The Constrictor

A boa constrictor was crawling slowly near a small rat who was unaware of the lethal hunter lurking behind him. The boa constrictor slowly opened its mouth and caught it in his mouth. It slowly and slowly swallowed it and then went to his small nest made in a tree trunk inside a confined space made of glass. Eating unlucky mice is just its hobby, whereas four people were always there to feed him, bathe him, wash him and take him for a walk. It has a name tag tied around its slimy neck. It named "Robert.E.Little R." It's owner is the man known for his stubbornness and wickedness, Mr. Alphonso Rubisco, commonly known as 'The Constrictor' for his nature of strangling his enemies to death.

Alphonso Rubisco inherited all the fame and name from his forefathers, who just like him were quite influential businessman. Criminal activities have always been his forte. In schools, he would steal expensive stuff from libraries, canteens, principal's office and other parts of the school. At college, he would smuggle cocaine, LSD and heroin into the college compound and would distribute them to his fellow college friends. When, the principal caught him smuggling drugs and was about to complain about him to his father; he killed his principal and put all the blame on the school peon.

Alphonso's dad was killed by an associate of Jimmy Law and from that very moment, Alphonso started hating Jimmy and his associates, especially Adam Mamba. A malicious brain and an early access to enormous wealth made one of Jimmy's foes in no time. He killed Jimmy's partners, ruined and burned consignments worth trillions and looted innumerable trucks of drugs and ammunition. Being a great drug and crime lord, Jimmy couldn't personally eliminate Alphonso and neither any of his sharpshooters managed to kill him and got killed themselves. Gradually, he became one of the most wanted crimanals in the world and his recent alliance with Firoz Afridi just boomed his status higher.

At the present moment, Firoz Afridi is sitting in the living room of Alphonso's magnificent villa in Leeds. He is accompanied by two of his bodyguards, acting as his friends and Firoz himself is in the guise of Mr. Robert Matthews, the elder brother of Stephen Matthews (Alphonso Rubisco). Firoz has been skeptical from the start that Alphonso's idea to operate in disguise could be quite counterproductive. Firoz is discussing this matter with Alphonso, "I really think your plan is very much dangerous. Charan is now a member of the High Table and now his power is ten fold. I think we should make him an ally." Alphonso laughed, "It isn't so easy, Firoz. From what I heard and saw, both of the brothers are quite ambitious and ruthless just like me, they will never work under me or anybody. They killed all the men of the Gonzalez family and now are members of the High Table; they have their heads high in the air." Firoz laughed, "And you are planning to cut those heads." Alphonso shrugged, "You know me." Both laughed.

A tall, blonde man came running inside the living room. He was holding a laptop in his right hand and stopped near Alphonso. He said panting, "I have a bad news and a good news." Alphonso looked at him and said, "Tell the bad news first." The blonde man replied, "Jimmy has joined hands with Francis Dortmund and is using his money to finance the German mafia." Firoz asked, "And the good news?" The blonde man replied, "Your secret army has managed to cross the borders and reach our hideout." Alphonso waved his hand and signalled the man to go away. Firoz asked, "You don't look much happy?" Alphonso replied, "I am an opportunist person. I see a little way to utilize our good news to eliminate our bad news." Firoz knew what was in Alphonso's mind and said, " You are going to send our men as Jimmy's men and attack Vivek's office. This will put Jimmy and Francis in danger and we will take advantage of the situation."

Firoz looked at Alphonso and asked, "You look a little lost, buddy. What's bothering you?" Alphonso laughed, "Nothing serious. Just a girl that caught my attention." Firoz smirked, "Oh. I can see where it is going. You are in love, bro. In LOVE!" Alphonso blushed, "No, no. It's just infatuation. Anyway, she is Vivek's girlfriend." Firoz laughed, "You know in ancient Africa and in some places in India, marrying enemy's love, daughter, sister or wife is considered a bigger win than cutting enemy's head." Alphonso thought for some time and said, "I think you are right. But, why only Vivek's girlfriend? I will also take Charan's girlfriend too." Firoz laughed, "That's the spirit. But, how are you going to take them?" Alphonso replied, "Simple. I will first win their trust, then use their trust and finally kill their trust along with them."

Alphonso stood up from his chair and went to a small room. He came out with a man tied in ropes. He pushed the man on the floor, banging his mouth on the hard floor. Alphonso kicked him and asked, "I'm giving you the last chance, fucker. Tell me all about Vivek and Charan's strengths and weaknesses." Firoz asked, "Who is he?" Alphonso replied, "This is the manager of Vivek's company. He manages all of Vivek's assets. I kidnapped him and took his place. But, being a manager, I need neccessary information about Vivek and his company's assets. But, this bastard isn' t opening his mouth even after so much thrashing." Firoz put his glass on the table and cracked his knuckles, "Looks like we have to do it the military style. Bring him a chair." Firoz put the man on the chair and then said with a smile, "You may not know me, but that is a trivial matter." The man said angrily, "I know you. You are the filthy fucker who trains young men to kill innocent men, rape women and loot people's houses." Firoz laughed, "Yeah. I am that filthy fucker. But, who is your master, then? Some saint, messiah or some philanthropist?" The man said, "He is a bad man, but not like you. He kills openly, not like you and your friend who licks other's asses to get your jobs done."

Firoz looked at Alphonso and smiled. He said smirking, "Looks like our friend want to know how it feels to lick someone's ass. Yosef, my boy come here." A lean, tanned boy came running towards Firoz. Firoz said, "Yosef, open your pants and give our friend a little taste of your sweaty ass." Yosef opened his pants and stood before the man. Alphonso caught the man's neck and thrusted it on Yosef's ass. He cried, "Lick it, mother*****r. Tell us your experience." The constant ticking of the man's nose on Yosef's ass made Yosef fart on his face." Firoz and Alphonso bursted out laughing. Firoz said, "Pull up your pants, Yosef. He had enough for a day." Yosef pulled up his pants and went away. Firoz said, "If you dare insult me or my friend I will let you taste your own poop." Alphonso pulled the man's hair and asked angrily, "Tell us all about Vivek. NOWW!!"

The man coughed and said, "A little water, please." Alphonso sighed and brought a glass of water for him. After drinking, the man started speaking, "I don't know much about Vivek sir, I'm merely a manager and only knows about his office work. The information you want isn't with me." Alphonso laughed, "Stupid man. I am not asking about his personal life, tell me about his finances and other things." The man replied, "The company was founded by his father, Ramlal Khatri and after his death, Charan got 41%, Vivek 41%, Bhavna 9% and Geeta 9%. If anyone dies, the percentage would be distributed equally between the living three." Alphonso was about to slap the man for not coming to the main point, but soon he got an idea. He exclaimed in joy and malice and said, "Take this man and tie him in the room. Give him something to eat and drink." Alphonso said to Firoz, "I think I know how to sabotage the Khatri's both personal and professional lives." Firoz asked, "How?" Alphonso laughed, "That old man left behind large parts to the sons and small parts to the daughters. You know how much strict the 'laws of gender equality' are. I am going to poison the sisters's ears and then would create clashes within their family." Firoz asked skeptically, "What if they don't listen to you and don't clash with their brothers?" Alphonso smirked, "Then, I will do it the Alphonso style." Both started laughing as the sun started setting under the horizon.....