The Truth of Crime

Syman was lying on a bed, while a beautiful, young masseur was gently pressing each part of his body. The oil was slowly falling off his body and he was listening to his favorite piano music by Herbie Hancock. His tranquility was disturbed when Alphonso barged in the room uninvited. Alphonso laughed and said, "You know Ankita is dead, I successfully killed her." Syman snapped his fingers and the masseur went outside the room. Syman perfected his towel and said, "My informants aren't dead, they gave me this news ages ago." Alphonso shaked Syman and said, "So, what's you waiting for, man? Let's take our alliance to the next level." Syman replied, "Hold your horses, buddy. Our alliance will take place when I am assured that we aren't getting any trouble in the future. I need a commander." Alphonso gasped in shock, "The commander that you need is standing right front of you. I can easily assure that no one troubles us in the future." Syman looked at Alphonso and said, "You think that being a commander means gathering people, making negotiations and funding armies? Well, my friend, a commander kills not thrills." Alphonso sighed, " You have someone in mind?" Syman replied, "Of course, a friend of mine. But, don't worry he won't lessen your importance. He will just do the killing while we do the thrilling." Alphonso laughed. Syman looked at the clock and said, "It's time, he must have arrived at the airport. Go pick him up and make friends with him." Alphonso asked, "How am I going to recognize him?" Syman replied, "He knows you and also he doesn't like lame talks which you are a master of." Alphonso went out and Syman snapped his fingers and the masseur came in. Syman said, "You lie down. I will massage you this time."

Alphonso got into his car and rode off towards the airport. He took out his phone and called a number. After several rings, the other end took the call and replied, "Yes, boss. What's the matter?" Alphonso replied, "How's the boys?Bihari?" Bihari replied, "The boys were all dead, but Ankita died." Alphonso said angrily, "Don't repeat words like parrot. I told you to kill any witnesses but still her partner survived. I hope you have made arrangements for his departure or else you know what is going to happen with you." Bihari replied scared, "I will, sir. Don't worry, my boys are finding him." Alphonso disconnected the call.

Bihari is the local contractor who takes contract of killings and Alphonso has given him 1 crore for Ankita and her partner's heads. Bihari managed to kill Ankita but her partner's escape had put him in the jaws of Alphonso's rage. He had to find out the partner or else Alphonso is going to slaughter him and his family.

Alphonso was highly disappointed by Syman's stupid nonsense talks as he should perfectly know that Alphonso is far more than a mere negotiator or a trustee of Syman's gang. He had killed and tortured more people than any hereditary gangster like Syman or Ryan had done in his age. Though it was a different thing, that Alphonso's father had links with Underworld all before Alphonso was born. He laughed at the irony of life where a little to less educated person threatens an educated person by knives and guns, while an educated person taking gun in defense is called a criminal. Alphonso always wondered why his father had chosen bloodshed rather than peace for establishing his empire, but after his father and mother were killed by Jimmy Law, he got to know that a snake always bites, no matter how much milk you feed it. Syman wasn't a snake, but he was no less than a wild animal like others, maybe Alphonso was himself a wild animal which he likes to deny. Charan, Arman and his brother Vivek all are running from the truth towards a darkness which swallows every follower of it. All is needed is a light which will liberate them, but they want the dark, the dark that promises luxury and success on the cost of corrupting your soul.

These thoughts had clouded Alphonso's mind and was lost in them, when a beeping sound diverted his attention. He turned and saw that he had reached the airport. He parked the car and went inside the waiting area. He took out his board and wrote, "I am friend" which didn't created any suspicion but also was quite strange at the same time. He got a tap on the shoulder and turned to see a man in uniform telling, "Come with me. Alphonso. We have some business. I am your friend." Alphonso looked at him and observed him: Muscular, smart and black hair. Alphonso went with him to the car and asked, "Where's your luggage, friend?" The man replied, "It's in your car." Alphonso asked, "How it reached there?" The man replied, " A trickster never tells his tricks." Alphonso extended his hand and said, "I am Alphonso Rubisco. And you?" The man shaked hands and said, "My name is Javier Luis Alberto Carlos Mascherano, better known as JK." Alphonso asked, "You are the famous JK?" JK replied, "Yep, that's me." Alphonso asked , "Why is your name so long and where is the 'K' in your name?" JK replied, "Let's get in the car, first. We can do the talking later on evening tea." They got in the car and rode off towards the mansion.

JK asked, "You don't look like the people who works in the Underworld." Alphonso replied, "Actually, I am a businessman and Syman had some links with me. I heard about you from him that you never ask the reason and perfectly executes the mission." JK laughed, "You heard right. But, asking reasons is a habit I'm trying to make nowadays." Alphonso asked, "Why so?" JK replied, "With Syman Rocco, you either obey or give him a solid reason to deny." Alphonso asked, "I thought you are obedient towards Syman?" JK laughed, "No one is obedient to anyone in the Underworld, Syman isn't my master nor I am his paid assassin. He and me has a long history that I will tell you someday." Alphonso said, "Tell it now. Indian traffic is known for its lengthy durations."

JK laughed, "Well, if you insist so much, I will tell you. Ivan Rocco was always known for his gambling and womanizing attitude which resulted in him being expelled from his father's property and his luxurious lifestyle. Ivan was sad and at one time lost all his money and was about to shoot himself, when a person saved his life. That person was none other than Jimmy Law. He poisoned Ivan's ears and one day, Ivan killed his father and took all his property by force. Ivan had an elder sister who could have taken share in his property, so Ivan sent a killer to eliminate her. The killer went but was mesmerized by her beauty and took her somewhere safe from the reaches of Ivan and that bastard Jimmy. They married, had a child and were living happily but one day, Gonzalez then a mere goon of Jimmy saw Melissa, Ivan's sister and her child buying fruits. Gonzalez informed Jimmy and he ordered Gonzalez to kill them. Gonzalez did and then was about to shoot the child when he saw Melissa begging not to kill her child. Gonzalez felt pity and took the child with him. That child is Syman Rocco, your new friend."

Alphonso asked, "What's your relationship with him, then?" JK laughed, "Syman's father was my uncle." Alphonso asked, "Why is his last name Rocco then and why didn't he avenge his parents death instead of serving their killers?" JK replied, "All credit goes to that cunning Jimmy Law. He knew that Ivan was too easy to manipulate and his gambling habits will one day perish Jimmy's empire. He couldn't kill Ivan as Ivan's money was a very needed thing at that time. Once Syman grew up enough to understand worldly politics, Jimmy started poisoning his mind that Ivan killed his grandfather and raped his mom and he is his illegitimate son. Jimmy gradually started sending Syman on missions that involved bloodshed and sent him to brothels to relax. These ghastly acts made Syman cruel, hard and a womanizer. Time went by and Syman had to stay hidden as his crimes rose above the radar. Jimmy was living his most happy moments of life until the Khatri brothers created turmoil and slowly Jimmy's partners died and Ivan went to prison. Now, Jimmy is waiting for any help that he can get. Syman refused to help him as he has many problems of his own to deal with and also Jimmy is now just an old liability who is paying others to keep him alive."

Alphonso laughed, "So, basically he is suffering for his evil deeds. I hope he dies like a street dog, suffering till his last breath." JK said, "I have heard that many times, people hate Jimmy for many reasons, some even hate him for no reason. That man disrupted many lives and pushed many people to the bleak hole of Underworld which has no way out." Alphonso asked, "Aren't we also like Jimmy?" JK smiled, "No, my friend. Jimmy was a chooser and we are forced. Jimmy got many opportunities in his life to leave this dark corner and walk towards brightness, still he remained and spread this darkness further away. Ivan, his father, sister, his nephew, my uncle, my father, your father and many innumerable people were all used by him and he never returned the favor." Alphonso sighed and looked at the green signal and started the engine.

Alphonso and JK finally reached the mansion. It was late evening and Syman was having his evening snacks. The masseur was standing right next to her. Alphonso asked, "Not finished massaging yet?" Syman replied, "Nah, she's too good. I hired her as my personal masseur." JK smiled, "You haven't changed a bit in two years." Syman hugged JK and said, "Lions never give up hunting." JK replied, "But, we aren't lions, we are humans, the bad ones. We have hunt carefully." Syman rolled his eyes, "You and your philosophy." JK called the masseur, "What's your name, girl?" The masseur replied, "Lia, master." JK said, "Lia, my darling come here." Lia came near him and JK slowly inserted his hand inside her pussy and searched for something. After a little, he took out his hand and thrusted his fingers inside her mouth. She swallowed her own juice and then JK sniffed near her neck and then touched her breasts and then kissed her lightly. Alphonso asked, "You need a room?" JK laughed, "No, just checking for any hidden microphones." Alphonso and Syman looked at each other and shrugged. JK said, "Lia, looks like I need a little massage. Go make the arrangements." Lia bowed and went out the room. Syman said, "Hungry fucking isn't good for health."

JK laughed and had his seat. Syman asked, "Mission accomplished?" JK replied, "Old man had no chance." Syman said, "You have met my or I should say our new business partner. I hope you two gets well with each other." Syman looked at JK and said, "Nah, we good." Syman said, "Well, then let's get to business. Khatri brothers have survived and are plotting plans against us. Immediate response isn't needed but a small and steady check could be beneficial." JK smiled, "Give me their locations, I will eliminate them." Syman replied, "Hold your guns, my boy. Let's not talk about bloodshed, not atleast on foreign grounds." Alphonso asked, "So, what's your plan, then?" Syman replied, "Khatris are Indians, but not natives, so they won't have much contacts here. We just need to mislead them." Alphonso said, "No. Vivek is very smart and a slight suspicion can bring his ass in front of us." JK asked, "So, what's your plan?" Alphonso said, "Vivek is a late danger, we need to target the people whose hands are near our necks." Syman said, "If you are talking about Ankita's partner, then he's just a mosquito in front of us." Alphonso replied, "That mosquito had befriended an elephant who is eager to crush us." Syman asked, "Who's the elephant?" Alphonso replied, "U.C.I.D."

JK and Syman together asked, "U.C.I.D?" Alphonso nodded his head in approval. Syman asked, "So, we have police behind us." Alphonso replied, "Not entirely. U.C.I.D works independently and so it's missions are also independent. They won't just barge in our house and kill you, but surely they would have or has already appointed some officer to find us and eliminate us discreetly." JK smiled, "All our lives, we have escaped and killed officers. What would an officer would do to us?" Alphonso replied, "It's not some ordinary officer this time. Officer Lorenzo has been appointed to eliminate us." Syman asked, "How do you know about it?" Alphonso replied, "I am a man of contacts and also Lorenzo has many grudges against me already." JK said, "Officer Lorenzo, ha. We can talk about that clown later, as for now it's time for my massage." Syman said, "Use condoms. I don't want her to be one of the girls you impregnated and left to die." JK laughed, "I never did such nonsense. It's your habit." Syman smiled, "It was. My wife changed it." JK laughed, "I think I need a wife too. Alphonso, why didn't you married?" Alphonso replied, "I did married a girl, but circumstances separated us. She had my baby at that time but my arch enemy, Ryan Gonzalez killed her." Syman said sadly, "And you didn't get to avenge her." JK and Syman went to their rooms and Alphonso had filled his glass for another round.

Alphonso soon got pretty much drunk and was about to go to his room, when his phone ringed. He saw the screen and it was Bihari. He said, "Helloo, Bihariii. Any good news?" Bihari replied, "Got the locations of that scum. Come fast." Alphonso replied, "I'm pretty much drunk and couldn't kill a fucking statue, let alone a running, whimpering scum. You go and hunt him. If you pass, money is yours and if you fail, your wife is going to lick my c.." Bihari replied, "I'm going. Don't worry. He won't survive." Alphonso said, "Take the guns from our godown. Kill him slowly." He disconnected the call. Alphonso crawled to his room and climbed on the bed. He closed his eyes and hoped that he hears the good news tomorrow morning. He slept to a peaceful sleep and the night went away...