Back To Where It All Started

Charan was pretty much bewildered by the death of his love of life, Alia and the destruction of his house. Ejaz somehow saved Bhavna and Shirley but couldn't save himself and the other members of the family. Arman was crying vigorously for his brother and was cursing God for taking away his loved ones from him. Vivek was trying to contact Shirley and Bhavna, but to no avail. A phone call disturbed their respective state of mind. Vivek took the call and said, "Hello, who is it?" The other end replied, "I am the senior general of the High Table, Sir Edward Weinstein. I am truly sorry for your loss and is extending my hand for any help neccessary." Vivek asked politely, "Can you tell the name of the person who tried to disturb our tranquility?" Weinstein replied, " We were not able to identify him as apparently he is someone outside of the Underworld, but we have been able to retrieve his shattered digital footprints. He is in India." Vivek thanked him for his help and disconnected the call.

Charan asked slowly, "What did that old man said?" Vivek replied, "Our enemy is in India." Arman asked, "Indian mafia has become that strong?" Vivek said, "No, he escaped to India. Anyway, I was planning to visit India." Charan said with a smirk, "I almost forgot that Shirley and Survi are Indian. Ok, if that swine wants to die in our birthplace then we will certainly fulfill his last wish." Arman asked nervously, "What are we gonna tell my father?" Charan said angrily, "Fuck your father and his stupid fanaticism. We are gonna do it on our own. He already lost one son due to his lack of common sense and if he tries to stop me I will behead him."

Arman sighed and asked, "What about Ivan Rocco?" Vivek replied, "We will take him with us. I know a man who can keep his ass intact and also safe." Charan asked, "When are we leaving?" Vivek replied, "Not we, only me." Arman asked, "Why?" Vivek replied, "Because you two are members of the High Table and have to pay condolences to Ejaz." Arman again started crying and Charan patted his shoulder. Arman grabbed Vivek's shirt and said, "Promise me only I will shot the first bullet in my brother's murderer's head." Charan asked, "What about Shirley and Bhavna?" Vivek replied, "I have contacted them and then told them to leave UK soon. They have already boarded the plane and must be in air by now." Charan said sadly, "Papa always wanted to go to India and meet grandma but he didn't lived that long. Do visit grandma's house once. She lives in Pondicherry with our third uncle, Ramakrishan Khatri. He is the local 'Anna' of that place."

Arman said lightly, "Do send my love to Survi's family members." Vivek asked, "What if they ask about her?" Arman replied, "Tell them she died because she had no option." Vivek patted his shoulder and hugged him tightly. He laughed and said, "So had Ryan." Arman spit and said, "Don't take that monster's name." Charan said, "Go. We will be there in two weeks." Charan hugged Vivek and took Arman with him as he had a meeting to attend. Vivek went in his car and started driving towards the airport. He reached there in half an hour and found his private jet ready for him. He boarded the jet and soon was in the air. After enjoying his favorite dish of roasted chicken and onion soup and a little taste of fine Bushmills whiskey, Vivek opened his laptop and connected with a friend via Skype.

Soon, the friend took his call and a beautiful lady appeared on the skin. She is Danny Genova, one of the finest tactical analyst and top class assassin who once worked for Vivek and is his ex-girlfriend. She asked delighted, "So, what caused you to remember your long lost love?" Vivek chuckled, "Same as always." Danny laughed and gave a virtual kiss to him. Vivek replied, "Well, I wanted a little favor from you." Danny pouted and said, "I knew it. Tell what it is!" The second sentence was a little higher in tone. Vivek laughed, "I need to know if some infamous villain took refuge in any part of India." Danny thought for a moment and replied, "I think one person may of your interest. His name is Gary Cooper, an ex-marine soldier and then got involved with some bad people." Vivek asked, "Can you put some emphasis on him?" Danny replied, "Apparently, he's been serving some big name in the Underworld and his presence indicates that the big name is also in India. He was seen at the docks of Mumbai and then a huge gunfight occurred in the docks where many unidentified man lost their lives." Vivek asked, "Unidentified people?" Danny replied, "Yes, they were pawns that are used by big criminals to die in their place." Vivek thought, "A big name, used pawns to die in his place, docks to arrive and an ex marine soldier for a bodyguard. Who it can be?" Danny searched the list and was shocked. She said nervously, "I think I know who is he." Vivek asked, "Who?" Danny replied, "It's the 'Black Emperor'." Vivek almost fell from his seat and his heart skipped a beat. He asked, "Are you nuts? He is long dead. America had finished that maniac long ago." Danny replied, "No one knows his face and moreover they lied about his death." Vivek said, "Well, if that is the case then you better stay away from it. I don't want to lose my best ex-girlfriend." Danny laughed and disconnected the call.

Vivek called Charan and told him about the recent incident. Charan replied, "He will not attack the High Table not at least when he himself is in exile. It must some another moron who has brought his death." Vivek asked, "Are you sure he doesn't know who we are?" Charan replied, "Why won't he know? The High Table has it's own media coverage." Vivek said, "He killed Alia and Vanessa and then attacked our house. I think he isn't some small fish that we can easily catch in our net." Charan asked, "Are you afraid of him?" Vivek replied, "Nervous would be the appropriate word." Charan laughed, "Girls made you nervous? Don't worry, India is different from UK. No one can recognize you if you are clever enough to disguise yourself." Vivek said, "I have reached Indian border. I will call you later." Vivek disconnected the call and got ready to land. He unloaded his luggage and necessary backup and went for a taxi. He visited India once when he was merely twelve years old and to his surprise, India has developed very much. He laughed at the fate of his which brought both him and his biggest enemy to his birthplace. He took out his phone and searched a location and then waved his hand for a taxi. A taxi stopped before him and the driver asked, "Where to, Sir?" Vivek spelled out the name of the destination, "Valmiki Nagar, Thane East." The man replied, "It's too late in night. The fare will be two thousand rupees." Vivek replied, "Ok. But, drive fast. I'm in hurry." He loaded his luggage and got inside the taxi. The driver asked, "Are you a NRI?" Vivek smiled and said, "No, my home is in Arunachal Pradesh. Some important work brought me here." The driver pouted and started to drive. Vivek perfectly knew what the driver wanted to roam unnecessary and increase the fare or maybe had some mischievous intentions. The lie saved the driver's life and Vivek smiled at the driver's luck. After, half an hour of safe yet speedy ride brought Vivek to his destination. He paid his fare and unloaded his luggage. The driver offered to help him a little to get a good tip, but Vivek kindly refused. Vivek went inside an old and spooky apartment and took out his phone. He dialed a number and said, "Bring the instrument." After half an hour, a Scorpio stopped near the gate and a chubby, bearded man came with a suitcase. The man said, "You will find your first target in the apartment. Name is Laxman Prasad aka Tikla." Vivek nodded and opened the suitcase. The suitcase was filled with many small handguns and a lofty bulletproof jacket. Vivek wore the jacket and filled all the guns in various parts of the jacket and wore a hoodie over it. Vivek said, "They are heavy." The bearded man laughed, "Indian guns are always heavy."

The man left the scene and Vivek tiptoed inside the building. The place was very smelly and mostly covered with spider webs and a little buzz of a small fluorescent bulb which was the only source of light in the corridor. The whole corridor was filled with smelly dirt and many spiders have made their webs on the walls. He tiptoed to the first floor and examined each room carefully. He was about to leave when a light moaning sound caught his attention and he moved towards the direction of the moaning sound. Vivek placed his ear on the door and listened. The sound was perfectly of a woman moaning. He was sure that there is some action already going on inside and he set up a trap. He knocked on the door and hid behind the dark corner. Seconds later, a man opened the door and looked here and there and then closed the door and then re opened the door and quickly rushed towards the ground floor. Vivek was about to follow him when his steps stopped and he saw a lady much in her late twenties came outside and stopped near the door and lit a cigarette. She was wearing a red sari and a matching blouse which were strangling her huge breasts and her high heels tapped the ground when she was climbing downstairs with her hip swaying. Vivek was mesmerized by her beauty and only got to senses remembering about his love of life, Shirley. He remembered the last time together and smiled. He laughed, "Tikla must a real man to make her moan. It will be fun killing him."

Vivek climbed down the stairs as quickly as he can. Tikla has already left the scene and must be quite far right now. Vivek was thinking about a way when he saw a young boy and a girl enter the compound. They were probably in some naughty mood and soon entered inside. Vivek had no option but to eliminate them. Vivek quickly took the boy's bike keys and ran towards the bike. It was a branded bike and also had some modifications done that were best suited to help Vivek at this time. Vivek started the bike and rushed towards Tikla's last known destination. Vivek was quite sure that Tikla might not be the main person and it's better to follow him rather than interrogate him. Tikla drived pretty fast as if he was in danger and soon entered a huge mansion guarded by guards. Vivek stopped his bike away in the dark where he can't be easily seen. He stood on the bike and climbed up the wall. He then stealthily walked towards the back of the door where some young boys were smoking cigarettes. Vivek slowly walked towards them and asked for a cigarette. They gave him a cigarette and asked, "You are new here?" Vivek replied, "Yeah. Joined only today." The boys started laughing, "Fool. This ain't a parade which you will join. Let's get rid of this clown." Vivek ran and jumped towards the gate only to find more guards there. Vivek threw a smoke grenade to their direction and hid in the darkness. Vivek covered his face with a mask and took out his thermal goggles. He could easily detect the heat bodies. He took out his gun and killed them. He saw more people coming out so he ran and quickly hid behind the bushes. He took out his jacket and wear one of the dead guards's clothes. He came out and cried, "He is there. Go, kill him." The guards ran towards the direction and Vivek opened the door and barged in the house.

Vivek quickly went to the place which he considered the most suitable at the moment. He soon found out that it was a library and he quietly crawled beside the huge shelves of books and saw a shadow coming towards him and he hastily rolled behind the shelf. He crouched down and saw the same woman who was with Tikla moments ago. She looked quite classy as compared to her first appearance; red overcoat, black jeans and wedges. Her hair were tied in a tight bun probably because she was also in a hurry like Vivek. Vivek was lured by her beauty and now her mysterious activities have only ignited his attraction. He quietly watched her taking out a book and then tucking it into her overcoat. She looked here and there and then brought a drum of blue liquid in it. She poured it all over the place and soon Vivek understood her motive. He quickly but quietly went beside and hitted her head. The girl fell unconscious and soon Vivek dragged her out of the hall. He took out the book and kept it with him. He then took out his lighter and burned a book and threw it near the fallen drum of kerosene. The fire soon took it's vigorous appearance and then the library became history. He dragged the unconscious lady down to a corner and hid her behind the bushes. He kept a piece of paper near her which contained his new phone number.

Vivek quickly ran towards the gate and jumped on his bike. As expected, Tikla soon along with his platoon rushed out of the house. Vivek had already bugged his car and soon Tikla roared his car rashly towards the east side. Vivek steadily followed them and soon they both were at the outskirts of the city which was very much quiet at the moment. When Tikla reached a maximum distance from Vivek, Vivek triggered the bug and the engine jammed. The sudden change in inertia brought the passengers crashing on the hard, concrete road. Vivek was unlucky as Tikla and his bodyguards were pretty much goner. He ran towards them and quickly asked Tikla, "Who is your boss?" Tikla was in no state to lie and he said weakly, "Ganesh Dada.." He breathed his last. Vivek shot everybody to ease their pain and went away. Vivek had now two questions in mind, "Where he can find Ganesh Dada and who is that mysterious lady?" The latter was of much importance to him as he perfectly knows that she can either make his work more easier or harder.....