The Greatest Sorrow of Life

Vivek was curiously looking at his phone, waiting for any phone calls. Liam came and sat beside him and patted his shoulder. Liam said with a smile, "Don't worry. My boys know how to handle jerks like Supratim. He's probably begging for his life." Vivek looked at him and asked slowly, "How's Captain Black Eye? Will he be able to withstand a strong punch on his face?" Liam giggled, "Let the man rest. You have already punctured his heart and his breathing is still irregular." Vivek laughed, "I was kidding. Where's my bothersome friend?" Liam replied, "He's in the garden, chatting with my cousin, Natalya." Vivek asked, "You have family?" Liam replied, "She is only remaining one, the rest are buried in our family graveyard." Vivek asked, "What happened?" Liam replied, "Richeff and his evil brother, Ryan killed my family." Vivek asked, "Why?" Liam replied, "It doesn't matter, now that both of them are dead." Vivek side hugged him and said, "Tell me if you consider me as your friend." Liam smiled, "If you insist, then let me share my painful and unjust past."

Liam brought two chilled beer bottles and started narrating, "So after, I left the envelope in her house and returned the next day; I saw she and her grandmother were leaving the house. I tried my best to gather courage and ask her the reason for her leaving suddenly, but my feet remained frozen. She helped her grandmother to sit in the taxi and then looked here and there and finally her gaze fell on me. She looked at me and took out an envelope from her pocket and dropped it on the ground and quickly went inside the taxi. The taxi rushed and I rushed to pick up the envelope. I put it in the pocket and went home. I changed my clothes and picked the envelope and slowly teared it to open. A white letter was there, along with the money I gave her. I took the letter and read it. It says, "I don't know why are you helping me today or why you haven't helped me that day? I knew you were following me and also barged into my house in my absence. I don't know what is your motive and I even don't want to know. My life is already in someone else's hands and he doesn't like intruders. I may sound foolish or coward to not ask for any help, but it's for my own good and my family. I am returning the money as I don't want to remain debted to you. Just help someone at the right time next time. Jane."

The last line just made my heart sink. I had decided that I am going to kill Ryan and prove myself to be innocent in her eyes. I went to the godown and took my crossbow pistol, which I might have brought for that day. I sneaked out of the house and got on my bike. Ryan was a party monger and he was always there in big parties. Such a party was happening in the forest tonight which happened to be the talk of the day and many big people were to found there. I rushed to the forest site and found loud music in the air and also heavy smell of smoke and drink. Some couples were making out in the dark of the forest, while some were dancing around the bonfire. I looked around the forest and saw a familiar face in the crowd. It was Jane. She was sitting on the lap of that scum Ryan, who was shamelessly pressing her bosom and also licking her neck like a dog. I took out the crossbow and aimed for his head. As I released the arrow, Jane moved her head and the arrow pierced her head. Ryan and other guys quickly took out their guns and scattered in the forest. I looked at Jane who was lying dead on the ground. Bullets came flying near me and I started running towards my bike. I dodged a bullet and rolled behind a tree. I aimed at one of the incoming man and killed him. I managed to kill three people in the dark, but my arm was injured by a bullet. I kept running but a bullet pierced my leg and I fell down. I looked at some people coming towards me. Ryan was among them. He put light on my face and gave an evil smile. He shot a bullet in the stomach and I fell unconscious. I opened my eyes and saw I was in the nearby town hospital. I looked at a doctor talking to my father and some police officers came inside the room. They looked at me and said, "We are arresting you on the charge of murder of Ms. Jane Robson." I asked weakly, "Can you send a rose to her funeral in my name?" The officer nodded in approval. Then, all that law crap and I was sentenced to prison. There I was Charan's parallel cell mate and the rest is history."

Vivek looked at the sad man and patted his shoulder. Liam smiled and said, "The only misery is that I couldn't save my family and avenge their deaths." Vivek asked, "Why did Ryan let you live?" Liam replied, "He let me live to see my family's graves." "And he himself didn't got a grave." Arman said coming inside. Liam smiled, "He deserved it." Vivek's phone ringed loudly. Vivek eagerly picked up the phone and asked, "Did you find Shirley?" The other end replied, "Yes, but." Vivek asked, "But what?" The other end replied, "We are coming." The phone disconnected and minutes later, two cars stopped near the door and Vivek went outside to see what happened. A man was lying on the ground, his hands and legs were tied tightly and he was grasping for air. Vivek looked at one of the man and asked, "Where's Shirley?" The man pointed towards the car. Vivek went there and bursted out crying. It was Shirley's body lying on the seat. Liam and Arman came running towards Vivek and were horrified at the sight. Shirley's whole body was bloody and had marks on the body. It looked like she was drugged and raped multiple times in a day. One of the man said, "We found Supratim checking out of the hotel in a hurry. We nabbed him and then searched his room. Deep inside in a corner, we saw a foot and then on further inspection, we found her. She was already gone and her eyes were stark open." Arman went near Shirley and flashes of her appeared before his eyes. He somehow managed to control his tears. He went towards the moving body and pulled out the mask. It was Supratim looking at Arman's feet. Arman grabbed his hair and pulled him in the house. He took out his knife and cut off one of Supratim's finger. Supratim started crying in pain. Vivek came running inside with a machete. Liam came running inside and stopped Vivek. He said, "Let him suffer the pain that Shirley suffered." Vivek looked at Supratim and pulled him outside the house. He tied his hands on a tree and tore all his clothes. He brought a whip made of sharp blades. He then kept beating Supratim till he got tired. He then gave the whip to Arman. He kept beating him till he too got tired. Arman gave the whip to Liam and said, "Take this and punish him for disrobing a girl's dignity. This will give peace to Jane's soul." Liam took the whip and kept beating Supratim. His eyes were filled with tears. He kept beating him till Supratim's back became dark red. Supratim collapsed on the ground and took his last breath. Vivek, Arman and Liam went inside the house as they have to arrange for Shirley's last rites.

Late in the evening, Vivek and Liam were standing in front of two burning pyres. Liam patted Vivek's shoulder and said, "Let's get inside. Standing here won't help." Vivek replied weakly, "She was the most beautiful thing that happened in my life. She used to share all her secrets and day to day life with me. But, I never had enough courage to tell her my secrets. This is hurting my heart like an arrow." Liam said calmly, "We all are cowards in the matter of love. You have atleast memories of her but I don't even have that. Our business is just like this, we have more secrets with our friends and less with our enemies." Vivek smiled, "Our life was so good, but Charan's greed and malice ruined everything. Maybe, my crimes too are involved there. Charan used to tell me everytime that I don't deserve Shirley and I think is was correct. I should have let her go." Liam said, "No, my friend. You deserved her, more than all the men in the world. The love you have for her is superior than most of the love in the world, it even greater than my love." Vivek replied, "Don't flatter me. I am the worst lover ever born. I didn't spent one day with her without lies and deception." Liam hugged him and said, "Who told you that she never knew?" Vivek asked startled, "What do you mean?" Liam gave him a letter embedded with blood. Vivek took it. Liam said, "It was grasped in her hand. Read it." Liam patted Vivek's shoulder and went away. Vivek opened the letter and started reading it.

"I know that I will not be with you, when you will reading this letter or maybe you will never read it at all. I don't care you read it or not, but I want to let whoever the person reading this letter to know that I always loved Vivek Khatri and I always will. I always knew that he was a criminal, maybe some gangster or gang lord, but that never bothered me because all the time he spent with me was only mine's. He didn't take any calls or even left me hanging for a moment. I have always received love from everyone, Charan and Arman were like my brothers. Alia made me feel like home and Bhavna and Geeta fulfilled my dream of sisters. Yeah, I am angry with Vivek for not trusting me, but he sure had his reasons. I couldn't be any happier than I am now, because I know that he will search for in every corner of the world and punish the person who humiliated me and raped me. His name is Supratim. I just want to tell him that 'I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL!' I am leaving this world but I will request God that if there is any next life, give me Vivek's love once again."

Vivek eyes were moist with tears as he kissed the letter. He pushed the letter inside his pocket and went inside the house. Arman and Liam gave him a consoling look. Natalya was sitting on the sofa, looking at her phone. She was in her mid twenties, a slim body, long legs, two rasta bracelets on her left wrist and small pendant with her name on it. A detailed skylark tattoo was visible on her shoulder. Liam came forward and said, "She is my cousin, Natalya. She is an ornithologist and likes to spent most of the time with birds." Vivek gave her a weak smile and went inside his room. Arman said, "Let him rest. He suffered a lot today." Liam smiled, "He is atleast lucky. His girlfriend had forgiven him long ago." Arman asked, "What do you mean?" Liam replied, "Shirley knew about Vivek and all of you." Arman smiled, "And she still remain aloof with us and pretended that she doesn't know. Really. Shirley was great." Liam smiled, "Of course. She was." Arman said, "Charan called an hour ago. He said that half of the work is done and for the other half, me and Vivek have to go to Germany." Liam asked, "When will you leave?" Arman replied, "The day after tomorrow."

Arman went inside Vivek's room to see him seeing photos of him and Shirley together. Arman felt sad for him and sat beside him. Vivek hugged Arman and started sobbing. Arman patted him and said, "I know you are very sad and this isn't the right time to talk about business. But..." Vivek said slowly, "Go on. I'm listening." Arman said, "Charan called and sent his condolences. He said that losing Shirley is a hole that can never be filled and he truly understands your emotions. But, if you and him don't put an end to people like Francis and Syman, many more people will lose their loved ones. He has completed the first phase of the plan and for the second phase, we have to go to Germany the day after tomorrow." Vivek looked at Arman with both anger and sorrow. Arman said, "If you don't want to come, then it's OK. I and Liam will go to Germany and manage the affairs." Vivek replied, "There is no need to bother that kind soul. He has already helped us a lot. I will go with you to Germany. Charan said right, if we don't put an end to Francis and Syman, then many people will have to suffer like me and I don't want that." Arman said, "All right, then. I will go and arrange for our departure and by next week we will successfully execute our second phase of the plan." Vivek smiled a little. Arman looked at the all time jolly guy sitting there sad. He said, "Remember one thing, Vivek. We don't choose whom we love, but we can definitely choose whom to forget." Vivek smiled, "It's easy for people like you who believe in ephemeral relations." Arman smiled, "You know what my father used to say when I felt low?" Vivek replied, "No." Arman replied with his eyes moist, "Everyday life is a battle and you may not get a medal, but that shouldn't remove your foot from the pedal." Vivek came and hugged Arman as both started crying in sorrow. Their cries reached all the corners of the house and in one corner, Liam was standing, wiping his tears as the night deepen....