The Dortmund Effect

Ankita was furiously walking from one side to another, mumbling, "All plans went to waste. Why only now? I spent all the money and energy for nothing?" Jaspal was sitting on the floor, packing his clothes in his brown luggage suitcase and Jack was sitting in the balcony smoking a pipe. Aung San was pretending to write some articles just to avoid Ankita's rage. I was booking tonight's flight tickets for India and was busy in my phone. I looked at Ankita, who was panting heavily in anger; her face was so red that even tomatoes would look pale against her. She then looked at me, her eyes narrowed and was piercing my eyes. I again buried my face in the phone, to avoid her angry looks.

Jaspal broke the silence and said, "Jimmy's partner or brother, whatever you may like, Adam Mamba is dead. Jimmy Law fled Malaysia to save his ass and anyone would do that. Police is behind him and moreover, Aung San says that a war for power grabbing has started since some mafia prince died an untimely death." Ankita sighed, "That's what I fear, my friend. Jimmy Law is not afraid to die, he has lived much of his life and now that his partner is dead; I don't think that he will still be thinking of fighting alone. He is definitely on a search for a new face for his empire and if I am not wrong, many aspiring criminals have already started meeting Jimmy for this." Aung San coughed loudly to emphasize his presence, "Ankita. Jimmy is a monster, an evil, brutal and malicious person. He won't appoint any random person his successor, he has to be as evil as Jimmy is." I asked, "What about his illegitimate child, Gangchun Tomako?" Aung replied, "Jimmy doesn't consider Gangchun to be worthy enough to take his place. According to my sources, Jimmy doesn't even mention it to his lifelong friend, Adam and even to anyone."

Ankita asked, "What about Adam's alleged son?" Aung replied, "He is now deceased and apparently was guilty in his father's death. Adam do have some more children from different mothers and some even are mature enough to ask for a part in his father's empire, but you know the rules of the Underworld." Ankita smirked, "When the tree is dead, its branches and roots are also considered dead." I asked, "So, that means that we don't have any specific person in our sight?" Aung tried to reminiscence something or someone and then spoke up abruptly, "I do know a person who Jimmy can approach to and the stakes are high too." We all asked altogether, "Who?" Aung San said, "Francis Dortmund." Ankita asked puzzled, "Aren't all Dortmunds dead now?"

I asked curiously, "Who is Francis Dortmund? And who are Dortmund?" Aung San signalled us to sit down. We all sat in our respective chairs and then Aung San took a long breath. He started, "As all know that Jimmy Law wasn't a son of some renowned Mafia leader nor had enormous wealth to build his own empire, but was an unknown, easily ignored immigrant who secretly came in Malaysia to start a new life. He met Adam Mamba, who was a bootlegger and allegedly worked as a pimp. He was from probably from Nigeria and had come to Malaysia during the Nigerian Civil Wars. I still remember that time, the year was 1985 and I was newly married to Shia's mother and with the money that I got in dowry, I started a small news agency and hired some young men as reporters. At that time, Malaysia, along with Myanmar, Thailand and Indonesia were controlled by a group of vicious German brothers known as 'Dortmund Brothers'. They were ruling over us for decades and treated us as 'pests' as we were different from them in looks, culture and food. They were four brothers namely, Alex, Bran, Robert and Draco. Bran was the eldest and Draco was the youngest. Alex and Robb were twins and did had some kind of special bond between them. Alex ruled Myanmar, Draco ruled Indonesia and Alex and Robb jointly ruled Thailand. Malaysia was kept as a concubine on which all the brothers had a right. Bran had two sons, Maik and Tim, Alex and Robb married two sisters from which they had six children. Alex's had two daughters and one son, namely Racha, Stana and Dom. Robb had three daughters, namely, Jane, Sessy and Parka. Draco was unmarried, but had many children from many unknown women he met."

I interrupted, "Where does Jimmy Law comes in it?" Aung San smiled. He pushed a cup of hot tea near me and said, "You will gradually understand the story. Just keep listening." He continued, "Being a concubine isn't easy. Everyday, someone comes and tries to fuck you and the saddest thing is that you can't oppose them. Malaysia was also having that problem, whenever Draco would come to Malaysia, he would try to fuck every beautiful woman that he sees and no one could stop him. Many girls killed themselves in fear of Draco, but Draco wasn't a man to regret. He would make the dead girl's body naked and then burnt her in the middle of the road. He would castrate every male member of her family and then would rape every woman of her family, regardless of the age, till the pyre burned. Bran wasn't interested in sex, but the money we earned with hard work. He would take protection money from us to protect us from his uncontrolled rage. Alex and Robb would just come here for recreational purposes and would visit the most beautiful lakes, eat the most expensive cuisine and would stay in the most luxurious suite for months and months, even without paying a single penny.

Draco once came to Malaysia, not for beauty hunting but for some provincial issues with his brothers. But, he came in disguise and roamed street to street watching people's activities and inspecting if there is any conspiracy forming between the locals against the Dortmunds. But, he didn't sensed much of any conspiracy except that some youngsters were dreaming of becoming the next Dortmunds. Draco was returning to his hideout when he bumped into a lady. The lady did apologized for bumping into him, but Draco had some other thoughts. He kept on discreetly following her till a place where he sensed no trouble. He quickly knocked her unconscious and kidnapped her to Indonesia. He forcefully married her and then a son was born. That son is Francis Dortmund." Ankita asked, "Why did you said the last sentence with grief?" Aung San replied calmly, "Because the lady that Draco kidnapped was my wife, Martha." I said abruptly, "So, that means Francis is your stepson." Aung replied, "Technically, yes."

I said irritably, "Keep the story short and tell us the main story." Aung San sighed, "Young don't have enough patience. Anyway, let's get to main story." He continued, "People needed a savior for them and would readily believe anyone who tries to revolt against Dortmunds. Jimmy was the one to revolt against the Dortmunds and soon he captured Malaysia on the expense on many locals's death. Alex and Robb decided to go in exile, but Adam killed them along with their wives and children in a fortnight. Bran surrendered Myanmar to Jimmy and ran away to Germany and died as a bowed king. Draco was a very crafty person and Jimmy dared not attacked foolishly. Jimmy signed a treaty with Draco and gave him the whole Indonesia and made Indonesia a princely state and Draco accepted. In 2015, Draco died of gonorrhea and Jimmy gave Indonesia to Francis as a condolence gift and expressed his respect for the last Dortmund and also showed that he no longer needs a tiny piece of land anymore. Now, Jimmy is in the shoes of Draco now, Adam dead, Gonzalez dead and Rocco imprisoned. Tables had turned once again and this time it's for the worse." Ankita asked, "But, why would Francis help Jimmy or even keep Jimmy alive?" Aung laughed, "That's the problem, my child. Francis isn't like his father and craves for power and dignity that he deserves for being a Dortmund. Jimmy would use his money to lure Fracis out from his hole and use him as a bait to bring out his enemies. Once Jimmy and Francis joins hands, the German Mafia would join Jimmy's side and would make the 'White Eagle' ten times stronger." I smirked, "So, soon the Underworld is going to feel the Dortmund effect....