The Undead Warriors

Charan and Arman finally reached Tunisia. Though they expected at least a small crowd in the airport to receive them, the airport was completely deserted. Charan said anxiously, "I am feeling a little scared." Arman replied, "It was your plan to visit Tunisia, but don't worry because like many kingdoms, they have their own principles and killing guests aren't one of them." Charan looked around and saw numerous stand banners with an old man wearing keffiyeh. His long beard and rich clothes dignified his importance. Charan asked, "He is the president of Tunisia?" Arman replied, "No. It's Kais Saied who is the president of Tunisia." Charan asked, "What is that, then?" Arman looked and tried to read the words in Arabic "We are very saddened to inform our loved masses that our beloved statesman and visionary, Haji Sheikh Adheesh Al Maulana has left for the heavenly abode. He will always be in our hearts." Charan asked, "Who was he?" Arman replied, "He was the man who kept many people alive, my father had betrayed the leader of Un-Nessa and caused a huge rift in our relations. But, Adheesh sir stopped bloodshed and let my father go to Turkey alive. But his benevolence excluded him from the clan and after some years when their leader died, Adheesh sir brought the homeless people from the harshness of Sahara desert and established them in Tunisia." Charan asked, "But, what about our destination?" Arman replied, "It's in the middle of Sfax. We can find the way."

Charan and Arman finally reached the palace. They were stunned by its magnificence and the progress that the savages of Sahara made in these years. The guard at the door stopped them and asked, "What's your purpose of visit?" Arman replied, "We are here to pay our condolences to the Prince." The guard said, "Well. We have to check you." The guard checked them head to foot and said, "You are clear to go." Charan and Arman finally went inside and saw guards stationed at every ten yards distance. Charan asked, "Do they have any grudge against you?" Arman replied, "Can't say for now but, yeah they can have some grudges." A bald man with an anchor goatee came towards them and bowed his head in hospitality. Charan and Arman also bowed their heads. The man said, "Wait till I go and inform the Prince of your arrival." They followed him to a room and sat in the chair. The man returned after two minutes later and said, "Prince is in the sepulchre. He will meet you here in ten minutes."

Charan said to Arman, "Tell him that we will wait." The man laughed, "I know English. Actually everyone here knows English, we ain't no illiterate brutes anymore." Charan replied, "No, it's just that.." The man patted his shoulder, "Don't worry. It takes more than stupid misunderstandings to make us angry." Charan smiled. The man went inside and after sometime a maiden came inside with a pitcher and two glasses on a tray. She lowered the tray and asked, "Would you like a drink? Sayidi." Charan replied, "Only if you add your smile in it." The maiden smiled and made him a drink with rose water, pomegranate juice and ice water. She kissed the glass and gave it to Charan. She said, "I hope my smile doesn't disappoint you." Charan replied, "Not a chance." The maiden left the room smiling. Charan gulped down the drink and sighed in relief. Arman said, "She didn't gave me a drink." Charan replied laughing, "Maybe she wanted to give her smile only to me." Arman playfully punched his shoulder. A man came inside the room and said, "Prince is ready to meet. Please, come inside." Charan and Arman went inside the room.

A thin man was lying on the bed getting his feet massaged by a beautiful maiden. The man rose and signalled his maiden to go. Charan went and kissed his hand as a sign of respect. The man asked in a grim voice, "What brings the new Sultan and his hearty friend to my land?" Arman narrowed his eyes and said,"You know the answer already. Let's not waste time and get straight to the point." The man chuckled, "Like father, like son. Arrogance for no reason." Charan asked, "You are not the Prince?" The man tapped Charan's cheek and said, "We don't follow heritage law and also Adheesh was no ruler." Arman asked, "Then who are you?" The man replied, "Your father haven't told you? He spent most of his life with us, till he betrayed us and became the Sultan." Arman said shocked, "You are Alamuddin Zaidi." The man replied, "No. His son Saifuddin Zaidi." Charan asked, "You are the ruler now?" Zaidi replied, "We have no rulers, OK. I am a successful arms distributor and has many professional clients over the world." Arman asked, "Then who sent the assassin to kill us?" Zaidi replied, "Please elaborate." Charan told the whole story and Zaidi bursted out laughing. He looked at Arman and said, "Your friend killed your father and you didn't even flinch?" Arman replied, "He got what he deserved." Zaidi pouted, "You have a point, my friend. He tricked my father and also it his last days, he became quite hysterical." Arman asked, "How do know about this?" Zaidi replied, "Simple. I have my spies all over your palace. From that doorman to the bathroom cleaner." Charan replied, "You are quite smart. Still why didn't you attacked them?" Zaidi replied, "Because it's baseless. I fight you, you fight me and generations goes by fighting each other." Charan said, "You got another point." Arman said grimly, "Still you attacked us." Zaidi replied, "No. I wasn't the man behind this act." Charan asked, "Then who was?"

Zaidi got down from his bed and made a drink for the three of them. He gave Charan and Arman a drink and took a sip from his glass. He said grimly, "Don't ask. Those people have already troubled us to our nerves. They separated from us ages ago, but still think they have a right on us." Charan asked, "Who are they?" Zaidi replied, "The Undead Warriors' as they like to call themselves. They are a group of people who remained loyal to the old law of killing the betrayers. Sultan's success and increasing power made them furious so that extent that they choosed to stay in the slums of Qafar instead of the luxury of the palace." Arman asked, "Why didn't you informed us?"

Zaidi replied, "Because your father was an ungrateful person. He would played double cards with us and then seize our palace in the name of gratitude." Arman remained quiet. Charan asked, "How many are they?" Zaidi replied, "Approximately three thousand, more or less." Charan said, "We can take the help of the High Table. Killing three thousand wouldn't be that hard for them." Zaidi asked, "High Table. You mean the place which claims itself the ultimate destination for all wannabe gangsters?" Charan nodded in approval. Zaidi laughed, "They are the prime financiers of them. Sultan and Jimmy are their prime enemies and the people against them are most welcome to their house." Charan asked, "Why would then they elect both of the Sultan's sons as their members?" Zaidi replied, "Politics. If both his sons are members of High Table, then who would be the next Sultan?" Arman said, "But I am both the Sultan and a member of High Table." Zaidi took the last sip of the glass and said, "Then, you have to choose between the Sultan and the High Table and believe me in both cases you would need a successor, one who you could trust. But for now go and take some rest." Zaidi went outside the room.

Charan and Arman went to their room and changed their clothes. Charan asked, "Do you believe in what Zaidi said?" Arman replied, "Sort of. He doesn't have any reason to lie and also Un Nessa is known for it's honesty. As he said there are some people who oppose Sultan and are being helped by the High Table, I have a real problem ahead of me." Charan asked, "What problem?" Arman replied, "If I abandon Sultan's title and remain a member of High Table, then my people will either get killed by the High Table or will rebel and join the 'Undead Warriors' and we will be their prime targets." Charan sighed, "So, we are falling towards the ground without a parachute." Arman smiled at Charan's remark. Charan went to the bed and closed his eyes to think, while Arman went to get a shower. Arman came out minutes later and saw Charan and Zaidi playing chess. Arman asked, "Late night chess playing. A nice way to get sleepy."

Zaidi had cornered Charan's king and now he had no way out. Charan said, "It's a stalemate as I have no options left." Zaidi replied, "When you think you have no options left then turn the table and take an another look." Charan turned the table and took his rook to the last house and BOOM! he had checkmated Zaidi's king. Arman laughed, "You let him win, right?" Zaidi replied, "Sometimes a loss is better than winning." Charan said, "Reverse strike strategy." Arman asked, "What do you mean?" Charan replied, "We can trick the High Table in believing that the 'Undead Warriors' are liability and friendship with them would only create problems for them." Arman said smirking, "I know what you are thinking. But, it's high risk and also create turmoil in Tunisia." Charan said, "Sometimes a little turmoil is needed for eternal peace." Zaidi asked, "What is the plan?" Charan replied, "We are gonna raid the place as police officers and would kill any unnecessary people. This would create a rift between the police and the 'Undead Warriors' and as far as I know High Table would never help the people who have messed themselves in big trouble." Zaidi said, "That's a wonderful idea, but remember you would have only half an hour before actual police arrives." Charan replied, "Don't worry, we would be finished and gone long before the police." Zaidi said, "Ok. Sleep for now. Tomorrow is a big day."

Charan and Arman got ready early morning and wore police uniform and strapped themselves with enough armor and ammunition. Zaidi came in the room and said, "I have arranged a police van for you and also bribed the police officers to arrive late. Also, I am sending a troop of ten men with you as a backup team." Charan said, "Thanks. If all goes well, we will be returning here with enough blood on our hands." Arman asked, "Want to add some details, Zaidi?" Zaidi replied, "As already said, the place isn't the main base but will have atleast three hundred soldiers with powerful weaponry and will to kill. The place is filled with many good places to hide and also had landmines in some places." Charan said, "OK. We are gonna take care of that. Let's go."

Charan asked, "Why did you come out?" Arman replied, "Those three men are bonded labourers and probably kidnapped to serve as soldiers in their army." Charan asked, "What are you trying to imply?" Arman replied, "Straight thing, no bullshit. We are gonna take this as an advantage." Charan laughed, "Come on boys. Let's get the party started." Charan and Arman banged inside and saw the lady was about to escape. Charan shoot her in the head and she fell outside lifeless. Charan and Arman quickly took cover and then an many men came inside. Arman and Charan started fire on them. But, they retaliated and gunned down some of the men Zaidi sent with Arman and Charan. Charan said, "There's no point getting involved. Let's take them to the police station." Arman replied, "OK. Cover me." Arman took the soldiers outside the window through which the lady fell. It was at a height of ten feet but still they managed to jump without heavy injuries. Charan said, "Call Zaidi and tell him to inform the police." Arman phoned Zaidi and said, "Call the police." Charan and Arman took the men outside the area but still the men followed. Arman said in Swahili, "Go and hide behind the wall, police is coming soon." The men soon ran and hide behind the wall. Charan threw a grenade at the coming crowd and then started shooting. The men shoot at them but their armor took some of the shots. Charan said, "They won't stop coming. We better run before their bullets pierce our armor." Charan and Arman took the men and ran towards the road and saw a Toyota HiAce coming. They ran and hijacked it. Arman asked, "You people know driving?" One of the men replied, "Yeah." Arman said, "Good." They went inside and rode off towards the main road. But, they saw a huge roadblock of car ahead. Charan signalled to go ahead. The man pushed the accelerator as hard as he could and rammed the cars in the air. But the adventure injured the front bumper and their momentum also severed and they crashed on the road. The men came running towards them but soon got gunned down by the coming police cars.

Ambulance arrived and took them to the hospital. Charan had this hand injured, Arman had his leg and thigh pierced by the shattered glass pieces and the men had the most injuries, one died and other two had their lower back and rib bones broken. Zaidi arrived near them and said, "Congrats. You have managed to arrest the people and also got them entangled in a heavy imprisonment. Now, the police are investigating the case and may even have action on the High Table soon." Charan said weakly, "Thanks for your help. I will surely recommend you to the High Table." Zaidi gave a smile and said, "You two have to return tonight as they will soon be raiding my palace. I have arranged for your travel and thanks for helping me." Arman replied, "Anytime, my friend, anytime."

Arman and Charan went on the plane and soon they were inside the UK borders. They were at the airport and saw Vivek waiting with Ashish to welcome them. Charan saw Vivek's body partially covered with bandages and Vivek saw Charan and Arman were injured. Charan asked, "Who did this to you? Tell me and he will see my wrath." Vivek replied, "Dead and gone. Who did the injuries to you and Arman?" Arman replied, "Alive but imprisoned." Charan said, "Arman. Have a look at the news." Arman took out his tab and saw the recent news. It stated "Saifuddin Zaidi was killed by some imposters. Only three days after his uncle died, we lost our Prince." Arman said sadly, "He knew his fate. Poor guy sacrificed his life in the name of peace." Charan replied, "It was High Table. Zaidi insulted them and they took their revenge." Vivek said, "The High Table is a double faced bastard. You know they supported the man who killed your Alia and Ejaz and also sent assassins on your tail." Ashish said, "Also, years ago they financed Gonzalez family to take a hit on your father and also took a hit at Shirley." Vivek asked in terror, "WHAT!!?? Why didn't you tell me about it earlier?" Ashish replied, "It only occurred minutes ago." Vivek asked, "How they got her location?" Ashish replied, "She called you and they traced her location." Charan said angrily, "Motherfuckers. I am gonna slit their throats and hang them on spikes." Ashish said, "Don't be rash. They will be expecting you and we shouldn't go." Arman replied, "Staying in UK can be dangerous. We should leave now." Charan asked, "Where to?" Arman replied, "The place where they won't be expecting us. Italy." Charan and all other went on the plane and flew off to Italy.

A man came out from the shadow and smiled. It was Agent X. He said smirking, "Poor fools. They are have made my work easy. Now, I'm going to do what I do the best. ASSASSINATION."...