Thirst for Justice

Everyone was congrualating Lorenzo for his awesome work in the recent mission. Thoughts, Paul Griffin's treachery was kept confidential but Adam's death was highly praised by everyone. Carl is announced a martyr and had his portrait hanged among the portraits of the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives for U.C.I.D. Micheal's connection with Adam and his involvement in Lorenzo's mission is kept secret due to various political reasons. Lorenzo is awarded the honorable "Valiant Officer Award" that is considered a very high award in the life of any soldier. After Griffin's death, Sir Antonio Beckham has taken the position of the head chief of U.C.I.D. A man of great humor and intelligence, he has always been a idol of many young soldiers.

Everyone knows about Jimmy Law's recent activities, but due to territorial disputes their hands are tied. Moreover, as U.C.I.D is an independent organization and is not liable to answer to any specific nation and is unbiased, many countries don't support it and often refuses to cooperate with it. Jimmy Law isn't just a dreaded criminal but also a wealthy businessman, many corrupt government parties rely on their money to win elections and run their propaganda, so they ignores Jimmy's activities and help him stay alive. Lorenzo very well knows this fact and is very much furious at his helplessness. Though, he is a calm person but the conscience inside him does not let him stay calm. It constantly keeps burning the fire of revenge and increases his thirst for justice.

At the present, Lorenzo is loitering in his cabin, drowned in deep thought. A knock on the door brought him to the surface and he opened the door to see Antonio waiting at his door. Antonio politely asked, "I hope I'm not disturbing you, Officer Lorenzo?" Lorenzo smiled, "No. You are always welcome in my cabin." Antonio pulled a chair and sat on it with his legs crossed. Lorenzo enquired, "Do you have something important to say or is it just a casual meeting?" Antonio examined the cabin. The cabin quite Mexican, with a large portrait of the legendary Mexican politician and revolutionary 'Emiliano Zapata Salazar' and a bull head mounted on the wall. Antonio looked at Lorenzo and asked, "Looks like something is missing in you?" Lorenzo asked startled, "What? I usually don't wear uniform and you know this fact." Antonio laughed, "Not external incompleteness but internal incompetence is visible on your face." Lorenzo understood what Antonio wants to say. He said sadly, "Yeah, internal incompetence is the essence of a perfect soldier." Antonio smiled, "No, Lorenzo. You are not a soldier, but a warrior and spontaneous strategies with punctual attacks are the essence of a warrior."

Lorenzo said with a sigh, "Warriors aren't tied with the handcuffs of rules and protocols. They are fearless and creates a dread in the hearts of their enemies." Antonio laughed, "You are mistaking warriors as barbarians. A true warrior can incapacitate his opponent even being in his line of conduct." Lorenzo examined Antonio's words and answered, "No wonder why everyone likes you so much. You solved my dilemma even without mentioning it." Antonio smiled, "That's what a chief does, solves his subordinates's problems even without asking them about it." He continued, "You know what made Carl weak?" Lorenzo shook his head in denial. Antonio said, "His emotions. Carl was known as a 'emotional bull' for his sentimental judgements. He attacked the culprits of his wife, but he forgot that they were an organized syndicate. He succeeded in killing his wife's killers but ended up losing his squad and his job. He then joined you to avenge his insults and punish the mastermind behind his wife's murder, but this time he ended up losing his life."

Lorenzo asked puzzled, "What do you mean to say?" Antonio pulled out a Cuban from his pocket and lit it. He took a drag and said, "Broken bones hurts more than broken confidence. My trainer and long time teacher, Sir George Walston said these words when I was feeling sad and angry for not being able to kill then dangerous Alex Dortmund. He said that his teacher told him these words when he couldn't kill the 'Black Brothers'." Lorenzo said startled, "Killing 'Black Brothers'? That's like almost ninety years ago. I didn't know that U.C.I.D is that old." Antonio laughed, "No, U.C.I.D is only fifty five years old. The 'Black Brothers' were dead at that time when U.C.I.D was formed by the Allied Forces after the second World War. Sir Jack. L. Lloyd was appointed the chief and the rest is history." Lorenzo said, "Well, telling history won't help us. What is the future strategy?" Antonio puffed a sip and offered it to Lorenzo. Antonio stood up from his chair and went outside. Minutes later, he came with the latest newspaper and said, "Read the third page."

Lorenzo took the newspaper and read it aloud, "Are criminals the new Gods? According to the sources, the recent deaths of prominent members of the Gonzalez Family namely, Richeff, Mr. Gonzalez and Ryan Gonzalez has created a vicious turmoil in the Underworld. Many rich and affluent crime families are slaughtering the small families along with the innocent masses. The newly elected members of the High Table namely, Charan Khatri, Arman Rashid and Ejaz Rashid are just puppets of Miss Vanessa Salvatore, the grand daughter of the well known crime lord Anthony Salvatore. The police are just sitting idle and doing nothing. They are creating an another Jimmy Law even they weren't able to kill the real Jimmy Law."

Antonio clenched his fist and said angrily, "People are mocking the U.C.I.D. They think we are either sycophants of the criminals or morons that have no idea of doing our duty. Believe it or not, Mr. Gonzalez was a dam who stopped young criminals from becoming powerful. After his death, our targets have become ten fold and now Jimmy is very tiny in front of them." Lorenzo put down the newspaper and said, "I am just a little sad not disturbed. I know about the current situations in the Underworld and have sent informers behind them. The information that I got tells me that many members of the High Table doesn't support Charan, Arman or Ejaz, though the Mexicans and some little families support them for some personal reasons." Antonio asked, "You are saying that there is fragmentation in the High Table due to them and that could be beneficial for us."

Lorenzo sighed, "Only if it was that easy. From what I heard Charan is new but not inexperienced. He has spent 10 years in jail due to charges of juvenile rape and attempted murder. He is the son of renowned businessman, Ramlal Khatri and due to his high contacts, Charan only had a mere 10 years imprisonment instead of a death penalty. Now, his brother's money saves his ass. He is the boyfriend of Alina Smith, daughter of Harry Smith and now is the protege of the Salvatore Family . He is one of the most wanted and dangerous criminals of the world at the raw age of 28." Antonio asked, "So, what's your plan?" Lorenzo said, "There are now only two plans- Go for Jimmy and kill him, which would be easy now. The second plan is to disintegrate the High Table and hunt down Charan and the people like him and finally kill Jimmy. It is the most effective but also the most difficult and bloody. We need to break their integrity and then break them." Antonio asked suspiciously, "How will you do that?" Lorenzo said confidently, "I have an old friend in India and she had already started arranging a team of her own. I am going to India tomorrow to meet her and then "Mission Disintegration" will start." Antonio asked, "You need something from me?" Lorenzo said, "Yeah. Immunity from stupid orders and a squad of expert soldiers." Antonio replied, "You will get it, just end this stupid "High Table". It has already ruined half of the world's youth." Lorenzo replied, "Don't worry, sir. We will surely end the tyrannical rule of the High Table and its supporters." Antonio hugged Lorenzo and went out.

Lorenzo sat on his chair and started thinking, "Antonio is a good man and I fully trust him. But, the squad that he promised will be not that trustworthy and moreover to defeat rule breakers like Jimmy and Charan, one have to break some rules himself. Antonio said that broken bones hurts more than broken confidence and I will break both bones and confidence of both Jimmy and Charan. Looks like I have to call my long time friend and brother in arms, Sir José. He has both the capacity and temper to train rookies to fight against Jimmy." He took the newspaper in hand and said, "I promise that by the end of the next six months, Jimmy, Charan and the 'High Table' will be declared dead."....