Bittersweet Reconciliation

Armaan, Vivek and Ashish were chilling in their inn. Arman was sucking his strawberry flavored popsicles, Vivek was busy searching gifts for Shirley online and Ashish was painting on the canvas. Vivek suddenly asked, "Arman, how about I give Shirley a newly launched pendant?" Arman looked at the picture of the pendant and said, "I don't have much knowledge about this things. Ask Shirley what she wants as a reconciliation gift." Vivek looked at Ashish for any comment but he pretended to be deaf to the conversation. Vivek sighed, "OK. Fine. Never come to me with girl problems as I won't help you." Arman rolled his eyes, "Fine. If you really want to please her, then tell her the truth." Vivek waved his hand, "It will only make her more mad at me." Arman replied, "Try her. Atleast, that will make things clear." Ashish said, "Well, Arman is right. From what I heard about Shirley, she will be packed with questions." Vivek sighed, "Yeah, easy questions with difficult answers. May God give me strength today" Arman and Ashish started laughing.

Vivek and Arman were sitting at a cafe waiting for Shirley to come. Arman looked at his watch and said, "It's already past one hour. The waiter has already asked us four times and all we ordered is four cups of coffee." Vivek asked annoyingly, "You want something else?" Arman sighed, "A cigarette would do." Vivek asked, "From when did you become a frequent smoker?" Arman replied, "Since situations became worse." Vivek smiled, "So, ruining your lungs will make the situation better?" Arman forced a smile and went away.

Vivek looked at Arman and sighed. He perfectly knows what was bothering Arman and made him an addict of smoke and alcohol. Arman may not tell or express his feelings but deep down he is quite lonely and remorseful. He blames himself for Survi's death as his obsession made her a victim of the cruel Ryan. Ryan died quite easily and everything associated with him too. He didn't get the perfect closure and that wound is now turning fatal. Vivek was lost in the thoughts when a tight slap hitted his face. He looked and saw Shirley's red hot face. Vivek looked at Shirley and Shirley gave him another slap and another and another. People were looking at them, mostly because Vivek wasn't defending himself. After, turning Vivek's face into a baboon's ass, she sat on the chair and finally threw the hot coffee at his face. Vivek wiped his face and asked, "Can I talk now?" Shirley said, "Tell." Vivek replied, "I had no option but to send you and Bhavna to India. You have seen what type of dangerous enemies I have to deal with. I couldn't risk your life, love." Shirley asked, "Oh. Really? What about giving me a call or something? You fucking ignored me for two damn YEARS!!!" People started looking at them. Vivek said, "Let's talk somewhere else. Don't make a scene." Shirley stood up and threw Arman's coffee on his face, "OH. I am making a scene. My whole life has turned into a comedy scene all because I loved you. I was such an idiot to love you. You know what, let's not make a 'scene', I go my way and you go and fuck with your enemies. WE ARE OVERRR!!" Shirley slammed the table and went away.

Vivek ran after Shirley when the waiter caught him and said, "Sir. Bill." Vivek said, "Girlfriend problems. My friend will pay." Vivek ran after Shirley but she already went inside her car and started driving towards Margao. Vivek went inside his car and followed her for an hour. Shirley finally stopped nearby a garden and came outside the car. She asked, "So, you are now stalking me?" Vivek said, "Atleast listen to me." Shirley said, "Come inside the garden." They went deep into the garden and entered a hedge maze. Shirley suddenly changed her aura and hugged Vivek tightly. She started kissing Vivek's face repeatedly till his face became moist with her saliva. Vivek asked, "My cheeks are still hurting from your powerful slaps." Shirley said, "Sorry. But I had to do that or else you would have been killed." Vivek asked surprised, "Killed? By whom?" Shirley replied, "Long story. Let's not waste our ten minutes talking about that monster." Vivek said, "It's my duty to protect you from any monster. Go on." Shirley said, "OK. I will try to keep it brief."

Shirley started, "You may not know but there is..I mean was a big gangster named Kali Anna who ruled Mumbai for a couple of years but was killed in a gang riot a couple of months ago. After his death, his brother-in-law, Supratim took over his empire and shifted it to Goa. He killed, robbed, bribed and tortured his way to become an influential gangster of Goa. Drugs is a very much popular substance in Goa and Supratim didn't remained second and took a keen interest in it and started distributing them in beach parties. I met him at such a party. My friend introduced me to him and he welcomed me. All was going good when few days later, his goons kidnapped me and threw me before Supratim. Supratim expressed his love and indirectly threatened me to accept his proposal. I had no option but to be his girlfriend and spent time with him. Everything was going well but your message provoked him and I had to do all this drama."

Vivek hugged Shirley and said, "Go home now. I will soon free you from that rascal's hold." Shirley said, "Don't try anything stupid. They are ruthless and will possibly kill you." Vivek replied, "Don't worry, dear. I got some friends in police and I'm sure they will help me." She gave him a kiss and went away hastily.

Vivek returned to his house and made a drink for him. Arman came inside and said, "You know that I don't carry cash with me and couldn't use credit cards. Damn, I had to give my precious watch to that stupid waiter." Vivek looked at Arman and said, "Don't worry. I will buy you a new one. But, listen we got a problem." Arman asked, "What problem?" Vivek asked, "You remember Kaali Anna?" Arman replied, "Yeah. That scapegoat." Vivek replied, "He has a brother in law who is obsessed with Shirley and is forcing her into a relationship." Arman sighed, "Charan would have slapped you if he was here. Go, fight the goons, kill the villain and rescue your girl." Vivek laughed, "It ain't no movie or video game. We need to keep things subtle." Arman sighed, "I always think about your problems more than mine, but still you don't listen to me." Vivek asked, "Speaking of problem, what happened to the uprising against you?" Arman smiled, "We indirectly solved that." Vivek asked, "How?"

Arman sat down and made a drink for him and signalled Vivek to sit with him. Arman replied, "Allegedly those people were not part of the Sultanate and were funded by Syman to do so. So, after JK'S death and Syman's fleeing to Bangkok, they escaped Baghdad in the dark of night." Vivek laughed, "This business is full of domino effects." Vivek snapped his finger and said, "I have the perfect plan in my mind." Arman asked, "What is it?" Vivek replied, "Shirley said he is very interested in drug business and is trying hard to get a deal. So, why don't we give him a deal." Arman smiled, "You two brothers never fall short of devious plans." Vivek replied, "It's in our blood, bro."

Rome, Italy.

Lorenzo was furiously rebuking Catherine for such useless defense technology in her office. I was sitting at a corner, drinking coffee and was giving Catherine a compassionate look. Catherine lowered her head and kept listening to Lorenzo for half an hour. Finally, he slammed the door and went out. Catherine was visibly upset and was trying hard to maintain a poker face. I went and sat near her and patted her shoulder. She immediately hugged me and started crying. I patted her head and caught her for a minute. She eventually got relaxed and wiped her tears. She took a long breath and went to the bathroom. After a minute, she came out and said, "Let's go." I asked, "Where?" She replied, "It's useless to cry on ruined things. Let's go and fill our stomachs. We have still a mission to complete." I rose and went with her.

We entered the car and she started driving towards her regular restaurant. Looking at her, one can evidently say that she is upset and was feeling low. Lorenzo surely overdid, but he was also at no fault. Lorenzo was almost at the neck of one big gangster which would have silenced many criminals. But, JK being kidnapped by rival gangs have led to increase of optimism among other criminals. One thing that happened good was that Syman fled Italy and Italy atleast for sometime, became crime free.

Cathy stopped the car and we went inside the restaurant. The restaurant was quite crowded today. They were celebrating liberty from Syman. We could hardly find a seat, but being a policeman gave us two seats. Cathy ordered a large pizza for herself and I ordered a medium sized pizza. Cathy said, "Look at them. Celebrating like they have no tomorrow." I smiled, "Of course. Liberty is a very soothing experience." Cathy smiled, "Syman fled, not died. He will come again. But you know one thing, Syman was never their culprit." I asked, "Then, who is?" Cathy replied, "JK and Lucas. Syman after his marriage never indulged in any criminal activity other than drug dealing. But, JK and Lucas. They became omnipotent. JK looted women and money, while Lucas snatched lands and made many people his bonded laborers ." I asked, "So, why don't we go after them?" Cathy smiled, "To end a kingdom, you have to kill the king not the ministers. They will die eventually anyway." Our order came and we started eating. A while later, Cathy suddenly asked, "You brought your gun?" I replied startled, "No, we are on a date, not on a mission." She smirked, "Date?" I laughed, "No, just I thought it to be." She poked my head, "Fine. Call it a date. But, there is still a mission to complete." I asked, "What mission?" Cathy replied, "Sources say Lucas is still in Italy and is probably hiding in the old warehouse of Meredith Mills. Let's go and kill him." I looked at her and smiled. She is just like Ankita. Ready to kill.

We stopped near the gate of the Meredith Mills. The gate was mostly covered with moss and rust, with a snail crawling on it. We climbed up the wall and slowly tiptoed behind an old fallen container. The mill was a perfect place for shady people like Lucas to hide. Cathy said surprised, "There are no guards or even a sight of a living being. Strange." I said, "Maybe, you got some wrong information. Lucas won't be staying in Italy after such upheaval." Cathy replied, "No, even if he is not here. This place surely must have something mysterious in it. Let's search it." I asked, "You have a gun?" She laughed, "Are you scared, dear? Don't worry I have three with me. You can take one." She handed me a Glock 22 with four magazines. She said, "Shoot quick and in the head." I nodded in approval.

Cathy went the other side, probably the better side as easily climbed up a tree and jumped on the roof of the warehouse. The sound didn't brought any visitors and I carefully punched a window and got inside. The warehouse was quite smelly, but the smell was of dried blood. I asked, "Cathy. What mill was this?" She replied through microphone, "Leather factory." I said, "Oh." I tightly grasped my gun and went towards a locked door. The door was quite old and made a creak sound. I was smelling so bad that I vomited out the pizza. It contains dead bodies of animals and maybe too as I saw a rotting skull. I closed the door and rushed upstairs and stealthily checked every room and finally reached a room. As I was about to peek, I sensed someone behind me and I dodged and threw him over. It was Cathy. She said, "I like your alertness. Let's go."

We kicked the door and went inside. A black skinned man along with some Vietnamese and Italian goons looked at us. We quickly hide behind the door as their bullets passed us. We retaliated. I rolled and quickly shot a bullet one of the Vietnamese's head. Cathy sprightly jumped and ambidextrously gunned down three goons and got two bullets in her shoulder and thigh. I quickly covered her and finished the remaining goons. The man started running towards the exit. Cathy cried, "Catch him. He is Lucas." I quickly jumped off the ledge and caught his shirt, but he threw me away and started running towards the exit.

I started running towards him, when suddenly a kick threw me away. I rolled over and saw two Vietnamese goons were standing in front of me. They lurched on me, but I dodged and rolled over. I threw a punch at one's face and kick one other's. They caught me and threw me. One caught my hands while other started strangling me. Suddenly a bullet pierced his head and I rolled over and kicked other one in the face and then repeatedly punched his face till he blacked out. I saw Cathy has helped me and I gave her a smile. She shouted, "Stop smiling and catch that moron."

I went outside and started searching him, when a shovel hitted my back badly. I fell down and saw Lucas was about to hit again. I rolled and kicked him. I got up and he again tried to hit but I caught the shovel and kicked him in the chest. I then hit his head with shovel and then his right leg. I pulled him and threw him on the wall. He spitted out blood and said, "Damn, you police dogs. Never let me to live happily. First, hitted me for being black and now are hitting for being a criminal." I punched him and said, "Your skin color doesn't have anything to do with crime. You see Mendela, Obama and Will Smith. Did they choose crime just because they are dark skinned?"

He kicked me in the chest and then elbowed me on my injured back. He said, "Lecturing is easy but helping is hard. Syman helped me, made me his lawyer and most importantly his close friend. And if I had to take your life for him, then it's OK." He took the shovel and was about to hit me when three bullets pierced his chest. He fell right next to me and breathed his last. I saw Lorenzo along with Antonio and a chubby, Cuban smoking guy standing there. Lorenzo said, "Pathetic hero. That is what I'm going to write on your epitaph." I smiled, "In our religion, we are cremated." Lorenzo pulled me up and said, "Stupid. I'm talking about the epitaph written under one's portrait." I laughed, "You mean in my eulogy." Lorenzo nodded in approval. I laughed, "Then, I promise you that if I survive longer, I will do one for you."

Lorenzo looked at Lucas's body and said, "Another soldier of Syman is dead. Now, Syman has nowhere to go." I asked, "What about Cathy and who informed you?" Lorenzo smiled, "She is good, a little damaged but good and I'm not only a good friend but a good officer too. So, don't ask where from I got the information." I smiled and patted his shoulder as hospital staff rose Lucas's body and put in inside the ambulance. Another soul consumed by the evil of crime...