The Perfect Breakout

Charan was sipping his tea and munching some cookies, when the sound of Vivek and Arman's quarrel reached Charan's ears. Charan looked at the direction and sighed. He put on his earplugs and got back to his tea. After a minute or two, he took off his earplugs and heard Arman and Vivek were still quarreling. He rose from his chair and went to the room. He saw Arman was sitting at one end of the sofa, cross-legged, his face red with anger and Vivek was sitting on the other end, sipping a glass of vodka.

Charan asked, standing with hands on hips, "What mischief are you two up to, now?" Arman looked at Charan and waved his hand, "Ask, your stupid brother." Charan looked at Vivek and Vivek replied, "Don't look at me. Ask your stupid friend." Charan yelled, "Just tell me. Stop irritating me." Arman sighed, "Well, I heard a recent news that someone, probably police has captured JK and has kept him at their special cell for interrogation. My informant knows the location and insists us to go and kill JK, before he tells anything that should better be kept untold." Vivek groaned, "You know who his mysterious informant is? It's that newbie Andrews. I'm still telling you, that man knows suspiciously much and could be dangerous to us." Arman said in a loud voice, "He is helping us. What possibly he could get from harming us? Let's say, we believe you and then it turns out that he was actually helping us. Then, what we're gonna tell him?" Vivek replied, "Still, banging into some police cell is quite dangerous. Even if we manage to kill JK, the police will get behind us and don't forget that our enemies don't know our current location, so the best way to remain safe is to remain calm." Arman sighed, "Calmness never wins wars. My father used to say that to me and Ejaz. If they were here now, they would have supported me. I forgot their deaths for you and you pay my kindness like this." Arman bursted out crying.

Charan sighed and patted Arman's shoulder. He said, "OK. We will do it your way. But, first contact your informant and ask if JK is still there, because Syman won't let JK die in some torture house." Arman sniffed back his tears and called his informant. After few minutes of talking, he disconnected the call. Arman said, "He said that there is some movement near that place but, he confirmed that before lunchtime there will be no action. We will just vanish him like smoke in the air." Vivek asked, "And how will we do that?" Arman smirked, "I have the perfect plan in my mind."

Charan, Arman, Ashish and Vivek got off from their car. Arman said excitedly, "I always dreamed of having an awesome breakout from prison, but that never happened all thanks to my father's status and my loyal friends. But, today my dream will come true." Vivek sighed, "Hello, Mr. Dreamer. We are on a serious mission so stop showing your teeth and let's get on the mission. I'm still very much against this risky plan." Arman replied, "Oh, Mr. Whiner. The first part requires both of us, so come with me." Vivek groaned and went with Arman. Ashish and Charan looked at each other and shrugged.

Arman said in a serious voice, "Listen carefully, Vivek. Andrews said that the office is of some doctor Catherine and so most of the guards are in civil dress. So, there should be no mercy and also Syman's men will also come at any point now. The lunchtime is of half an hour and at that time, the place is guarded with laser beams and CCTV. The lasers are not harmful but heat sensitive and will ring at the slightest movement. The nearest police station is two miles away and the canteen is just two blocks away. The door is quite thick and would require almost four kilograms of TNT to blast open. The impact of the blast will be enough to blow away most of the guards and our body shields will be our sole cause of our survival. After, the explosion the cell in which JK is kept will be only twenty yards far. After, we opened the cell and see JK conscious, quickly inject this injection in his neck. Then, we go down the manhole near the chair and quickly descend it. Andrews said that the manhole will automatically release sewage water at us, but we will wearing snorkels and would quickly ran towards the other end. Since, JK would be unconscious, we have to carry him on our shoulders. After we reached the other end, we will find stairs, which will take us to the top. Charan and Ashish will be waiting there for us. Then, the end of the plan."

Arman and Vivek waited for the guards to leave. After some time, the guards went to the second block to have their lunch, while switching the anti-human mode. Arman and Charan put on their shield, body cover and quickly ran towards the door. Arman quickly broke the door with an axe, beeping the alarm. They quickly got inside and met with the heat sensing laser beams, with further alerted the nearby police station. Vivek quickly pasted the TNT sachets on the iron door and set a timer on it. They quickly hid behind the desk and as expected the guards came running inside and blasted themselves to death. Arman and Vivek quickly threw away the debris on top of them and ran towards the cell. Arman melted the lock and went inside. Vivek repeatedly slapped JK to confirm he is still unconscious, but Arman still injected him.

Arman opened the manhole and they both wore their snorkels connected with oxygen tanks and fitted one on JK'S face. They took JK on their shoulders and quickly jumped into the hole. As expected, the dirty sewage water came crashing towards them and threw them a little forward. They managed to fight against the strong currents of dirty sewage water and finally reached the stairs. They quickly got rid of their dirty clothes and wore a new set of clothes. Arman asked, "What about JK?" Vivek ripped open the clothes of JK and took his naked body on his shoulders. He growled, "Next time, bring a body bag." Vivek and Arman quickly went out and saw a couple police cars waiting for them. One of the policeman cried, "Hands up. Stay where you are." He slowly walked towards them, when a truck came crashing and turned the cars upside down. Charan and Ashish quickly shot down the police. Charan cried, "Come on. We ain't got whole day." Arman and Vivek quickly got on the truck. Charan sniffed, "Why is JK smelling so much?" Vivek replied, "It's his sins that are smelling so bad. Let's go." Vivek looked at Arman and asked, "Where is your friend Andrews?" Arman smiled, "Who is driving the truck then?" Vivek sighed, "I could have been a getaway driver much better than him. Atleast, I would have been punctual." Andrews laughed, "Sorry, but bringing a truck in high speed is dangerous and suspicious at the same time." Vivek rolled his eyes.

A dozen of black Volvo XC90 started following them. Charan looked at them and said, "Gear up, boys. It's time for our grand entry in Italy." Charan pulled the cover and revealed a M249. Charan said, "Vivek, go and cover Andews. The truck shouldn't stop running." Vivek quickly went forward and loaded his gun. Charan opened the back door and started shooting at the cars. The surprise attack caught them off guard and blasted their cars. More cars along with bikes and jeeps started shooting at them, Charan and Arman quickly took cover and retaliated. Four bikes came in front of them but, Andrews pressed the accelerator hard and they got crashed under the tyres. Andrews quickly turned towards the highway and went in with crazy moves and turns. Charan cried, "Before them, inertia will kill us." Andrews replied, "We have no other option." Charan threw a grenade on the street and the blast caught a car on fire. Charan and Arman managed to dodge the incoming bullets, but the truck was seriously damaged. Arman cried, "Close the door." Charan tried to close the door but the door were swinging in high motion and one lid fell on some bikers, injuring them. Charan said, "We have to dispose this truck somewhere, before it blasts." Andrews replied, "Hold tight, then." He turned the steering wheel in a semicircle and moved towards the centre of the nearby city.

Andrews banged into a house and got off from the truck. He said, "Quickly take JK and run." Charan tied JK on his shoulders and they all started running behind Andrews. After a little run in the alleys, they reached a chop shop. Andrews took out a bundle of cash and kept it on the table. He said in a panting voice, "Ride for five. Keep the change." The old mechanic looked at them and smiled, "Son, we don't sell stolen bikes anymore. Someone must have given you an old pamphlet." Andrews replied, "Senor, we are in a hurry. Please don't joke around." The old man looked at Charan and exclaimed, "Ah! JK. I do have some grudges against him and his poppa Syman. Why don't you trade him for five bikes?" Arman said, "We didn't kidnap him to trade for bikes. Kindly give us bikes or else." Arman took out his gun. The old man laughed, "This is Italy, we grow up playing with guns." He took out a s16 shotgun and put on the table. He smirked, "See, I got a bigger one." Charan sighed, "Well, you win." Charan shot down the man even before he could reach for his shotgun. Charan said, "Let's find those bikes."

Charan and his gang found some washed up bikes in the garage and ignited them. They rode off towards the main road, only to find more bikes were following them. Charan cried, "Cover me. JK shouldn't die." Arman and Ashish covered Charan and speed up towards their destination. Two bikes came side to side and started snatching JK but Charan kicked the bike and they fell on the ground. Arman shot down three men and got two bullets on his back. Vivek cried, "All come forward, I am about to blast them. Arman and Ashish came forward and Vivek threw a grenade towards the incoming bikers and blasted them into pieces. Charan looked behind and said, "The coast is clear. Let's go." They turned and rode off towards their secret hideout.

They finally stopped near an old wooden house which was long ago abandoned by its owners. Andrews said, "It is a perfect place to hide for a couple of days. No one will come here to disrupt our sweet conversation with JK." Charan asked, "Didn't the police and Syman's men tracked us?" Andrews smiled, "Don't worry, fratello. I have got that covered." Charan asked, "How do you do this? Perfect planning, brilliant execution and erasing footsteps. Who are you?" Andrews replied, "I was in the military, amico. This attributes comes with training and not to brag but I was one of the best." Arman said, "I'm hungry. Let's eat first and have a little rest. We have to this interrogate this dog before his master comes searching for him." All went inside and took a little rest.

The next morning, all got and had their breakfast. Arman said, "Ali had called last night to inform that some traitors had started revolution against me. I have to return to my hometown this evening." Vivek said, "Don't be mad. The situation is still hot and we cannot take such risk." Charan said, "I think that is a great idea. If Arman has his power intact, then Syman will be just an ant before us. Moreover, we need a vacation right now." He looked at Vivek and smiled, "My romantic life is gone, don't ruin yours. Go and convince Shirley and spend some time with her." Vivek gave a weak smile. Ashish said laughing, "Why don't I and Andrews join Vivek?" Vivek replied, "Come on. I will be more glad to have you buddies." Andrews looked at Charan and asked, "What about you, amico?" Charan smiled, "Germany. I have to check on this Dortmund rat. See what's on his mind. I heard that Shayana is plotting against us." Arman sighed, "I knew this day will come. That girl betrayed my brother long ago." Charan asked surprised, "You knew?" Arman smiled, "He was my brother. Shayana is very much dangerous when it comes to achieving something. But this time, she is going to lose." Charan said, "Let's go. JK is waiting for us."

JK had regained consciousness but was both pale and weak due to hunger and side effects of repetitive sedative injections. He slowly mumbled, "Water." Charan opened his mouth cloth and poured water in his mouth. JK gulped down repeatedly and finished half a litre of water in a go. Charan asked, "What is Syman's next plan?" JK looked slowly at Charan and mumbled, "Revolt against the High Table." Charan asked, "Where is he?" JK smiled, "Italy." Charan punched him in the stomach and JK throw out some of the water he drank. Charan asked, "Where is he?" JK replied, "He must have changed his location. That's common sense, you idiot." Charan asked, "Where can he possibly be now?" JK replied, "I don't know, fratello. He doesn't tell me." Charan looked at Vivek. Vivek brought a plier and handed it to Charan. Charan put JK'S right index finger between the blades and pressed hard. JK screamed in pain. Charan asked, "Where is Syman now?" JK replied, "I really don't knowww..Ahh..." Charan released his finger.

Vivek came near JK and pulled his hair, "Let me take a good look at you, my brother. One of the most lethal assassins of all time, now pale and begging for his life. What a pity!" JK smiled, "I never begged and I never will." Vivek smiled, "Ashish, what was the name of the guy who we beat in India?" Ashish replied, "Alphonso Rubisco." Vivek laughed, "JK, you must have heard that name, don't you? After all, he was your guest of honour. Do you want to die like him?" JK spitted on Vivek's face, "He survived and is in coma right now." Vivek cleaned the spit and punched him on the face. He took a screwdriver and thrusted it in JK's shoulder. JK cried, "If you want to kill me, do it now."

Arman laughed, "See, he is pleading to die." Charan replied, "We will fulfill your wish. But, first tell me where is Syman?" JK remained quiet. Charan thrusted the screwdriver deeper and JK cried, "Fineee. He is in Bangkok. Vietnamese gangsters are now his only option left." Charan looked at Arman and Andrews. Arman and Andrews nodded. Charan sighed, "Fine. Let's agree to disagree. Here is your prize for atleast not wasting our time." Vivek brought C-4 explosives and placed around JK'S chair. Charan said, "Well, what can I say. I really respect your daring, slyness and tactical skills. It is our honor killing you. Arrivederci Signore." All of them went out of the house and got into their car. After going a decent mile, all got off their car and Charan pressed the detonator. The house blasted into pieces with huge smoke in the air. All saluted and returned to their car.

After getting almost three miles away, they stopped their car at a gas station and got down. Three cars were parked there for them. Charan said, "OK. Let's meet after two months." Vivek and others hugged him and went to their respective cars and went off towards their respective destinations as the sun started hiding behind the horizon....