The Demolition of the High Table

It was raining heavily on the outside of the headquarters of the High Table. Zachary was standing at the balcony, rubbing his hands. He took out a pipe and put some tobacco in it. He lit the tobacco and started pulling it inside him. He looked at the guards standing outside and sighed. He sat on the nearby chair and continued smoking his pipe.

Suzuki came and looked at Zachary peacefully smoking. He said in a grim voice, "I have some news to tell you." Zachary opened his eyes and said, "Go on. I'm listening." Suzuki put his hands on the railing and said, "Word on the street is that Dortmund is soon going to exert his dominance on South-Asian Mafia families. Many families supports him, particularly for the money they got. But, there are few old and stern families who are on the other side of the deal. They are eager to appreciate any help from us and wants to help us stand again. What do you say?" Zachary replied, "The 'families' are eager to help us not because they like us, but because they hate Dortmunds. If they had helped us in our prime, then we wouldn't have to worry about Dortmunds. Their fanaticism is their biggest enemy." Suzuki said, "Anyway, we should really take this offer." Zachary said, "Our forefathers kept this building standing because they never bent down. If we bend, we lose our most precious essence- dignity." Suzuki laughed, "A dying man has no place for dignity." Zachary replied, "We ain't dead."

A strong sound disrupted their conversation. Both of them rushed to the railing and saw two military tanks coming inside. The tanks stopped and pointed the barrel at the main door. They shot two cannonballs at the door and it blasted open along with the guards. All the guards quickly assembled at their positions and started shooting. But, the tank remain intact and fired another round of cannonballs at the guards. The tanks slowly started coming towards the door. Zachary said, "Quickly. Take important documents and information and escape." Both of them started running towards the door. They could hear heavy gunfire on the rooftops and heavy stomping of footsteps. Three masked men blasted through the window and started shooting at them, but they dodged and rolled at the sides. They took out their guns and killed the three men. They quickly ran towards the main information room and closed the door behind them. Zachary asked, "Where is Warren?" Suzuki replied, "Can't say. I last saw him downstairs." They quickly collected the information and abundant money. Then, Zachary poured petrol on the floor and then they went inside the secret room.

The assassins broke the door and came inside, Suzuki threw a lit matchstick on the floor and the fire engulfed the assassins. Suzuki and Zachary quickly slide down and reached the ammunition room. Suzuki and Zachary put on their armor and took SMGs. They kicked open the door and quickly threw four smoke grenades on the floor. They then started shooting at every body that came in a black armor. They went outside and saw few people lying dead on the ground. They observed closely and saw Warren was among them. Zachary sighed, "Our trio is now duet." Suzuki bowed his head in sorrow.

A kick on Zachary's head threw him away, Suzuki looked and a punch knocked out his teeth. Syman and Su Hen, along with Nyu Hen were there, smiling. Syman said smiling, "Not bad. At the age of 50, you two have the agility and strength of young men." Zachary replied, "Test me if you want." Syman replied, "Of course. It would have been my pleasure, but I'm busy today. So, boys. Capture him." Two men approached Zachary but he rolled and took one's gun and shoot Syman's leg. He then quickly took Suzuki with him. Su Hen shot a bullet in Suzuki's hand, but they managed to escape. They quickly went inside their car and started driving towards the highway. Syman cried, "Don't worry about me. Catch them." Su Hen and Nyu Hen quickly ran towards their car and started following Zachary's car.

Zachary cried, "That bastard Syman. He thinks he can just come here and take control of the High Table. Suzuki, go the hideout." Suzuki nodded and increased the speed of the car. Three black SUVs started shooting at them. Zachary asked, "Do we have something in the car?" Suzuki replied, "Yeah. Two emergency pistols and a flare gun." Zachary took out the pistols and shot at one the tyres of the first car. It stumbled and crashed on the barrier of the road. The two cars backed off a little, but kept shooting at them. Suzuki said, "The car can't take that much damage. Do something." Zachary took out the flare gun and launched it in the air. Su Hen laughed, "What will a flare gun do?" Nyu Hen said, "He is calling backup." Su Hen sighed, "I know what he's doing. But, it worthless now. No one will come to rescue him."

Su Hen increased the speed of the car and started hitting Zachary's car. Suzuki said, "Damn. These guys don't give up." Zachary said, "When I say turn right, turn right." Zachary went to the back seat and looked at the car behind them. He said, "Now, turn right." Su Hen tried to ram the car again but he lost control and got his car turned. Zachary shot at the petrol tank and the car blasted in flames. The third car shot a tyre of the car and Suzuki lost balance and crashed against an upcoming truck and scattered into pieces. Suzuki died on the spot, but Zachary managed to stay alive. He came out of the car, crawling and coughing blood. The car stopped near Zachary and a muscular, tall and stern looking man came near him. He kicked Zachary and said, "Any last wish, grandpa?" Zachary laughed, "Stop calling me grandpa." The man pointed his gun at his head and said, "As you wish, moron." He shot down Zachary. He said in a commanding voice, "Take his body. Syman will reward us handsomely."

Syman was anxiously waiting for them, but saw only one car returning. The man came near him and Syman asked, "Where are Hen brothers?" The man replied, "Dead." Syman asked, "What about Zachary and Suzuki?" The man replied, "Same fate." Syman sighed, "I needed Zachary alive. He could have given me access to the enormous wealth and power of the High Table." The man said, "His dead body is in the car. You can show it to the world and assert your dominance." Syman said, "Dead are not good for themselves, let alone for us." The man replied, "OK. Your wish. But what's next?" Charan replied, "With Zachary's death, the High Table is demolished. Now, there will be a dirty war between the police and the criminals." The man said, "I can help you win this war." Syman looked at the man and asked, "What's your name, mate?" The man replied, "Jung-hoon. But people call me 'Jo'." Syman smiled, "Then, Jo. Get ready for the war."

Francis was practicing Jiu Jitsu in his personal dojo. He was constantly throwing the dummy and taking it in submission. Igor came inside and saw Francis was fighting a dummy. Igor said, "I never understood what is the use of so much grappling and choking. It's a just lazy fighting style." Francis looked at Igor and smirked, "So, what's the best fighting style?" Igor replied, "Many. But, I give my highest preference to Sambo." Francis asked, "Just because you are Russian?" Igor replied, "Of course, not. It was created by soldiers fighting in wars, not by monks sitting in temples." Francis laughed, "For your knowledge, Jiu Jitsu is the parent of Sambo and ARB." Igor said, "Prove it then." Francis stood up and said, "Don't blame me if you get hurt." Igor threw a side kick, but Francis dodged and leg sweeped Igor on the ground. Igor rolled and stood up. Francis and Igor circled and Francis threw a quick punch, but Igor caught him in a Nelson hold. Francis stomped on Igor's foot and threw him over him. Igor rolled and stood up. Francis laughed, "Are you enjoying?" Igor jumped and caught Francis and then suplexed him on the ground and took him again and suplexed him again. He then rolled and took Francis in a triangle choke. Igor asked, "Are you enjoying?" Francis tried hard to escape, but at last he tapped out. Francis's face was red and was panting. After getting normal, Francis said, "You are a crazy man. We were just playing." Igor threw a bottle of water at Francis and said, "Drink it. I have something to tell you." Francis drank the water and said, "We still have a score to settle." Francis followed Igor to his study room. Igor said, "This morning, my informant came and informed me about something that will excite you."

Francis wiped the sweat off his face and said, "Just tell me." Igor replied, "He says that Syman along with his new Vietnamese friends rampaged the building of the High Table and apparently killed Zachary, Suzuki and Warren." Francis replied, "That means he has access to the wealth and strength of the High Table." Igor said, "No. Zachary was a hard nut. He died without telling him anything."

Francis sighed, "That bitch Shayana is just not getting over her stupid tantrums. Once she marries me, Rasoori family will be on our side." Igor said, "Speaking of marriage, I have someone for me too." Francis laughed, "Alisha, right?" Igor asked bewildered, "How do you know?" Francis replied, "You have been encircling around her like a wild bee, since the day she came to our house." Igor asked, "So, I take that as a yes?" Francis replied, "She is nobody. She has nothing to give you, except her body." Igor said, "I am not asking anything from her anyway. So, it doesn't matter at all." Francis sighed, "Ask her. If she agrees, you are her man." Igor hugged Francis. Francis said, "Easy. You have already broke my bones with your suplexes." Igor bowed and said, "Sorry." Francis laughed and said, "Come on. I need you to go and find Richard. I have some work with him." Igor replied, "OK. But, I think he would be a liability in near future." Francis replied, "He will have his day. Just wait and watch."

Igor parked his car in the parking lot and went towards an old house. Two guards stopped him, but gave way to him as they recognized him. Igor went inside and saw Richard was relaxing with two girls. Upon seeing Igor, Richard went to him and said, "I have called you so many times, but you didn't picked up." Igor replied, "That was the deal. No outgoings, only incoming calls." Richard said, "Whatever. My package is ready?" Igor replied, "Your package will be delivered the day, Francis takes control of Malaysia and the adjoining areas." Richard replied, "They won't listen to me. I ain't Jimmy's son nor a Malaysian. I heard they are joining the newly formed Syman Nation." Igor asked, "Syman Nation?" Richard replied, "A creative name to suppress High Table's fame." Igor said grimly, "Then, how are going to get your package?" Richard replied, "I can stop him for a month. Su Hen and Nyu Hen died in Syman's watch, upsetting some strings in the Southeast Asia. We can use that to our advantage."

Igor smiled, "I like your plan. But there is a slight problem. Why will they believe us?" Richard replied, "Because they have no other option. You might have heard the saying 'A known devil is better than an unknown angel.' They have heard mostly bad things about Dortmunds, but they never heard anything about Syman. Syman started with a bad step, but Francis can start with a good one." Igor asked, "How?" Richard replied, "Return them the money, his forefathers had looted." Igor smiled and patted his shoulder. He said, "I will talk about it with Francis. Let's hear what he has to say." Igor turned and was about to leave, when Richard said, "I can't live in this shithole forever. There are people out there looking for me. They need answers to what happened with Gangchun." Igor replied, "That's the reason why you are in this 'shithole'. This will be the lest place a newly rich man would stay. And for the people behind you, this is Germany. Who can harm the man under Dortmund's protection?" Richard gave him a weak smile as Igor quickly went outside the room.

Igor was about to enter his car, when Francis called him. Igor received the call and said, "The interrogation is over. He can't help us much." Francis sighed, "So, the result is futile." Igor said, "Actually he have a proposal, more like a suggestion. He says that returning the money, which your father and uncles looted to the people of Malaysia and the adjoining areas can help us gain an upper hand." Francis replied, "This deal has chances of being counterproductive. Anyway, I have a job for you." Igor asked, "What job?" Francis replied, "Syman recently recruited some man as his new weapon. I don't know his name, but I heard he is quite greedy. I want you to see if he agrees to be my informant in return of a fat sum of money." Igor asked, "How am I gonna contact him?" Francis replied, "People like him tend to produce much noise. There will be someone who knows about him. Find him." Igor disconnected the call and took a long breath.

He was about to start the engine, when Alisha called him. He eagerly took the call. Alisha said, "I heard you are outside. Can you please bring some diapers for Hamida?" Igor replied, "Why not." Alisha replied, "Thanks a lot, man." Igor smiled and mumbled, "She takes care of else's baby so dearly. I wonder how much she will care for her own. Mumma, looks like I found the perfect girl for me." He started the engine and speeded away in joy, as his car became a dot in the distance....