The New Sultan

It was Christmas night and everyone was busy preparing the big celebration hall for the yearly Christmas party. Charan and Arman has buried their family's bodies in the graveyard and paid tribute to their late friend and former member of the High Table, Ejaz Salim Al Rashid. Many high members decided to conduct an election to select the next member but that will be next year's work. Arman was highly drunk and Charan was sitted him with one his friend and new secretary, Alisha Thakral. She was instructed to take care of Arman and stop him from doing any outrageous acts. Arman thought Alisha to be Survi and hugged her tightly and started to murmur, "You have come...I was waiting for you. Don't leave me alone." He fainted on her lap and Alisha took him to the bedroom. Charan sighed and went to his work.

The hall was well decorated and the highly drunk and jolly members were the ornaments of the party. Charan went to the bar and got himself a glass of red wine. He had grown a big beard and was himself looking like a young Santa Claus and his red overcoat only enhanced this quality. He was drinking his wine when his eyes fell on a young lady roaming around the room, probably searching someone. She was heavily pregnant and as being a gentleman, Charan went to her and asked, "Dear, looking for someone?" The woman smiled and replied, "Arman, my brother in law." Charan replied, " You are Shayana." She replied, "Yes. How do you know me?" Charan replied, "Your family is very famous." Shayana blushed. Charan crouched and kissed her belly and then her hand. She knew this gesture. She asked, "You are Charan, right?" Charan replied, "Yes." Shayana hugged him sideways and paid her condolences. Charan hugged her and started crying and cried till his eyes could produce tears. Shayana said, "Where's my brother in law?" Charan replied, "Drunk and probably fucking my secretary." Shayana laughed, "Stressed fucking is in their blood." Charan giggled and took her to his room. He asked, "Anything you would like?" Shayana replied, "A glass of water would do." Charan brought a glass of water and she drank it. Charan asked, "Where's Sultan?" Shayana replied, "Can't say. That old man is dysfunctional and rarely comes home. Me and my baby are the only ones living in Saudi now." Charan asked, "Ejaz always wanted to say you something but couldn't say it." Shayana asked, "What's the matter?" Charan replied, "Ejaz was sterile and always wanted to ask about the baby's father."

Shayana was shocked to know about this and almost fainted. She asked, "Then whose child is this?" Charan replied, "How can I know, girl." Shayana recalled, "I was told to drink a 'sherbet' which incapacitated me and I fell asleep. The next morning, I woke up and I was naked and my virginity was gone. I went to my mother in law and she just chuckled and told me that Ejaz had to leave for UK and this was a little gift from him. Contraception isn't a royal thing and so this is what it is." Charan laughed and said, "The place where women aren't respected and given rights is the place worst than hell." Shayana said, "Hey, my mom used to say this." Charan said, "Whoever did this had his night and he's child will have the Sultanate's right." Charan told Shayana to rest and went outside. He found Alisha sitting on a chair and drinking her drink. Charan patted her shoulder and sat near her and asked, "So, red or green?" Alisha laughed, "Obviously, red. He had too much drink." Charan took his glass and filled it. The bartender and most of the members went home as it was already past one in the night. A little rain, the odour of fresh musk and a shelf full of red wine made the night quite lovely. Alisha was pretty much horny and the cold made her hormones excited. She grasped Charan's collar and started kissing him and Charan also drenched in the moment. Charan took Alisha on his lap and took her to a room and then ripped her clothes and soon he crushed her breasts and she moaned. Soon, they were in missionary position and the strokes started, every time more powerful and soon Charan cummed in her wet cunt and then lied beside her. Alisha was about to say something when Charan put a finger on her lips and signalled her to remain silent. He hugged her and closed his eyes to sleep, Alisha smiled and kissed his forehead.

The night was quite cold and foggy. A man wearing a black sweater and blue jeans was silently walking along the sidelines of the road. His face was hidden by a muffler and he had a Desert Eagle tucked under his sweater. He soon disappeared inside an alley and emerged with a yellow Mustang GT. He speeded away to the north side of London and soon stopped near the ruined office of the Khatris. He crossed the tapes and entered the property. He took out a torch and scanned the whole property and then took out his phone and called, "Hello, boss. The property is fully damaged and except debris, there isn't anything interesting. I will see tomorrow morning when it will be a little warm." He disconnected the call and soon got inside his car. He speeded away to a small apartment and parked his car in the parking lot. He took the lift and soon entered his room. He switched on the heater and made himself a cup of hot chocolate with jam bun. He opened his clothes and switched on his TV which was blank at that time. He threw the remote on the sofa and opened his laptop and entered today's information. He was a paid mercenary hired by the Italians to keep a check on Charan and his lap dogs. The recent incident lured many greedy opportunists to try their luck and the Italians had already bugged the High Table. As an anonymous mercenary, his name was Agent X and his code was: 021095 which was his birthdate. He perfectly knows what kind of punishment he would get if the High Table knows about it but, fat money is always heavier than thin soul and the Italians had already paid him enough for such a small task. Agent X had found out that their is some big names already involved in the investigation and direct approach would endanger his life, but the stubborn and punctual Italians won't understand his dilemma and is pressuring him to act quickly. He had only one way to do his work but that would be to work under Charan, which was again a whole different planning and would require atleast a month or two. He dipped his bun in the chocolate and ate it quietly, devouring it's taste. He thought for a second and then snapped his fingers in excitement. He searched the web and saw that the Khatri business was again to be started in the place and they needed workers. The other page reads that the sudden death of Vanessa evoked the people and many are objectifying Charan's capabilities. He had two options: either oppose Charan as an impostor or work silently under his nose, and he chose the second option. He created a fake account and joined the team as a worker. He shut down the laptop and went to sleep.

Next morning, Charan woke and saw him lying naked on the bed. He grunted and poked his head in astonishment, he had slept with his secretary only two days after his love died and that too he cummed inside her and only God knows if she had the pill or not. He bathed, dined and went off to his new house where many unsmiling and unknown faces were waiting for him. He stopped the car and went inside his house without even inquiring about the unknown faces and almost hiccuped at the sight of a slim, dark skinned man sitting on his sofa. His eyes were dimmed, both with age and tiredness and an old yet stylish smoking pipe was pressed hard between his teeth. He laughed and patted Charan's shoulder and said, "Welcome to your new home, little brat. I hope you won't disappoint your guest." He hugged Charan and went outside limply slightly, putting pressure on his walking stick. Charan remained awestruck for some moment and then clenched his fists in anger. He went his room for a little rest and saw Shayana lying on the bed, reading a book about post maternity care. Seeing Charan, she started to rise saying, "Sorry, didn't knew it's your room." Charan replied, "Lie down. I won't mind. What is the Sultan doing here?" Shayana smiled, "Same thing what he always does. Tagging his problems on others." Charan sat near her and pampered her belly, " When is the date?" She replied, "March 15." Charan put his ear on her belly and listened to the little sounds inside the belly.

A tear rolled from his eye and touched the skin of the belly. Shayana asked, "Why are you crying?" Charan replied, "The night before yesterday, I listened to a voice message sent by Alia that she is expecting and I'm gonna be a father soon. But, some vicious and violent monster snatched that happiness from me." Shayana pampered Charan's head and said, "Business of bloodshed always comes with bloodshed. Sometimes, it's your enemy's and sometimes it's your family's. " Charan said, "Life is all about survival, Shayana. The day this baby is born, you will have to fight for it's survival and that will ask for bloodshed." "Not, if it finds stability and capability to thrive."

A voice came from behind them. They turned to see Arman smiling at them. He continued, "He will find stability as it's in our blood." Charan laughed, "So, how was your last night?" Arman replied shyly, "Ask Alisha." Alisha came inside the room and offered a present to Shayana, "From me and Arman for congratulating you." Shayana opened the gift and saw a cut off hand inside it. Years of experience has made her fearless but still a hand in gift. She asked, "Whose hand is it?" Alisha patted her shoulder and said, "I personally killed him as soon as we know about him." Charan asked, "What will a hand do for us?" Alisha replied, "His laptop will do." Charan raised his eyebrow and said, "You could have brought him alive, even I want to give him a little beating." Shayana asked, "Isn't he in India?" Alisha said, "No, we killed the guard who helped the man to kill Alia and Vanessa." Charan said, "Enough talking. Let's find what is in his laptop." Charan took the laptop and opened it, but it requires password to open. Charan looked at Alisha and said, "Miss Alisha Thakral, where is the goddamned password?" Alisha extended a small piece of paper and Charan read it carefully. He entered the password and then a wallpaper of Ferrari GT appeared and then Charan searched every folder and at last opened the recycle bin and saw a email from some bank.

He opened it and read it: "We are glad to announce that the transaction of $1000000 is safely transferred from AlRuB Co. Limited to your account. We hope that you will use this money wisely." Arman said, "AlRuB, I have heard this name somewhere?" Shayana said, "It's a very big ship building company situated in Ohio, US. My brother used to do business with the owner, Sir Alfred Louis Rubisco, but after their deaths, we lost contact with them."

Charan took out his phone and searched about the company and was shocked to see the profile section of the company. Arman asked, "Anything informative?" Charan replied, "I would say destructive. Jimmy Law has 16% share in the company, the Italian Mafia have 11%, the Mexican Mafia 6% and the Gonzalez family had 12% and the remaining 55% goes to the owner, Alphonso Rubisco." Alisha sighed and said, "So, basically the whole company is Mafia funded and protected." Arman said, "So, it is a joined attack on us by our enemies. We have to be quite alert as they have already played their half game." Charan said, "We have to inform Vivek."

Charan was about to call Vivek, when a bullet shattered the window glass and all jumped on the floor. Shayana had a little trouble getting down, but Alisha covered her and took her to the other room, but a bullet pierced her shin. She fell on the ground, crying in pain, but Charan and Arman couldn't get to her as numerous bullets came blasting from the window. Alisha crawled to the room and shut the door. Charan cried, "Where's the ammunition?" Arman replied, "They will come tomorrow." Charan screamed, "WHATT!!?" Arman said, "Weinstein said the staff is on a leave for Christmas." Charan checked his pocket and found a Glock 19, but he had only two extra magazines. Arman said, "My father forgot his M16 in the living room, we can use that." Charan was about to slap him hard but still run towards the living room. Goons have started to breach their house and hide behind the sofa. He counted to three and opened fire on the goons. Each bullet pierced their head and soon four dead bodies were lying down on the ground. Arman came from behind and shot a man coming towards the back of Charan. Soon, some smoke grenades came bouncing in the room and the smoke started spreading and the vision blurred. Charan crawled towards the room, pulling Arman with him. They closed the door and was shocked to see the room. Tons of RPGs, grenades, AK 47 guns and armor were stocked in the room. Charan asked, "Your father travels with his own army of weapons?" Arman replied, "Of course, he's the Sultan after all." Charan said, "Let's get packed and kill those invaders." Arman said, "You know how to use a Groza?" Charan said, "Of course." Arman said, "Be careful with its recoil." Arman and Charan wore armor and then took their choosed guns. Arman took a Mossberg 500 and Charan took Groza OTs 14 and they opened the door. The house was silent and Charan and Arman carefully searched every room. Both Alisha and Shayana were missing and then, they heard a large car's tyres screeching on the ground. Arman and Charan went outside and saw three trucks running towards the gate. Arman and Charan saw two men entering their car, Charan quickly gunned them down and entered the car.

Arman started the car and rushed towards the trucks rushing towards the highway. Charan opened the window and shoot at on the tyres but missed. The driver saw the act and seconds later, five men opened the rear door and started shooting at them. Arman managed to escape the bullet which hitted the car's body. Charan retaliated and gunned down them. Arman looked in the rear mirror and screamed, "A truck is coming behind to smash us." Charan replied, " When I say left, turn left." Charan jumped towards the backseat and broke the rear glass of the car. He aimed and shot the driver's head. The truck lost control and Charan screamed, "LEFT!!" Arman turned left and escaped the uncontrolled raging truck which hitted the truck front of it. Both trucks flew in the air and smashed hard on the road, smashing into pieces. Arman continued his chase and found the front two trucks have escaped from their sight. Arman and Charan sighed in annoyance. Charan asked, "Who it can be?" Arman replied, "We have to find out." Charan and Arman reversed their car and started returning home. On the way, a dozen of bikers started chasing them. Arman said, "Looks like they want to finish." Charan replied, "Well, then let's finish them." Charan dodged behind the seat and threw a grenade on the road, three unlucky bikers lost their lives. A brave goon jumped inside the car and started to fight Charan, but Charan kicked him in the belly and broke his neck. Another biker shot at the window but the glass was bulletproof, Arman crashed him with the car and he went flying and crashed on the road. A biker jumped on the roof of the car and started impaling it with a sword. Charan's left arm became it's victim, but Arman managed to threw him off the roof. Charan said, "Drive faster." Arman said, " We are going to jail if we drive any faster." Charan was about to rest when a bullet pierced his right arm. The last biker was closing towards them. Charan in rage kicked the door and the biker hitted the opened door and lost his balance. Arman and Charan finally reached their half ruined new house.

The Sultan was waiting for them. On seeing them without Shayana, Sultan became furious and screamed, "Where's Shayana? You let them take her, you useless son of a bitch." Charan had enough and was also in rage, he took out his dagger and thrusted it inside the Sultan's neck and pulled it out. The Sultan fell on the ground, dead. Charan spitted on his dead body and said, "Let's find who kidnapped Shayana and Alisha." Charan went inside and Arman looked at his father's dead body and said sadly, "Your ruthlessness took my mother's life, my sister's life, my brother's life and now your life." Arman said to the guards, "Bury him somewhere." The guards nodded and took the body. Arman said, "Wait." He snatched the big chain from his father's neck and weared it. Now, he is the new Sultan and he is going to avenge his brother's death. Arman gave a final kiss on his father's forehead and went inside the house. Charan and Arman were now both at the pinnacle of their power, one is the member of High Table and another is the Sultan...