunlight. Carl was sleeping soundly on the lounge chair, tired from his morning workout. While, Lorenzo was reading H.G Wells's 'Invisible Man'. Michael was swimming in the pool and doing both freestyles and butterfly strokes in the pool. Lorenzo called Michael, "Hey, boy. Do you believe in science?" Michael replied, "Of course. I am a science student and do believe in the wonders of science." Lorenzo asked, "Do you believe in invisibility?" Michael looked at the book, Michael is reading. He said laughing, "Well, invisibility depends on two factors: Refraction of the light and the Absorbing Strength of the Body. If your body is capable of escaping from the reflection of light, you will be invisible." Lorenzo remarked Michael's knowledge, "You really are quite smart and you know much about the scientific world." Michael gave a bright smile and returned to his swimming.

Paul Griffin came growling, "How can you sleep so peacefully? We are on a mission not on some vacation?" Carl woke up from his sleep with a jolt and pointed his gun towards Paul. On seeing Paul, Carl sighed, "Stupid man. I was about to shoot you, you should have some decency and patience in your voice." Paul was angry with Carl calling him stupid, but he had other more important things to do rather than quarrel with Carl on such trivial issues. He said, "Our informers have reported seeing Adam Mamba near the 'Hotel Shalom' and the higher officials have decided to eliminate him.

Michael was sad as his father was going to be killed anytime soon. He came outside the pool and made himself a drink. Lorenzo looked at Michael and gave him a supporting smile. Carl asked, "Why only us? There are approximately twenty thousand people working for U.C.I.D and all are professional. Moreover, Adam Mamba isn't a stupid person to come alone, he must have brought enough army to withstand any heavy assault on him." Paul Griffin replied, "Don't worry about it. We have backup team and enough armor and ammunition to kill Adam and his tiny crew." Lorenzo asked, "Why would he want to come and become an easy target for the police?" Paul replied, "Don't you know that recently Ryan was killed by some unknown gang? His death brought unbalance in the Underworld and now everyone is just running for power?" Carl, Lorenzo and Michael asked at the same time, "Ryan is dead??" Paul replied, "Yeah. Some unknown people killed him two days ago, police is still finding them. Jimmy Law and Alphonso Rubisco both are trying to get all the independent gangs under their dominance. Adam Mamba came here to meet the Southern American gangsters to make alliance with them." Michael replied, "That's still isn't a good strategy. Jimmy Law has definitely gone nuts." Paul laughed, "Everyone has gone nuts."

Carl, Lorenzo and Michael know perfectly that Paul Griffin is just greasing his way up through their work, but anyway it's their job to set things right and they are doing it with full determination. Paul brought them to his lobby and showed a blueprint of the hotel in which Adam Mamba is staying. The hotel wasn't much luxurious and famous, perfect for someone like Adam to hide and do his business without any suspicion. Carl asked, "What are the odds?" Paul replied, "Not much to worry. Our people have disguised themselves as staff members and are doing their part without any suspicion. Adam is in room 309 and has three sets of guns with him. A Winchester SXP Pump Shotgun, a m249 and three 45 ACP handguns, with his guards all possessing AK 56 rifles." Lorenzo asked surprised, "They have so much sophisticated guns. We will need much more powerful guns and proper armor." Paul replied, "Don't you worry. We got everything covered."

After proper planning and setting up their equipment, Carl and Lorenzo got into their car. Michael decided to stay at home as he cannot see his father dying and Paul Griffin gave the alibi that he will meet them at the spot. Carl started the ignition and drove off to Hotel 'Shalom'. On the way, Carl asked, "Lorenzo, don't you think Paul was acting weird today, especially during the planning?" Lorenzo replied, "He is a born weirdo who somehow became an officer by licking his senior's boot. He just follows orders, but we execute them." Carl said with sigh, "Yeah and then that monkey takes all the credit for himself and we are left with injuries and suspensions." Lorenzo asked abruptly, "I always wanted to ask you something about your wife's murder investigation?" Carl shrugged, "Go on." Lorenzo asked, "Who was the executing officer at that time? The person who determined the sensitivity of the case and had the duty to investigate it." Carl said, "Paul Griffin. He was newly appointed the executing officer after the recent trial of former executing officer, Edward Pulaski. He consoled me and told me to keep faith in U.C.I.D and then the rest is history." Lorenzo said puzzled, "But, no one ever mentioned anything about the case, not even that it was a mission. They always told me that it was just a misunderstanding and result of false accusations." Carl was shocked. He asked, "Result of false accusations?? That was a totally valid. We got a distress call from Ronda and then we reached the place. On seeing us, the assailants started shooting at us and we retaliated. After, a brief gunfight, when we pulled out their masks, it was revealed that they were big names and then all the shit happened." Lorenzo said, "I do smell a rat. We should be careful."

Hotel Shalom wasn't really looking like a hotel at all. No doorman nor any guests and moreover, the whole building was dark, except three or four floors with lights on. Lorenzo asked, "It looks like only Adam Mamba is living in the hotel, along with his platoon?" Carl said, "Maybe, the other guests have slept early." Lorenzo sighed, "It's 7 in the evening, my friend. Do you really think people will sleep so early, that too in a metropolis?" Carl asked with a little worry, "So, that means they have captives and know that they are being targeted?" Lorenzo replied, "Don't jump to conclusions. They might not know about the mission and only kept hostages as a situational advantage. Or they might not have any hostages at all and are just being silent in their business." Carl and Lorenzo were very much enraged on Paul for his stupidity and falsehood, but still they have decided to inspect the place for assurance. Carl and Lorenzo stealthily went forward and reached the backside of the hotel.

Carl took out a zipline launcher from his bag and launched it upwards. It went straight to the railing and struck between them. Carl said, "You go first and I will look for any incoming danger." Lorenzo climbed up the zipline and then signalled Carl to climb up too. Carl too climbed up and then pulled the zipline upwards. After, inspecting the whole terrace, they went near the door, which was obviously closed. Carl took out five sticky bombs from his bag and sticked them on the door. After five seconds delay, the door blasted open and they could hear men running towards them. They quickly placed three landmines on the floor and took their positions, with their guns ready. The men came and stepped on the landmines and soon became ashes. Not before they could know what was happening, Carl and Lorenzo started shooting, killing the men in seconds. Carl and Lorenzo put on their thermal goggles and reloaded their guns. After, sensing no trouble ahead, they marched forward down the stairs. They threw several smoke grenades on the floor, making artificial fog all over the place, so that no one can locate them. Lorenzo went right and Carl went left, clearing all the rooms full of criminals. They finally reached Mamba's room and barged in. They saw someone sleeping on the bed and went near it. Lorenzo pulled the blanket and Carl pointed the gun. Carl shouted, "Hands up! It's police. Your game is finished, Adam Mamba!"

But, there was no one in the bed, except a dummy. Two masked came and shock them with a taser, making both of them unconscious. After a while, they woke when ice cold water hitted their faces. They were tied tightly in the chairs, with each having a gun pointed on their heads. Adam Mamba was sitting in front of them, holding a dagger in his right hand. He was examining the sharpness of the edges. He looked at Carl and started smiling, "Mr. Carl Johnson. It's been a long time since we meet." Carl grinned, "Glad to know, that you know me. Now, you won't ask me the reason for killing you." Adam laughed, "Killing me? That reminds me of the times when you and your stupid wife tried to create hurdles in the business of me and my friend."

Lorenzo asked, "Where is your friend, Jimmy?" Adams replied, "Jimmy has more important things to do other than dealing with morons like you." Carl laughed, "You are just a dog for him, right?" Adam smiled and thrusted the dagger inside Carl's thigh, "And this dog bites." Lorenzo growled, "You won't survive tonight. Police has surrounded the entire building." Adam laughed, "Really? Well, look around and see who has the gun pointed on your head." They turned and saw Griffin holding guns on their head, a vicious smile on his face. Adam laughed, "Looks like the police chief is on our side. Money can buy anything, even honesty and patriotism." Carl spitted on Paul, "Motherfucker! You sold us out! You sold your country to these monsters. Shame on you." Paul hammered Carl's head with the end of his pistol, making his head bleed. He laughed, "Yes. I sold my country and my people's lives. So, what? So, what? Money is greater than any nation or even one's fucking life." Lorenzo sighed, "For people like you, masses don't believe in us and think us to be sycophants of bastards like Jimmy and this moron."

Adam gave Lorenzo an angry look and commanded, "Kill these two stupids." Paul was about to shoot, when the lights went off and someone threw three smoke grenades on the floor making their vision blur. He then cut Lorenzo and Carl's ties and pulled them towards a room. Lorenzo whispered, "Who are you?" He turned the lights on and revealed his identity. It was Michael Mamba. Carl asked, " How do you know our whereabouts?" Michael replied, "You only told me." Carl and Lorenzo laughed. Michael pulled out a bag and opened the zip. There were three m416 rifles, three sets of desert Eagle. 50 Cal, pump shotgun and tec 9's along with bag full of bullets. Carl said, "Let's gets the show on the road." They quickly equipped the weapons and hastily inserted bullets in their guns. Adam and Paul are searching for them, everywhere. Adam was shouting, "Bring me their heads or I will cut yours." Men scattered all over the hotel, comprising of criminals and corrupt cops. Carl and Lorenzo took their position and started shooting the men in their range. The men too started shooting at them, soon the whole environment became entangled in smoke and smell of fresh blood. Michael was looking for his father, as he wants to kill him himself, for ruining his childhood." Lorenzo and Carl was backing them up. Soon, Adam and Paul had huge loss of men on their side and they decided to run for their life. Carl was limping, for his leg was injured by the stabbing of Adam's dagger. He was unable to walk and soon a cop shot on his back. Lorenzo retaliated and shot down the cop and runned towards Carl. As, he was running, a goon shot a bullet at him, but Michael took it for him and killed the goon. Lorenzo took both of them in his lap and said, "You can't leave me like this. We still have missions to complete and Michael we need to make you a Mayor." Carl laughed, "You go. Our bond will always be intact, but sorry my friend, my time has come. See, my wife, my Ronda is calling me... " Carl breathed his last and fall on Lorenzo's lap. Michael caught Lorenzo's arm and said weakly, "Kill that monster. He ruined my childhood and killed my mother. Go and punish him for his sins. Go...." Michael too collapsed on the ground and went to his mother. Lorenzo couldn't help but leave their body as he had a mission to complete." He kissed Carl and Michael's forehead and went away with tears in his eyes.

A sound of car leaving broke the silence and Lorenzo ran towards the parking lot. Adam and Paul were escaping. He quickly got into a nearby car and started it. He sped up towards the opening and crushed the two men trying to stop him. He started chasing Adam's car. Paul was constantly shooting at Lorenzo's car, but couldn't aim at his head. Lorenzo was constantly hammering the car and soon Adam lost his control and crashed on a nearby road barrier. Adam and Paul got out of the car and jumped over the barrier and started running towards the jungle. Lorenzo also went out from his car and started chasing them into the jungle. It was almost dawn and the sun was starting to appear on the horizon, making the jungle a little more dangerous for Adam, Paul and Lorenzo. Adam and Paul were holding their gun tightly and was tiptoeing through the jungle. Lorenzo too was ready with his gun and was alert to any suspicious activity. Paul asked silently, "Why don't you call for more men?" Adam slapped Paul hard and said, "They have killed all our men, along with yours handful of "honest" sycophants. Even, if I call them, they will need three days to come to my aid." He again slapped Paul, "You told me that it will be a 'piece of cake' for you to kill them and you are the most worthy of all of our allies." Paul was highly furious at Adam and kicked him in his groin. He screamed, "You think yourself to be the greatest of all, but in reality you are just Jimmy's dog." Adam shot Paul three times in the chest in anger and then finished all the bullets in him. Lorenzo came running towards the source of the sound and a bullet towards Adam and pierced his ankle. Adam started running towards the other side and Lorenzo soon caught him and pointed his gun at Adam's head. But alas! his gun was empty. Adam pushed Lorenzo into the nearby mud puddle and jumped on him. He was trying to drown Lorenzo in the mud and was using his weight to his advantage. Lorenzo punched him in his throat and pushed him down.

He stood up and punched his teeth out, making his mouth bleed, he then slammed him on the ground. He kicked Adam on the chest, but Adam caught him by the leg and flipped him over. Adam caught him and threw him over the ground and then kicked him on the chest. Lorenzo jumped and pulled out his knife out and thrusted it in his gut. Then, he slammed him over and thrusted the knife in his chest, till Adam's life drained out of his body.

Lorenzo went out of the jungle and went inside his car. Now, the mission is personal and Jimmy Law has added a new enemy on his list. Now, there is going to be a war and that is inevitable.