Nothing personal, just Business

It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and everybody was tanning their skins, though two third of them are brown skinned, excluding only Alia and Vanessa who were white skinned. As a formality, nothing related to crime would be discussed today and love would be blossom everywhere. Charan was lying on his lounge chair and reading 'The Woman in the Window' written by A. J. Finn. Vivek was smooching and splashing water on Shirley as they were enjoying their 'me time'. Alia was preparing lemonade mixed with vodka and gin. Vanessa was carefully massaging Ejaz's back with olive oil. Arman, Bhavna and Geeta were busy making "House of Cards".

Alia bought a tray full of glasses and served it to everyone. At last, she came near Charan and sat near him. She cuddled her way to Charan's lips and then lightly kissed his lips. Charan put down his book and returned the kiss and said, "So you in the mood, ha." Alia smiled, "It's no Nut November, dear." Charan grunted, "I hate November." Alia laughed. She asked, "Well, Vanessa wants to see our business and I promised her that I will show her it today. Can I take her?" Charan replied, "I don't know. Ask Vivek, if he agrees I have no objection." Alia laughed, "Well, he is busy with Shirley." Charan asked puzzled, "Isn't he on no Nut November?" Alia said, "No, he is. But Shirley is stubborn enough to break his vow." Charan said, "Ok. Go, it's your day." Alia kissed him and started to go. Charan said, "If Vanessa disturbs you, you can bury her in the electric room." Alia laughed and went away.

Charan finished his glass and said to himself, "Really, this girl makes me happy every day. Looks like I have to ask her that question soon." He took a Cuban and cut it to half and then lit it's corner. He took his phone and dialled a number. After three rings, the other side replied, "Hello. Sir? Your work will be done." Charan replied, "No, there is collateral damage. We have to abort the mission and take things the other way." The man asked, "Are you sure, sir? The members are revolting and we need a stamp to stop them." Charan looked at Arman and said, "I have a plan. Let Vanessa survive, we need her for our plan." He cut the phone and smiled. He called another time, and the other end received the call, "Can you tell me about the fat chicken?" The other end said, "The chicken picks his fodder at 8." Charan asked, "We need some serious medicine as we have to kill the farmers." The other end replied, "The medicine will be delivered, but the farm is big." Charan replied, "Don't worry, we have our harvest ready." He cut the phone and called Arman and Ejaz. They came near him and asked, "What's the matter, dude?" Charan replied, "We need the fat chicken." Ejaz asked, "Right now?" Charan replied, "People are revolting and we need the medicine to it." Arman said, "The chicken is in the farm." Charan replied, "And we are gonna kill the farmers tonight."

Alia and Vanessa arrived at the entrance of Khatri Co. The doorman came and opened the door and saluted Alia. Alia opened her purse and gave him a hundred pound sterling and asked, "Did all the staff went home?" The doorman chuckled, "Today is Sunday, ma'am. No one comes today, but our new manager has come today." Alia asked suspiciously, "What is he doing?" The doorman said, "He told me that Mr. Vivek has sent him to retrieve some important documents." Alia took another hundred pound and gave it to him and said, "Go home and rest. It's cold November and soon there will be snowfall, so go home. You haven't even wore your coat." The doorman took the note and saluted him. He quickly ran towards the parking lot and came out with a Porsche 911 and lowered his glass. He said, "I don't need a coat, Vivek Sir's love is warm enough for me." He pulled the glass up and speeded away. Alia sighed, "Vivek and his philanthropy, never gets old." She and Vanessa was about to enter when a loud sound came from the top floor.

Alia and Vanessa took out their guns and tiptoed to a safe place. Alia said, "I don't think it's safe to go alone. We should call Charan and Vivek." Vanessa said calmly, "Don't worry. I am trained in three forms of martial arts and have enough bullets to kill two dozen men. Let's not annoy Charan with such petty things. He is now a distinguished member of the High Table." Alia sighed and mumbled, "The pride of Salvatores kills both ways." She said, "Ok. Stay with me and don't engage foolishly. We are two and they may be many, so we need to have full preparation." Vanessa nodded in approval and they started to climb upstairs looking here and there. Alia has a gun on her right hand and a small pocketknife in her left hand which she was holding in an "icepick-grip". Vanessa had two guns on her both hands as Theresa trained her in ambidexterity. The whole office was silent with stillness that itself was very much disturbing. Alia and Vanessa followed the sound and quietly went near it. Finally they reached the place where they saw two men in cerulean suit with glock 19 tightly pressed in their hands. Alia said slowly, "I think we are being robbed by some rival companies." Vanessa slapped Alia's head and said, "Stupid girl. Robbers don't wear suits and had Glock 19 in their hands. They must be some Mafia people or maybe a new branch of that pesky U.C.I.D, anyway let's take them out."

Alia jumped towards and rolled at the front of the guards while Vanessa gunned them down. Alia quickly ran towards the door and hid behind the slide door. The other guards came running and Vanessa and Alia quickly ambushed them and finished them. Alia was about to go in when a blast threw her back. The sprinkler started pouring water here and there and suddenly a man in a grey raincoat runned towards the door. Alia tripped him and he fell on the ground. Vanessa shoot at his direction but the man quickly rolled and shoot at Vanessa's arm. Alia quickly ran towards Vanessa whose right arm was bleeding immensely. The man took this opportunity to shoot at Alia's back and then ran away. The bullet hit Alia's lower back and Alia spitted a good amount of blood. Vanessa said gasping, "Don't worry about me. Go and catch that rascal. We will him what we girls can do. Go." Alia started running towards the man's direction, when suddenly a strong punch threw her off her feet. She reacted with a push kick on his groin and slammed him on the floor. She then kicked him in the jaw, her leather boot were strong enough to make his mouth bleed. She then kicked him in his chest and threw him over the railing. The man however landed with minimal damage and started running. Alia jumped near on the man and then punched him again. She then performed a 540 kick on his face and that was enough to knock him down. Alia was about to unveil his mask when a strong kick on her left cheek threw her further. She looked and saw a man in red Devil Jacket with his face covered with a Gothic mask standing there. Alia stood up from her lying position and said, "Whoever you are, I will punish you for disrupting my tranquility."

He signalled Alia to come and Alia ran towards him. He dodged her kick and threw her on the ground. Alia kicked him in his foot and threw him on the ground. She climbed on him and started snatching his mask. But the man stabbed a knife in her stomach and threw her off. He rolled and kicked Alia when she was about to raise. Alia hitted her head and almost started feeling dizzy. The man ran towards Alia and stabbed her again continously. But, Alia managed to kick him and snatched his gun tucked in his jacket. She was about to shoot him when a bullet pierced her stomach and she threw the gun on the ground. She looked back and saw Vanessa with the gun, she was about to say something when another bullet pierced her stomach. Then, multiple bullets pierced her body and she fell on the ground, dead. Her blood made the whole floor red and her sparkling blue eyes stared her murderers one last time. The man opened his mask and lowered his hood. It was Alphonso Rubisco smiling at his first phase of victory. Vanessa came near Alphonso and they started kissing each other vigorously until another bullet was fired. Vanessa looked at Alphonso's cunning smile and asked, "Why?" Alphonso kissed her one more time, shooting another bullet in her chest. He said stretching Vanessa's cheek, "Nothing personal, just business." He shot another bullet and pushed Vanessa's body down. Vanessa said slowly, "One da..y. You will also...die like this..Your judgment done..You will die." Alphonso laughed, "Well, you won't survive till that day." He shoot another bullet in Vanessa's head. He then looked towards the fallen soldier of his. He sighed, "Firoz, you are so weak. You were knocked out by a woman. Don't worry I will not tell anyone about it nor will you. You will remembered as a martyr." He emptied his gun on his dear friend's unconscious body and went outside.

Alphonso came near his Lamborghini and opened the door. He got inside and took out a file from his jacket. He opened the file and looked at it. It contains many files of numerous people who were or are associated with the Khatri Family. Apart from it, there is a CD and a pen drive in it. Alphonso laughed, "From now on, there will only one king, King Alphonso Rubisco." He took out a remote and looked at the silent office of the Khatri Family which are now the graveyard of Alia, Vanessa and Firoz. He pressed the button and went outside the compound. After ten seconds, the whole building blew up creating a huge explosion and tons of smoke in the air. The whole building collapsed and turned into a big pile of burnt debris.

Alphonso was speeding away to the Luton airport. He stopped his car at the front of the airport and run towards his private jet waiting for him. The guard opened the door and Alphonso jumped into the plane. The plane soon took off and soon it crossed the international borders and after 8 hours of long journey, Alphonso landed in Mumbai, India. He soon left the plane and boarded his car and travelled to Dombivli in the shadows of night. His car stopped at the house of the famous entrepreneur and philanthropist, Brij Lal Mohan who served as the mayor for three consecutive years. Alphonso got down from his car and went in. Brij Mohan's son, Tarun welcomed him and offered him to stay the night. Alphonso took a bath and joined them at dinner. Alphonso asked, "Where's Brij Mohan sir? He didn't come to welcome me." Tarun replied sadly, "My father passed away three weeks ago, now I managed the whole house." Alphonso looked here and there and said in a low voice, "Thanks God, that old man died. He always stopped me from establishing my empire here." Tarun replied, "Don't worry. I will not stop you from establishing your empire here." Alphonso said, "That reminds me of the thing that brought me here. I have managed to usurp the two big dons from the United Kingdom." Tarun asked, "So, what's stopping you now?" Alphonso replied, "Sadly, Firoz died and now his soldiers are out of control. I need the hands of the "Black Emperor" and the "Fat Chicken." They will help me in my not so moral deeds." Tarun replied, "Bad news. The fat chicken was seized from the farm by those sly Khatri brothers." Alphonso almost threw his food, "What!! The Khatris are alive!! I have sent men to kill them." Tarun laughed, "That puts you in more trouble now." Alphonso asked, "So, what will I do?" Tarun replied, "Don't worry. Syman Rocco is coming tomorrow." Alphonso slapped his forehead and said, "Now, that psycho will make us go nuts.".....