The Return of The Constrictor

Syman was sitting on his chair, smoking, when Jo came inside along with some people. The people sat in front of Syman on their respective seats. Syman looked at them and coughed. He threw his cigarette in the dustbin and said, "Welcome to Syman Nation. As you know that, the High Table is now demolished and all its leaders are dead now. But, don't worry, my friends I'm not going to do any harm to you. In fact, I'm extending my friendship and support towards you people. The rules are simple and only one. Give some and get some. You people might be wondering what I mean by that, well for that my companion, Jo will explain." Jo switched on the projector and then started, "Most of the European gangs are trying to become independent and prosperous. The foremost are the Dortmund family who have already managed to become as much as we are. But, tell me something, guys. Who will be a better leader? A nobody who has no experience in this business and is swinging on his family name or someone who is among the best in our business. Someone who made a name for himself, even when he had nothing left. I vote Syman as my leader and I believe that he will not disappoint me. What about you guys?"

There were murmurs and small talks among the people and then a man stood up and said, "You said that Syman will be a great leader. But, why do we need someone to govern us? Aren't we capable enough to sustain ourselves?" Syman replied smiling, "My friend. The problem here is not about self reliability. It is about discipline and fair judgment. If all the families rule by themselves, then there will be chaos and war. Also, if a family harms another, who will bring them justice?" The people again talked among themselves and then the man said, "You are saying the same thing that the High Table said years ago. But, you know what happened. A mere criminal revolted against it and became one of history's greatest criminals. That man was your godfather, Sir Jimmy Law." Syman remained silent. The man continued, "Call us when you have logical reasons for us to join you." All the men stood up and went outside the room.

Syman looked at Jo and Jo sighed. Jo said, "Boss. If you don't convince them soon, they will join hands with the Dortmund." Syman punched the table and said annoyingly, "These people are utterly rubbish and foolish people. Wherever the Dortmunds went, they killed and looted the people. Francis's father, the rapist and torturer, Draco raped and burned girls of every age. His uncles looted and broke the economic backbone of Europe and this resulted in horrific famines and agony. Jimmy brought the Dortmunds down and finished everyone of them. People started worshipping him and even called him an avatar of God. These people say Jimmy was my godfather, but still they don't support me. Why? Jo. Why?" Jo replied slowly, "Because you are not Jimmy Law." Syman asked grimly, "What do you mean by that?"

Jo replied, "Jimmy Law was aloof from other criminals. He created a little planet of him, where he ruled. The planet was the 'White Eagle Corporation'. Jimmy believed in personality rather than heredity. He never gave his seat to his son, but waited for you. But, you never realised it and always remain in your own world. You spent your prime years, drinking and fucking girls. When Jimmy died, everyone expected you to go and bury Francis in his palace. But, you remained quiet and decided to take things slow. The world of crime is like water, it will be flowing no matter what. You either drink it or someone else will. Things worsen when Francis killed Gangchun and you lost two of your closest friends along with Italy. You are just a joke now and people are now bored of this joke."

Syman lowered his head in sorrow and said, "You are right. I'm a joke, a very boring joke. But, still I'm Syman fucking Rocco. That Syman Rocco who singlehandly brought down the High Table, when people were only thinking about it. It doesn't matter what people think of me. I'm who I am and I'm superior than them." Jo said, "Still we need a good negotiator, who can convince them to join us." Syman replied, "I have the perfect man for that. But, the only problem is that he is a bigger rascal than all of us."

The heart monitor was heavily beeping and the pulses were dropping up and down. Two nurses along with a doctor rushed inside the room and saw the patient was breathing heavily. The doctor quickly put his stethoscope on his chest and listened to the heartbeat of the patient. The doctor cried, "Bring the defibrillator. His heartbeat is ceasing." The nurse brought the defibrillator and the doctor quickly pressed the two plates on his chest. On the count of three, the doctor pressed the current in his body. The patient jumped and fell on the bed. The doctor again pressed the plates and gave electric shock. This time, the patient took a long breath and tightly grabbed the doctor's hand. The doctor said smiling, "Alphonso. Mr. Alphonso. Are you okay?" Alphonso slowly looked around and saw the dull room and pipes inserted in his body. He asked weakly, "Where am I? And since when?" The doctor replied, "You have been admitted in this hospital for one and a half year. Your condition was very bad and you have lost much blood. As a result, you slipped into coma." Alphonso asked, "Who is paying the bills?" The doctor replied, "Syman Rocco." Alphonso gave a weak smile and said, "Bring me some juice." The doctor said, "Syman sir told me to give this you when you wake up." He gave an envelope to Alphonso and went outside the room.

Alphonso opened the envelope and took out a letter. It reads, 'Mr. Alphonso. I'm your dear well wisher, who kept you alive when Syman decided to leave you to die. I know that I'm at the bad side of Syman now as I defied his order. I may be dead or missing when you come to senses again, so I decided to write this letter to you. Syman is striving to survive since he lost Italy and his two companions, JK and Lucas. He is a power hungry man and will somehow manage to build his empire again. But, we all know how lousy man he is, so he will definitely need a front to cover his sins. If you live, he will use you till your death. I just hope for your safety and be careful with your words, for the time is changing every second.'

Alphonso crushed the paper and threw it in the dustbin. He took a long breath and got down from his bed. He wore his slippers and walked towards the window. He saw a car stopping near the gate and two men came inside the room. One of them said, "Syman called for you. He needs your advice on some important matters." Alphonso replied in a grim voice, "Wait for ten minutes. I need to change my clothes." The men went outside and Alphonso changed his clothes. The men were Asian, a thing which alerted Alphonso's sharp mind. He smiled and wore his coat. Exactly after ten minutes, the men came inside and saw Alphonso tying the laces of his shoes. He looked up and gave a smile. The men signalled him to come. Alphonso went inside his car and the car speeded away outside the compound of the hospital.

Quickly enough, they reached an old mansion covered with dust of age. Alphonso and the two guys went inside and saw an Asian man standing near a large chair. The chair revolved and Syman looked at Alphonso. He quickly came near him and hugged him tightly. He laughed and said, "I was missing you." Alphonso replied, "Well, I'm here now." Syman said, "I'm sorry, I couldn't come to your rescue. We could have killed that swine together that day." Alphonso smiled, "You could have killed him in my name." Syman replied, "No, you have to kill him and show to the world who is Alphonso Rubisco." Alphonso laughed. Syman said, "Anyway. Tomorrow, some people are coming to see if we are eligible enough to get their support?" Alphonso looked at Syman and said, "You have an entire country in your hand and you want to meet people to beg for their support. Be practical." Syman replied, "We need people in our back. We need money and arms to get to the top and only coalition can make this happen." Alphonso sighed, "Do what you want, but remember that we are criminals, not politicians and in our business, friends becomes enemies in seconds." Syman replied, "I'm just following Jimmy's style." Alphonso replied, "You are not Jimmy nor his son. You have to fight everyday for your survival." Syman asked, "Won't you help that day?" Alphonso replied, "That day no one could you." Alphonso went outside the room.

Alphonso was lying on the bed, when a phone rang. He looked and saw an iPhone 11 flashing a number. Alphonso had several injuries in his head, which caused him mild amnesia. He remembers names and faces of people, but still this number seemed unfamiliar. He picked up the phone and said, "Yeah. Who's this?" The other end replied, "Thank God, you are okay. I hope you got my letter and read it. You should be careful around Syman. He is a very dangerous man." Alphonso replied, "We all are. But, who are you?" The other end replied, "Not important. Just think of me as your well wisher." Alphonso said, "I don't believe in well wishers." The other end laughed, "You will, once Syman start showing his true colors." The phone disconnected. Alphonso looked at the number and sighed. He was confused who to trust as he missed the interesting part of the whole story. He was about to rise up, when his phone rang. He picked up and Syman said, "Come meet me in the lawn."

Alphonso went downstairs and met Jo. Jo looked at him and saluted. Alphonso asked, "Butler?" Jo replied, "General." Alphonso raised his eyes. Jo replied, "Syman appointed me as the general of his affairs." Alphonso laughed, "Syman is a stupid man. You shouldn't believe every word he says." Jo remained quiet. Alphonso laughed, "Don't worry. Be easy with me." Jo replied, "It doesn't matter how the master is, a servant has to obey his command anyway." Alphonso replied, "You are no servant of anyone. You are a free man." Jo smiled. Alphonso patted his shoulder and said, "Remember one thing that will keep you alive in this cruel business. No one is anyone's servant or master because this game changes players like clothes. You worked under Su Hen. He was a greedy bitch and his greed never let him rise up. He died as he was born, a penniless ruffian." Jo said, "You are a sweet talker. Syman does know how to play his cards." Alphonso laughed and went outside the room.

Syman was sitting on the bench, feeding the sparrows. Alphonso's steps frightened the sparrows and they flew away. Syman looked at Alphonso and said, "How is your injury?" Alphonso replied, "Slightly manageable." Syman asked, "You have any questions?" Alphonso replied, "Just one. Why you let Italy slip away?" Syman replied, "Because you cannot catch two fishes with one hook." Alphonso laughed. Syman said grimly, "Nothing is stable now. Tiny and powerless criminals are challenging us. Many big families have already been scattered into so small pieces that every neighborhood has it's own lords. Police are munching us like cookies and even common folk are openly killing our brothers. Serbian criminals have turned into farmers and started doing decent jobs." Alphonso said, "They are doing the smart thing. You should also go and live with your family." Syman laughed, "What about your family?" Alphonso replied, "I'm an orphan. My father died fighting Jimmy and told me to become the greatest criminal and subside Jimmy's name."

Syman sighed, "Even I wanted to kill Jimmy. But, he remained useful to me till his last breath." Alphonso said, "What about that Dortmund rat?" Syman replied, "He is a bad omen for us." Alphonso said, "Jimmy destroyed the Dortmunds and became the most successful criminal. If you want to like him, kill the last Dortmund." Syman gave it a thought and said, "My hands are tied. But, you can do this work for me. Show the Khatri brothers that you are back. Take Jo with you." Alphonso replied, "I will send you his head as a gift." Syman replied, "I ain't no cannibal." Alphonso laughed.

Alphonso went near Jo and asked, "Do you like Germany?" Jo replied, "I like German girls, to be precise." Alphonso replied, "We all do. But, how about we go to Germany and impress some German girls?" Jo asked, "Syman plans you and me to Germany to kill Dortmund?" Alphonso laughed, "So, it's a done deal?" Jo replied, "Of course. The Dortmunds have tortured my ancestors for a long time. Now, I will avenge my forefathers by finishing the last Dortmund." Alphonso said, "But, remember. Germany is his area and everyone is someway connected with him. So, hold your breath in need and be careful whom you trust." Jo smiled, "Don't worry, sir. This man is a born warrior." Alphonso laughed and shaked hands with him. Alphonso said, "Come with me. Let's have a drink and share stories." Alphonso and Jo went outside the room laughing.