Back In The Business

Alphonso was sitting on the sofa surfing the internet while Jo was doing dumbbell bench press. His sweat was dropping off his forehead like water and his stone hard biceps were expanding and contracting. Jo finished this exercise and went towards the boxing bag. He wore his gloves and start punching the bag with all his body strength. After, an hour of injuring the bag, he went towards the refrigerator and took out a water bottle to drink. He looked at Alphonso and asked, "Don't you keep your body under good care?" Alphonso replied, "I do and that's why I'm refraining myself from doing 'unnecessary' movements."

Jo smiled, "You have to come out of your comfort zone, lazy man, because these 'unnecessary movements' will keep you moving." Alphonso smiled at Jo's witty remark and said, "You may not know but I'm a black belt in karate and also trained in Krav Maga and Hapkido to an intermediate level." Jo gave a small smile. Alphonso looked at Jo and said, "Anyway, tell me something about yourself. I want to know how my friend's childhood was like." Jo replied, "Nothing worth mentioning. I was born in a small family with father being a farmer and mother a part time tailor. I was the third of my five brothers and one sister who was the youngest. My eldest brother was a member of a local gang and mostly stayed away from home. My second brother was a little studious and my parents had high hopes from him. I was a little muscular from start and helped my father in the farm. My other two brothers were young and immature. They used to spend their days doing mischief. My sister was still an baby and used to cry very much. In short, we were a stable and healthy family who managed to sleep with full stomach." Alphonso asked, "Then what happened?" Jo replied sadly, "My eldest brother got arrested on charges of murder and loot and from there our life changed. The man he killed was some sort of a legal advisor of Mr. Han, a sycophant of the Dortmunds. He pulled some strings and put other murder charges on my brother, making him a serious offender. Police came to our doors and arrested my father and forced him to accept that his son is a murderer. My father couldn't do anything, but sign the papers and my brother was sentenced to death by the court.

People started doubting my family's character and slowly minimized their interaction with us. People stopped buying vegetables from my father, my mom received no further orders, my second brother started to be treated as a goon by his peers. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and gradually a year passed on like wind. We became so poor that my father had to beg people for money and my mother had to work as a maid in houses, my second brother started giving tuitions to his younger colleagues and I was send to a rich household to work as a service boy. That house belonged to Mao Hen, father of Su Hen and Nyu Hen. He used to smuggle small amounts of gold and stolen stuff overseas to foreigners. He highly disliked the Dortmunds and was supporting Jimmy Law both financially and also as an informant. I worked there for all my time and saw my father dying of poverty. Mr Mao helped my family very much in the hard times, bringing my family to his house. My second brother again started studying and finally went to USA to study further and settled there. My two brothers grew up and became police officers in London and my sweet sister grew up to be a beautiful lady and got married to Su Hen, something that I couldn't digest till this day. Mr Mao died in an accident and Su Hen took over the business. Then the rest is history."

Alphonso asked, "What about your mother?" Joe replied, "She lives with my second brother in USA." Alphonso asked, "How come your siblings turned out to be good people and you remain a goon?" Jo smiled, "Frankly speaking, it was my choice. I like guns more than books and it's not like that I am an illiterate. There's no place for an illiterate in today's Underworld. I finished my college from a reputed institution, but Su Hen wanted me by his side and also both of the brothers wanted someone to do the dirty work for them. But, I am no goon. OK?" Alphonso laughed, "So, what are you?" Jo replied, " What they call it? Yeah, a gangster. I'm a gangster." Alphonso laughed, "OK. Mr. Gangster. Can you please go and prepare some food? This poor body needs some nutrients." Jo smiled, "But first, let me bath. I don't want my sweat to be a part of your nutrients." Jo went inside the bathroom and Alphonso turned on the TV.

The latest news headlines were flashing on the screen. 'Notorious smuggler and rogue Captain Black Eye was found dead near the docks. Forensic reports claim that his death occurred due to drowning, but a recent injury on his chest suggests otherwise. Police are looking into the matter as high chaos erupts among the people of London. Captain Black Eye was involved in a recent attack on the west side of the English Channel and had been in the wanted list for a long time." Alphonso switched off the TV and closed his eyes. He has been unable to sleep for the past two days as his head muscles still hurts a lot. One of the bullets heavily damaged one of his kidneys and now he is suffering from urinary problems. Alphonso was thinking about that encounter with Vivek, the mud, the bullets, the punches and kicks and Vivek's face. Alphonso's face was turning red with anger, when a phone call alerted him. He took the phone and looked at the screen. It was Syman. He picked up and said, "What's the matter, bro?" Syman replied, "Nothing serious. Just called you to know that you are OK." Alphonso smiled, "What will happen to me?" Syman replied, "Nothing. But be careful as you are in Germany now and you cannot trust anyone, especially the rich people. Francis is in one way or another connected to most of the rich people of Germany." Alphonso said casually, "Of course, he will be. He is a businessman after all." Syman said, "That's remind me of another thing. Few days ago, one of my clients in London told me that he saw Vivek and Arman on the flight to Germany." Alphonso's eyes turned red. He said, "That means that his brother is also in Germany." Syman said, "Don't go and mess with them, our main focus is to capture Germany before Francis returns. And our plan starts from tonight." Alphonso asked, "What's tonight?" Syman replied, "I have news that after the recent disaster at his hotel, Francis decided to store his drugs and ammunition in a large container in the docks. You and Jo go and attack the docks and destroy their storage, while I will convince the Russians to give us both men and money in exchange of our cooperation." Alphonso replied, "The plan's good but there is only one problem. Francis has bribed the local police to guard the docks and attacking them will bring some unnecessary attention on us." Syman said, "If we want Germany, we have to take this much risk." Alphonso said, "OK. Consider it done, then." Syman laughed, "I don't expect no less than this from you too." Alphonso disconnected the phone and kept it aside.

Alphonso took out his 'Colt Anaconda' from his pocket and started revolving the cylinder and then shot at the nearby vase. The vase broke into several pieces and scattered on the floor. Alphonso blowed the smoke coming out of the barrel and started looking at the pieces. Jo came running out of the bathroom and said, "Damn, you. I thought someone just attacked us." Alphonso looked at Jo's empty hands and asked, "Where is your gun?" Jo replied, "I forgot it in the hurry." Alphonso smiled, "Anyway, if your bathroom session is over, please go and cook some food for us." Jo asked, "Why haven't you started cooking?" Alphonso replied mildly, "Well, the thing is that, though I have tasted various cuisines of various countries, but apart from making noodles and boiled eggs, I don't know much cooking." Jo smiled, "So that means, you are a spoilt rich brat." Alphonso shrugged, "I can't be blamed for that." Jo sighed, "OK. I will go and see what can I prepare for us." Jo went inside the kitchen and Alphonso rose from the sofa and stood with the help of a crutch and cried, "I am going out for a walk. Please close the door behind me." Jo replied, "OK. Be safe and walk on the footpath."

Alphonso pushed the door and went outside. The climate was good for a walk with gentle breeze blowing Alphonso's hair. Alphonso kept walking on the pavement and at a time, his eyes caught a young boy requesting his father to buy him chocolate. The father took out his wallet and saw that he has insufficient money and the chocolate seller is not bargaining. Alphonso went to the shop and brought the chocolate and gave it to the boy. The father refused to take it and said, "We barely know you. How are we gonna repay you?" Alphonso replied, "There's no need to repay me. Consider it as a gift." The father asked, "Why will you gift us?" Alphonso smiled, "When I was of your son's age, my father used to bring me every chocolate I asked for and the happiness that I felt after eating those chocolates was indescribable. I know that feeling and want your son to feel the same." The boy came towards Alphonso and hugged him. He kissed his cheek and said, "Thank you, uncle." Alphonso smiled and kissed his cheek and said, "Remember to enjoy your childhood as it is the happiest time of your life. As you will grow up, the hardships of life will make this feeling scarce." Alphonso waved them goodbye and went his way. Alphonso kept walking till a sweet smell diverted his attention. He looked around and saw that a baker was keeping freshly baked strawberry muffins on the shelf. Alphonso's stomach cried loudly and his legs automatically went towards the shop.

Alphonso looked at the baker and said, "How much for a strawberry muffin?" The baker replied, "Five Euros." Alphonso smiled, "OK. Pack five for me." The baker started packing the muffins and Alphonso moved his hand to his wallet when he felt a hand there and caught it. He turned around and saw a young girl was looking at his face with fear in her eyes. Alphonso asked in a grim voice, "Can I know why were your hands in my pocket?" The girl jerked his hand and started running away. Alphonso also started running after her. The baker said, "Your muffins, sir." Alphonso asked, "Can you please keep it for me? That girl took my wallet." The baker said, "OK." Alphonso smiled and started running towards the direction the girl went. Though he had pain in his leg, he managed to keep up with the girl. After sometime, the girl stopped near a bunch of boys drinking beer and after speaking something in German, two boys came near Alphonso. One of them said, "You think you can escape punishment for teasing a girl? You are in our hood, now." Alphonso smiled and said, "You got it all wrong, pals. She just tried to rob me. I am just trying to do my bit for the society and give her to the cops." The man grabbed Alphonso's collar and said, "Do you think we believe you? OK. Anyway, since you look rich, we can bury this conversation with some money. I say, 5000 Euros." Alphonso gently moved back and asked, "What if I don't pay the compensation?" The man smiled, "Then we know how to take it, then." Alphonso said, "I will like to see you try." The man ran towards him and threw a punch towards his face. Alphonso dodged the move and quickly kicked him in his genitals and punched his nose. The other man caught him from behind, but Alphonso kicked his foot and then hit his head with the crutch and the man fell on the ground unconscious. Seeing two of their companions lying on the ground, motionless they took out their knives and started running towards Alphonso. Alphonso took his crutch in his hand and swinged it on the head of the first attacker and used his crutch in his defense too. Alphonso had no trouble in incapacitating those drunk people and then looked at the girl. The girl looked in his eyes and quickly sprinted away.

Alphonso sighed and returned to the baker shop. He asked, "Where is my muffins?" The baker gave him the packet and Alphonso paid him. The baker said, "That girl must be from the slum areas. It is filled with petty thieves, pickpockets and muggers. I really don't understand why people like to do this unsocial acts to earn money rather than doing hard work. They don't have shame or any regret, even old ladies were caught that day shoplifting from a nearby supermarket." Alphonso said, "Poverty is the real criminal that forces people to do such things. I don't support their ways but instead of cursing or tormenting them, we should try to reform them. I humbly request you that if you encounter such people, don't punish them; instead try to show them the good way. You may even give them a job in your bakery and then they won't have to sleep hungry."

The baker smiled, "I will surely do." Alphonso smiled and went on his way. He took out one muffin out of the bag and started eating it, when his eyes fell on a familiar face. He looked closely and his eyes became big. It was Vivek and Arman coming towards him. He quickly wore his mask and black sunglasses and pretended to be a blind man. Soon they crossed each other and Alphonso heard Arman saying, "We have to be quick. We can't let this golden chance pass by." Alphonso looked at Vivek's face once and then quickly went towards his house. When he went inside his house, he saw Jo was already eating his food. He kept the bag on the table and took his seat.

Alphonso asked, "What's in the menu?" Jo replied, "Boiled eggs and rice with broccoli and potato gravy." Alphonso filled his plate with food and started eating. Jo asked, "So, what's your plan, tonight?" Alphonso replied, "Syman told us to go and loot Francis's arms and ammunition, but I think it will be quite risky, considering the fact that we don't know much about the docks. I think going to a disco would be a good idea." Jo laughed, "You are going to dance with your broken legs?" Alphonso replied mildly, "Firstly, my legs are not broken, they are just getting used to walking again and secondly, people call me Michael Jackson's toughest competitor. So don't you dare doubt my dancing skills." Jo smiled, "That's means we are going to see Alphonso Rubisco again." Alphonso smiled, "Yes, my dear. Alphonso Rubisco is back in the business."