A Tour of Deutschland

Germany is as beautiful as it is described, with wonderful people, delicious food and mesmerizing monuments. We had arrived two days ago, but official responsibilities and other formal work had stopped us from touring Germany. But, we finally got two days off as a leisure, due some political unrest and we have planned to visit many historical places in Germany, especially Berlin's Museum Island as Cathy likes to be a book worm most of the times. Our relationship has almost crossed the barrier where we are free to talk about each other's physical conditions and Cathy has particularly objectified my body hair, which she says to be like a bear. I really don't care about body hair that much, so I accepted her proposal and so here I am at one of Germany's top salons.

The salon was very much decorated with mirrors of many sizes and designs. The walls were painted in rich golden color and the seats were of exquisite German leather. The whole salon was filled with rich smell of sandalwood and little smell of shampoo and face wash. I was looking around the salon when my gaze fell on an incoming man. He seemed to be the head barber with his barber apron and a electric razor in his hand. He was Gustavo, Alfred Gustavo and this salon was his. He was one of the most celebrated barber, or more professionally a leading hairstylist of his time. Though, he was labeled with the credit of creating many innovative and unique hairstyles and had styled many big celebrities's hair, he himself is void of styling his own hair. Call it irony or just bad luck, this man was stark bald. But, to lessen his sorrow, he have a big imperial moustache and a Van Dyke goatee. He had a bulky body and big biceps and a full sleeve tattoo on his right arm. He looked at the waiting queue sitting in the waiting room and said something in German, which I roughly translated to "Start sending them."

I was fifth in line and still has approximately an hour in my hand. I stood up and started walking outside the saloon. My preference was to fill my growling stomach. I looked here and there and saw a cart selling fried chicken and potato pancakes. As soon as I reached the stall, the hot smell made my stomach growl louder and looked at the seller. He was a stout middle-aged man who was wearing a red apron and was flipping the chicken every seven seconds. From his appearance, I calculated that he must be around 56 and speaking with him in English could be futile. I asked in German, "How much for two fried chickens and a potato pancake?" The man replied, "Fifty Euros." I paid him and quickly finished my breakfast. I then looked at my watch and I still had 40 minutes in hand and decided to see the German morning. The people were busy walking here and there, some with work, some leisurely. I looked at the sky, the sun was shining like gold and the water was flowing like they humming some song. I kept on walking till I crashed with a body. I looked and saw a man extending his hand and helped me rise up.

He asked, "Where are you lost, my friend?" I looked at his bright face and from his accent, I recognized him to be an Indian. I asked, "Are you from India?" The man replied, "My parents are. But, I reside in London. Where are you from?" I replied, "Well, I live in Mumbai and have come here to enjoy Germany." The man smiled, "I wish that I could also say that. But, I'm here to extend my business." I asked, "Can I know what business?" He smiled, "Ever heard of Khatri Enterprise?" I replied, "I don't think so." He smiled, "Anyway, name's Charan. Nice to meet you." We joined hands. I said, "You can call me Harsh. I hope we meet in future sometime." Charan smiled, "Same here." He went away and disappeared in the crowd and I returned to my casual wandering.

After pleasing my eyes with the beautiful sceneries of Germany, I looked at my watch and saw that I have only ten minutes before I lose my seat. I ran like wind and reached the salon's front door. I slowly opened the door and went inside and saw that Gustavo has just came out and called my name. I raised my hand and went inside with him. The inside was slightly cooler than the outside and made me shiver a little. I saw three seats, two full and one empty for me. There was no other barber than Gustavo there and I assumed that he works alone. He politely requested me to seat and then tied the cloth around my neck. The cloth was smelling of citrus and had sleeves to keep hands free. He asked, "What style would you like, sir?" I replied, "I think 'Long Fade' would suit me more." He looked at me and said, "No, boomerang would suit you more." I replied, "You are the stylist." He gave a devilish smile and started designing my hair. He moved his hands like a robot and in a span of four minutes, my hair transformed from normal to ravishing.

He after washing his hands asked, "Would you like to do anything else, sir?" I asked, "Do you waxing?" He said, "Take off your shirt. I want to see your body hair." I took off my shirt and showed him my body hair. He said, "They are quite long and thick. Plucking them out will only make it painful and slow your hair growth. I can trim it, if you like." I replied, "OK." He took out a trimmer and started trimming my hair. After few minutes, my body became hairless with some tiny pins of hair on the surface. I thanked and paid him and went outside the salon. I quickly ran towards my hotel and rushed inside my room. Cathy was there, combing her hair as I entered. She looked at my reflection on the mirror and said, "It is a good thing that you followed my advice and decided to transform from a bear to a man." I smiled and hugged her. I slowly kissed her forehead and went inside to change my clothes. I decided to wear plain clothes as my eyes fell on a pair of pressed new clothes. The fabric was quite smooth and a solid smell of rose was coming from them. I wore them and outside the room and saw Cathy was also wearing clothes of the same fabric. I asked, "Anything special about this fabric?" She smiled, "Yes. The fabric is sprayed with a special scent which serves as a secret code for the members of the 'Library'. You can have easy access to clubs, restaurants, spa and other social places." I asked, "Is it necessary?" She replied, "Yes, it is. We are on leave right now and free to do as our wish. But, firstly we are not ordinary tourists and secondly, this place is filled with some notorious people on whom we have to keep an eye." I asked sadly, "So, that means we are still on work?" She came closer and kissed my lips. She said, "Think it to be a group study with friends. Ofcourse, there will be study, but not more than the fun." I smiled and kissed her.

Cathy insisted on rejuvenating our body cells and dragged me to the spa. I looked at the big and high building, filled with people. I asked, "Isn't it be too expensive?" Cathy punched my shoulder, "Don't joke around. Our holiday is funded by the 'Library'." I clearly understood that this spa trip is also one of the assigned task by the 'Library'. We entered the building and went straight to the receptionist. Cathy asked, "Can you show us the way to spa room? We are here to see the 'Library'." The receptionist looked at us and picked up her phone and dialed a number. She said on the phone, "Two people have come to see the 'Library'." She kept the phone down and signaled a nearby boy to come to her. She then looked at us and said, "He will guide to the spa room. Hope you have a rejuvenating experience."

The boy took us to a room filled with stream and scent of lavender. There were many people lying on their respective seats. Their eyes were covered with cucumber slices and feet dipped in a tub of rose water. Cathy whispered in my ear, "You see the man sitting on the third seat in the left row?" I answered, "Yup." She said, "He is Igor Valskis. An age old of Francis and also the second in command and now that Francis is out of Germany, he manages the things personally. Lorenzo wants us to keep an eye on him and if neccessary, get rid of him." I nodded and went and sat near him. He was lying there peacefully, most probably sleeping. I also closed my eyes and fell asleep. After an eternity long, small taps on my cheeks woke me. It was Cathy saying, "Wake up." I slowly opened my eyes and saw that most of the man have gone away, including Igor. Cathy said, "Let's go and eat something. I'm starving." I wore my clothes and went outside with Cathy. The time was near 11 am and the sun was unbearably hot. The special clothes were a little unsuitable for the hot and I started to feel itchy. Cathy called a taxi and soon we were standing in front of an outdoor restaurant. Cathy and I sat in a table near a cherry blossom tree, which in the sunlight was looking like it was straight from heaven. A large umbrella was standing in the middle of the table, which was the only head protection from the UV rays. Cathy ordered something in German and looked at me. I looked at the menu and said, "Hasenpfeffer(Rabbit Stew)." The waiter nodded and went away. Cathy looked at me and smiled. She said, "Don't worry. I will teach you German one day." I smiled. Cathy said, "Anyway, till the food comes. Let me introduce you to our another target. Look at the man wearing a cowboy hat and a pair of sneakers." I turned my head and saw a fair, blonde haired man sitting on a chair. He was holding hands with a beautiful girl sitting opposite to him, which indicated them to be in a relationship. Cathy said, "He is Richard, one of the new recruits in the Dortmund circle. Previously, he used to work for Gangchun Tomako, son of Jimmy Law, but soon betrayed and killed him and joined hands with Francis. He is now trying hard to make a pact with Malaysia, so he could become the vocal of Malaysia and make his position in the Dortmund circle more firm. Though he seems more like a weak man, he cannot be let loose." I asked, "Why he has no surname?" Cathy replied, "Because he is an orphan and illegitimate." The waiter arrived with our food and finished our lunch with pleasure.

Cathy looked at me and said, "Do you have contact with your parents?" I replied, "No. I lost it the moment I left India. But why are you asking?" Cathy replied, "Life is not guaranteed nowadays with wars knocking on the door and people betraying each other." I asked, "What do you mean?" She hold my hand and said, "There are some traitors in between us. They attacked U.C.I.D last night and damaged many of our important and informative files. Antonio and his crew managed to escape, but five of our employees and security guards lost their lives." I asked nervously, "Why are you telling this now?" Cathy replied, "Because I'm a little drunk and also we have been exposed." I asked, "So, the mission is aborted?" Cathy replied, "No. Definitely not. They know we are in Germany, but still our names and pictures are hidden from them." I asked, "So, what's next?" Cathy replied, "Relax, Harsh. Antonio said that the whole information about us has been erased from the files and we will still be able to do it within the predetermined time." I asked, "But what my parents had to do with all of this?" Cathy laughed, "No. I just want to meet your parents and introduce myself." I replied, "OK. Once we finish our mission, the first stop will be India and we will meet our parents." Cathy kissed my hands and said, "Let's go and see the famous 'Lover's Garden'." I looked at my watch and saw it was near four already and the sun had also started to go down the horizon. I said, "Why not."

The garden was filled with flowers of different colors and designs and a cool breeze was gently moving the leaves of nicely trimmed bushes and trees. Some birds were sitting near the fountain, drinking water. Cathy pulled my hand and said, "Let's go to that spot. The background will be a perfect for a good picture." I nodded in approval and went with her. We clicked a dozen of photos in different poses. Cathy said, "Why don't you bring us some popcorn? I heard that the special caramel popcorn of here is a must eat." I stood up and went to a cart selling caramel popcorn. I looked at the man. He was mixing hot caramel with popped popcorn in a professional way. He looked at me and asked, "How much you want?" I replied, "Two medium size." The man began putting the freshly prepared caramel popcorn into two boxes. I asked, "How much for them?" The man smiled, "For you, it's free." I asked, "Why?" He lowered his shirt and showed a badge on which there was written in bold 'U.C.I.D'. I looked at him and asked, "That's it?" He replied in a low voice, "There are two photos inside the boxes. You two have to keep an eye on them." I took the popcorn boxes and went to Cathy. Cathy asked, "So, you got what we needed?" I answered, "Yes." She smiled, "Good." I gave her one box and took another box. I inserted my hand and found a photo inside a plastic bag. I took out the bag and saw the photo. It was some Persian girl whose beauty was too attractive to forget. I kept looking at the photo till a slap on my head interrupted me. Cathy was looking at me angrily and said, "She is a mere target. OK?" I smiled nervously. She continued, "Anyway. She is Ms. Shayana Al-Rasoori, widow of Ejaz Al Rashid and currently a powerful asset for Francis Dortmund. She is currently dreaming of overthrowing the surviving Sultanate and become the queen of Middle East." I asked, "The second photo?" She handed it to me and said, "She is Alisha Thakral. A NRI and currently living with Shayana as her maiden. Though she is not of much importance or threat, she is still under the surveillance radar of U.C.I.D." I looked at the photo and said, "Alisha Thakral, you said. I know this girl. We studied in the same college for five years. We interacted very little to know each other, particularly speaking only when we were in the same group for a project. She always wanted to go abroad and reside there and had done some savings too. I still remember the day when she came jumping with joy in the college, disturbing sweets as she finally got a call from London for a job of an account manager in some multinational company. That was the last time I saw as the next week, I went to Kerala for a family vacation and when I returned, she was already gone." Cathy smiled, "It's a good thing that you know her. She will be the first person to start with." I nodded my head in approval. The sun finally went down and the moonlight filled the garden. Cathy gave me a piece of paper and said, "This the address of our new hideout. Take a taxi and go there. I will be late as I have some papers to sign for our mission to proceed smoothly." She gave me a long, warm kiss and went away. I looked at the paper and rose up. I took a taxi and started to go to my new hideout. Many thoughts were jumping in my head like- Will she recognize me? Will my personal life interfere with my professional life? Will the things be the same between us as it was like years ago? Does she still have that special corner in her heart for me?....