The Light of a New Relationship

Vivek was quietly sitting on the sofa, looking at Shirley's photos and the videos of the moments they shared together. One hand was holding a glass of whiskey and another one pressed a cigarette between the fingers. He has already finished four bottles since morning and was drinking from the fifth one. The cigarette reached its end and started burning Vivek's fingers, but he didn't even flinch. He quietly endured the pain and kept on seeing the photos and videos. Arman came inside and saw Vivek's fingers were almost roasted. He quickly poured water on it and then applied Vaseline on it.

He didn't say anything as he perfectly knows the pain of Vivek and was casual with it. Arman said softly, "Come and eat something. Alcohol won't fill your stomach." Vivek didn't respond. Arman sighed and went to the other room to bring food for him. Arman feed him and then washed his face. Vivek finally smiled a little and asked in a sad voice, "Do you think Shirley will be alive till now?" Arman replied, "Don't think about it. Negativity will only make you more weak and depressed. Shirley loved you dearly, you love her dearly and if there is any God up there, he will certainly reunite you two."

Vivek asked, "Charan called?" Arman replied, "Yeah. Just the usual conversation. Francis and Shayana are living like a couple and Francis is slowly, but steadily winning support in the East." Vivek asked, "Are you worried about that?" Arman replied, "No. The only thing that Francis can achieve is becoming the father of Shayana's baby. His other wishes are futile. I may not be there, but my childhood friend, Fahim is an able ruler. Even better than my father. He is just, brave and most importantly loyal to his friends." Vivek asked, "Any leads on that swine?" Arman replied, "Nothing entertaining. Police raided his clubs, seized them, arrested his contacts and basically made him a wanted criminal."

Arman stuttered a little, "They did find a body of a girl. Physical appearances do match Shirley's body, but her face was beyond recognition. The face was thrashed heavily by a rock and autopsy report says that she was under the effect of some drug." Vivek wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "I got news about Syman taking over the High Table and killing the head members. He is currently the richest man in the Underworld, though not the strongest and dreaded." Arman said, "Of course, he won't be. He has money but not enough men, especially after he lost Italy. Francis will use this opportunity to attack him." Vivek said, "Both of them are on the same level and would require the help from Southeast Asia if they want to remain intact." Arman sighed, "Then it is already decided. Syman will be victorious as people there worship Jimmy Law." "Jimmy Law is dead. He has no impact on anything now."

A voice came from behind and both of them took out their guns and pointed at a tall, blonde man. He was wearing a navy blue coat, with formal pants and shoes. A cross necklace was hanging on his neck and there was cut on his right cheek.

Arman asked, "Who are you?" The man replied, "Consider me your ally." Arman asked, "Who are you?" The man replied, "It's a pity, you don't know me. My name is Liam Hendricks. I was Charan's cellmate back then, though we were in opposite rooms. He sent me to advise you, if you get into any trouble." Vivek asked, "How can I believe you?" Liam replied, "You raped and killed the juvenile girl. But, Charan took the blame on him and went to prison." Vivek asked surprised, "How do you know that?" Liam replied, "Charan told me on one drunk night." Vivek said, "Still I need to contact Charan."

He called Charan and asked, "Do you send some Liam Hendricks?" Charan replied, "Yes. You can trust him. He spent a lot of time with me in prison, knows how to deal with tacky situations." Vivek said grimly, "There was no need to bother him. Arman and I were already on our next plan." Charan replied, "Whatever your 'next plan' is, Liam will be helpful to you. He has a good network of people working for him and he can help you in finding Shirley." Vivek asked, "You knew?" Charan replied, "You are my brother. I know your heart. Go and console yourself if it helps you." Vivek replied, "Thanks, brother." Charan disconnected the call.

Vivek looked at Liam and asked, "Would you like something?" Liam waved his hand, "No. I became a teetotaler since my wife caught me drunk." Vivek said, "I hope Charan told you about my problems." Liam replied, "Kind of. But, I would like to hear from you." Vivek narrated the whole story. Liam said, "Supratim. Must be new as I never heard of him." Arman said, "Yes. We didn't give a chance to become famous." Liam said grimly, "He must be out of India if he's smart enough. But, he must have travelled by water, as airports have much security." Vivek said, "We don't have much time in our hands. Syman and Francis are already several steps ahead of us. If we fail to stop them, all our plans will end along with us."

Liam said, "You said he wanted to get into the drug business, right? So, he will do something to make his wish come true and that will take us to him." Vivek said, "That will take time." Liam replied, "Be patient, buddy. Let me check on it." He took out his phone and dialled a number. He said, "I want to know about every dealer who sold heavy amount of drugs to any foreign client." Liam disconnected the call and minutes later, a message beeped on his phone screen. He opened the message and read it carefully. Liam said, "According to my man's report, two dealers sold a considerable amount of drugs to foreign clients, first one is anonymous and received his parcel two days after your return to London and second one was delivered yesterday night to Syman Rocco."

Arman smiled, "A drug dealer is always a drug dealer." Liam said, "The location of the first parcel is somewhere near Portsmouth." Vivek said angrily, "So, that motherfucker is in my city. Let it be, then. Death has brought him to me." Arman said, "Don't be reckless. We need to act smart this time. He might have Shirley as a hostage or anything else." Liam said, 'He is right. He shouldn't escape this time." Vivek said in a grim voice, "I'm gonna insert an anchor in his ass and throw him in the sea." Liam and Arman looked at each other and said, "Of course. You will."

It was a cold rainy morning. I was still in my bed, covered in my blanket like a cocoon. Cathy as usual is petting Hopps and reading some book. A phone called disturbed my sleep. I looked at the screen and took the call. A voice came, "Would you like to buy life insurance?" I replied, "No." I threw my phone on the bed and again closed my eyes. Cathy came near me and said, "Lazybones. Wake up. I made coffee for you." I woke up and brushed my teeth and changed my clothes as the day was too cold to bath. Cathy smiled as I sat on the chair. She said, "The past few days were very tiring. Killing criminals at night and waking late in the morning." I yawned, "Who is our victim tonight?" She replied, "No one. Today is off day." I poured milk into my cereals and started munching them. Cathy asked, "Lorenzo said you are a very gullible person. Is it right?" I replied, "I didn't know you talk about me in your spare time. Yes, I'm a gullible person, but that's what makes people like me."

Cathy smiled, "You remind me of my father. He was also a doctor, a military doctor to be precise. He served the borders till an enemy grenade took him from us. I was sixteen at that time, my mother couldn't get over it and soon got ill. The pension wasn't enough to treat her, so I took a loan from the bank. There was an employee there who got attracted to me. He stalked me, called me and even offered to pay for my mom's bills. His torture increased day by day and finally I went to the police to file a complaint against him. They heard his name and then warned me to give up to him as his connections were with Syman. I returned to my house disappointed, and saw my mother was dead. My condition was so bad that I decided to die, but at the very moment, that bastard employee came inside my house and forced me to go with him. I cried and cried when a bullet pierced his head. There was my savior Lorenzo. He took me to the headquarters and introduced me to his boss, Antonio. They buried my mother and took me in their team and rest is history."

She started crying and I hugged her tightly. Her tears wet my shirt and after some time Hopps came and started licking her. She gave a smile and went to her room, carrying Hopps in her arms. I looked at her direction and sighed. I turned on the TV and started watching news. The news were particularly dull, just daily news. Weather conditions, sports information, debates and other petty incidents. News channels are smart to not show news related to the Underworld, mainly for two reasons. First, they are afraid of them and don't want to die and secondly, many media moguls are funded by the Underworld.

Jimmy Law once bought the Malaysian TV just to show his good side and hide his hideous crimes. The whole day it telecasted his wiping out dons and liberating the place. That's the reason why many consider Jimmy as a messiah rather than another ambitious criminal. He has statues of him and his death was mourned by many. I turned off the TV and went to the kitchen to drink water, when I saw Cathy coming out of her room. She quietly came inside and started washing the dirty dishes. She asked, "What about your family?" I replied, "They are good and safe. Once I finish the job, I will return to India and give them a visit." Cathy looked at me and smiled, "I always wondered how Ankita liked you.

But, seeing your decency and understanding of situations, I am assured that she wasn't wrong." I said smiling, "You two, seem to be very close to each other." Cathy replied, "Of course, we are. You know how she was. She was a misandrist and I don't blame her for that as she saw many bad men in her life. But, one day she calls me and says that she has found her match. It was you. Simple, gullible, naive and mostly brave. She was happy, very happy, but then she died." I sighed, "It should have been me. She saved me by giving her life." Cathy hugged me and said, "I am here for you. And if it comes to me giving my life to save yours, I will happily give it." I asked, "Why?"

Cathy smiled, "Because you have a family. There is someone who will mourn your absence. But, I am alone and will always be. The best respect that I would get will be my portrait hanging among the brave heroes of U.C.I.D. They will take my name in encouraging new recruits and there will be mention of my achievements and sacrifices to them. That's all I will get. A praise." I went to her and said, "Who told you are alone? I'm with you and will always be with you." She looked in my eyes and asked, "Why? Who am I to you?" I slowly raised her chin and kissed her. I slowly said, "Someone I would like to die for." She smiled and kissed me. We kissed each other for a minute. Her hands pulled my tshirt and I open her shirt.

I took her in my arms and went to my room. She quickly pulled my pants down and started kissing me. I slowly pushed her on the bed and lied beside her. She got on me and started kissing my chest, I pulled her down and started kissing her neck as she wrapped her hands around me. My lips went to her chest and I started kissing her bosom. She moaned and then started cuddling my hair. I slowly went down and started licking her feet. Then, she pulled me by hair and pressed my face on her vagina. She took off her lingerie and I licked her vagina. I inserted my middle finger and tickled her clitoris. She slowly tightened her legs and I continued.

I inserted my finger deeper and found her G-spot. I slowly touched it and rubbed it. She rolled her eyes upward and started moaning, but kept a hand on her mouth to suppress the sound. After a minute, I took off my underwear and asked, "Where is the condoms?" She moved her head sideways. I smiled and kept continuing to pleasure her till she lost control and ejaculated. She pulled my hair and brought it near her. She slowly kissed me and then pushed me down.

She climbed on me and took my penis and started kissing it. She licked it and then took it in her mouth and started blowing it. After sometime, she took it and inserted it in her vagina. I said, "We don't have a condom." She said, "I can have an emergency pill." I didn't resisted and she slowly started moving. This was my first time, but still it felt different. I controlled my muscles and she kept moving. After a minute, I took her and pushed her down. I took her legs up and started pushing my dick in her vagina. I asked, "Am I hurting you?" She moved her head sideways. I continued as she tightly hugged me and then I released my semen in her as deep as it can go. I lied beside her, panting. She hugged me and slowly asked, "You promise you won't leave me?" I said, "Never till there is life in this body." She smiled and kissed my nose. I slowly pressed her nose and kissed her.

The rain stopped and the clouds gave way to the Sun. The sunlight came through the window and shone on our faces. Cathy looked at me and I looked at her. Both of our eyes were shining with light. The light of a new relationship...