The Unyielding Jury

Versailles, France

A large building of modern architecture is standing in the middle of a large circular garden, which has four doors at the four directions of the building. Every gate was heavily guarded by armed guards, each set of guards repeatedly changing positions. The inside was filled with numerous layers of modern artillery and deep inside a man was being dragged towards a high pedestal on which three men were sitting magnificently.

The man was thrown before the men and one of the man with a huge staff said, "You have been arrested on the ground of treason, murder of our kind and most severe, joining hands with Italians rebels." The man weakly said, "You know my reasons, sir. I was forced to join hands with Syman Rocco. He is in his prime now and situations are turning in his favor. I have no interest in being in the losing side." The man in the middle started laughing. He came near the man and grabbed his hair and said, "You know who I am, don't you? People like Syman don't even move a single hair of mine and you chose him over the mighty High Table." The man replied, "The High Table aren't no high anymore. The Mexicans are already trying to separate themselves from us after the death of Sultan and Jimmy Law. No one likes to die in other's wars." The man said, "They have no choice. We helped them win their wars and now they have to help us win ours." The man said, "Time has changed, sir." The man said, "Yes. Time has changed." The man said, "Take him to the prison and let him live to see what happens when someone fights with the High Table." The guards took the man outside the room.

The three men were the High Jury of the High Table, who operates independently from any particular Mafia group but are deeply involved with every single group's life. As a matter of fair opinion, the members aren't and weren't never involved with any Mafia group. Every group connected with the High Table must provide one fourth of their gang members to their security. The soldiers vow oath to remain loyal to the High Jury no matter what comes. Except, Jimmy Law and the Sultan, every criminal leader is under the umbrella of the High Table. The High Table has been operating for the past eighty years with its third generation serving as the current Jury. Jimmy and Sultan were numerously invited to join hands with them but their greediness and stubbornness had the better of them. Now, their deaths had brought fortune for the High Table but the uprising of Syman and Charan had worried them to the roots.

The most troubled was Sir Zachary Smith, the head Jury who had a personal vendetta against Jimmy and Sultan. Apart from him, the other two members, Sir Hamato Suzuki and Sir Warren Lorren were just looking at the situation and hoping to stay aloft from the trouble. Warren asked, "Zachary, we think we should have a little talk with Syman. He's young and energetic; his alliance would benefit us good." Suzuki nodded his head in approval. Zachary went to the bar and made a drink for him. Suzuki came near and asked, "What's bothering you, my friend?" Zachary replied, "Situation are getting worse. Most of our allies are secretly pulling themselves apart from us and most likely will not be helping us in the future." Suzuki replied, "Fools. They are big fools. Syman and Charan both are ruthless and being neutral to their fight will be the best choice for anyone." Zachary replied, "Syman and Charan are still new buds. I am looking worried because of Gangchun Tomako." Warren laughed, "Jimmy's son. He is a stupid pussy. His own father never regarded him as a capable man enough to take over his empire." Zachary replied, "Jimmy thought everyone to be inferior to him. He was just a narcissistic fucker, who thought world works only by money." Suzuki asked, "What's there to worry about Gangchun?" Zachary replied, "He is the golden key that can help us open the deadlock." Warren said with a sigh, "Of all the people, you chose a man who didn't even respected his father, has zero experience and doesn't have any manners." Zachary laughed, "Often the ill-mannered horses run the fastest." Suzuki giggled, "Horses, not asses." Zachary replied, "Just meet him once." Suzuki and Warren nodded in agreement.

Gangchun Tamako along with his trust friend Richard came to the headquarters of the High Table. He grew a ducktail beard and was highly dressed in imperial clothes. Richard was dressed in a Scottish suit with a new Rolex watch shining on his left wrist. They entered the room and had a seat. Minutes later, Zachary along with Warren and Suzuki came and sat in front of them. Zachary asked, "Would you like tea?" Gangchun replied, "We aren't here to drink tea. Let's get straight to the point." Suzuki said, "Well, as you know half an year has passed since Jimmy Law died. After his death, many new criminals started raising their heads which may harm our stability." Gangchun replied, "That's not a serious issue. Vote me as a member of the High Table and then see my superior skills." Warren said lightly, "See, son. Jimmy left enough wealth and you have now enough power to control Malaysia. So, don't be greedy." Gangchun replied angrily, "Stupid old man. Are you out of your mind? To deal with people like Syman and Charan, a big army is needed and you should provide it to me." Suzuki asked, "Where is your army?" Gangchun replied in a light voice, "They decided to go independent." Warren said, "They joined other groups after Jimmy's death, didn't they?" Richard said, "Don't get personal." Zachary asked, "Who is he?" Gangchun replied, "Old friend of mine. Name is Richard."

Zachary gave Richard a smile and said, "Hello, Richard. Nice to meet you. It's always pleasant to see young blood." Richard smiled a little. Gangchun coughed, "Well, then when will I be elected the member of the High Table?" Suzuki replied, "If you really want to be a member so bad, then carefully listen the rules. First, you have to seclude yourself from your empire and be a part of the High Table, secondly you have to give one third of your gang's enforcers to the High Table and most importantly, if you ever betray us we won't wait a second before killing you." Gangchun thought for a moment and looked at Richard who gave a light pat on his back. Gangchun replied, "We need a day to think." Zachary said with a smile, "Take all the time you need. We will waiting, but remember one thing our power lies in unity and that should be preserved at all costs." Gangchun and Richard stood up and left the room.

Warren asked, "Zachary, you think he will agree?" Zachary replied, "I hope so. History is witness that all great gangsters become successful defying the High Table." Suzuki laughed, "And now they are history and High Table is making history." Zachary said, "Enough of praising yourselves. Let's get back to work." Zachary brought a huge world map and pinned its four sides on the table.

Zachary started, "Our main business centre is in France, where we are standing now and has control over Spain and United Kingdom. Apart from them, our control becomes partial mixing with the respective gangs of the region. For many years, they felt proud to have links with us and highly valued our presence but the main reason was Jimmy and Sultan who are dead now and therefore many gangs are withdrawing or are planning to withdraw their connections with us. The most important and notable being the Italians who were always hostile towards us and they have their leader Syman in power which brings us more danger. UK is also almost remote from us as the Gonzalez family is dead and Weinstein is not so much cooperative with us. Asia would had been a grand treasure but Jimmy ruined all the chances and Gangchun's popularity is questionable. That leaves us to only two ways- Fight or flight. But the problem is that both ways are harmful for us."

Suzuki said, " I still recommend a talk with Charan or Syman. Gangchun is just an ass." Warren said, "I am with Suzuki." Zachary replied, "Both of them won't come and even if they come what are we gonna negotiate with?" Warren replied, "Share in High Table." Zachary said sharply, "Are you nuts? To survive lion, one doesn't jump in front of crocodiles." Suzuki said, "I sometime thinks why we don't just join hands with someone powerful and have a symbiotic relationship with them."

Zachary replied, "Because of our alienation, no one will be truthful with us." Suzuki scratched his bald head and said, "I know a person who is as much alien as we are. He will be very much delighted to work with us." Zachary asked, "His good name?" Suzuki replied, "Dortmund. Francis Dortmund. He has wits, power and reasons to be with us, afterall his uncles helped us in their prime and now he will." Zachary said, "Francis Dortmund. Hmm...Sounds familiar. Isn't he the man who poisoned Jimmy Law?" Suzuki replied, "One hundred percent." Zachary sighed, "He is treacherous and opportunistic, we can't trust him." Suzuki said angrily, "Make a plan or go with my plan." Zachary replied, "Ok. But we also have bad blood with the Dortmunds. We didn't helped them in their ill." Suzuki replied, "We can give him Gangchun's head as a token of friendship." Zachary laughed, "Man. You are an animal." Suzuki replied, "To kill an animal, you have to become an animal." Zachary laughed, "Then let's become an animal."

Lorenzo was fetching water from the nearby well, while I was cooking lentils and rice for us. Yesterday Lorenzo revealed himself to be a vegetarian, so no meat for us. Lorenzo came near me and poured the water inside the tank. He smelled the aroma and said, "I never understand why you Indians use so much spices in food? They just basically destroy your metabolism and being a doctor yourself you should refrain from spices." I chuckled, "Tongue never listens to the stomach. Indian food are known for spices and will always be, no matter how much you refrain from it, a dish without spices is just distasteful." Lorenzo said, "You sound just like Ankita. A pretty daunting girl she was. Never let anything stop her from her missions and fulfilled all her missions until she met you." I asked with curiosity, "What happened when she met me?" Lorenzo replied, "She started valuing life. She become a girl, who knows how to love, be with someone, talk about someone and worry for someone. That someone was you." I said, "Only if she could tell me this herself." Lorenzo asked with awe, "She never expressed her love?" I replied, "She would always come untimely and have sex with me. She never told me that she loves me but would always liked to stay by my side. The day before her death, she told that she always wanted someone like me but never thought she would meet me at such peculiar times." Lorenzo laughed, "Everyone on this planet is sad, some are sad because they don't know how to be happy and some are sad because people don't let them be happy." I said, "Food will ready in twenty minutes. Go and have a bath." Lorenzo said, "Lions don't bath." "But they do stink." A voice came from behind. We took out our guns and saw a chubby man entering our tent.

Lorenzo asked with awe, "Sir Antonio. How come you came to us and how you become so fat?" Antonio laughed, "It has been almost 18 months since you came to India and also U.C.I.D is pretty much boring now that Jimmy is deceased and other criminals just keep fluctuating here and there everyday. So, I took a holiday and came to see my best officer." I greeted him and then Lorenzo went inside for a bath. Antonio asked, "You don't look like the people who usually takes gun in their hands. How did you joined Lorenzo?" I replied, "Ankita brought me and then a long story." Antonio chuckled, "So, you are the agent, Lorenzo was constantly praising about. I am impressed with your work and would surely like to see more of you in future." I asked, "If Jimmy is dead, then who is threatening the police now?" Antonio said, "Threatening? No, my boy. Troubling. Yeah, Jimmy is gone but he left behind a dream that anyone can become a gangster and rule the Underworld. Syman Rocco, Charan Khatri, Alphonso Rubisco and Francis Dortmund are the prime in this bloody race." I asked, "How are you gonna stop them?" Antonio replied, "Elimination would had been a good idea but they are like a Rubics cube. We have to keep solving until all sides are solved or else one side will always remain unsolved."

I said grimly, "So, that means we can never have a peaceful world to live. My family is on stake, my father lost thirty percent of his shares only because he is my father. My mother and sister could come out in daylight because every rogue looking person could be deadly. Survi died in some stupid gang war and Ankita.. she just sacrificed her life." Antonio patted my shoulder and said, "We all give sacrifices everyday. But, that shouldn't make us weak, because in a war the weaks die first." Lorenzo came out and said, "Sir. Why don't you have lunch with us?" Antonio smiled, "No, my tummy is full. Why don't you come to my house and have lunch?" Lorenzo asked, "You have a house in West Bengal?" Antonio said, "Yeah. India is my workland and so I have many houses all over India."

Lorenzo and I finished our lunch, packed our luggage and went with Antonio to his house. The house was quite antique looking with a large flower garden around it. I asked, "So, this is going to be our new hideout?" Antonio replied, "Not for long. You two are going to Italy tomorrow morning." Lorenzo said, "Yeah, we planned it much before, but you advised us to stay here and we stayed." Antonio said, "Syman is raging war against the High Table and many are in support of him. If he succeeds, then he will surely target the U.C.I.D next as it has always been his prime enemy." Lorenzo asked, "Killing him will only make the High Table stronger. Shouldn't we stop the High Table too?" Antonio replied, "The High Table isn't reckless like him. It's better to kill the snake than the elephant." I said, "Ok. I have only one question in mind." Antonio said, "Ask." I asked, "Ankita told me that Syman send someone to kill her but instead he raped her and left her to remorse. Can you say who it can be?" Antonio replied, "That can be only one man, JK. He is Syman's main weapon and you would encounter him very soon." I thanked him. Lorenzo asked, "What's your grudge with JK?" I replied, "I promised Ankita that I will avenge her by killing the man who raped her." Antonio patted my shoulder, "You will surely do." We went inside the house, eagerly waiting for tomorrow morning.....