Dark Vs Evil

Lorenzo had arrived hours ago in India but due to some official hurdles, his attendant was late and he had to spend his time drinking coffee and reading newspaper. He carefully wrote down the events that recently occurred in India in his notepad. The latest headlines were killing of some people on the east side of Mumbai and was linked with the arson of the Presidential Office last night. An unknown woman was seen near the building before it burned down to ashes. Police are investigating about that woman and assured that they will have an answer by the end of the week. Lorenzo took out his phone and dialed a number. The other end took the call and said, "Good afternoon sir. Need anything?" Lorenzo replied, "Yeah. Does arson of Presidential office happened before?" The other end replied, "It did happened but it was long ago, like ten years ago but it was due to accidental gas leak." Lorenzo said angrily, "Stupid. There's difference between arson and accidental fire accident." The other end replied, "No, arson isn't so common and if you are asking about the recent incident, only the library burned and the other parts were safe." Lorenzo thanked him and disconnected the call.

The attendant finally reached the airport and soon Lorenzo left for his personal quest. Lorenzo had a difficult time driving as he is used to right hand driving and somehow managed to reach his destination without banging other cars or breaking traffic rules. He stopped his car in front of a shackled house with was pretty much old and some clothes were hanging on the roof of the house. He pressed the door bell and waited for the man to come. The man opened the gate and called him inside and offered him coffee. But, Lorenzo kindly refused as he had already taken much caffeine for a day. The man soon changed his clothes and they both went to the district headquarters of CBI. The man was the senior analyst and an old friend of Lorenzo. They entered the desk room and met with the field agents working continously to track every suspicious activity occurring in Mumbai. Lorenzo's suspicion was correct; Jimmy Law and Francis Dortmund were soon to come to India. But, one thing was still puzzling him was the recent turbulence in the international borders of UK and India. UK is asking whether any unauthorized plane entered their country, but India denied any such questions. He asked his one of the field agent, Ravi about it and he replied, "The international airline communication is like a wave and whoever entered the country must know this information." Lorenzo spent another one hour interacting with the officers but the fruit was nil. He left the office and went to his suite.

He was already jet lagged and hours of fruitless effort only increased his tiredness. He slept for about four hours and then waked up and brushed his teeth. He was thinking about Carl and Michael and cried for them. He scrolled Carl and his photos on the phone and made himself a drink of raw whiskey. He had become a frequent taker of alcohol and was suffering from depression. He blamed himself for their deaths and the previous fun-loving Lorenzo died inside him. Antonio always calls him to ensure that he hadn't committed suicide and especially appointed a man to look after him. Since he was bored and drunk, he slept again. He woke up to see Carl and Michael sitting next to him. He hugged them and asked, "Am I dead?" Carl poked his head and said, "No, stupid and don't even think about it." Michael laughed, "You have grown a large beard. Where's the 'always shave' Lorenzo gone?" Lorenzo laughed and went in front of the mirror and said sadly, "At the age of 35, I'm feeling like 55. Love really is painful." Carl laughed, "Love is blissful not painful, buddy." Lorenzo asked, "Have you met Ronda?" Carl replied, "It's just tales. No one meets no one." Lorenzo asked, "Then why you said love is blissful?" Michael replied, "Love isn't an object, it's a feeling that depends entirely on you. You are not mourning us but the love you have for us." Lorenzo asked, "What's the difference?"

Michael replied, "I always thought that I can win the world by loving everyone and Carl thought that the world works only on one motto 'Tit for tat'. Yet, we both loved and hated, adored and despised, laughed and cried, lived and died. We both got a good friend in our last days who loves us dearly. So, in the end we both had the same destiny though we chose different paths. That's why love is eternal but the experience differs from person to person." Lorenzo laughed, "You have became a philosopher in afterlife." Carl said, "Find someone who cares for you and pampers you whenever you return home tired. Basically, find a wife." Carl and Michael smiled and vanished in air. Lorenzo woke up and rushed to the bathroom. He shaved, bathed and smiled at himself in the mirror. He promised himself that he won't never feel depressed again and yeah, will find a wife.

It was nearly evening and the city soon started getting brighter and sparkling. Lorenzo had many questions to ask and many answers to find. He knew that the recent arson isn't some accident as library isn't a place for flammable materials to keep and according to the reports the fire was ignited by kerosene and the apparent sight of some woman only justifies his suspicion. He contacted his attendant to arrange a car for him and soon an Nissan Terra stopped before him. He got inside the car and instructed his driver to go to the Presidential office. Due to controversial issues within the U.C.I.D after the assassination of Adam Mamba and destruction of Jimmy Law's half power, many countries had issued a warning against any trouble within their country. India was still not officially rejecting any interference from U.C.I.D but hadn't approved 'no objection' yet.

Lorenzo silently laughed at the hypocrisy of the government who rebukes every act of the criminals and other villains of the society but silently supports them and makes them stronger than the very police they formed to eliminate them. Jimmy wouldn't have became a great don only if the South Asian parts weren't militaristic. The smuggling of cheap guns and the rage of the hungry and poor mass made Angalo Takeshi the great don, Jimmy Law. Many officers like Lorenzo's uncle and father had sacrificed their lives fighting against Jimmy and the unscrupulous government, but still both Jimmy and his sycophants are alive. Even though, Antonio decided to cut new buds rather than uprooting old trees, Lorenzo still wants to kill Jimmy and avenge his friends. Lorenzo asked the driver, "Where's Juhu Beach?" The driver replied, "It's pretty much on the opposite side of our destination." Lorenzo took out his phone and called Ankita to meet him at the Presidential office. Lorenzo finally arrived at the office and told the driver to wait for an hour. He saw the burned side of the library and showed his card to the officer there and entered in the boundary. The whole library was burned but some books managed to survive although half burned.

The books weren't some important things and mostly consisted of old magazines, guides and other recreational topics, but no important documents. Lorenzo asked a nearby officer, "How do the murders are linked with this arson story?" The officer replied, "The man who died was the caretaker of the office, Laxman Prasad and his death and burning of the library signals to a huge amount of mishap in Mumbai." Lorenzo had already calculated the initial danger but since he wasn't confident enough, he didn't revealed the potential dangers lurking in India. Ankita came as fast as she could on her small Nano car and saluted Lorenzo. Ankita works for U.C.I.D after she got to know her capacity and that she alone couldn't finish Jimmy and his empire. Lorenzo said, "Let's go to some undetectable place." They both got in the car and rushed towards their secret base in Mumbai. Lorenzo asked many questions about the recent incident but Ankita could only tell him about the dock incident. Ankita assured him that if any trouble happens, she will be the first to hear about it. Lorenzo and Ankita entered their secret base which was an underground surveillance office under a broken house. Lorenzo asked, "Tell me something about that Indian boy?" Ankita blushed, "A cute boy, I must say. He isn't much interested in knowing my mission though he sometimes asks one or two questions." Lorenzo asked, "Is he a bonafide fool?" Ankita replied, "He's a doctor, so he pretty much remains busy and aloof from me." Lorenzo clasped Ankita's face and said, "You love him, right? See, my girl we are on a mission and not some ordinary mission but one mission to catch the numerous wrongdoers of the society and finish them. They are evil and will certainly used your loved ones for crippling you." Ankita replied, "I know Lorenzo. My father was also weak by our love but one thing I have learned from life is that no one can live without love." Lorenzo looked in her eyes and lightly kissed her forehead and then her nose and finally her soft lips. Ankita pushed Lorenzo and asked, "Why, our relationship isn't like that?" Lorenzo apologized and said, "I was just a little unsatiated by lack of love." He laughed silently and went outside the room.

Ankita called me and asked me whether I was going to meet her today? I as usual replied, "Call me later. I'm busy." She put the phone away and went outside to find Lorenzo smoking. She hugged him tightly from behind and said, "We can have friendly sex if you are feeling low." Lorenzo laughed, "No, no. I want more than just sex, I need a wife." Ankita bursted out laughing and said, "We are on a mission and not some ordinary mission but...." Lorenzo pulled Ankita close to him and looked in her eyes and said, "Sometimes a little love is needed." Lorenzo and Ankita lightly kissed each other and then went inside the room to have a 'little love session'.

Alphonso returned from a tiring negotiation with the local gangs and had successfully established a mini army here in Mumbai. Syman as usual was doing what he likes to do that is burning carcasses. He was pouring petrol on the pile of dead bodies which were his last night's acts. Gary was silently sitting on a chair and smoking cannabis. Alphonso saw the huge pile of bodies which already started to rot and an unpleasant smell filled the air. Alphonso asked, "Why are you burning them?" Gary said, "I told him to bury them but he insisted to burn them." Syman took out a matchstick and lit it. Soon, the air was filled with black smoke and Syman rushed inside the house. Alphonso and Gary looked at each other and shrugged. Alphonso bathed and soon joined Syman and Gary at the dinner table. Syman was silently chewing the meat and was seemingly enjoying his meal. Alphonso asked, "Something's bothering you?" Syman signaled him to eat silently and went on eating his dinner. Alphonso looked at Gary and asked what happened to which Gary just shrugged. All had dinner and soon Gary went to his room and Alphonso went to Syman's room where he was watching porn and jerking off. Seeing Alphonso he stopped and showed visible irritation. Alphonso laughed and sat a little far from him. He asked, "Need girls?" Syman replied, "I have Tarun's wife to satisfy me." Alphonso asked, "So, what's bothering you?" Syman sighed and pulled up his pants and went to a little cupboard and brought a laptop from it. He opened the laptop and showed Alphonso a news. Alphonso was shocked but also surprised because that news isn't much depressing. He asked, "You are worried about your uncle?" Syman replied, "I don't even give a damn if he lives or dies but his life came be used by the kidnappers to either blackmail me or.." Alphonso asked, "Or?" Syman replied, "To reveal my past sins and decode my location. If he lives, we all die. We need to find him and finish him." Alphonso said, "That reminds me, why you wanted to kill Ankita?" Syman asked, "She's too heavy for you?" Alphonso replied, "Nothing's heavy for me but she's a cop." Syman laughed, "Killing cops are our forte. Do it ASAP." Alphonso said, "Her real name is Ramona Choudhury and she is the sister of Tanya Choudhury." Syman recalled the past and laughed. He said, "So, she is my sister in law." Alphonso asked, "What is your and her story?"

Syman brought a drink for him and Alphonso and started telling his story. He beginned, "Some four or five years ago, I came to India to establish Jimmy's dominance in India but since I was merely 21 years old and doing straight business was dangerous, I decided to become a student in some college. I produced fake degrees and fraudulent certificates and got admitted to one of the most qualified college in Mumbai. The first day was as usual, little ragging and introduction. I was a nerdy boy with fat spectacles on my face, so girls remained miles away from me. One day , I was just passing by a room when I saw some boys teasing a nerdy girl who was resisting their hands. I was about to enter when a body pushed me and rushed inside and started beating the boys. I was stunned by her beauty and kept seeing her. The beauty and anger made her face pinkish. I ran and ran and ran till I was breathless. I screamed at the sky "I love her." In the next five weeks, the drugs smuggling and consumption increased ten fold and soon I had my pockets full of cash. Everyday her charm increased and I slowly submerged in her love. I promised God that if she becomes my love, I will stop raping women and will always be her's. Soon, February 14th came and I decided to atleast give her a token of my love in the form of a garden of roses. I brought six acres of land and planted a beautiful garden of roses and threatened the owner and the gardener to keep my name anonymous. She received a good praise as someone special is her secret lover. My bad luck was that she was a police officer's daughter and also aspires to be an officer too. She investigated up and down and soon digged up my psuedo name I was using.

I was so obsessed with her that I had to make another personality for me. I met her as James Thompson and introduced myself as a student of archaeology and soon we became friends. I made every possible effort to woo her but she was too simple and wanted to marry an Indian. I soon felt a competition in a boy whose name I forgot. He was friendly and one day, Tanya revealed that she had a crush on him and I in a childish rage killed him. Tanya cried for him and that impaled my heart deeply. My drug business expanded and expanded and soon Jimmy called me to come home. I couldn't deny him and decided to play my last game. I told my goons to kill her parents and invited Tanya to my house to celebrate my birthday. She came and we had lots of fun and we got highly drunk. We couldn't stop ourselves and had sex the whole night. My goons managed to kill her parents but her sister escaped and managed to get Jimmy's name out of one's mouth. I had to return Ireland by the end of the week and so I started giving my trusted allies respective areas to control. That ate up my five days and I couldn't contact Tanya. After, the sixth day, I was about to leave for the airport when I received a call from her. She was crying and informed me about her family and also that she was pregnant with my child. She also told me that she is going to commit suicide as society will call her an unmarried whore. I rushed and traced her location and soon reached as fast as I could and saw Tanya was about to kick the stool. I kicked the door open and caught her feet. I lowered her and proposed her. She said, "You don't have to pity me just because I'm pregnant with your child." I slapped her hard and kissed her and told her to go with me. She hugged me and soon we went to Ireland. But, her sister became an irritant for Jimmy and now had become an obstacle for us."

Alphonso asked, "So, how did not Ramona contacted Tanya yet?" Syman replied, "Well, for Tanya, she is dead and for Ramona, her sister committed suicide." Alphonso asked, "You told you promised God, you won't rape anyone if Tanya becomes yours." Syman replied, "Looks like I have to do vasectomy." Alphonso asked, "Tanya knows about you?" Syman replied, "Tanya loves me and I love her. I never revealed her about my identity and also for everyone, I'm dead so no one will reveal my identity too." Alphonso laughed, "I have talked about Ramona's murder and soon she will be slayed." Syman raised his glass and cheered. He said, "Go and let me finish my incomplete job." Syman winked and Alphonso went out of the room and Syman started his incomplete work.....