The New Day

Charan was enjoying a glass of chilled beer in one of Germany's top bars. Though it was a renowned bar and was worldwide known for its delicious and pristine German dishes, it was one of Francis's secret place to hide weapons and cocaine. The manager, Walter Schmidt personally oversees the daily business while Igor comes for a weekly inspection. Charan was there as it was the end of the week and Igor must be on his way to the bar.

A man probably in his ripening age approached Charan and asked, "Guten Morgen Liebling. Can I have this seat?" Charan smiled and nodded his head in approval. The man sat on the chair and took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. He signalled for the waiter and the waiter immediately went to the bartender and quickly brought a medium sized rum bottle along with a highball glass on a wooden tray. The old man gave a new 500 euro note. The waiter saluted him and went away. Charan asked surprised, "A 500 euro for a drink?" The old man laughed, "For rich like me, money is a piece of paper. Anyway, what's your name, Sohn?" Charan replied politely, "It's Charles Richards." The old man smiled, "Well, by the looks of you and your choice of bar. I think you are here on business." Charan replied, "Yes. I'm here to represent my company." The old man smiled, "Well, it's Germany. You will surely get some rough competition here. Anyway, all the best, lad." He rose up and started to go. Charan said, "Atleast finish your drink." The old man replied, "Take it as a treat." Charan said, "Atleast let me know my host's name." The old man replied, "You can ask anyone, they won't lie about it." He walked away towards the bar's door.

Charan signalled the waiter. The waiter came near him and asked, "You want something, sir?" Charan replied, "A little knowledge." The waiter responded, "Huh??" Charan asked, "Who was that man?" The waiter replied, "I'm new and I'm quite forgetful." Charan thrusted a 500 euro in his pocket and said, "I hope this helps." The waiter looked around and said, "He is Mr. Luke Thomas. An upright and firm American businessman, but his real money comes from negotiating deals between big criminals and taking commission from both parties. I heard he frequently visits Mr. Dortmund and apparently has promised him good connections with the Russians and Mexicans." Charan said, "OK. Now you don't know me and I don't know you. Go." The waiter went away hastily. Charan smiled, "So, Francis is throwing hooks now. But, he looks to forget that he is in an ocean, not a pond." Charan attention diverted towards a Russian looking man who suddenly came inside and went directly into the manager's cabin. Charan kept a keen eye in that direction and minutes later, Walter and Igor came outside and rushed towards their car. Charan quickly paid the bill and started following them.

Charan had already bugged their car and had minimal problem chasing or listening to their conversation. Igor said angrily, "I really don't know what boss wants to do with that crazy bitch? She roams around ordering me and my colleagues like we are her bonded laborers. Francis never touches her nor even tries to, but still proclaims her to be his mistress." Walter asked, "How do you know that Francis is keeping his hands off that 'crazy bitch'?" Igor replied, "I got my eyes all over the house. I even watched boss naked several times." Walter smiled, "Francis is a sly fox. His every move is pre-calculated. Don't worry about it." Igor sighed, "I hope your words become true." Walter asked, "What are your plans about that 'Richard' guy? He is rising his head too much nowadays." Igor smiled, "Let him do whatever shit he wants to do. His treachery brought us a good amount of money from Asia. He is a golden ass for us." Walter asked, "What about the pesky brothers?" Igor said, "Enough of business talks. I'm more interested in someone else now." Walter smirked, "Who someone else?" Igor replied shyly, "Alisha. The day she came to the palace, my heart keeps jumping like a Spanish bull. I will definitely one day marry her and have a family with her. Just once, boss recreates the terror of the Dortmunds again." Walter smiled, "Won't you introduce me to her?" Igor replied, "Shut up." Walter started laughing.

Igor and Walter went inside the palace and Charan parked his car at some distance and then quickly climbed up the wall. He slowly crawled behind the wall and got an eye on an inattentive guard. He slowly tiptoed behind him and caught him in a choke. He quickly broke his neck and exchanged clothes with him. Charan entered the palace when a voice called him. He turned and saw Alisha was signaling him to go near her. He approached her and she said, "Shayana is going to take a bath. Go and warm the water." He nodded and quickly went away. He was noticed by a guard, who called him, "Hey, lad. Where are you doing?" He replied, "Bathroom. Actually I'm new here." The guard said, "It is two blocks left from the second right corridor down the hall."

Charan quickly went to that direction and soon found the bathroom. He entered one cubicle and quickly took out three sets of 9mm bullet magazines and put it inside the flush tank. He repeated the act in every cubicle and quickly went outside. He saw Shayana was coming in his direction and he quickly diverted his way. Shayana gave him a look and went inside her room. Charan quickly went outside the house and climbed back on the wall and quickly drove back to his hideout.

Syman was constantly trying to convince Su Hen, the leader of the Vietnamese Mafia to agree to their alliance, but Su Hen is adamant. Su Hen sighed and said, "Syman, listen. Your spell is finished. Jimmy is dead, your uncle is missing and now Italy is free from you. You have nothing to offer or even gain now. Retire and hide somewhere safe before your enemies kill you." Syman said annoyingly, "Su Hen. Italy is Italy, it won't go anywhere. But, such opportunities don't come everytime. Think of establishing your supremacy on whole Asia. You are right, Jimmy is dead and there is no one to challenge you now. If you help me, you will get the whole Asia to rule."

Su Hen thought for a moment and said grimly, "Your talks are optimistic, but not realistic. I give you my army, but what about arms and money. You are telling me to challenge High Table. They have many influential allies who will definitely try to rescue them." Syman said, "That's the thing. Allies. They won't give a fuck about the High Table if their mutual interests collapse." Su Hen's younger brother, Nyu Hen asked, "How are you gonna do that?" Syman gulped down his whiskey and said, "Simple. They get arms from Russians and they won't decline our offer if throw the right amount of money before them." Su Hen asked, "Yeah. But how will that affect our plan?" Syman replied, "The High Table will stop business with them." Nyu Hen smiled, "I get what you are trying to say. But it will only ease our secondary problem, what about the primary issue?"

Su Hen and Syman looked at Nyu. Nyu replied, "Dortmund. They are our primary problem right now." Syman said, "Dortmund is a headache, yes but presently our main concern is the High Table. Jimmy used to say that always think a step ahead of your rivals. All are thinking about alliances, but we will strike the golden pot and loot it's treasure." A phone call disrupted their conversation and Syman went out to receive it. Nyu Hen looked at his brother and asked, "You really believe this man? His mentality is quite delusional." Su Hen sighed, "As long as we are getting his money, he is free to do his shit." Nyu Hen sighed and went outside the room.

Syman asked grimly, "Tell me what made you call me in the middle of an important meeting?" The other end replied, "The police has nabbed your money and raided Meredith Mill. Lucas died." Syman took a long breath. He said sadly, "OK. Keep this information between us and stay safe. We will meet soon." Syman disconnected the call and kicked a nearby canister in the lake. Syman murmured, "How am I going to pay these greedy dogs?"

Lorenzo was quite happy with us and gave me and Catherine one week vacation. Antonio also praised us and promised to rebuild Cathy's clinic with U.C.I.D's money. I am promoted to a dignified post and have my own badge and gun, though I'm still free to work as a doctor. Lorenzo bid us goodbye and went to Mexico for his sister's wedding. I contacted papa and told him about my new job. He at first was quite shocked, but eventually praised me and told me that he is proud of me. Since I was alone and new in Italy, Cathy offered me a room in her apartment. She though wasn't alone, but has her loyal pitbull terrier, Hopps alongside her. Luckily, I am a dog lover myself and had no problem getting friendly with him.

Frankly, me and Cathy were getting close slowly, obviously not in a romantic way but will certainly have a spot for that too. Cathy was more like Ankita, but didn't have a bad past with her. She usually makes breakfast for me as I have recently developed a bad habit of late sleeping, probably as a survival instinct. Hopps sometimes comes and sleeps in my arms. In short, everything was peaceful and bearable.

Currently, I was getting ready for a party for which Cathy was invited, but she requested my presence there. I didn't denied and here I am. Cathy knocked on the door and I said, "Come in." She came inside and I was awestruck by her looks. She was wearing an aqua blue maxi dress which perfectly defined her hourglass figure. She came near me and asked, "Why is your tie unfinished?" I shyly replied, "I am not familiar with ties." She came near me and started tieing my tie. Her sweet yet strong perfume entered my mind and for a second, I felt heaven. She said, "Come on. The party is waiting for us." I quickly brushed my hair and applied some cologne on my neck and sleeves. We readily went out and inside the car.

The house of the party was magnificent and was overwhelming with grandeur. Parking lot was full of luxury cars and has some uncanny charm around it. We went and saw numerous unknown faces mingling with each other. Some young boys came near Cathy and from the talks of them they seem to be her juniors. Cathy had small talk with them and got rid of them. Deep inside, an middle aged woman with a bob cut approached us and hugged Cathy. Cathy said, "It's nice to see you here." The old lady smiled, "Flamboyant parties and Shia have a long relationship." Cathy looked at me and said, "She is Ms. Shia Thompson. News reporter by profession and party vlogger by passion." Shia shaked hands with me and said, "It's nice to meet you." I replied, "No, it's my pleasure, ma'am." Shia laughed, "Call me Shia. Ma'am is for old ladies." Cathy said, "I hope you don't mind, but Alberto must be waiting for us. You know his temper, right?" Shia said ggrimly,"A real jerk he is." Shia walked away in the crowd. Cathy hold my hands and quickly climbed the stairs.

I asked, "Who is he? Why are you hurrying so much?" Cathy replied, "Alberto Luis Martinez. An influential and corrupt retired cop. He is known for his hot headedness and doesn't like people being late." I just followed her till we reached a grand door guarded by two muscular men. The guards recognized Cathy and said, "Boss has been waiting for you. Hurry up or else you know what happens." She quickly caught my hand and barged in. I eagerly watched a man sitting at the minibar drinking champagne. He turned and saw both of us. He gave me a narrow look and said, "Cathy, my darling. Is it your new toy?" Cathy replied sharply, "Mind your tongue, mister. He is my colleague."

Alberto came near me and caught my jaw and said, "He is young and smooth. Who the fuck made him your colleague? My monkeys can kill him in a minute." Cathy said, "Enough of ragging. He is the one who been hearing about. He caught a sly criminal like Lucas and kicked away Syman from Italy. Something you didn't do in the past twelve years of service." Alberto smiled, "Oh! Really dear?" Let me remind you that when I was in service, Ivan and Jimmy ruled Italy. Now Ivan is missing and Jimmy is deceased." Cathy smirked, "But they never had any encounter with you." Alberto smiled, "They must have heard my tales of courage and anger and ran to another country.

Cathy said grimly, "Cut the crap. It's your birthday. Go and cut the cake." Alberto quickly went outside and cut the cake and after three long hours of partying, everyone returned home. Cathy was drunk and I got to drive her Posche. The mechanism was quite smooth and it roared like a wild pig. I quickly pressed the accelerator and rushed towards Cathy's home. Cathy asked, "You liked Alberto?" I replied, "He is an interesting character." Cathy smiled, "Good. Let it be that way. Because we are going to work with him." I asked, "What work?" Cathy smiled, "Same boring police stuff. But as you say, Alberto will make it 'interesting'." I laughed, "I hope he doesn't bites." Cathy chuckled, "He doesn't bites, but he does shoots. So, beware and be ready, for tomorrow is a 'New day."...