The Big Revelation

Vivek was enjoying a bath in his tub. Tomorrow morning, he would leave for UK as Charan and Arman are planning to visit Turkey. Things aren't like before but still business is business. Shirley called yesterday and asked his condition and said the magical words Vivek's ears were striving to hear. Vivek was happy that atleast she didn't asked for an explanation whose answer would have been a lie as Vivek couldn't just tell her as she is from a decent family. Vivek closed his eyes and started reminiscing the moments with Shirley, Alia, Ejaz and the lost members of his family. Charan's obsession ruined many things, but given the circumstances in which they grew up, this life is still better than the life he would had. Shirley wouldn't have been a part of his life nor Arman would be his bestie. Also, Charan lost much more than him, no Alia, no Ejaz and no security of position. Charan knows to make good friends, but a man with a golden armor stays more safe between honorable enemies than deceitful friends.

Vivek's ears caught a sound of a vase falling on the ground. He immediately got up and took his gun in his hands. He crawled towards the door and peeped through the keyhole. He saw nothing and opened the door and went inside. He was about to turn back when someone caught him in a hold. "Hold your hands up." A voice came from behind. Vivek hold his hands up and they both slowly walked towards the safe. "Open it." Vivek said in a pressed voice, "I am out of breath." The person let the hold a little loose and Vivek took the opportunity and released him and pressed the person against the safe, hitting the head hard. Vivek took the gun and said, "Hands up and look here. No smarty acts or else." The person looked at his side and took off the mask. It was the same lady who Vivek saw in the library.

Vivek asked in a harsh tone, "What are you doing here, lady?" The woman replied, "I am restricted from telling my identity. You can shoot me if you want, but I won't reveal my identity." Vivek looked at her eyes and saw firm obedience and courage in them and not an iota of fear of death." He pulled the barrel and said, "Last chance. Tell me or get ready to die." The lady replied, "Shoot me in the head and make it quick." Vivek shot her legs and then tied her in a chair. He wore his clothes and then asked, "You won't tell me?" The lady nodded in approval. Vivek searched her every part and found nothing. He gasped in annoyance, "I hate fucking principles." He took out his phone and called a number, "I want a little favor." The other end asked, "What's that?" He replied, "A little guest has arrived and I want to know her." The other end replied, "Ok. Wait for a minute, I am coming."

After ten or twelve minutes, a man entered the room. He was Ashish Roy, a long time friend of Vivek and a former member of the High Table. The Gozalez took his place after killing his father. He is currently working as a painter in India. He said, "Let's see what we got here." He looked at the tied up lady and said, "You were saying she was looking for something, right?" Vivek replied, "Yeah. She told me to open the safe. It contains some valuable information about the person who tried to usurp our empire." Ashish said, "Maybe she is police." Vivek said, "Nah. If she was police, then this place would have been raided long ago." Ashish said, "I have a plan. You can take her with us, maybe we can have some advantage there." Vivek replied, "Nah. Flight is tomorrow and an unnecessary package would bring trouble." Ashish said, "Leave her and listen to me. I have a fun idea on my mind." Vivek asked, "What fun idea?"

Ashish replied, "The action fun. I got to know that the person who tried to usurp your family is being helped by Syman Rocco and he is making a gang here. What if we create some insurgency?" Vivek asked, "How?" Ashish replied, "Two big gangs are coming to meet each other today to join hands with Syman Rocco. We can pose as one gang's men and attack other. This would create chaos and then we can go to UK a little satisfied." Vivek said, "You are a genius." Ashish smiled.

Vivek injected three syringes of 'rattlesnake venom' in the lady's vein and pushed her outside the car in a deserted alley. They drove to the South part of Delhi, where the meeting is to take place. Both of the gangs were there sitting together, waiting for the host to come and give an opening speech. Vivek disguised as the member of the 'Kali Anna Gang' and Ashish disguised as the member of 'Chowksi Gang'. Both gangs were hostile towards each other for a long time but Alphonso managed to unite them under his banner. Vivek easily understood why Ashish picked this meeting to sabotage as heavy distrust was still among them. A little commotion was enough to shed much blood.

A little later, all men stood up when a tall, dark and villainous man came on the stage. His large mole on the face was as intimidating as his oiled moustache. Ashish said through the microphone, "It's Kali Anna, Jimmy Law of Mumbai. Though he hadn't been that famous, but his youth was full of crime. He is your leader." Vivek asked, "Where is your leader?" Ashish replied, "He is known for being late. Here he comes." All men stood up again, when a fat, short and almost bald man came on the stage. He was smoking a pipe and shook hands when Kali Anna and took his seat. Vivek asked, "This oldie is the boss of 'Chowksi Gang'? He looks more like those lazy bosses who commands his employees to do the work for him." Ashish replied, "Don't go on the appearance. He is a very cunning and dangerous criminal. He joined hands with many big names and was the first person to have control over six states. Name is Abhinav Kattimani, better known as AK. " Vivek said, "Ahh. My father used to tell me about him. A cunning criminal who spend most of his time in jail, but never was convicted." Ashish said, "Better do it now. Syman must be coming anytime soon." Vivek replied, "Actually I want to know how Syman Rocco looks like. It has been ages since I once met him at a party some three or four years ago. He tried his best to be discreet but I know who I meet."

Ashish said, "Enough talking. Looks like Syman has arrived." All eyes fell on the black Mercedes when it entered through the gate, followed by three black Toyota. Kali Anna and AK went and welcomed the guest with uttermost attention and respect. Vivek and Ashish were eagerly waiting to see Syman, but when the guest went on the stage Vivek said in a confused tone, "This ain't Syman. He is particularly distinctive as a gangster. But, that person is..STEPHEN MATTHEWS." Ashish asked, "Stephen Matthews? Who is he?" Vivek said, "Once an employee of mine, but after the office incident, he just disappeared in thin air. What is he doing here?" Ashish replied, "What do you mean by that? He is the concierge of Syman's gang. I think his name is Alphonso Rubisco. He is the person who tried to usurp your family." Vivek said in anger, "OK. Now, it's personal." Ashish replied, " OK. We are good in" A bullet pierced through AK's heart, terrifying everyone. Ashish immediately reacted, "It's a trap. WE ARE AMBUSHED. RUN!!" As everyone was about to run, another bullet pierced Kali Anna's head. Vivek cried, "THIS MAN AMBUSHED US. KILL HIM!!" Alphonso immediately ran backstage and got into his car.

Vivek and Ashish immediately separated from the engaging crowd who were chasing Alphonso's car. Vivek said, "First part of our plan is successful. Who shot the bullets?" Ashish replied, "My sniper was hiding there on the rooftop and shot down Kali and AK." Vivek asked, "Why didn't you shot Alphonso?" Ashish replied, "Politics, my friend. Two dead, third is to blame. Come on. Let's give Alphonso the death of his life."

Alphonso was suddenly in a grave danger and was running for his life. The two gangs have killed his bodyguards and now were madly chasing him to kill. Alphonso saw a muddy road on the left and quickly turned and went inside the jungle. The muddy road were not for his Mercedes and at a point the tyres jammed in a puddle of mud. Alphonso tried hard, but the tyres had pretty much sunken in mud. He finally gave up trying and came outside and started running towards the deep of the jungle. His phone had no network and also it was almost four in the evening, the time of wild animals to come out. He sat on a rock and took a long breath. He heard a footstep and looked behind. A strong kick on his face threw him on the mud. He cleaned the mud from his face and saw an angry Vivek standing there. He gulped and stood up to run, when a strong bat hit his face. He saw a man and asked, "Who are you?" Ashish replied, "No time for introductions." He hit him another time. Vivek came near Alphonso and said, "I am impressed. Very impressed. You destroyed my family and I even don't know your name. OK. I admit you are the best or I should say was the best." He took out his gun and pointed at Alphonso's head. Alphonso laughed, "Cowards. If you have courage, have a fight with me and let our fists decide the best." Vivek smiled, "If that's your last wish, then Hell Yeah." Vivek Vivek diassembled his gun and threw it in the mud. Alphonso stood up and took of his coat and took a fighting stance. Vivek clenched his fists and Ashish sat on a nearby rock.

Alphonso ran and threw a punch, which Vivek easily dodged and punched Alphonso in his ribs. Alphonso took Vivek on his shoulder and threw him over his shoulder. Alphonso stomped on Vivek, but he rolled and pulled his leg. Vivek tried to climb on Alphonso, but he threw him over in the mud. Alphonso jumped and caught Vivek in a triangle choke. Vivek took Alphonso up and hit him on a nearby tree, releasing him from the choke. Vivek kicked Alphonso's gut and then repeatedly punched him on the face. Alphonso's mouth started bleeding but still he kicked Vivek in the chest. Vivek fell in a puddle of mud and Alphonso performed a flying kick on his face. Vivek fell on the ground, hitting his back hard. Alphonso laughed, "You think this is a school fight, moron. That's it? That's all you've got? Weak! Get up and fight me for real... if you can!" Vivek stood up and tore open his vest, his rock hard abs were shining with sweat.

Alphonso laughed, "May well take off your underwear too. But, you can't defeat me." Vivek replied, "Arrogance is the camouflage of insecurity, motherfucker. Stop talking and get your body working." Alphonso ran at Vivek and threw a front kick, but Vivek caught him and threw him in the mud. Alphonso tried to kick him in the legs, but Vivek performed a back handspring and avoided the kick. Alphonso rolled backwards and stood on his feet. Alphonso again ran towards Vivek and Vivek caught him, but this time Alphonso performed 'La Mística' and threw Vivek on the mud. He then caught him in an arm lock. Vivek started gasping for air when he rolled backwards and entangled Alphonso in a 'sharpshooter'. Both of them were crying in pain but still won't release each other.

Alphonso finally reached his extreme point and released Vivek who rolled over the ground. Vivek's left hand was broken and Alphonso's back hurts like hell. Vivek took Alphonso on his shoulder and threw him on the ground. Alphonso jumped and hitted Vivek's back with his knee. He then twisted his already broken arm and then kicked him in his gut. When Vivek crouched, Alphonso ran and wanted to give him 'Kinshasa' but Vivek dodged and took him on his shoulder. He then threw him over the ground, hitting Alphonso face on the ground. Alphonso started crying in pain as his lower jaw dislocated. Vivek stomped him on the back and then took him over his shoulder and threw him on a rock. Alphonso hitted his head and fell unconscious. Vivek slowly crawled and then stood up to go. He was about to go, when Ashish cried, "Look behind." Vivek turned and saw Alphonso throwing a rock at him. Vivek managed to dogde the rock, but Ashish already shot three bullets in Alphonso's chest. Alphonso fell on the ground and then went to hell.

Vivek said, "That's what happens when you mess with Khatris." Ashish came running and asked, "Are you okay?" Vivek replied, "Little wounded but alive." Ashish said, "Let's go before anyone comes here." Vivek looked around and said, "Except wild animals, I don't think others have any interest in coming here." Ashish said, "OK. Let's go." They went and rode off to their base. Vivek was finally happy and was eager to tell Charan this good news.

A Jeep Wrangler stopped at near Alphonso's car. Gary and Syman came running towards Alphonso's lying body. Gary put his ear on Alphonso's chest and said, "There's still life left in him. We should take him to the hospital." Syman sighed, "Only if we really could. People are behind him. We need to take him to the base hospital." Gary said, "They are a bunch of unlicensed doctors. We can't trust their medication." Syman replied, "We are taking him to Italy anyway. We just need to stabilize his condition and they can atleast do that." Gary said, "Do what you like, but do it quickly. His pulse is dropping." They took Alphonso inside the car and Syman threw a grenade inside Alphonso's car. They started their jeep and went outside the jungle. Seconds later, the Mercedes burst into pieces releasing a huge smoke in the air...