Diplomatic Frenemies

Much have changed within the Underworld after Ryan's death. All crime families, small or big, developed or developing, prestigious or unknown are trying to establish their control over the vacant seats left by the Gonzalezs. The High Table is drowned with innumerable requests, petitions, agreements and threats, they are helplessly watching the cold bloodied murders done to stay in power. Charan wasn't ready to take the seats, regardless of Vanessa's multiple requests and pleas as he perfectly knows that he still is very much weak and has to first form an army and a strong grip in the Underworld. He perfectly knows that being Salvatore's new face has made him one of the top prime targets for both police and the Mafia and now, he has to keep every step carefully.

Morning sunlight beamed through the heavy curtains and crashed on Ejaz's face. Ejaz slowly opened his eyes, then rubbed it and finally took a long yawn. He got up from his bed and wore his slippers and went to brush. After, brushing and doing his morning job, he came near his bed. He lightly bent down and kissed a pair of pink, soft lips. Then, he shaked her and said, "Wake up. It's 8 in the morning." She too woke up and wore her clothes and went to the bathroom. Ejaz went and sat on a chair and started reading newspaper. A knock disturbed his reading and he opened the door. Charan came in and sat on the bed. He was wearing his favorite crocodile jacket and was using his father's smoking pipe. He said puffing his pipe, "We should have taken Ryan as a prisoner as his life is more valuable than his death." Ejaz smiled, "No one will left Ryan alive after what he had done to everyone. He was bound to die, but was unfortunate enough to die at our hands." Charan asked, "How is your father? I once met him in the prison, when he came to visit me along with Vivek and Arman. Every prisoner saluted him in respect and called him "Sultan". He really is a man of great importance." Ejaz said with a sigh, "This very prestige and respect became a curse for me and Arman. I, somehow managed to keep my life under his upright and fanatical attitude, but Arman. He never liked staying in Turkey with his family and childhood friends. I don't blame my father, life and death both are dry and harsh in the East, but sweet fantasies have always been the essence of our lives and we Turks nourish them with blood."

Vanessa came outside from the bathroom, she was wearing a pink bathrobe and had her hair tucked in a towel. Charan was shocked to see Vanessa in Ejaz's room, but he kept his expressions hidden. Ejaz said solemnly, "Actually, she gave me a free trial of her special stress relief massage. She was in my room and...." Charan burst out laughing, "Ok, dude. I don't need any explanation. I know you have been very much stressed lately and Vanessa just offered you her 'special massage' as a token of our blooming friendship. I do hope, Vanessa won't deny to gave me her 'special massage' in my times of need." Vanessa smiled, "I don't think, you would be able to withstand my special massage." Charan smirked, "You know nothing about my withstanding capacity." Vanessa replied, "We have a little meeting after two hours, we can gladly talk about your withstanding capacity." Vanessa left the room. Charan went near the bar and poured some vodka into a glass and gulped it. He filled another glass and offered it to Ejaz. Ejaz replied, "I only drink at evening times." Charan shrugged and drank it himself. Ejaz asked, "You look a little disturbed? Do you want to say something?" Charan sighed, "I don't trust Vanessa or any of her kind. She is a sly lady and has only joined us to save herself and her family name from dying. She wants to seduce us with her beauty and it looks like she is succeeding." Ejaz replied, "It was just a one night stand. I already have a pregnant girlfriend." "Pregnant girlfriend? Arman said that the first time you saw a naked woman, you fainted." Ejaz replied, "You would have fainted too. She wasn't wearing anything, not even her inner garments." Charan giggled, "That's what 'naked' means. What is your girlfriend's name?" Ejaz replied, "Shayana." Charan asked, "Just Shayana?" Ejaz replied, "Shayana Al Rasoori. She is from the 'House of Rasoori'."

Charan asked anxiously, "You are telling me that your girlfriend is the daughter of the legendary Ekram Al Rasoori?" Ejaz said, "She is not her daughter, but her sister. Ekram Al Rasoori is no longer among us. He's family has scattered to many parts of the East. Shayana lives with her aunt, Alima. My father made the alliance and told me to marry her. But, I couldn't as I had many works to do and has a naive and hysterical brother to look after." Charan laughed, "But, your father never accepted your decision and then, you impregnated Shayana." Ejaz replied sadly, "I had no choice." Charan asked, "Did she gave her consent for being an unmarried mother?" Ejaz gave a weak smile,"I think she had no choice too." Charan said, "Get ready. We have a meeting to attend." Ejaz changed his clothes and got ready, while Charan was waiting outside. After fifteen minutes of grooming, Ejaz came out and saw Charan waiting for him. He asked, "Where are the others? Charan replied, "Arman went with Vivek and Alia went with Vanessa. You and I will be carpooling with Andrews, George, Garry and Peter." Ejaz said excitedly, "Seems like it is going to be a fun journey." Charan replied, "Well, the meeting is in Belfast as it is not under Salvatore's leadership." Ejaz laughed, "Ian Gilfin never liked Salvatore or Gonzalez as both are backstabbing bitches." Charan replied, "Just like your father." Ejaz asked, "What do you mean?" Charan replied, "Your father killed Rasoori, right? He was afraid that Rasoori would have subsided him and took the throne for himself." Ejaz put his hand on Charan's shoulder, "Being the 'Sultan' isn't easy. One has to do many dirty things and mark his footprints with blood. After all, we Turks.." Charan said, "Nourish our fantasies with blood." Both laughed and went to their car.

The hall was decorated perfectly according to the instructions of Charan. Arman and Vivek were the first ones to reach Belfast and took their seats. Charan along with Ejaz, Andrews, Garry, Peter and George came second. Vanessa and Alia were late. Charan said, "I think Vivek should be our representative as he is good in vocabulary and communication skills." Vivek replied, "I have a sore throat from morning, must be the 'special drink' Vanessa gave me last night. I think Arman should give the presentation, he is getting better in the business." Arman said, "No, I think Charan should do the honors. I have a headache, must be from Vanessa's 'special drug' she gave me last night to ease my pain." Charan replied annoyingly, "Ok. Then, Mr. Charan Lal Khatri will do the presentation." Charan went to the washroom to have a little 'me time' and also to rehearse his speech. Charan said to himself, "Ejaz is getting 'special massage', Vivek is getting 'special drink' and Arman is getting 'special drug'. Why didn't I get anything 'special'? I need to keep a watch over this woman and see if she is going to betray us. After Ryan's death, she came to us and pleaded us to join her or she will succumb miserably. She isn't a fool to join her enemies, moreover the enemies who tried to kill her. She must be planning something dangerous for us and she isn't alone in it. I have to find the person who is willing to help Vanessa, despite knowing that enmity with us is quite lethal. Vanessa, if you betray me, I will personally slit your throat."

After a couple of minutes, Vanessa and Alia arrived along with the heads of the all the leading crime families and then the meeting started. The Salvatore were to first deliver their speech. Vanessa had chosen her cousin sister, Maisie as her representative. Maisie came forward and started, "As, you may know that every other single crime family or organization is trying to get the three vacant seats left by Mr. Gonzalez and his two sons, Richeff and Ryan. Big and established families are somehow managing to be on the better side of the war with the help of their money and influential allies. Grandfather, late Mr. Anthony Salvatore never tried to make allies with the people who were less powerful or less ambitious than him. He was a fanatical devotee of Sir Jimmy Law and idolized his achievements. But, we know Jimmy is no God but an evil and treacherous monster who cuts all the ties with his allies, when they starts to perish. So, the best way to keep us sustained and safe is to give one seat to Vanessa, one for Charan and the last seat to Ejaz. We assure you that every family will get equal rights and lands to control under the sovereign of Miss Vanessa Salvatore. The ones who support this decision, please raise their hands."

There was a collective buzz among the heads about Vanessa's proclamation. No one wants to give Vanessa a seat as she is naive and has earned no respect even amongst her own people. Only Maisie's hand was raised. Vanessa was very furious but she had learned to conceal her emotions a long ago. Mr. Macau stood up and said, "Dear Vanessa, you are very much young and currently you need a husband rather than a seat in the High Table. You need to bear children and extend your lineage." Vanessa replied sharply, "Isn't your family matriarchal? Your mother started the family when she was much younger than me and you are underestimating a woman's power." Mr. Macau giggled, "Don't get me wrong, my dear. My mother was a hunter. She lived in the woods, hunting lions and wild boars for food and leather. She once killed the King's guard when he tried to molest her . The king was a tyrant and this helped my mother to gather an army against the King. She killed the King and became the Queen. She struggled her life, while you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You may know treachery and courtship, but being a member of High Table is an entire different league." Vanessa asked angrily, "So, who will take my place, then?" Maisie said, "We will do an election to determine the person?" After, a little buzz among the heads, Mr. Macau said, "We have decided to give that seat to Arman." Vanessa was feeling highly insulted and was fighting her anger inside. Maisie asked, "Arman? Really he is even more immature than Vanessa in terms of many things." Ejaz spoke up, "I think Arman will be the best candidate for the seat as he will be able to learn new things from the senior members of the High Table." Charan stood up and said, "So, it's final, then. Arman, Ejaz and I will take the seats and ensure that the Salvatores, Gilfens, Roosevelts, Jamies, Tylons and Macaus will live and rule happily under the Khatri-Rashids sovereignty. Let's pick a glass on this happy occasion." All raised their glasses and cheered for their new leaders.

After the party ended, all the heads returned to their homes. It was almost 7 in the evening, Charan and Arman were half drunk and were snoring in the back seats. Ejaz was driving and Vivek was on the passenger seat. Suddenly, Vivek bursted out laughing. Ejaz asked, "What's the matter, dude? You remember some joke?" Vivek stopped his laughter and said, "You should have looked at Vanessa's face. She was red with both anger and envy. She worked hard last night, made me a drink, gave Arman some drug and you had the 'special massage'." Ejaz laughed, "I sometimes pity Vanessa, first Richeff, then Ryan and now me. She is struggling hard to remain powerful. Why didn't anyone supported her in the meeting?" Vivek replied, "Because I bribed them and Arman kidnapped their families as a backup plan." Ejaz chuckled. Vivek continued, "Charan didn't know about this plan. Let him investigate himself and take the credit himself for revealing Vanessa's true motives." Ejaz replied, "And we will just pretend that Vanessa is controlling us and taking us apart from Charan." Vivek chuckled, "This play is going to be fun." Ejaz asked, "Do you have any name for the play?" Vivek replied, "I will name it 'Diplomatic Frenemies'...