The Love Attack

Francis was in his room playing pool with Igor. Francis had already put all his balls in the pockets and was trying hard to put the black ball in the hole. Igor had two balls left, but were at advantageous positions. Igor pushed the stick and netted one ball in the pocket and had another too. Igor positioned his aim and put the black ball in the pocket. Francis grunted and Igor smiled. Sounds of claps diverted their attention and they turned to see Shayana standing there. Shayana said, "I need to have some private talk with Francis." Igor went outside the room. Francis said, "Go on."

Shayana said, "I think the Sultanate won't help us until Arman is alive and I don't give birth to a boy." Francis said, "That is obvious. What's new in that?" Shayana replied, "The new is that Arman is pressing his power on us and wants me either with him or killed." Francis laughed, "And you don't want to with him or dead. I then have a perfect solution to the problem." Shayana asked, "What solution?" Francis replied, "If we manage to take South East Asia under our control, we can pressurise Sultanate to join us." Shayana asked, "So, what's stopping you?"

Francis replied, "A man named Syman. That moron has captured South East Asia and is troubling me big time." Shayana asked, "So, why don't you kill him?" Francis replied, "Because he is in his territory and has an army. So, I cannot go after him." Shayana sighed, "So, we are helpless now." Francis replied, "I am the son of a very disrespectful and vicious person. No one respects me outside of Germany and won't leave me alive once I step out of Germany." Shayana said, "Anyway, I have some work to do. We will talk later." Shayana rushed out of the room and slammed the door hard. Francis said to himself, "If I was not interested in her, her head would have been on my wall."

Igor was walking through the hall when his eyes fell on a shadow behind the pillar. He looked and saw Alisha was feeding the sparrows. Igor's footsteps alerted the sparrows and they flew away. Alisha looked and saw Igor and gave him a smile. Igor said, "Looks like I have disturbed your tiny guests." Alisha smiled, "Nothing to worry. They will come anyway, now or later." Igor said, "So, you are Shayana's helper? Where from are you originally?" Alisha smiled, "I am not Shayana's helper and I am from US. Charan had appointed me as his secretary in his office and told me to keep an eye on Shayana." Igor said, "It must be hard keeping an eye on somebody. I myself sometimes get tired babysitting Francis."

Alisha replied, "Shayana is a good lady and treats me like her sister and also I get to spend time with my little angel, Hamida." Igor asked, "You a very generous woman. Any boy will be happy to be with you." Alisha smiled, "What about you? I don't see any bad habits in you. You are too a very good man." Igor blushed. Alisha said, "OK. It's time for Hamida's bath. I have to rush." She quickly hopped towards her room. Igor looked at her and sighed, "Damn. This low flame of love is burning my heart deeply." Igor smiled and went away.

Charan was waiting behind the wall of the bar. It is the perfect opportunity to nab Walter Schmidt and destroy Francis's arms power. He has seen many trucks unloading at the basement and is sure that he might find something interesting tonight. He waited patiently till most of the customers went to their home and only few remained which were surely hired goons. Charan had already bribed one of the goons and was waiting for his signal. He slowly creeped behind the wall and jumped over the wall. He landed on some sacks and rolled into the darkness. He heard some footsteps and quickly took his position and waited for the man. The man looked at the sacks and saw some dent on them. He came closer to examine when Charan jumped and caught him from behind. He broke his neck and put his body behind the sacks. He took out his knife and ripped one of the sacks.

There were hand grenades in it. He took some of the hand grenades and threw them through the window. He quickly hid behind the sacks. Seconds later, blasts filled the bar and screams filled the atmosphere. Charan quickly put on his mask and took out his gun. He slowly walked into the bar and saw many bodies were lying dead and burned. He shot the suffering ones and quickly went inside the kitchen. He crawled beside the shelves and saw a man was lying there, his hands were black and was about to die. It was Walter Schmidt. Charan asked, "Where is the remaining goods?" Schmidt said, "Fuck You." Walter Schmidt died. Charan shot him in the chest and went outside. He took some sacks and threw them over the wall and then poured gasoline on the remaining sacks. He climbed up the wall and then put the sacks in his car. He then took a grenade and threw it over the wall. The whole bar caught fire as Charan speeded away in the dark.

Francis was furious on hearing about the burning of the bar and moreover was highly sad on the death of one of his best friend, Walter. Igor had already sent his men to inspect the situation and was waiting for them. Igor patted Francis's shoulder and said, "Police has come to ask some questions about the recent incident. Be careful with your words." Francis went downstairs, where he met Shayana. She asked, "So, who did it?" Francis ignored her and went downstairs. Shayana sighed and went to her room. Joseph Levada, senior inspector of Police approached Francis and asked, "What you have to say about the last night incident?" Francis replied, "It is clear that someone is plotting against me. There will be more incidents like this and I will be ready to oppose it." Joseph said, "There were many sacks filled with damaged arms and bullets. Where did they come from?" Francis replied, "I fear that only Walter can answer that question." Joseph asked, "Do you have suspicion on someone?" Francis replied, "I have quite a people to suspect, but the only person that happens to be the most suspicious is Syman Rocco."

Joseph asked, "Why would he do this things?" Francis replied, "Business. He has established an entire career by ruining businesses of other people. As a matter of fact, he had his evil eyes on my business for a long time, but he wasn't powerful enough then to lock horns with me. But, now he is powerful enough to damage my prestige and this was the first act of war." Joseph said, "If that's your statement, then we will try our best to bring Syman in the Germam court. For now, be careful with your life, for what I have heard about Syman, he never gives up." Francis laughed, "So do I." Joseph went away as Igor came near Francis. He said, "Putting the blame on Syman won't rest the case. We have to find the man who attacked our bar last night. My informers have already been able traced his footprints. He is still in Germany." Francis replied, "You go and teach him a lesson. I have to go to Italy." Igor asked, "What's in Italy?" Francis replied, "Something that can change the game."

Richard was making toast omelette when he heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and there was Igor with couple of his men. Richard asked, "Well, what happened?" Igor asked, "Don't you read news?" Richard replied, "I do. In fact, I was already watching today's headlines. Some random guy blasted a bar and killed the manager. Police found burned debris of guns and empty shells of bullets fired..... Wait a minute, the bar was Francis's? That means the guy destroyed your place and challenged you." Igor said angrily, "Stop talking and listen. We have traced the location and are going to teach him a lesson and we need you." Richard asked, "Why me?" Igor replied, "Because I want to. Now, come on." He pulled Richard towards his car. Richard said, "My omelette. It going to burn." Igor said, "Shut up." Richard asked, "You really think this not a trap?" Igor replied, "I don't think so. He is a coward because he attacked in the dark of night, when all were busy in their works. I don't think he has anything for daylight and even if he has, I am ready to face it." Richard sighed.

They arrived at an old building which was long abandoned and was about to be demolished in some weeks. Richard said nervously, "I think it will be a bad idea." Igor said, "No, we can't be weak. Whatever he did last night, he will do it again and on a bigger scale. Also, we have to prove Francis that he can trust us with such trivial matters." Richard asked, "Won't police come over?" Igor replied, "Don't worry about them. Francis had given them their money long ago, they won't bother us." Richard and Igor grasped their guns and went inside the building. There was utter silence in the building and only footsteps of them can be heard. Richard said, "I think he is not here now." Igor said, "It doesn't matter if he is here or not. We need to know what's on his mind and what's his next step?"

Richard said, "OK. If you have made your mind, let's split up and search." They split up and started looking for the man. Igor went upstairs and saw some used cans and some food packets. Some were dry, some were covered with flies and some were still smelling fresh. Igor looked around and saw shoe prints on the dusty floor and by the size of the shoes, it was clear that he is a well built man. Richard called Igor, "Come over here. I have something to show you." Igor sprinted towards the direction and saw Richard was pointing towards the floor. Igor came closer and saw a dozen of used condoms lying on the floor. Richard smiled,"I think this old structure is coming handy for many couples." Igor controlled his laughter and said, "Seriously. Find something useful and informative." Richard picked up a bra and said, "I have found something useful for me." He smelled it and said, "It's still fresh. Looks like we interrupted a noble act." Igor ignored him and went to look for something. Richard called, "Igor. Take this. It will be useful in near future." He threw a condom packet towards him and said, "I heard you have been meeting a girl recently." Igor asked, "How do you know?" Richard laughed, "I am also a part of Mafia." Igor smiled, "Of course, you are."

Richard took the bra and looked at it. It was an expensive one and also a new one. Richard kept the bra in his pocket and said, "If it's in destiny, we shall definitely meet." He went towards the left and saw a shadow moving behind a pillar. Richard pulled out his gun and quickly tiptoed behind the pillar and caught a hand. Richard eyes met with a beautiful pair of eyes, on a pretty face which was supported by a slender, hourglass body which was wrapped loosely by a wool jacket. She had the same fragrance which came from the bra. Igor came running towards the position and looked at the beauty. Her beauty started attracting him, but Alisha's face washed away the thoughts. Igor asked, "Hey, who are you?"

The girl remained quiet. Igor came closer and hold her hand. Igor felt like he was touching feather, but still kept his grip strong. Richard said, "Let me ask her. Don't you see, her is being intimidated by your sweaty face. Let me handle her." Igor loosen his grip and said, "Richard, she is your headache now. I am going back to the palace as I need to meet someone." Igor sprinted away. Richard looked at the girl and said, "OK. He's gone, probably to his 'headache'. Anyway, what's your name, maiden?" The girl remained quiet. Richard asked, "Are you mute?" The girl shook her head in denial. Richard looked at her legs and saw some blood pouring down. He bowed down and looked at the injury. He said, "Looks like it was your first time. Anyway, let's go home and treat it with caution." Richard took the girl outside the building and then called for a cab. Minutes later, a cab arrived and they rode towards home.

Richard sat her on the sofa and quickly arranged for all the stuff. He looked at the girl and gave her some clothes to wear. After, changing her clothes, she had some food and lied down on the sofa. Richard came near her and asked, "What's your name? Who was with you at the building?" The girl slowly murmured, "My name is Lisa. I used to work as a service girl in the Green Leaf Restaurant. But, my manager fired me for refusing to sleep with him. I am a poor girl and had to look after my mom , who is suffering from stomach cancer. I tried applying for job in various sectors, but all were just interested in my body. I had no other option but to take the forbidden job and become a prostitute." Richard looked at the girl and found some thing fishy about her, but still gave her a consoling pat on the shoulder.

Richard went to the other room and called Igor. Igor answered and asked, "Did you found something suspicious or informative?" Richard replied, "No, the whole building seems to be just an ordinary building. But, I have something that can boost Francis's prestige." Igor said, "I'm listening." Richard said, "The girl told that her name is Lisa and she used to work as a service girl in the Green Leaf Restaurant and her manager fired her for not having sex with him. If we help her, then Francis's lost prestige can be regained." Igor gave a thought to it and said, "Francis is too busy for such trivial matters. I will personally foresee the matter and will help her in every possible way."

Richard disconnected the phone and went to the other room. Lisa was lying asleep on the sofa with drool falling from her mouth. Richard went near her and looked carefully at her. Her warm long breaths were crashing with his face and a little sweat had gathered on her forehead. Richard wiped off the sweat with his handkerchief and kept looking at her. Though, his acts were of an obsessive and crazy lover, but he had no love feelings in his heart. He was orphaned at a very young age and growing up as a blonde in an Asian continent was not without any hardships and his everyday was like a day in hell. He was beaten by his peers, humiliated by people and even girls never liked to be close to him, though he looked like Adonis. Gangchun was a little kind to him, because they both were illegitimate sons and he was useful to him in many matters.

Years of pain had made Richard's heart emotionless and made him rely on materialistic things to satisfy his heart. Lisa managed to put some emotion in his emotionless heart and that emotion was making Richard crazy. He kept looking at her and then finally he touched his lips with hers and then went on kissing for a minute. The kiss was so soft and emotionless that it didn't wake up Lisa, but it did manage to wake up some feelings in Richard's heart. He rose and ran away outside the room. His heart beating fast as he was going to have a heart attack, or more precisely a 'love attack'.....