The Insidious Alliance

Shayana was knitting a sweater for her daughter, Hamida and Alisha was playing with Hamida. Alisha asked, "Why you gave her such an old name?" Shayana replied, "Don't dare say that it is an old name. It is the name of my dear mother who fought with the whole family when my father disowned her." Alisha asked, "Why did your father disowned her?" Shayana replied, "Because my father was sterile." Alisha asked in shock, "That means...??" Shayana said, "Don't go too ahead. My grandfather would have killed my mother if she hadn't gave him a successor. My father eventually forgave my mother and then after his death, my brother took me in the palace." Alisha asked, "Who is your father, then?" Shayana replied, "She never told anyone about it. She would always that she is keeping his identity disclosed as a gratitude for his help. She took the secret to her grave." Alisha laughed, "Royalty comes with heavy price. " "Yeah, that's why only a few can afford it." A voice startled the young ladies and they turned to see Francis Dortmund waiting there with a bouquet of blue orchids. He gave the bouquet to Shayana and said, "Care to have a moment with me. Alone." Shayana replied, "You go. I will join you in a minute." Francis said, "Don't keep me waiting for too long." He left the room. Shayana looked at Alisha and said, "Look after Hamida. I will be back in a minute." Alisha nodded and Shayana went towards Francis's room. She lightly knocked on the door and Francis replied, "Come in." She went inside and saw Francis standing near the window with his back towards her.

"You know Shayana, I have never seen my father, atleast alive. He kept me away from himself so that no one could harm me. My mother never saw me with love and only raise me because I was born from her womb. She didn't lived long and left me when I was ten. My father didn't come, but he sent his condolences. He announced me his heir and after six years, I became the last Dortmund. My father and uncles weren't good people and so they gave me fear of death as a gift. I gradually completed my education and then got in the family business. The Russians gave me power and the Germans gave me wealth which made me powerful enough to challenge Jimmy and the Sultan. But, you know what I lack the most is sexual pleasure. I know, I know I'm my father's son, but I respect woman and care for their consent. I know any decent girl would reject me and I completely understand that. I'm not saying you should love me or something just because you are under my roof. It is completely your choice, take it or throw it. I won't mind. You don't have to rush, take your time, choose wisely. I will be waiting."

He looked behind and saw there was no one. He was about to see where she is, when Shayana came inside and said, "Sorry for being late. I had a little upset stomach from morning." Francis laughed, "So, I was telling my story to nobody." Shayana asked, "What story?" Francis waved his hand, "Never mind. You go and take rest. We will meet in the morning." Shayana took his hand and kissed his knuckles. Francis asked, "What's that for?" Shayana replied, "We thank our friend in this way." Francis laughed, "The pleasure is all mine." Shayana left the room and went inside her room. Francis knocked his forehead and said, "Control, Francis, control. You're losing yourself to her. But, still that feels harmless." He looked at his knuckles and saw her saliva over it. He kissed his knuckles and went to his room, jumping in joy.

Shayana was watering the plants on her balcony, while Alisha was changing Hamida's diaper. A knock on the door diverted their attention and Shayana said, "Come in." Francis came inside with a big, fresh smile on his face. He came near Hamida and pampered her. He said, "Looks like Miss Hamida is feeling a little uncomfy here. Alisha, why don't you take her to a walk?" Alisha gave a smile and went outside the room, pushing the pram. Francis coughed a little and went near Shayana and poked her hand. She asked smiling, "Why are you poking me?" Francis replied smiling, "Just making sure it ain't no dream." Shayana laughed, "It ain't no dream then, sir." Francis said, "Don't call me sir. Call me Francis." Shayana asked with her eyebrow raised, "Don't you like being called sir?" Francis replied, "I like that, but you are special." Shayana stopped watering the plants and looked at Francis. She asked, "What do you mean, Francis?" Francis collected all his courage and took a long breath. He said, "I know that I am the least person you would atleast think about, but I promise I will try my best to stand up to your expectations." Shayana gave him a shocked look and then replied, "Well, I'm a widow and a single mother. I'm not allowed to re-marry and even if I was, Arman won't let me do that, till you kill him." Francis asked shocked, "Kill him?" Shayana said sharply, "Didn't you hear me the first time?" Francis replied, "But isn't he your loving 'brother in law'?" Shayana went towards the next row of plants and started watering them. She smiled, "He was my beloved brother in law, but now he is just an obstacle in my way to the Sultanate. I want his head, then only we will talk about our marriage. Is it OK??Francis?" Francis replied, "Of course, my love." Shayana gave a smile and said, "Now, go and start working on the plan." Francis turned towards the door and was about to go when Shayana said aloud, "Kill Charan and his brother, too. I don't want those stupid brothers to disturb my almighty reign." Francis gave a smile and went outside the room.

The Great Dragon Casino, Beijing.

Gangchun and Richard were trying their luck in the roulette. Richard was quite worried as they have lost already a decent amount of money and Gangchun was still trying his luck. Richard poked Gangchun's shoulder and said lightly, "We will be soon out of money. Let's bounce out." Gangchun replied in a drunk voice, "I'm still very much rich and have enough money to gamble two days more." Richard sighed, "No wonder his father never trusted him." Gangchun lost another round. Richard said, "I'm going to my room. Once you are done losing, come to the room. The number of the room is 0109. I repeat 0109." Gangchun replied, "I'm drunk, not deaf. Fuck off and let me concentrate."

Richard went to his room and made a drink for him. Since he was a little drunk and also a little horny, he put on his headphones and started watching porn. He opened his zip and started wanking. Gangchun was still gambling with all the money and at a time, he lost all his money. He became very sad and angry at the same time. He couldn't bear Richard's angry eyes and so he went out for a breath of relief. He didn't take his car as drunk driving is an punishable offence and also he don't want to die young. He tucked his gun under his waistcoat and slowly walked towards the market area. His vision was almost as blurry as being underwater. He walked and walked, stumbling occasionally, enough to hurt a bone or two.

Seeing his attire, some young prostitutes came near him. They asked repeatedly, "Sir, do you want a good time?" Gangchun looked at them and laughed. They were quite young and underdeveloped for a prostitute. He took out his wallet and gave each ¥100 and said, "Go to school, girls. This profession only brings pain and ruins lives. Make your life better and earn respect."

He turned and started walking forward and reached near a signal. He was about to cross when his stomach grumped loudly. He turned and saw a cart selling hot noodles. He went to the cart and saw a old, Mao looking man chopping onions. There wasn't much there, a bowl of boiled noodles, two bottles of sour sauce, a container with chilly soup and freshly fried pork. He saw the menu and was shocked. He was selling a full bowl noodles at only ¥15. He asked, "Why are you selling so much stuff at only ¥15?" He smiled, "Èrzi, I'm an old man. I don't have the energy to fight in this cutthroat business. I sell organic stuff, everyday vegetables and unadulterated stuff, but still no one buys it. So, I sell it at a low price so that atleast there could be something rather than nothing." Gangchun replied, "Give me two full bowls." The man readied the bowl and placed it in front of Gangchun. Gangchun slowly finished the two bowls and a burp indicated that his stomach is full. He stood up and gave the man ¥100. The man said, "I don't have that much cash to return." Gangchun laughed, "Keep it, uncle." He slowly walked forward towards his hotel. The old man smiled and blessed him wholeheartedly.

Gangchun slowly and steadily walked on the road, till he reached an alley. He saw a shadow was following him. He kept walking till two more shadows stopped in front of him. He laughed and said, "Well, if you are robbers, then I'm quite poor right now." The man behind him caught him in a chokehold and another took his gun. The man replied, "Don't worry, dear. We will make it quick." Gangchun smiled, "Won't you ask me my last wish?" The man laughed, "Your stomach is full of food and alcohol and you are not in a position to ask for girls, so what possibly could you ask for?" Gangchun replied, "A fair fight." The man thought for a moment and agreed. He perfectly knows that Gangchun is too much drunk to fight and also he will die satisfied. He said, "Fifteen minutes. If you could survive, we will give you an easy death."

Gangchun threw his coat and took a stance and his opponent cracked his knuckles. Gangchun moved forward with a huge punch and the man dodged it easily but Gangchun turned and gave an elbow blow on his shoulder blade and then gave a kick on his hip. The man fell down and Gangchun stomped on his face. The man's nose was bleeding immensely but still he got up. Gangchun was about to strike again but this time the man caught him and threw him on the road. The man ran towards him but Gangchun gave a strong punch on his balls and punched his Adam's apple and then in his heart. The man was finished and fell on the ground.

The other two shot Gangchun on the chest, legs, hands and abdomen. Gangchun asked in a weak tone, "Mother*****! You said if I survive fifteen minutes, you will give me an easy death." One of them laughed, "But, you didn't. So, you got bullets in all parts of your body. Enjoy your death." The two started laughing, until two bullets pierced their heads. They fell on the ground dead. Gangchun looked up and saw Richard has come to his rescue. Richard ran towards him and took him in his arm. Richard said, "Don't worry brother. You will be alive, I'm calling the ambulance." Gangchun replied, "No need. My time has come, mother is calling me. Our path was till here. Goodbye, friendddd...." He took his last breath and went for an eternal sleep. Richard took his friend's dead body and put it in his car.

Richard drove for twenty minutes and reached near a lakeside. He drove his car to the end of the adjoining pier, where another car was waiting. He got off the car and knocked on the window of that car. A slender man got off the car and went near Richard's car and looked at Gangchun's body. He patted Richard's shoulder and said, "Well done, Richard. Boss will be quite happy with you. Here, take this as a token of appreciation." He gave an envelope full of cash to Richard. Richard counted the money and put the envelope inside his pocket. He asked, "Igor, when will Francis meet me?" Igor smiled, "Once he gets the camera footage and has a deal with the High Table, he will certainly give you a visit." Richard went to the trunk of his car and opened it. He took out a drum of gasoline and started sprinkling it on the car and then made a line of gasoline towards the other end of the pier. Igor and he went inside their car and stopped near the end of the gasoline line. Richard took out his lighter and lit the line, which slowly went towards the car and started burning it. Igor and Richard got in their car and went out of sight. The burning car became Gangchun's pyre.

Charan has decided not to go the club as his brain was loaded with plans against Syman. Arman convinced Vivek to go with him instead of Charan and now Charan is alone in home. He was watching a romantic movie '365 days' with great attention. The movie was quite like his life, only difference was that he wasn't a crime boss but an independent gangster. He closed his eyes and thought about Alia and the sweet moments they had together. He still remembers when Alia came to his house with her hands stained with her family's blood. When asked, she told that she killed them because they had rejected Charan. Wily, unpredictable and caring, she was a dangerous lady a perfect match for Charan. Charan is wondering whom he should blame, Alphonso, Syman, Francis or himself. Everyone is a culprit in their own place, but only one will get punished. Be it he or his enemies.

Charan was lost in this thoughts when he felt someone crawling behind him. He grasped his gun and quickly jumped behind the sofa and caught the man, but the man quickly threw him over and elbowed him in the chest. The man was about to shoot when Charan caught his hand and punched him on the face. The gun fell under the cupboard. The man lurched on Charan and tried to choke him but Charan kicked him in the chest and threw him over, hitting his head on the cupboard. The man tried to reach for gun, but Charan dropped the cupboard on him. He then took him up and punched him on the face three times and was about to unmask him when the man hitted him with his head and then threw a vase on Charan's head. Charan managed to dodge that and chokeslammed the man on the sofa and caught him in an anaconda choke. Charan asked, "Who sent you?" The man replied in a suppressed voice, "I can't tell." Charan tightened his hold and repeated, "Who sent you?" The man replied, "OK. But, leave me."

Charan released him a little and the man took the chance and took Charan in an armbar. Charan cried in pain and the man laughed, "You wanted to know my name, right and who sent me? OK. Call me Agent X and Syman sent me to finish your dirty gang." Charan asked, "How much he paid you? I will pay triple." Agent X laughed, "I'm no sellsword, bitch." Charan laughed, "Too bad. You don't deserve to live in this cruel world." Charan rolled over and took Agent X on his shoulder and threw him on the TV. The broken glass pierced his belly and Charan stomped on his neck and gave him a painful death. Charan's arm was badly damaged but still he managed to bury Agent X, clean the mess and bandage his wounded hand and face. He saw Agent X's gun and examined the mark on the gun. He smiled, "So, you were in fact a sellsword, bitch." He kept the gun in his cupboard and made himself a drink. He sat on the sofa, listening to his favorite music and he slowly drifted into deep sleep and the night went on slowly...