The Un-Nessa Family

Arman managed to save Charan's life, but still the assassin shot three bullets in Charan's chest, but luckily bullets didn't pierce his heart. Arman rushed Charan to the hospital and the doctors immediately stopped the bleeding and half an hour of serious operation and medication, the doctor stitched up the wounds and Charan's soul remained in his body. Arman couldn't help but kill the assassin as it was an instantaneous attack. Arman spent the whole night guarding the hospital, praying for his friend's life.

At near 10:51 am, Charan opened his eyes and saw a sleeping Arman lying on the sofa. Charan remembered the night and laughed at the irony of his life. He fired so many bullets, killed thousands yet he closed his eyes when he saw his death. He pressed the bell and a nurse came in. The nurse asked, "What's the matter?" Charan replied, "Need to pee, urgently." The nurse took out a jar and rose the blanket. She caught his dick and inserted it in the jar. She said, "Go on." Charan released all the urea and finally relaxed. He asked, "You do house services?" The nurse asked, "Why?" Charan replied, "It's unsafe in this hospital. Many are trying to kill me." The nurse laughed, "And what makes you trust me?" Charan replied, "Dying in the hands of a beautiful maiden is less painful." The nurse laughed and said, "Ok. But only if you pay good." Charan asked, "Money or something else?" The nurse raised her eyebrow and asked, "Something else?" Charan smiled, "Yeah. Something else." The nurse laughed and said, "You are a naughty man. I will think about it." She winked and went outside. Charan sighed and closed his eyes to sleep.

The nurse helped Charan do his daily shit and then washed him. Charan had to drink liquids as his stomach is still weak. After, a hot Arabian duck soup and fresh pomegranate juice, Arman met Charan in his room. Charan laughed on seeing Arman and said, "O Holy friend of mine. My heartily gratitude for you." Arman sat near Charan and said, "You should be careful. Too much power brings too much attention." Charan asked, "Who tried his luck on me?" Arman replied, "The man had a necklace of a skull impaled by a sword." Charan sighed, "Un-Nessa. Your father had upset many dangerous people." Arman laughed, "What can one expect from someone as powerful as the Sultan?" Charan replied sharply, "Definitely not ruthless killings and enemity with people as brutal as Un-Nessa." Arman sighed, "What's your plan?" Charan replied, "They vowed to end the reign of the Sultan and would definitely do it at any cost. But, what if we befriend them? Who's their leader?" Arman replied, "They don't have a leader but a council of people who manages the daily activities of the tribe. They are mostly skilled in every form of assassination but not in educational terms. They speak Arabic and Swahili." Charan laughed, "You don't know Arabic or Swahili?" Arman replied shyly, "I know a decent amount of Arabic but Swahili, my father would kill any Swahili speaking person." Charan said, "Let's visit Tunisia, the land of Un-Nessa. If we manage to get them on our side, we will become invincible." Arman said slowly, "I hope they won't recognize me."

Though Francis tried his best to keep Jimmy's death hidden, still it got leaked and reached the ears of Alphonso. Alphonso was very happy and was jumping in joy, when Gary came inside and saw Alphonso jumping. Gary said, "Try in the morning, it helps in fast blood circulation." Alphonso laughed, "You were in military, right?" Gary replied, "In marine, to be accurate. I was a top soldier of the navy and trained in many combat techniques." Alphonso asked, "Why did you get expelled, then?" Gary replied, "Been with a girl and got her pregnant." Alphonso asked, "Are you marines required to remain celibate?" Gary replied, "No, it just the girl's background." Alphonso asked, "A hooker?" Gary replied, "No, she was the commander's daughter." Alphonso bursted out laughing and said, "That's no punishable offense." Gary replied, "The commander wanted to marry her to someone influential and rich, not some washed up soldier who didn't have any life certainty."

Alphonso was about to say something, when Syman came inside the room. He looked at Gary and Alphonso suspiciously and then went his way. Alphonso asked Gary, "Should we tell him?" Gary said in a hushed voice, "Don't be mad, Alphonso. Syman won't sit here and mourn Jimmy's death. He would take out his weapons and will enter Germany to kill Francis." Alphonso asked, "Isn't he smart enough to know one day?" Gary said, "I can stop the news for maximum two days. In these two days, think something that would make his staying more beneficial than impetuous war with a man like Francis." Alphonso replied, "You are putting me in great danger. Anyway, I will try my best." Gary replied, "Do it surely. I have to take Syman out for shopping." Alphonso sighed, "Once a fearless is always a fearless, but this ain't no place for it." Gary shrugged and went out. Alphonso laughed, "Being a middle man isn't easy." Alphonso went outside the room.

Lorenzo has been a good caretaker of mine and helped me in overcoming the mental stress and physical pain after the recent attack at my house. I won't say that I am not angry, but sensing the nature and power of the people, it was better to act methodically. I am currently having a little rest with my thigh and arm injured, three bullets hitted my shoulder when I was running for my life. The broken debris also contributed to my injuries and now I was a little limping over the ground. Luckily my hands were minimally damaged and I can easily use a gun for my defense.

I was trying to stand on my feet when Lorenzo came suddenly and caught me in a Nelson hold and said laughing, "You are not as alert as Ankita mentioned." I stomped his foot and threw him over me on the bed. I said laughing, "Ankita's every word is true." Lorenzo laughed and stood up, he went and brought a small black box with a small golden crab was printed on it. He opened the seal and gave it to me. I opened it and saw two black Glock 21 in it. I asked, "You are gifting me this?" Lorenzo replied, "No. It's just that we aren't allowed to be too noisy. We need to be discreet and try to eliminate the culprits ASAP." Lorenzo said, "I have a little news for you." I asked, "What's it?" Lorenzo replied, "I found out about the culprits who attacked your house and killed Ankita. They were the men of Bihari, a local contractor and is working for Syman Rocco." I asked, "Syman Rocco?" Lorenzo replied, "Long story short, he is a major criminal and needs to be eliminated." I asked, "What about Jimmy Law?" Lorenzo replied, "Killed by his own men." I gasped in anger and said, "Lucky bastard." Lorenzo said calmly, "Jimmy had done what he has to do and now his work will extended by people like Syman and Charan." I was quite aimless at that time, I lost my house, corrupted my fame, family is far away and my compatriot is dead, leaving me with a man who seems to be on his own vendetta. I sat down and said, "Lorenzo, let me rest. Rest of the talk after lunch." Lorenzo sighed and put the gun near me, "Keep it and rest." He went outside and I closed my eyes and woke up when a sound startled me.

I looked through the window and saw three cars stopping at the front. I quickly took the gun and hide behind the wall. I called Lorenzo and he picked the phone, "Hello. Need anything from the market?" I said angrily, "People are searching for us everywhere and you went shopping." Lorenzo asked, "What's the matter?" I said in a whispering voice, "We got guests." Lorenzo said, "OK. Entertain them, I'm coming soon." I said angrily, "The 'guests'." Lorenzo said, "Ooh. You mean enemies. Then run, man." I asked, "Run to where? Tell me a point where we meet." Lorenzo replied, "Go towards the temple and then take the alley towards the construction site, there you will find a red car. Take it and meet me near the Red Fort." I disconnected the call and ran from the backdoor. But, they already saw me and started following me. I climbed over a wall and started running through the alley and finally reached near a stop. The men were still following me and I hide behind a wall and slowly creeped out on the other, but they saw me again. I ran and jumped over a wall and started running. I soon tripped and fell, hurting my knee, but kept running till I reached the construction site.

But, the men already cornered me there. I was panting heavily, a man hitted me on the head and another hitted me on my injured knee. I fell screaming in pain and then a man came near me and grasped my hair and said in a sluttering tone, "Bloody man. You made us run like three kilometers." He punched me and then said, "Any last wish?" I asked, "Can I have little water to drink, please?" The man replied, "Ok." He cried, "Give this man water." A man came with a bottle of water and gave it to me. I drank it till last. The man stood up and took out his gun. He said, "In next life, if any there is, don't mess with people above your pay grade." I closed my eyes and accepted my fate.

But before he could shoot, a truck came running and crushed him to death. Bullets came from the truck and shoot down the people standing there. Lorenzo along with a man half his size came towards and Lorenzo extended his hand. I asked weakly, "Well, couldn't you have come a little earlier?" Lorenzo smiled, "Getting a truck and a friend takes time." I looked at the man and carefully examined him. He was wearing a filthy white tshirt and a pair of jeans which were pretty much dirty. His hair was covered with a cap and his shoes were pretty much worn-out. He didn't look Indian to me, but not a foreigner too. Lorenzo read my mind and answered, "He is Kashmiri and his name is Farukh Ansari. He once served in the US military, fighting alongside my father in early nineties." I asked, "How did you recognize him?" Farukh stepped in and said, "Because of my tattoo on the back of my neck." I looked at it, an obscure symbol that somehow resembles a broken ship that was captured by an eagle or an eagle immersing from a broken ship, heavily inked at the borders which was to conceal the writing of the slogan. Lorenzo asked, "You could have use your gun?" I replied, "If I use a gun, they would have shot me much earlier. Since I was running unarmed, they followed me without shooting bullets." Farukh laughed, "So, they were hunting you." I replied sharply, "No, I was playing bait." Farukh smirked and went to his truck. I said, "This man looks suspicious. Better keep an eye on him." Lorenzo looked at Farukh and said, "Nah. Just old age grumpiness. Anyway, I have a news for you." I asked, "What's the news?"

Jimmy's dead. His new friends killed him." Lorenzo said in a grim voice. I replied, "I wanted to kill him, but anyway we have won half the game here." Lorenzo said, "But still half the game is left and it will be more deadly." I asked curiously, "Can you elaborate?" Lorenzo sighed, "What happens when the barrier of a dam breaks?" I said, "Flood." He smiled, "Correct. Jimmy was like the barrier and his death released the water which means lots of bloodshed, chaos and new enemies." I patted his shoulder, "I get what you are trying to say, but how are you going to stop this inevitable incidents?" Lorenzo smiled, "By destroying the High Table." I asked, "High Table?"

Lorenzo was about to answer, when a bullet crossed my ear. We turned and saw three more cars stopping near us. We quickly took shield behind the truck and Farukh gave us the guns. They started shooting and we retaliated. Lorenzo rolled over the side and threw a grenade near them and three died at the spot. Lorenzo got a bullet in his arm and I jumped towards him to give shield. A bullet pierced my hip, Lorenzo and I run up the building. The men followed us up and we hid behind the pillars. We had only two or three bullets left, a man put a gun on my head and I raised my hands. He was about to shoot, when I dodged and punched his testicles. He bent and I took the gun and put a bullet through his head. Another man shot at me but I dodged and rolled at the right and put a bullet through his heart.

I started looking for Lorenzo when a bullet pierced my right thigh. I looked and saw a chubby man smiling at me. I recognized him, it was Bihari. He was one of the wanted criminals of India. He laughed, "You are lucky. No one survives my first attack, but you did. Too bad your friend didn't. Her body was lying dead on the ground, crows were eating her rotting flesh and you know what pleased my mind, the revelation that she is the same girl who helped the police in catching my brother. He was beaten, tortured and finally died of internal bleeding. You will also die like him." He took out a rod and smashed it hard on my right arm, making it senseless.

He was about to hit when Lorenzo jumped on him and tripped him. I took the opportunity and grabbed the gun, while Lorenzo caught him in a Nelson hold. Lorenzo cried, "Shoot him." I dissembled the gun and threw it down the building. I said, "He said his brother died from beating, his fate won't be any different." Lorenzo pushed him towards me and I hitted him with the rod. The hard blow vibrated his stomach and Lorenzo punched him on the face. I again hit him on the right arm and then a hard blow on the jaw. Lorenzo and I beated him till his every body part bleed red and he fell on the ground. I threw the rod and we were about to leave when Bihari rose up and swinged the rod, but missed both of us. We dodged and kicked him on the chest. He lost balance and fell down the building, meeting his end. We climbed down the building and saw Farukh lying dead on the ground. We wanted to bury him, but the approaching police sirens hindered it. We quickly got in one of the cars and rode off to safety.

Lorenzo asked, "Are you OK?" I replied positive. Lorenzo said, "Good. Now, for the next step, we have to leave India." I asked, "Where to now?" Lorenzo replied, "Italy."...