Do What the Romans Do

A black Peugeot 3008 arrived at the gates of a magnificent building heavily guarded by Syman's private military. The watchman rushed and opened the gate. The car went inside and a tall, dark-skinned man holding a briefcase got off the car and two guards escorted him to the main chamber. The man took a seat and opened his briefcase and put three sets of paper on the table. He looked at his watch and said to one of the guards, "Can you give me a glass of water?" The guard went off and returned with a glass of water. The man drank it and returned the glass and again looked at his watch and waited patiently.

A few moments later, Syman came and patted his shoulder and said smiling, "You look a little impatient, buddy. You have watched your watch five times till now." The man replied grimly, "Things have become severe and you don't have any answer to it. Why won't I be impatient? I'm your lawyer afterall." Syman sighed, "Lucas, if you were really serious, my uncle wouldn't have been kidnapped nor the High Table could have convinced our fellow Italians brothers to join them." Lucas replied, "As for your uncle, he was anything but a smart man. He choosed to join Jimmy instead of his father. He killed his father and then became a slave of Jimmy. You think our fellow people would have accepted that, definitely not. Their misery was eased by the sweet revolutionary talks of the High Table and then the rest is history." Syman went a made a drink for both of them and gave a glass to Lucas. Lucas Martinelli, a close friend and lawyer of Syman, he has been pivotal in making Syman these powerful. Syman asked, "Where is Tanya?" Lucas replied, "She is safe with your son Jacob in Venice." Syman said, "Thanks, buddy. Tell her I will meet her tomorrow." Lucas said, "You should refrain from these thoughts." Syman laughed, "Don't you worry. No one is capable of harming me in my homeland."

Lucas finished his drink and asked, "What's the condition of your new ally, Alphonso? I heard he got beaten up badly by Vivek." Syman laughed, "He is alive but in a coma. He is a tough man and I highly respect him for his unyielding determination and ambition." Lucas said, "I sense danger from him. As you said, he has high ambitions and people like him doesn't like to be the second in command. He may be harmful to you in the long run." Syman replied smiling, "Do you think I don't know that? See, my friend. No one ever loved Jimmy Law, except Adam Mamba. He could have killed Jimmy and took over his empire and many advised him that too. But, he remained loyal and enjoyed his life to the fullest." Lucas said, "Adam died one and half year earlier than Jimmy Law. You know why? Because he was less protected and had to attend small meetings at distant, unsafe places." Syman replied, "Our situation is different. Alphonso has injured himself big time and won't be much active in the field work. I will serve my friendship and we would be good." Lucas asked, "What about the Khatris?" Syman replied, "They are currently weak and less likely to attack now and by the time, they come we would be invincible enough to crush them apart." Lucas sighed and looked at his watch. He said, "I have to attend a lawyer's meet today, so I will take my leave now. Remember one thing, prevention is better than cure." Lucas went outside the room. Syman exhaled a long breath and went inside his room.

Arman, Charan, Vivek and Ashish were discussing their plan with great seriousness. Charan said, "Syman is just like Jimmy Law. He works in layers. The first layer is Syman's infamous private army, which he uses to keep his base safe. They are ruthless assassins, brawlers and crooked criminals. The second is Lucas Martinelli, his lawyer and legal shield. The third layer is JK, his close friend and his ultimate weapon and the fourth is his crafty brain." Arman asked, "Shouldn't we be attentive towards the High Table? They are the foremost to kill us." Vivek replied, "They won't attack us. Not without proper reasons and plan." Ashish added, "If we manage to kill Syman Rocco, we will again be on the top tier of the Underworld and these time we will create our own High Table." "It is not that easy, Ashish." A voice came from behind and all took out their guns and saw a tall, slender man standing there, smoking a cigarette. He continued, "Syman is the shark of Italy. You can't kill him in his territory; unless you have a wild card." Charan asked, "Wild card? Haa. You think we need some wild card to win. Bro. we are the wild card ourselves." The man laughed, "You need me, you definitely do. Unless you're strong enough to see your friend's dead bodies. just like you saw Alia's." Charan asked, "How do you know that?" The man replied, "I know many things. Try me." Vivek asked, "We will. Care to say your name?" The man extended his hand and said, "Andrews Carlos. I am eager to working with you." Charan asked, "Any personal vendetta?" Andrews replied, "Oh. Many reasons. Every sane person in Italy wants to kill Syman." Charan asked, "What is your vendetta?" Andrews replied, "He raped my wife while I was in the army." Charan said, "So, army ain't helping you?" Andrews replied, "Evidence. Bloody evidence. He vanished my wife like she never existed. I cried, pleaded and even bowed before people but...." He bursted out crying. Vivek patted his shoulder and said, "He will surely be demolished."

Andrews said in a panting voice, "I have a news for you. You may find it important." Vivek said, "Go on." Andrews said, "There is a ship coming at the docks of Bari. I heard some important people are coming there. We can ambush them and kill them." Charan asked, "Won't it be unsafe to get engaged with such unnecessary violence?" Andrews replied, "When dealing with people like Syman, no violence is unnecessary. So, it's a go or no-go?" Charan said, "Arman and Ashish go with Andrews and check the situation. We will be joining you soon." Arman and Ashish took Andrews and went outside to their car.

Vivek asked, "You believe this clown? His story ain't much convincing." Charan replied, "All my life, I have been meeting with different types of clowns, especially the pesky ones. Anyway, I have a strong feeling that he ain't lying, especially when he perfectly knows that we ain't no weak people." Vivek sighed, "His story really made me sore. Shirley is still disconnected from me and our enemies may take advantage of that." Charan replied, "I have a remedy for that. Why don't you bring her to us? That will be good." Vivek rebuked, "Don't talk stupid. Bring her. What am I going to tell her parents or even her? She is angry because I never told her about my enemies but she is still unknown to my real life. She won't forgive me and I very well know what will you do then." Charan sighed, "Love doesn't work on falsehood. She will one day ask questions, many questions about this period of time. Would you still lie to her? Make a fool of her, deceive her and eventually your love would be just a word and no emotion." Vivek knocked his forehead and said, "Such a dilemma it is! We really should have sticked to decent ways of life. Atleast it would have been peaceful." Charan laughed, "Peace is a successor of violence. What you are calling peace is normalcy. A normal life is a boring life." Vivek said in a harsh tone, "Normal has life, love and stability. A turtle lives longer than a lion." Charan replied, "But who is more vulnerable? Turtle or lion? Remember one thing, in a world of rascals, only a bigger rascal survives." Vivek was about to say something when his phone started ringing. He picked up his phone and said, "Yeah. Arman, how's the situation?" Arman replied, "Andrews is correct. Some rich looking people did come to the docks. Come on, we are waiting for you." Charan said, "Ok. We are coming." Charan and Arman ran outside and went inside their car and rode off towards the docks.

Arman and Ashish already were in their positions, waiting for Charan and Vivek to arrive. Charan and Vivek crawled beside a container and came near Arman. Charan asked in a low voice, "Where is Andrews?" Arman replied, "He went on the roof. Said he's good at sniping." Charan said, "Ashish, go on the roof and keep an eye on him and make sure he don't engage in friendly fire." Ashish went to the roof and took his position. Charan looked at the men and said, "It's Macau, the head of the Mexican cartel." Vivek said, "Looks like he joined hands with Syman." Arman laughed, "It was obvious. Times are changing, and Macau has always been on the winning side." Charan smiled, "Too bad, now he will be on the dying side." Charan signalled and Andrews took the shot. It hit the negotiator's head and he fell dead, Charan threw smoke grenades and moved ahead shooting anyone who came in his way. Macau ran for his life, but Vivek caught him in the collar and threw him on the ground. Arman stomped his hand and Charan kicked him in his guts. The smoke dissapeared and Macau clearly saw the Khatris standing there with anger in their eyes. Macau said in a frightened voice, "I can explain. Don't kill me. Syman lured us with promises of power and prestige. Please, have mercy on me." Charan came near him and said, "Well, Mr Macau. Syman is a moron, a real dumbass moron. If you think he will protect you from us, then you are wrong. But, don't worry, I am quite lenient nowadays." Charan took out his gun and shot Macau's hands and legs and then said, "I am giving you a chance to survive." He threw him in the water and said, "Go, swim to your life."

Macau met his end. Vivek said, "He could have gave us some info about Syman." Charan replied, "His death is more beneficial than some info of his. Anyway, we are done here, let's skip back to home." Charan rushed towards his car and Ashish and Andrews followed. Arman asked, "He is a little tired. Let's take him to the club. We can have both fun and work there." Vivek asked, "What work?" Arman replied, "Andrews said that the night club is our starting point. Many of Syman's gang members goes there for a little drink and if lucky some hook ups." Vivek laughed, "The least thing we need in life is hook ups. Anyway, I'm a committed man, hook ups ain't my thing. I have to take a raincheck then." Arman replied, "Your wish, my friend. Don't be crying in solitude." Vivek said, "I can come to the club. Girls is no, but drinks is still a go." They laughed and went towards their car.

Syman's car has arrived at a medium sized yet luxurious villa. The guards checked him and let him in. He stopped his Mustang outside in the parking lot and went inside. Syman took a long breath and went upstairs towards a door. He knocked on the door. Seconds later, a beautiful lady opened the door and Syman said smiling, "Missed me, dear?" The woman jumped and hugged him and then passionately kissed him. A small boy's laugh interrupted them and they saw Jacob coming towards her mom. She took him up and said, "Here, comes Papa." Jacob went to Syman's lap and said, "Papa, where have you been?" Syman replied smiling, "Work, my dear. Papa's bosses are very bad, they keep him working for hours, without rest." Jacob said in a childish tone, "Give me their address. I am gonna talk with them." Syman asked, "What if they don't agree?" Jacob said, "Then, I'm gonna break their bones." Tanya poked his head and said, "Darling, you shouldn't be saying such things." Syman laughed, "He is still a child and standing for one's rights ain't no bad thing." Tanya smiled, "Wash yourself. I prepare dinner in a jiffy." Syman said, "No need to bother, dear. I have some work to be done, meet you some other time." Tanya replied, "You always do this. I ain't talking to you anymore." Syman hugged her and said, "If I don't work, how am I gonna provide you such luxury?" Tanya replied, "There's no luxury as a complete family. That's what my father used to say." Syman gave a weak smile. Tanya said, "Anyway, take care of yourself." Syman kissed her and Jacob's forehead and said, "Be a good kid and don't disturb your mom." Jacob hugged him and said, "Come soon, papa." Syman bid them goodbye and descended the stairs and went outside the house.

Syman came near his car and saw JK waiting there, smoking a cigarette. JK said, "Your eyes are moist, friend. Hard being away from family." Syman replied, "Yeah. Family reunions are very emotional." JK laughed, "You have atleast a good family. I've got nada." Syman asked, "What about the girl you impregnated?" JK laughed, "She's happy with her husband and that fool is raising my son as his own." Syman said, "Forty ain't no old age. You still have a chance." JK replied, "First, I am younger than you which is thirty five and second is that I'm not going to ruin some girl's life for a little sex." Syman laughed, "The lion's getting old?" JK replied, "The lion's getting mature." Syman said, "What's about the Italian's meeting?" JK replied, "Yeah. That was the topic for which I came. Charan and his gang ambushed our meeting and killed Macau." Syman sighed, "Childish acts. Charan is really getting on my nerves." JK replied, "Macau was a Mexican head, right? His death on our land means lifelong enmity with the Mexicans. Charan really knows how to change the game." Syman said angrily, "Not anymore. I'm gonna end his game once and for all. What about the assassin that the Italians sent to kill Charan?" JK replied, "He is taking it slow and says that when the right time comes, he will strike Charan down." Syman said, "Tell that piece of crap that if he doesn't speed up his job, I will not wait for the right time to strike him down." JK said, "Let that be. I heard that you told Lucas to initiate war with the High Table." Syman replied, "It's the right time. If we don't do it now, then we will always be their slaves for lifetime." JK smiled, "They may be in jeopardy, but not weak. They are joining hands with Dortmund and I heard, Francis has Ejaz's daughter with him and is trying his best to woo Shayana."

Syman sighed, "Care to have a drink?" JK replied, "Every second of my life." Syman and JK got in their car and went towards the club. Syman asked, "Any news about the Khatris?" JK replied, "Not much since they got terminated from the High Table." Syman asked in shock, "Terminated?" JK replied, "Yeah. Terminated. Apparently, they seemed to be a lethal force for the High Table and so they terminated their seats." Syman said, "The High Table is nuts. Why does everyone messes up my hard work?" JK asked, "What happened?" Syman replied, "I was thinking of playing politics there. Turning the Sultanate against Arman and then our power would had been enormous. Now, Arman is the Sultan and Charan is limitless." JK laughed, "Don't be afraid. It's Italy. Who can harm us here?" Syman replied, "I am still telling you, times are changing like winds. It's now or never." JK smiled, "Time is the most lethal weapon that cuts deep but never leaves a mark. My mentor used to tell me this lines. The High Table is now like a coiled snake, let them become loose. Then we will slowly but surely crush their hood." Syman said, "Your talks only made me thirsty. Drive quick." JK laughed, "As you wish, boss." They rode off towards the club as the sun hide behind the horizon....