The New Era of Terror

Vivek has identified most of the people who has or are going to get involved against him and his brother, but their leader was still unknown. Vivek has heard about the recent murder of Ankita Grewal who apparently was searching for Jimmy and his associate's locations. If he can kill someone by sending a troop of killers in broad daylight, then he must be someone powerful. Also, Vivek has to manage the newly built office in UK as business was also important. He was very much worried about Shirley as she isn't picking his calls and the last time, they contacted each other was four months ago when they fled from UK.

At the present moment, Vivek was busy arranging the documents and photographs collected by him in the last four months. One thing that he came to know about India is that crime isn't organized, like it is in foreign countries. A man with a gun is enough to terrorize a whole town but also many stand up against him, but only by violent intetentions. He was about to call Shirley, when Charan called him. He picked the phone and said, "Hello." Charan replied, "No time for hello. Did you managed to find the man?" Vivek replied, "Almost went to the neck, but couldn't find the head." Charan laughed, "A headless man is no man. Same with Sultan." Vivek asked, "Sultan became headless?When?" Charan replied, "When I thrusted a dagger in his neck." Vivek asked, "They didn't took your head?" Charan laughed, "No one liked that pesky, unscrupulous, treacherous man. Some felt justice as I killed him." Vivek asked, "What about Arman? That pesky man was his father and only member of his family." Charan replied, "He became both an orphan and the Sultan at the same time." Vivek said, "Shirley is avoiding me since that bloody day." Charan replied, "That was bound to happen. I always told to either tell her the truth or let me kill her." Vivek replied angrily, "How can I let you kill her? She's my love." Charan replied, "Now the love has turned to hate or maybe worse, apathy." Vivek asked, "Do you miss Alia?" Charan replied, "From all parts of my heart, she fought for me, lied for me, slept with me and died for me." Vivek laughed, "We have many people waiting for us to avenge them." Charan replied, "We are going to flay the man who killed my Alia and would chop off the fingers and toes of those who helped him." Vivek laughed, "Too much cruelty is harmful. Learn to strike when the iron's hot." Charan replied, "For me, the iron's always hot." Vivek disconnected the call and went on arranging his acquired information.

Berlin, Germany.

Deep inside the chaos and hustling of the busy city life, there stood an enormous and magnificent castle. Its walls had seen the history of the Dortmund's since the day it was built by Essac Dortmund, the great grandfather of Francis Dortmund. Esaac was a British born general who fought against the Nazis and was rewarded with heavy amounts of gold and citizenship in Germany. He soon found himself a bride in the form of Princess Mary of House Regina and inherited a lofty sum of wealth and prosperity in Germany. But, king changed, kingdom changed and soon Essac found himself forced to obey the new king, the opportunistic Timothy who married his son, Ralph to Essac's only daughter, Margaret. In a span of ten years, Bran, Alex and Robert were born and soon Ralph died of poisoning. Timothy suggested Margaret to leave along with her children with his trusted warrior, Jackeen to Malaysia. Jackeen and Margaret developed a relationship in Malaysia and Draco was born. Timothy never forgived Margaret and Jackeen but the sons were their last hope. Timothy and Essac left the world some years later when an assassin threw grenade at their carriage. Margaret cursed Draco as a bad omen as his birth brought damage to her dynasty. Jackeen took Draco with him to Malaysia and Margaret lived with her remaining sons.

Bran took his mother's manners and Alex and Robert developed a homosexual relationship. Draco grew up to be a ruthless man who likes hurting people, especially women. Margaret went to her grave in 1983 and Jackeen visited her funeral. Jackeen wanted to end grudges and shared what he has between all his sons. The Dortmund brothers soon felt their treasury becoming feeble and started looting Malaysian people. Bran only wanted money, but Draco's indecent acts made Dortmund's reign short lived. Cunning criminal Jimmy used people's anger as a weapon and ripped Dortmunds from Malaysia. Alex and Robert were brutally murdered and Bran had to die as a bowed king. Draco survived but lost his power and soon went to his brothers.

Jimmy was laughing at by reading the above mentioned history written in the book named "The Dortmund History". He said to himself, "They called me a criminal, that's unfair. Dortmunds were far more big criminals than me, they looted the people whereas I liberated them." Jimmy was looking for other details when a voice called, "Gentleman, we are sorry to say that it's not for common people to read." Jimmy turned and saw a black haired, tall steward standing there. Jimmy replied, "Common? Young man, I am far more away from the word 'common'. You don't know me, strange, whole world knows me." The steward, "All I know is that you are not allowed to read the precious history of the Dortmund dynasty." Jimmy replied with a smirk, "Well, I have read it already. Full of stupid tales like any other dynasty's history." The steward replied, "All kings do stupid things, like you did." Jimmy asked, "What stupid thing did I do?" The steward replied with a plain frown, "You let young boys destroy your fame and got your friends killed." Jimmy asked, "Please elaborate?"

The steward replied, "If your friends killed the Khatris when they attacked Richeff Gonzalez, then many deceased would have been alive today. You let the boys take power and then blame your friends for not able to eliminate them." Jimmy laughed, "You don't look like some ordinary service boy. Who are you?" The steward replied, "I am Igor Valskis, Francis brought me when the Italians destroyed our homes." Jimmy asked, "You know how to use a gun?" Igor asked, "No, a steward isn't expected to use a gun. That's the guards's work." Jimmy said with a smile, "Times are hard, my boy. Everyone needs to know how to defend themselves." Igor replied, "I have my master to defend me." Jimmy asked, "Really?" "Really. A steward is bound to make his master happy and satisfied and a master is bound to keep him alive." Jimmy turned and saw Francis Dortmund standing near the door. A man of tall built, broad chest and a daunting handlebar moustache on his upper lips along with a perfectly trimmed verdi beard. He was wearing a crimson overcoat and a pair of jeans. His right hand had a Cuban and the left hand had a lighter. Jimmy laughed and hugged Francis, "Long time no see. I have been waiting for hours."

Francis lit the Cuban and took a first sip, "Learn to wait, buddy. Good things come slow." Jimmy replied, "Time is the essence of our plan. If we do things slowly, our empire will drift away quickly." Francis laughed and patted Jimmy's shoulder. Jimmy didn't like this gesture, but showed no irritation. Francis said to Igor, "Go and bring the girls we kidnapped that day." Igor bowed and went out. Francis took another sip of his Cuban and asked, "You like girls?" Jimmy chuckled, "Girls never loved me for my profession. But, I am no virgin as I have a son." Francis asked, "And where is he?" Jimmy replied, "Somewhere safe and free." Francis laughed, "Nobody is safe in the Underworld. A bullet is always there to end their lives." Jimmy asked, "Aren't you a part of Underworld, too?" Francis laughed, "No, Underworld is for people like you, deprived of rights, fighting over a tiny piece of bread and selling one's daughter to brothels for money." Jimmy replied, "Don't you visit brothels?" Francis replied, "We don't have brothels in Germany. All are master of their consent. Sex is a precious virtue, one shouldn't corrupt it by selling it." Jimmy pouted, "You are not like your father. He was a great rapist, as many say." Francis laughed, "My father, I don't know. I wasn't born then."

Igor brought the girls which Francis demanded for. It was none other than Shayana and Alisha. Shayana has given birth to a young girl which disappointed Jimmy to his roots. Francis took the baby and gave it to the maid. He said, "Feed it and let it sleep." Shayana said, "She is already fed, just lie her down on the bed." The maid took the baby and went out. Francis said, "Sit down, ladies." Shayana, Alisha and Jimmy took their seats. Francis finished his Cuban and threw it inside the dustbin. Shayana asked, "Let us go. Arman must be looking for us." Francis laughed, "That's what I want. He is now the Sultan and killing him is quite hard but in Germany, I can easily pierce his head with a bullet." Alisha asked, "Charan won't let that happen." Jimmy laughed, "Oh, really. He will come surely. You know why, because he is a good man." Alisha asked, "Who the fuck are you?" Francis started laughing and Jimmy frowned. Jimmy said lightly, "A man who built his empire long before your parents were born." Shayana said to Ankita, "He is Jimmy Law." Ankita glared at Jimmy in shock. She said, "You look quite young for your age." Jimmy laughed, "One needs a healthy body to stay alive, especially a person who killed millions in his youth." Shayana said angrily, "Arman and Charan has already started the war and won't stop until your head is rotting on the ground." Jimmy slapped Shayana and said, "Worry about yourself, lady. I ain't as benevolent as Francis and will surely kill you if you don't obey my orders." Francis said to Igor, "Take Shayana and Alisha to their room." Igor took them outside but not before Shayana kicked Jimmy in the stomach and then slapped him hard. Shayana said, "From where I come, we pay our debts." Shayana and Alisha went outside the room.

Francis laughed, "This girl has valor and elegance of a queen." Jimmy cried, "If it was Malaysia, she would be sucking my cock for this offense." Francis replied, "It ain't Malaysia, my friend." Francis picked Jimmy and offered him a glass of rice wine. Jimmy gulped it in one sip. Francis said, "Your power is now my power. Don't worry, in your absence, I will take care of your business." Jimmy said, "I am not dead and not planning to be dead any soon." Francis laughed, "Old age brings death everyday. Your day can come any day, maybe today." Jimmy said, "What do you mean?" Francis laughed. Jimmy started choking and felled on the ground, coughing blood. Jimmy asked weakly, "I trusted you. You bastard." Francis laughed, "Trust is a dirty word in Underworld, especially if you trust your enemies. This is the end. The end of your era. The Jimmy Era." Jimmy choked and coughed more blood, till he died of asphyxia. Francis clapped and Igor came in. Francis said, "Burn his body." Igor took the body and went outside. Francis laughed and laughed and said, "Not only you Shayana, we Dortmunds also pay our debts."

Agent X has started working for Charan and had acquired much information of Charan's daily life. Though the Italians told him to kill Charan, but Charan isn't that that easy to kill. He is protected by the bodyguards of the High Table and also Arman's bodyguards were also very alert. Agent X has been threatened by the Italians to finish the job as fast as he could or else he would be delegated to the less known assassin community 'Black Brothers'.

Charan was busy testing the new weapons that he got after his alliance with the Sultan. The whole gun set was quite sophisticated, every part of the gun was kept separately in different places made in the box. Charan was excited to use these weapons but Arman warned him that they are battlefield weapons and could destroy the user if handled carelessly. He then opened a case full of different kinds of knives, daggers, needles and darts. All had a history behind them and were used many times in battlefield. The Sultan was known for his expert knife fighting and yet he died by a knife.

Charan took out his dagger and compared it with other daggers. He looked at his dagger and reminisced his days in prison. He made his dagger by collecting broken iron pieces near the junkyard and made the ferrule with stolen pipe and tied it by melting it with the pipe. The grip was a mere torn piece of cloth wrapped around it. Absence of a good pommel had many times injured Charan's hand, but he did many injuries with it. He made one-eyed John no eye John, killed the mischievous cook who used to throw food like he was fetching dogs and ultimately killed Sultan with it. Charan smiled and put his hand made dagger in his pocket. He then saw the different maces hanging on the wall. Some were so huge that even mammoths could easily annihilated. But what could Charan's attention was a pair of maces connected to each other by a chain. One head has twelve spikes and other had twelve blunt teeth each about three inch thick. Charan took it and weighed it, the weight much be near eight kilograms each head and the chain itself was four kilograms, adding to the total weight of 20 kilograms.

He kept it and went to see the snipers which were Alia's favorite weapon. He had kept Alia's sniper in the cupboard of her. The sniper were old, mostly of the design of kar98, but the body was made of fine wood which didn't deteriorated in years. He took one of the rifle and loaded it. He aimed at the target board hanged on the wall and shoot. The bullet hitted so hard that the board shattered into pieces. The barrel became red hod indicating that it has reached it's time.

Charan lowered the barrel in a tub of water which evaporated quickly. Charan kept the sniper in its place and went outside the room. After a little walk through the hall, he reached his room. He opened the door and changed his clothes. He refreshed himself and then made a drink of gin and lemonade and went to his bed. At midnight, a slight sound disturbed Charan's sleep and he woke up to see a masked man pointing a gun at him. His hands and legs were tied and his mouth was gagged with a cloth. Sensing his imminent death, he closed his eyes and then a bullet was fired and then the entire atmosphere became utter silent...